Why should you buy term insurance early?
When you are young and healthy and at the start of earning phase of your life, buying a term insurance may not be your priority. But do you know that buying term insurance early in life comes with a few of benefits?
The biggest benefit is that you are most likely to get the adequate cover by insurance companies when you are healthy and young. This may not be the case as age progresses and some kind of lifestyle or critical illnesses set in.
So get the cover when you are still eligible for it. Or otherwise it might be just too late.
When you take a term policy early in life, the amount you need to pay every year for the cover is much lesser than what you pay when you take the same amount of cover later in life.
The premiums rise steeply as the age progresses. The amount a 25 year old pays for a term policy is significantly lower than the amount a 35 years old would pay for the same amount of cover. The overall cost of having a term insurance is lower when you buy it early.
When you have people in your family who are financially dependent on you, it become even more important that you get yourself adequate term cover early. Till the time you don’t get it, your family is at the risk of financial loss in case you are no more.
So protect your loved ones by purchasing a term insurance policy for yourself at the right time.
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