#Tf2 tickles
bonk9999 · 2 months
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Idk this is dumb
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orangedragon98 · 9 months
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"Who touched Sasha, tiny doctor? You, da? Now Heavy will touch YOU!" "Hoo-hoO-HOO-HAA! Zat isn't fair!! Isn't fa-aha-ahair!!" My first request here for @zerozerozio! Now I'm working at the same time with some mini-comic pages, three (or four, I forgot lol) of them are in sketch progress! So, because of them, I think I become better with sketches! I suppose, this debt is finished! What is left - Ranger with "ROBOTS!' Heavy! A-aand some comic stuff with Russian memes (but I'll try to translate it for you as much fun as it can be!)
Have a nice day and stay hydrated!
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carnivorous-parasite · 2 months
how the mercs would respond 2 "are you ticklish?" :3
- nervous "uhhh no?" because he can't lie to save his life (you'd think being Spy's son would make him a better liar, but i guess not)..... 
- probably backs away slowly but tries to seem nonchalant about it. Suddenly he's gotta get outta there... Mighty suspicious...
- will swear up and down he's not in hopes you don't test it for yourself. Probably threatens you if he thinks you're gonna try it 
- a casual, no-hesitation "Yes :)" because his ass does NAWT think
- has no idea. clueless. might even go rattling off about how ticklish he is. just askin to get wrecked.
- may counter with "are you?" in which case you need to run
- an enthusiastic nod and affirmative "mmph!" :3
- eager and ready to have the daylights tickled out of them. cute lil firebug ...
- but watch out.. might tickle you back
- a smile and a "Why don't you find out?"
- or, more rarely, a simple "ja :3" 
- looks at you expectantly
- a quick "non." and a funny look like thats the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard
- secretly deep down praying to the gods you believe him and won't test it
- secretly even deeper down praying to the gods you don't believe him and will test it
- probably hesitates a bit but says no and tries to change the subject
- just profusely blushing like unreasonable amounts of blushing
- can't look you in the eye as he says it. covers his face with his hat if possible
- shrugs 
- i would not recommend trying it unless you are Medic
- avoids answering altogether. he knows this game; if he says yes, he gets tickled. if he says no, he gets tickled.
- stumbles over his words a lot
- might bite the bullet and say "maybe??" or "i dunno"
- probably too drunk to register the question. but if he's not, "maaaybe :)"
- definitely tickles you first 
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spookygiggles · 11 months
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did he really tho? 👀
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lavrusha · 8 months
Pyro engie tickle fight? :3c
They give me papa and son relationship
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(Ps: sfms are not mine, I just putted then here for an example -w-)
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it's hard to get back to old graphic tablet😭
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teamfortraven · 1 year
An Accidental Discovery
I come bearing food :] hardhat man enjoyers, REJOICE! Reader gets wrecked!
I sighed and wiped my brow as I stepped back a few feet, admiring the work before me. I had agreed to help Engineer today, which mainly consisted of passing him whatever tools he needed, but spent several hours in his workshop with him nonetheless. The southerner had always been painfully sweet to me, ever since the first day we met, and I had to admit he was charming. He was funny, gave great advice, and always upheld his promises. Hell, it was impossible not to like the guy. So when he asked if I could lend him a hand, of course I agreed. I didn’t know what he was building, but it looked impressive. After a moment longer of tinkering, he backed up to stand beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders in appreciation, his other hand on his hip.
“Well, she’s done”, he huffed, a smile stretched across his face. “Thanks again, pardner. Couldn’t a’ done it without ya.”
“No problem at all, Engie”, I insisted. “I’m happy to help.”
There was a short, comfortable silence, both of us enjoying the company the other provided and the sense of accomplishment.
“So, lookin’ at the finished product, whaddya think of ‘er?” He eventually asked, eyes never leaving his most recent invention.
I practically scoffed. “To be honest? I have no idea what that thing is. If I had a couple of PHDs under my belt, maybe I could give you some sort of feedback, but to me it just looks like a bunch of random parts mashed together.”
He finally looked over at me; his goggles hid his eyes behind a dark reflective layer, but I could hear the amusement in his voice. “Hey, c’mon, now—“ He playfully jabbed me in the side, still holding me by the shoulders. “—These degrees ain’t just for lookin’ at chunks a’ metal and seein’ what’s what.” I flinched right after he poked me, a hand flying to cover the area defensively. I had done so entirely out of reflex, and I hoped he hadn’t noticed. Unfortunately, as I looked back up at him, I saw his pursed lips, at first questioning my reaction, slowly turn into a mischievous smile.
“What’s that guarded look for? Ya got somethin’ to hide?” He repeated the motion several more times, watching my face as an involuntary smile spread across it; the hand on my shoulder slowly slid to grip below my arm, making it more difficult for me to try turning away. 
My fists clenched at my sides as I fought the urge to smack his hand away. “Nothing”, I stammered.
“You sure ‘bout that? This certainly doesn’t look like nothin’”, he drawled, wiggling a single finger against my side to indicate what he was talking about.
“E-Engie!-“ I quickly broke into giggles as his mechanical hand suddenly spidered gently across my stomach, the hand gripping under my arm digging in with quick motions.
“D’aww, now ain’t that just adorable?” He cooed as I doubled over in an effort to protect myself, my face tinted pink from his comment. I managed to grasp the wrist of his prosthetic hand, attempting to push it away even though I knew damn well it was much, much more powerful than me.
As he continued, I eventually found it difficult to remain standing, becoming more and more desperate to get out of his grip. When I finally tried to sink down and out of his arms, he followed me to the floor, to my surprise. “And where do ya think you’re goin’?” I twitched at his touch as both hands switched to my sides, simultaneously tormenting me and holding me in place. I grasped both of his wrists, gasping before being unable to stop myself from laughing, completely falling back against the floor.
“D-Dell!” I spluttered, unable to meet his gaze with how warm my face felt. “S-Stop!” I said it in a less-than-serious tone, not sure if I really wanted him to or not. There was something so loving about the way he was tickling me; I found it strangely comforting, yet torturous all the same. 
He hummed, and I could hear the smirk in his voice. “‘Fraid I can’t do that, darlin’.” I felt red explode across my face, which only deepened as he added, “You’re just too darn cute.” I squeaked as he suddenly dug his fingers in just below my ribs, bolting into an upright position and attempting to block him. He whistled at my frantic reaction, shoving me right back to the floor as if I were completely weightless, continuing with lighter pokes. “Now, how in the world do you get through doctor appointments bein’ this ticklish?” He seemed to be half talking to himself, but I attempted to answer nonetheless, my voice slightly muffled while I covered my face.
“One time- I accidentally punched Medic!-” I managed to convey through a stream of giggles. He laughed loudly at that, easing up on his attacks for a moment. “Well, with how you’re squirmin’ right now, I reckon he’d have had to tie you down more than once before!” Immediately following that sentence, he suddenly got a particular look on the half of his face that I could see. He actually withdrew his hands from me, reaching up and moving his goggles to the base of his helmet so I could see his eyes. Then, without ever looking away from me, he reached to the side of his belt, grasping the extension cord. Oh. Oh no.
He chuckled at the apparently amusing facial expression I was making, unhooking the cord from his belt and grasping both of my wrists with the gunslinger. “Since you’re so reluctant to sit still...” He gently pinned my hands to the concrete above my head before skillfully tying them to the leg of the table behind us with his real hand. “There. That oughta help. And now...” I didn’t think it was possible to be blushing any harder when I felt even more warmth rush to my face; he raised his hands above me threateningly, wiggling his fingers with a dark expression, his laugh seeming to echo. “...I’ve got free reign.”
Even though I knew he was purposely trying to taunt me, I had never seen the engineer look so genuinely terrifying before- and that was saying something, considering I had seen him covered head-to-toe in blood on multiple occasions (still with his sweet smile and southern drawl, of course). After pausing like that for a moment, he didn’t seem to be able to take himself seriously, half-wheezing, half-choking, covering half his face with a single hand. He looked back down at me with lidded eyes and a small smile, still partially hiding behind his hand, his face now dusted pink in embarrassment. “Well, anyways...”
I was taken completely off guard as he suddenly scribbled his fingers across my ribs, yelping before practically screaming with laughter, much to his amusement. “I figured you were probably extra sensitive here, but I didn’t think you’d be this sensitive”, he teased, constantly switching up the patterns his fingers went in. I had almost immediately started kicking my legs, hoping I didn’t accidentally hurt him, before he quickly knelt with his leg across my thighs, preventing me from lashing out. “I really don’t think you’d like to kick me, darlin’, now, would ya?”
I squeaked and giggled helplessly as he dragged his fingers across my torso, managing to stop myself from fighting the restraints.
“Q-quihihit it!” I whined as he continued to tease, twisting underneath him. I shrieked as he suddenly dug into the sides of my hips, and I saw a wicked smile light up on his face.
“Oh? This a bad spot?” I cursed him out quietly before falling into giggles again. This continued for a while longer, and he kept teasing me, enjoying the way my face lit up bright red — although nothing compared to the hue when he slightly lifted my shirt, exposing my stomach.
“H-hey! Wait-“ I squeaked and went dead silent as he pressed individual fingers down into my stomach: gentle, but with enough pressure that I shivered.
“I’ll let you go, hun, don’t you worry”, he reassured, although I heard the unmistakable playfulness in his voice. “I just wanna test one more thing…”
My eyes widened as he removed his fingers… and then blew a raspberry. I began practically screaming with laughter, pulling at the restraints desperately. “I’M SO GONNA GET YOU BACK!” I managed to yell between gasps for air, before being plunged into laughter yet again as he blew another, gently scratching at either of my sides with his fingertips.
He withdrew with a chuckle. “Oh really? You’re gonna get me back for this, huh? I doubt it.” He teasingly nuzzled my stomach and I tried to lift my legs on reflex, just to be reminded they were pinned underneath him. No matter which way I attempted to turn, his hands pinned my torso in place. Tears collected at the corners of my eyes as he finally lifted his head.
“Alright, alright, I’ll let up”, he said after seeing the state I was in. He moved his leg off of my own before swiftly untying the extension cord from around my wrists, smoothing his fingers over them to make sure the cord hadn’t been pressed too tightly against them. As I regained my breath, he stood up, gently taking my hands in his and helping me follow him. I allowed him to wrap me in a hug, rubbing my back.
“Y’know, you’re too damn cute when you’re flustered.” My eyes opened wide at this comment, and I veered back to look at him, face brighter than the sun.
“Shut up, I’m not!”
He simply laughed, smirking as he pulled his goggles back down over his eyes. “You ain’t never been more wrong, sweetheart.”
I was so gonna get him back.
Yeah I kinda like this character if you couldn't tell... /s
Also I'm well aware that the tags I use make it so people not in the t-word community find this, as well, which is why this is an account completely separate from my main :] I want people who really want to read this type of fluff to be able to find it easily and IDC who else sees because it's entirely SFW and nothing to be ashamed of. Have a great weekend, guys <3
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elyuzts-echo · 1 year
Could I get some tickle head cannons? With engie and demoman please. (These boys need to laugh more...)
Alright, hallo hallo! Thank you for your ask,, and I am willing to make some silly stuff for them, theyre cute lmao <3
hcs under cut!
He can consider himself a ler-leaning switch!
First off, he gives off tickle monster vibes. Ler ler ler ler..
He loves giving out tickles to his buds when they want/need it.
He's teasy, just saying. But he will compliment your laughter, how cute you look when being tickled, your cute ticklish body,, yeah, he'll do all that.
Occasionally, he'll position the lee like a guitar, and starts "playing" the guitar by tickling the lee.
Bros a NATURAL at tickles.. Hehe.
As much of a ler he is,, he's a pretty cuddly lee.
Engie will not resist any tickles, he'll let the ler do their thing.
Worst spot is his tummy and his ribs.. Hehe.
When it comes to tickle fights, he'll try to be the one to stop one, but he ends up being tickled silly. Poor him lmao.
He doesn't mention alot about tickles, unless a topic is brought up about it.
Sometimes, Engie forgets that he even is ticklish, same lmao wait what
He likes wearing a warm snuggly sweater sometimes, and that's usually for when he's in a lee mood.
Engie is sometimes shy with asking for tickles, so he just snuggles near someone, like a kitten lmao.
His laughter is like warm chuckles/giggles, when you get a good spot though, the snorting comes in.
I'd say that he already tickled most of the team, besides Pyro.
Very playful, very energetic.
As a ler, he always asks consent, even if it's a suprise tickle attack, since we love him <333
He's a very fun ler, he'll compliment your laughter alot, and just laugh along with you.
Hes pretty much the reason why tickle fights are happening around the base (Him and Scout start it /hj)
Demo tries to be serious, but can't help but poke his teamates, which resulted in them being pissed, then again not pissed.
Demo's laughter is very loud, he even gets hiccups sometimes.
Whenever he tickles someone, he'll make it up to them by letting them tickle him back.. He's fair like that hehe.
Now, onto him being a lee..
Worst spots are his knees, tum, and armpits.
He's very confident about it, he can say the t-word, he can ask for it.. Litterally.
Though when he's tickled, he loses the power to say the t-word lmao.
Very squirmy boy, v e r y s q u i r m y .
Also snorts when you hit his worsts spots hehe
The after effects of tickling Demo is that he'll be "mad" at you (playfully though), and also get you back.. So it's an endless cycle.. No escape..
So far? He got almost everyone on the team, besdies Pyro.
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marabethandholly · 1 year
Since you guys liked the first story here is another one!
Black Rabbit was training, but she couldn't help but get distracted.
She caught sight of her best friend, the fellow spy with the mercenaries, in the distance. It was her favorite training partner.
This, best friend, was the source of her joy and laughter, and she was always distracting her.
When she trained, she was all but obsessed with this best friend.
She couldn't help it though.
This best friend was just so adorable and funny to her!
And, so, Black Rabbit was now blushing at the thought of her best friend.
"H-Hey jerk can you let me t-train?" Black Rabbit said while she feels Spy's mischievous fingers tickling her sides and stomach.
"Why should I zweetheart?" Spy said and chuckled as he continued to tickle her sides and stomach. "Don't you love my touch zweetie?" Spy teased, knowing he can be a little smart ass at times to make Black Rabbit giggle or laugh.
Black Rabbit burst out laughing from they tickles, feeling Spy's mischievous fingers tickling the one place she thought the wouldn't tickle. Her own ears, yes her ears are super ticklish and this made her Crack. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! SPHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHY!" Spy chuckled "that'z my name zweetie, what'z wrong" he said in a smug way. Black Rabbit knew he was a little shit but she loved him.
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bonk9999 · 3 months
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orangedragon98 · 6 months
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>:) Got her! And her little weakness...
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nebulousmedic · 11 months
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Roughhousing!! Pyro sweetie ur gonna get smushed....
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carnivorous-parasite · 10 months
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spookygiggles · 6 months
been very unmotivated but i drew this self insert with ler sniper ❤️ sorry for not posting alot
ignore the collar n leash hahdfnens
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lavrusha · 9 months
Can you please draw tickly Spy?? :>
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here :3
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teamfortraven · 2 years
I return! Time for some headcanons. These are about how the mercs are as lers, in general. I’ll be continuing that alphabet post series next, just wanted to throw some more content out there because good lord we are starving…
He’s rather gentle when it comes to tickling. He can control his strength just fine; it’s his size that he’s afraid of accidentally hurting someone with. Because of this, he’ll usually pull the person into his lap. He almost never wants to be in a position where he’s towering over someone, in case they manage to get a few hits in on him and cause him to fall over, squishing them.
Just because he’s extra careful about not hurting his victims doesn’t mean he’s going to hold back. He definitely uses his massive hands to his advantage. Wiggling a single finger against a torso or foot is the equivalent of a single normal-sized hand spidering… and it’s so, so much harder to get away from. You’ve got a mountain of muscle on one side of you, and a huge arm and hand from above keeping you pinned to his legs… yeah, you’re not going anywhere. Mix that with him taunting his lee, and they’re going to be a flustered mess. Can’t forget the finishing move: completely picking them up and bringing their stomach to his face to blow raspberries. Fortunately for, well, everyone, he’s not a fast runner, so the chances of him managing to catch you during chases is extremely low… unless, of course, you want to be caught :]
This man is definitely one of the most playful lers. Almost always he likes to tickle rough, really wanting to see his lee fight back. To him, tickling just isn’t much fun if the other person isn’t trying to get at him, too. Spidering his fingers and really digging in, trying to find every single sensitive spot that just drives his lees crazy is his specialty. He’s not opposed at all to holding them down, either; if they can’t stay still, he‘s more than happy to help :] His favorite technique is trapping them in a hug. Everyone on base has come to be weary of his hugs… one moment there’s a demolition expert standing in front of you, and the next there’s a slot machine. Ready to take a chance?
While he usually is pretty rough with tickles, on the rare chance that he’s tired but has yet to pass out, he will be exceedingly gentle. He usually won’t engage anything when he’s tired, so it’s up to the lee to drop hints or even outright ask him. He’ll be completely content with lightly wiggling his fingers across their body as they try to stifle quiet giggles, a wide smile stretched across his face. Be warned though, depending on how relaxing it is for him, he just might pass out. Sometimes on you. He also tends to hug things in his sleep… although I’m not sure anyone would complain, really. Demo hugs are pretty cool.
I would probably silently cry in happiness.
Oh… also… king of raspberries. For the love of god, if he catches you, cover your stomach or you will probably just die /pos
I haven’t even started typing anything and my face is beet red HELP-
Very, very systematic with his tickles. This man seems to constantly be calculating things in his head, no doubt things that no one else would understand. The very idea of him running mathematical equations in his head while he’s tickling someone is, in my opinion, absolutely terrifying (in the best way possible). You flinched a little when his finger stroked a particular area? Figure out what exact angle to strike from next. Have a particularly intriguing reaction to him simply tapping his fingers? Use that same reaction like a metal detector’s beep to guide him to where you’re most sensitive. He is in no way familiar with the human body like Medic is… but that doesn’t mean he can’t use his knowledge of math and other sciences to figure out exactly where to wiggle his fingers to make you start practically begging.
As for raspberries… because, of course, if I specified the first two’s, it would just be cruel of me to not specify the rest… he prefers to use his stubble as a weapon. Having him wrap his arms around your waist and nuzzle your stomach is going to be equal parts flustering and maddening. God forbid he decides to throw in a raspberry just to catch you off guard… and the whole time, he’s gauging your reactions. He might not be deadly on a scale of singular tickle fights… but just know that each time he manages to get you to react, in the next one, he’s going to be even better at it. Whatever you do, don’t let him read you…
So anyways. Oh nooo Engineer I dropped a color coded diagram of everywhere I’m ticklish, don't look oh no!!!!!! /s
Something that must be clarified so you understand his drive. He is a vessel of the American spirit. Therefore, he is a direct representative of America in fights… including tickle fights. His entire country is depending on him to make the other person beg for mercy, and by god is he going to win. Whether that means digging into their ribs until they’re at the verge of tears, blowing raspberries until they’re silent, or running the nearest fluffy object he can find up and down their feet until they surrender.
Once he finds out you’re ticklish, you’re completely fucked. The moment he hears it, he has to see if it’s true. And every time after that is either because he forgot and someone reminded him (he must go test it again) or he needs to “make sure nothing is different” (he must go test it again). There is no teasing, there is no delay. As soon as he has the person in his hands, he’s just gonna go to town. Sometimes he’ll throw in a quick verbal jab or two, enough to make his lee squeal and blush, but he’ll mostly be focused on the tickling side of things. Possibly the worst part is he doesn’t necessarily have a “style”. One moment he’s poking absolutely every inch of their torso, the next he’s spidering his fingers across that one spot that made them jump a foot into the air, the next he’s experimentally blowing raspberries. You’ll never be able to prepare yourself, because even HE doesn’t know what the fuck he’s about to do.
Oh yeah, about the raspberries… you’re gonna die /pos Although Demo is definitely the king, that 100% makes Soldier his queen (Boots n Bombs intended if you want it to be). No one knows why he’s so damn good at it…
The most wholesome tickler you will ever find anywhere in the entire world galaxy universe reality. Their style of tickling varies an incredible amount. Sometimes it’s light, sometimes it’s kinda rough, but usually it’s right in the middle. They are very careful to never hurt their lee and frequently give them openings to get away if they really want to.
Pyro the beloved… They constantly switch between tickling and cuddling. One moment they’re dancing their fingers up and down your body, the next they’ve wrapped their arms around you and are gently squeezing while excitedly kicking their feet with muffled laughter. After lightly tickling for a bit, they’ll give their lee a chance to escape, and, if their lee seems to be taking their time with it (for absolutely no reason, of course /s), they’ll grab them by the ankle and swiftly drag them back just to begin again. Spontaneity is the name of the game, and Pyro is the master. Choosing either tickling or cuddling at any given moment is great, sure, but what about both simultaneously? Inching their fingers so very slowly while wrapping their lee in a tight hug so all they can do is try to muffle quiet giggles and squirm, gently nuzzling the filter of their gas mask into the crook of their neck while holding them… idk I just love Pyro :3
And it is a CRIME that they cannot blow raspberries. We need to riot! Get the Twitter hashtag going! And then immediately private your account because we’re afraid of the normal TF2 fans finding our humble little village! This is war!!!
Okay so, you know how Pyro is the master of spontaneity? This guy has them beat, I’m afraid (and you should be, too). An IQ of triangle + caffeine addiction + undiagnosed ADHD = making moves in a tickle fight that God himself can’t wrap his head around. Why did he do a single push up before he started giving it to his lee? Not important. Why is there always a moment in every tickle fight where he feels the urge to go run and check the fridge to make sure no one has stolen his Bonk!? Something something neurodivergent idk. Let him cook.
Anyways, onto the actual composition: man is terrifying. But also very, very weak. Basically, he takes everything he has on the battlefield and channels it into his role as a ler. Literally. The bat? Uses it to pin arms or legs to the ground. His annoying little teases and brags? Ten times worse, ten times more likely to get you flustered. Don’t even get me started on the Bonk!… once he chugs that shit, the fight is over. He’s already difficult enough to grab in just his normal state — now picture this. A Bostonian who is full of himself poking every single spot on your body he can reach at insane speeds, and when you reach out to grab his wrists, it’s like he phases through you. Yeah, no. The fight is over.
Except for when it wears off. But by then, he’s usually long gone. He can’t risk the payback he might receive once his invincibility is over.
Scout isn’t the best at blowing raspberries, but he definitely tries. If he can’t seem to get it right and you dare have any sort of visible reaction for finding it funny, you’re gonna be catching hands — well, trying to. Too fast.
Precision is key, and there is definitely too much of it to handle. Simply put: he knows what he’s doing, and he knows he’s really good at it. Having a lot of information on human biology memorized definitely helps. That said… he doesn’t have to tickle rough to make his lee scream in laughter. He can do the lightest, gentlest touches you’ve ever felt in your entire life and still have you on the floor in half a second. But what fun is it to him if he has to hold back? Tickling roughly with breaks every few seconds seems much more his style. He’ll practically have the other paralyzed with how easily he’s able to read their reactions.
As implied above, he doesn’t even need anything to hold his lee down. His incredibly accurate strokes of wiggling fingers is enough to shock his patient into fits, frantically trying to get a grip on what’s happening, where his hands are, how long it’s been… And, as someone who is more or less morally gray, he’ll add in teases just to top it off. Letting his lee think they’re escaping just to be attacked yet again is one of his favorite things. If he can do something to fuck with their head and their sense of reality, he’s going to.
Oh, also raspberries :3 horrifyingly precise raspberries. Although, if he’s having enough fun, sometimes he does them just about anywhere, just to see… he does love a good experiment. Whoever the lee is is going to be squirming like a worm for sure, though.
Snipes is pretty much the definition of “fuck around and find out”. He might not seem like the type to enjoy tickling others, and definitely doesn’t seem like the type to enjoy being on the receiving end, but if you dare try to test him, if you dare try to get a reaction, you’re going to get more than you bargained for. Sniper is a bit like Soldier: he tickles to win. That includes getting revenge for something (possibly previously getting wrecked) and interrogation (usually because Scout stole his shit and is refusing to fess up). That said, he is a pretty rough ler, or at least, he’s not exactly merciful.
He’s lying when he says he doesn’t find it enjoyable at all, but if you try to get him to admit it, well… you get the idea. Holding his lee in some inconceivable position that they won’t be able to fight back in is usually the go-to. Sometimes, if he trusts himself enough, he won’t even hold them down. Man has some long ass fingers; no matter how the lee covers themself, he’s going to be able to get at every single inch of them. Usually forces them to the floor and then towers over them before he begins his assault. It’s almost too obvious that it’s a legitimate attempt at intimidation (and good lord is it effective).
It’s an extremely rare occasion when he blows raspberries. He sees them as being more of an affectionate thing, and he doesn’t tickle people for that reason (he claims). If he notices his lee’s stomach is particularly sensitive, he might blow a few. Like Scout, he’s not the best at it, but it’s enough to make just about anyone jump in shock.
I see so few ler!Spy headcanons :’] maybe my feed is just wonky? Anyways, last but not least!
He definitely has a much more delicate touch than the other mercs… but that doesn’t mean he’s bad at tickling. It actually kind of throws him in the same boat as Medic. He’s so good at what he does that he doesn’t need to be rough with his lee; the lightest of touches will make them absolutely lose their mind.
He throws in a few snarky comments as he goes, usually having the goal of completely wrecking the lee. He carefully plans how he’s going to go about it… and then puts it into action. He prefers having his victim subdued in some way so they can’t easily get away, allowing for him to be slow with it. He enjoys making the entire experience incredibly teasing, knowing exactly where he should aim but taking his time working towards it, inching just close enough that his lee starts completely giving it away. Then he’ll pretend to stumble upon it by accident, but makes no attempt to cover up how amused he is if the other seems to be falling for it.
I would say I feel like he’d find the concept of raspberries weird… but the only other merc who is covered head to toe physically can’t. Therefore, Spy gets to blow raspberries in Pyro’s honor :] He is extremely teasing about it, just like he is with everything else. He’s going to keep bringing up the fact that you’re pinned and that there’s nothing you can do to stop him and there’s… well, nothing you can do to stop him. Idk I wrote this all on 3 hours of sleep okay.
All 9 mercs and their ler headcanons done wooo! Hopefully this makes up for me being gone so long :’] I’ve had a ler!Engie and lee!reader fic in the works for months now, aka I wrote 3/4 of it one day and then I lost motivation, but that will be coming out soon, as well as a ler!Spy and lee!Snipes fic I wrote around the same time.
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sentrysapper · 5 months
Could you make a poster with engie and spy having a tickle fight? :3c
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