#Terras Felwarden
shalandrassil · 5 years
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Made some updates to Ardelle’s family tree, and I’ll be posting Celyssena’s soon!! Yay!
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 Going on a high-risk date with you neanderthal of a husband.
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kryntora · 5 years
Kryntora Sundreamer
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NAME: Kryntora Sundreamer
AGE: 145
BIRTHDAY: February 14th
RACE: Sin’dorei
GENDER: Female
HAIR: Blonde
EYES: Fel Green
HEIGHT: 5'8"
BUILD: Strong, as she’s a tank. Quite muscular.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Pink Illidari tattoos line her arms and upper body, demonic scales line her forehead and cheeks, a large set of horns atop her head. Skin around hands and feet is tougher and leathery. Long claw-like nails.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Right nostril piercing, ear piercings.
PROFESSION: Demon Hunter, Jewelcrafter.
HOBBIES: Hunting demons, social drinking, crafting jewelry.
LANGUAGES: Thalassian + Orcish +Demonic.
RESIDENCE: Quel’thelas + The Fel Hammer.
BIRTHPLACE: Quel’thelas. 
FEARS: Failing her teammates.
Children: None.
PARENTS: Lord and Lady Sundreamer.
SIBLINGS: Twin sister Calamita, Older sister Claerissa, Younger sister Chrystallene.
OTHER RELATIVES: Ex Brother in Law Zaennicus Silverfrost.
ACQUAINTANCES/FRIENDS: Zachaery Dreadstar, Mystinni Dreadstar, Terras Felwarden.
PETS: None, but loves to play with Zachaery’s baby felbat.
Traits ––– -
extroverted / introverted / in between disorganized / organized / in between close minded / open-minded / in between calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between empathetic / unemphatic / in between optimistic / pessimistic / in between traditional / modern / in between hard-working / lazy / in between cultured / uncultured / in between loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between
additional information ––– –
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes  / frequently / to excess
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
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illidariyoungblood · 5 years
❥ : tucking stray hair behind their ear (for Addy)
Gotham was icky. At first, Adarlassa didn't really know what she meant by that. It was just a thought, a feeling, a reaction. It was overwhelming. But Terras had taken an entire fifteen seconds to figure it out and put it in words:
"Gotham has no trees. You're a tree elf. You need trees. Go find you some trees. But good trees, not these sad saplings. Argus has better foliage than this."
And it was... sort of true. Gotham had trees and shrubs but their roots were blocked in with concrete and stone. Their leaves were doused with harsh pesticides. Their water was full of chemicals and pollutants and the buildings were too tall for sunlight. They were isolated from each other, or squished too tight to breathe.
The first time she touched a tree in Gotham bare handed, she almost cried. That poor thing was in pain. It would not live to grow as big as it should. It would remain sick until its untimely young death. It upset her more than she thought. She almost abandoned her mission and went home, let Gotham deal with the demonic tumor it let fester in its belly and let it die, like its trees.
But Terras picked up on her discontent like he always had before. She hadn't yet figured out how he could determine her mood just from a punch or a glaive throw, curse him.
She figured Terras was the reason Bruce pulled her away from the Hunt one night, folded up the maps and handed them to Terras and dragged her off to the jet. A short flight later and they landed a small walk from a fruit orchard outside of town.
"I know it's not what you're used to, but-" Bruce had begun, but Adarlassa was already off with a sob, throwing her arms around the nearest tree and rubbing her cheek against it before moving on to touch the next and the next and the one after. Only minutes later, she'd found the strongest, healthiest tree and climbed up to the tallest of the branches. She leaned back against the trunk and sank into the night air, hat and mask off and resting in her lap for maximum face to wind sensation.
Bruce made his way into the tree beside her. The way he sat on the limbs made her laugh softly. Although he could climb just as well as she could, it was painfully obvious that he was not as comfortable in the tree as she.
"You're right," she told him after a minute, kicking a foot idly as it hung off the branch. "It's not the same but... these trees are happy and healthy. They're free. They're fed. They're with friends. ... thank you, Bru-PHFTFTFBFTPHT!"
A gust of wind shook the tree and slapped a twig full of leaves into her face. She laughed in absolute joy while untangling her hair. He helped, grabbing a strand and pulling it up along her skull until it could drop behind her long ear.
"Aww. How helpful," she grinned, tying her hair with the extra length of her blindfold and then adjusting her position until she could lean over onto his shoulder.
"Thank you."
[ @bloodiedpearls @felwarden-ed ]
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fel-temptation · 5 years
“Hey Korri- my boyfriend is going on a pool-noodle-and-tennis-ball rampage right now so if he sticks tennis balls on your stubs don’t chuck ‘em at him too hard, Okay?” (From Terras uwu @felwarden-ed)
“.... I can’t help but notice you didn’t specifically bar ripping his throat out....”
{MAMAAAAA UWU @shal-on-main !}
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yolodari · 5 years
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My Father’s Day was spent passing out cookies and juice in the Royal Exchange, giving history lessons to young Paladins, and cuddling felpuppies.
@felwarden-ed and @zaennicus were there too! I think Terras ate nearly all of my cookies for the evening!
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celyssena-sunfire · 5 years
😂 Who are 3 people your character thinks are funny?
Random Ask Meme
“I enjoy the comedic styling of Terras. He is quite hilarious, especially when he’s drunk.” She chuckles. “Sylrin is quite entertaining as well- though ‘funny’ wouldn’t be a word I would use to describe him- except for the comment he made a few days ago.” She taps a blue-lacquered nail against the table for a moment, thinking to herself. “Oh! And the Windrunners.”
Her face seems to darken at the mention of the family, but a smile creeps across her face nonetheless. “They are quite funny.”
{ Mentions: @felwarden-ed | @sylrin-featherblade }
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spectrisconsarcio · 5 years
Terras blows kisses at Needle and wiggles his eyebrows. "Heyy Neeeeeedle! I heard you liked sharp objects- I have sharp teeth! Look!" He bares his teeth, to which all of his upper jaw consists mostly of pointy teeth. Gross. Is he trying to flirt?
Needle responds with a grin, that may as well have been him baring his own teeth in kind. All of them are sharp. Every single one is pointy and jagged and... maybe the moniker ‘Needle’ was referencing his mouth instead of his weaponry. { @felwarden-ed TERRAS IS LOVELY YOU’RE JUST MEAN }
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felwarden-ed · 5 years
A lone Illidari sits in one of the dark hallways of the Black Temple. Their leg bounced up and down, one couldn’t decide if the owner of said leg was nervous or just hyper.
Footsteps echoed down the hall. The singular elf stood at attention as Sergeant Felwarden and Lieutenant Ilyana approached.
“Sergeant I-” The Illidari began, but the instant Terras saw him, he charged at his comrade, wrapping his fingers around the other man’s throat. He pinned the other Illidari against the wall. 
“Terras-” Ilyana tried to scold, but Terras didn’t drop his hand.
The Illidari he’d pinned to the wall tried to gasp, one hand wrapped around his arm, the other trying weakly to beat him back. Terras sucked a single breath in. In his head, he was counting.
45... 46... 47...
“Terras, let him go.” Ilyana tried again.
Terras kept eye contact with the other Illidari, who was trying his best to remain resolute and look just as angry as Terras.
80... 81... 82...
“P- pl-- ee-” The Illidari Terras had a stranglehold on gasped out.
91... 92... 93.
Terras dropped the Illidari to the ground. While the man beneath him sputtered, retched and gasped for breath, Terras started to speak.
“Do you have any idea how long it took me to get the Felblood to trust me?” He hissed, “Ninety-three days. Three, fucking months.” He growled, baring his teeth like his namesake, The Hound. “And you take all of that away in a matter of seconds, you insolent whelp.”
“Terras-” Ilyana tried once again to step in, but made no move to help the Illidari at his feet. 
“Do it again. Come anywhere near this cell block. If I get so much as a HINT that you might have come here, I will come for you, and you will not attack a fellow member of our order again.” Terras seethed, his words were ugly, nearly spitting them out in barely-contained rage.
He turned to walk out.
“Sergeant..” The man on the floor was sitting, rubbing his throat. “He’s an abomination.”
“He’ll never be one of us.”
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veleanthe · 6 years
🍷 @felwarden-ed
The night held no answers for her; no matter how long she stared out into the darkness. She grumbled, bringing a dark bottle to her lips again for a long swallow of its contents. As she set it aside, another plucked it from her fingers.
She spun quickly. “Terras, No! Don--” Too late, he had stolen a swig. 
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daenllanis · 6 years
Cries in front of. ~Réa, cont. from last night, sure!
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“A scared text message from Réalta.”
The warlock pushes his chair away from the table, rising to his feet. “I’m sorry I have to go.”
“But you haven’t even touched your foo-“
“Please understand. This is important, I’ll make it up to you.”
He walks around the table, wrapping his arms around the seated illidari. “..I promise, Ro. It’ll be on me next time.” he places a gentle peck on the demon hunter’s head before making his way out.
“Mo chara, of course, you’re always welcome. Is it your fathers? Are they alright?”
The Ana’delora home was quiet. The lights slightly dimmed. Lyonyx quietly sat outside on the front steps, calmly writing into his notes. He’d been seated outside for quite some time, keeping watch for any sight of the demon hunter Terras who’d been asked to keep watch over Xysys. If anyone was to watch over his brother it was going to be him. Taking a break, he shuts his notebook and stretches his arms wide with a yawn. Upon opening his eyes, he jumps at the surprise of Rèalta standing in front of him. “O-oh, hey! You’re here! Come in!” a gloved hand all but snatches her, tugging her inside the home.
Upon entering, the scent of hot chocolate fills the air. Lyonyx had disappeared from her side and was now curled on the floor just below Xysys, who had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for her arrival. Daenllanis made his way toward the living room, “Mo chara..” he says softly. Carefully, he places two cups of hot chocolate on the coffee table, looking up to catch a glimpse of her teary eyes. “What’s happened Rèalta?” he asks, rushing over to give her a tight hug. “Are you hurt?”
Mentions: @divinists-daughter @felwarden-ed
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shalandrassil · 6 years
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Remember the fucking Sunwell.
The paladin on the left belongs to my boyfriend @buttcollectorjellyfish, Ardelle and Terras are mine. Fun fact-- all of them were holy priests prior to the Scourge invasion of Quel’thalas. Now, Kalsifer is a paladin, Ardelle is a shadow priest, and Terras is a demon hunter.
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Some loth and Terras updates, Terras is dropping alcohol and Loth just wants his husband to let him love him.
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illidariyoungblood · 5 years
♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them Because I think it would be funny for Terras to try
The argument started before Adarlassa even reached the training grounds. Terras could hear the mismatched step of a broken leg long before he could see it and had already begun packing up and telling her to get to bed.
She had begun yelling back that she was fine. She was hindered at worst and it was a good training opportunity and the splint was doing its job just perfectly and that 'Imara did lessons!'
Terras argued that he's not Imara and he's not going to stress an already grievous injury when there was plenty of philosophy and strategy and other discussion to cover while she rested.
And also, "... does Aavarii know about your leg?"
"Don't bring him into this!"
"Okay, I'll go tell him for you."
"No, he knows! He knows. He did the splint."
"Oh, I see. So he just doesn't know you're up on it, looking for a fight."
"... well..."
"Mhm. Go to bed."
"You now! Lessons!"
"I will bring you lessons! I'll bring you snacks! It'll be fun. We can build a fort and-"
Adarlassa's glaive interrupted him but he was ready. With ease, he snatched it out of the air and flung it back at her with all the force and accuracy that Illidan required of his master trainers. For her, it was simply brace for impact.
But there was no bracing, even on an expert splint. Her leg shook and she fell. She never hit the floor, however, only Terras's shoulder. She didn't fight anymore as he lifted and carried her back towards the Fel Hammer portal.
"You're going to break your old man back," she huffed, half angrily.
"Hmm. Well, if I do, I'll stay in bed and let it heal and recover, and show you how it's done. How's that lesson?"
The younger sighed. "You have developed the dad-est of voices. It's frightening."
[ @felwarden-ed ]
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shalandrassil · 6 years
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have?
Terras has gauges at the size 0/00 and a smiley piercing! His teeth also look like this: 
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After consuming Dentaxx the Hound his teeth got sharper and sharper!
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shalandrassil · 5 years
Ardelle and Noitora: *Get in a fight*
Terras, off to the side:
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