#Thaddeus sureblade
xandriagreat · 8 months
Modern Nimona
Chapter 15: Epilogue
First chapter | Last chapter
Author's note: This was fun to write and I had a great time along with my co-writer, @vanessafangirl13
Notice/warnings: fluff, crying, kissing, injuries
July 29 2024
A year later…
Meredith and Ballister are seeing a great view of how far it's come along and how much has changed since the wall was down.
Meredith even let her hair grow a little bit before cutting it to a bit of a left side-shave hair-do to honor her old friend. She is wearing a turquoise t-shirt, wearing the same lab coat but decorated with pink and red animals, dark brown khaki pants, some new black boots, and pink red Rectangle glasses.
Ballister was wearing a clean gray shirt, black pants, black boots, and wearing the family heirloom on his left ring finger.
Even though they're happy about the change, they are a bit down after all that happened.
'Some of us don’t get the happily ever after we were looking for. Maybe it’s not that kind of kingdom. Or maybe it’s not the end of the story.’ Ballister thought as he looked at his family ring.
The part the wall has become has completely changed into an open community with a park and new homes.
The shapeshifters that lived outside of the wall are now part of the community with some who move into parts of the city.
Ballister and Meredith notice a young shapeshifter girl running to with some human kids playing kickball.
"Over here, I’m free." the shapeshifter girl said to the other kids.
As they began to play, an officer nearby was walking by as the ball rolled to him and the officer easily kicked the ball back to them.
They wave the officer a goodbye as they begin to play again.
Meredith and Bailter smiled, happy about the change.
'If only Nimona was here to see this.' Meredith thought, sighing softly.
Then Ambrosius came up to surprise them, mostly Ballister, by hugging them.
“Hey!” Meredith exclaimed with a smile as the two hugged Ambrosius back.
Meredith let go of the hug as the couple hugged more. She began to chuckle at them as Ballister and Ambrosius kissed.
Ballister and Ambrosius were now married shortly after the events and some time in couples therapy.
Of course, they also patch things up with their friendship.
Meredith became part of the science community and even started working there.
Meredith quit her teaching job and applied to her current job as chief scientist with the help of Dr. Ocean in their new science laboratory and workplace downtown with the building being helped by Ballister, who is mayor now.
Meredith saw Dr. Ocean Sealine walking over to them, blushing softly. Of course both the husbands knew what was going on between Meredith and Ocean.
Meredith playfully punches both of their arms as they all begin to walk to the memorial of Nimona.
Along the way they noticed a lot of changes like removing the cannons and moving the already detecting body of the late Mayor Yvonne.
"Can't believe it's already over." One builder said to another worker. "Along with those awful policies of bloodlines."
"Agreed." the other builder said, nodding.
As they begin walking down the stairs, the four saw some graffiti with the wanted posters calling them heroes and transportation has never been better for both sides meaning for one another.
As they made it to the memorial, they noticed both sides of the border finally being together as it was decorated along inside a new statue, almost finished completion and museum in the works.
They notice Thaddeus who still had a broken arm due to the incident, giving flowers to the memorial.
He nodded to them when seeing them.
Meredith and Thaddeus respected each other and passed things up under one condition that they stay friends, knowing now they felt about each other but they still had some work done.
Thaddeus started to walk away.
Ambrosius picked up a drawing and showed it to Ballister and Meredith.
The drawing was of Nimona with the lettering spelling out “we love Nimona”.
Meredith and Ballister begin looking at the picture, missing their friend.
When Ballister and Meredith got into the woods, they went towards their old hideout.
They did border up some things and had some of their stuff moved into their new places with Ballister moving in with Ambrosius and Meredith staying with them for a while until she found a new place, which was much better than what she used to live in.
Of course the hideout was mostly abandoned after the events of last year, so it was in ruins.
Ballister and Meredith looked around the old home as they went inside, including the lab. They both could remember the day they met the person that changed their life for the better at her lab. They also looked at the old library, the old bedrooms, healing room, including the kitchen and living room where they had fond memories and even went to check on the old suspect wall.
They both looked at each other and got an idea.
Then they begin removing dusty curtains, piles of wood from the windows, and fixing some lights.
Even decorating the place.
They begin making their own little memorial on the old suspect wall, taking off the suspect photos. Ballister put the drawing from the memorial pinned onto the wall while Meredith put the other photos of them with Nimona onto the wall.
Ballister and Meredith smiled softly at the new look of the hideout.
Then they heard a knock on the door.
The two grownups went to the door with excitement and opened the door. They looked around and all they saw was just the woods with a gust of wind and birds chirping when Ballister opened the door.
Ballister and Meredith sighed with a smile and chuckled softly.
Then a voice called out behind them, "Hey guys, long time no see."
The two grownups turned around quickly and their eyes lit up when they saw a pink light transform into a familiar shapeshifter.
"Holy- Nimona!" Ballister and Meredith exclaimed, smiling big.
Nimona looked a bit older when she fully formed, with additional ear piercings, including one on her left eyebrow. She was wearing a pink tank top over a Crimson red T-shirt, black pants with gray reptile scale patterns, and dark brown boots.
Meredith checked her before they held her hand when she finally saw that it was the same person. "It's you!" Meredith exclaimed, smiling.
"It's me." Nimona said, smiling softly and nodding before hugging Meredith, who hugged back.
Then she looked at Ballister, who was crying. "Are you ok, boss?" Nimona asked, walking to him.
Ballister nodded and wiped away some tears. "I'm happy to see you again." Ballister choked out, smiling at her.
Nimona smiled back with tears in her eyes. “I’m happy to see you again too.”
Then the three all had a group hug, united at last.
☆The end☆
Tags: @vanessafangirl13
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xandriagreat · 1 year
Modern Nimona
Chapter 1: The Beginning of Hurt
First Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: When a college graduate is framed for a crime that he didn’t do and the only people who are helping him is a science friend from college and a shapeshifting lab rat named Nimona.
Author’s note: This story/fic is a modern day au of Nimora (both book and movie). Also this fic/story is a two person writing, the co-writer is @vanessafangirl13
Notice/warnings: kissing, rudeness, death, decapitating
June 15th, 2013,
It was graduation day at the University Institute Of Gloreth.
A young 21-year-old man with dark brown skin, a beginning of a short mustache and goatee, and short, dark hair, was in his usual plain white t-shirt, brown sweatpants, and black army boots, looking at the screens as he was packing the last of his stuff from his dorm.
He was a young man who showed promise ever since he was a kid. He worked his way up into the university but not meant it with the controversy of his college and schools knowing he was the only one who was born poor at the university that only accepted famous and rich people.
He was about to finish the last box when he heard a familiar voice ask, “You excited?”
"Yeah." He said with nervousness in his voice, looking a bit down before looking at the person.
The voice revealed to be his boyfriend, Ambrosius Goldenloin, an East Asian man with short, blonde hair curled over the left side of his head in a pompadours style, with the rest of his hair shaved close to his scalp, and dark and short, dark beard over his chin.
Ambrosius walked over to him, wanting to make sure his boyfriend was ok. “Want to talk about it, Bal?” he asked as he got to him.
"Yeah, it's just-" Bal tried to speak, "I can't believe it, 4 years have passed by so fast, and now we're graduating and going to the real world."
They begin sitting down on the bed, which is now just a mattress and bed frame.
Ambrosius nodded and held his hand, gently rubbing it. “There is more, isn't there?” he asked, looking at him. “Ballister, I see that you’re scared. ”
Ballister was quiet for a bit as he looked down. “What if… what if they hate me?”
His boyfriend is understanding why Ballister was scared. “You’ve worked so hard for this,” Ambrosius said, putting a gentle hand on his cheek. “They’ll love you.”
"You think so?" Ballister asked with hope in his voice as he looked at Ambrosius. “Yes,” Ambrosius answered, nodding softly.
Ballister begins to smile warmly and kisses him on the lips.
Everyone was getting ready for the day of the graduation
Some were taking pictures, some were excited about the next chapter in their lives, and others talking with their families 
Bal was getting his graduation gown ready which is unique, while most of the university's graduation wear only had white gold and silver, his was different having a more black accent into his suit while his boyfriend had more gold in his as well.
"Well, we finally made it after 4 years," said Meredith Blitzmeyer, a tall Romani woman, with warm brown skin, long gray hair tied back in a ponytail, and rounded gold frame glasses over her gorgeous blue eyes. "The future has come."
“Oh, hey Meredith.” Ballister said, looking at her with a smile.
"Well, Ballister, future graduate of the era." Meredith jokes. She has been a bit of a jokester since high school. But at least her jokes were appropriate, unlike another classmate that was also graduating who happens to be a bully.
"More like a loser." A man named Thaddeus Sureblade jokes, he's the one with short brown hair, pale skin, and green eyes. He had always been a bully to the three, mostly to Ballister.
"Ugh! Not you again." Meredith ground, crossing her arms, knowing he was her ex-boyfriend. They broke up a month ago after finding out that he was a jerk, trying to make him his trophy wife, and almost a bad manly macho after dating for a year. She already moved on but Thaddeus was a bit still in the denial stage of a breakup.
“Hey, I was just coming over to talk with Ballister.” Thaddeus started, smiling his best prize smile.
"Well, then, go ahead." Meredith said, glaring at him.
Thaddeus put an arm around Ballister’s shoulders and said, “Look, when I first saw you at the Institute, I thought that you were just a nobody.”
Ballister looked at him like he was going to say more. “And?”
Meredith began putting her hands on her hips and raise her eyebrow, tapping her foot, waiting for an answer 
Thaddeus noticed that and didn’t want to get her too mad. “I’m not going to answer that.” he said, popping his lips. Thaddeus got his arm off of Ballister and shoved him a bit as he walked away.
Meredith and Ambrosius caught Ballister before he fell on the floor and helped him stand up.
“Thanks.” Ballister said to them. 
Ambrosius nodded to him and smiled. “No problem.”
“I still can’t believe that I dated him.” Meredith muttered under her breath.
Just then, The Director of the University opened the doors, smiling at the graduating class of 2013.
Everyone began to line up as the Director entered the room.
It was revealed to be a tall and thin woman with pale skin, a long neck. her blonde hair in a long braided ponytail, black eyes. She wore a yellow business coat over a white blouse, matching yellow ankle-length long skirt, brown stockings, and black 3-inch high heels. She's a serious and kind woman.
“Everyone,” the Director started as she looked at the soon to be graduating students, “today is an important day. Not only are you all graduating but we have our first rise to the top student graduating.”
She smiled at Ballister, who nodded to her. “Thank you, Director.” Ballister said, smiling.
Then the Director clapped her hands together and said, “Now, everyone needs to finish up and get to the stage.” 
Everyone did as they were told. 
Ambrosius got his scabbard on his belt before getting his family’s sword from his locker.
It was traditional of the Goldenloin family to carry the sword that Glorth carried throughout the war for special occasions, like today.
Ambrosius looked at Ballister and smiled softly. “You ready?” he asked.
“I will be. I just need to wait for my ring.” Ballister said. “You can go ahead.”
"Ok. We will be waiting for you." Meredith said, fixing her cap.
Ambrosius and Meredith went out as Diego, a man with light brown skin, brown eyes, and blonde hair styled in a short mohawk, came in.
Diego was the Jeweler of Ballister’s ring.
“Hi.” Ballister said, smiling at him.
"Hi. Sorry about that, I was just finding the ring which took a while." Diego said, giving him the ring
“It’s alright.” Ballister reassured as he got the ring from him.
The University ring was a silver ring. It had some gems all around it, with the top gem being a beautiful red. There was gold writing on the inside of the ring. The writing said, ‘Send the darkness back into the shadows to see the light’.
It’s the main motto of the university and of the city in case there is danger of any kind that comes in.
Ballister smiled softly as he put it on his right ring finger. It felt different than before when he wore it last time but he didn’t mind it.
Before Ballister went out, Diago stopped him for a moment. "Umm, sir." Diago started, about to get out of his phone. "I-"
“Ballister.” the Director said, walking back in. Both Ballister and Diago looked at her as the Director said, “It’s almost time. You need to get with the other students.”
Ballister nodded as he went out with everyone.
They went outside just in time for the graduation ceremony. As the music began to play, the three friends already imagined their future like everyone else.
The mayor is the special guest for the graduation. 
The mayor was a woman with brown skin, black eyes, and long white hair tied in a tight bun, wearing a white blouse and blue pantsuit with gold and red accents and blue high heels heading to the stand.
She was the one to request Ballister to go to the Institute and his adoptive mother. 
After everyone got the diploma, everyone clapped for the graduated students. Then everyone sat down as the mayor got up and went to the microphone. “Everyone,” she started, smiling at everyone, “I am so proud of this graduating class. This class has someone special. This person works all the way up. This person is my son, Ballister Boldheart.”
The spotlight pointed at Ballister and he began to stand up with everyone looking at him. 
Then everyone cheered for him as he smiled and walked up to his mother. 
Meredith got her phone and begin recording him, smiling big.
Ballister hugged the mayor before he turned to the microphone. “Thank you, Mother.” Ballister said into the microphone.
Mayor Valerin began grabbing a small box from her pocket, and then opened up to reveal a beautiful ring server and even with an obsidian gem with red spots on it, It was a family heirloom that has been in her family for generations.
Ballister looked at it and smiled at his mother. He started to reach with his right hand.
Then all of the sudden, Ballister’s University ring started to shake his hand as the top gem turned from white to green appeared at the top and shot a beam blasted through the mayor's body.
Everyone gasped in shock.
“Mom!” Ballister exclaimed in shock.
His friends came just in time, his boyfriend tried to stop  but accidentally got the beam cut off by cutting Ballister's right arm off.
Ballister fell to the ground, holding his now cut arm, bleeding as Meredith came to check on him.
Bal and Meredith begin hearing people panicking and screaming seeing their mayor hurt.
"Are you ok?" Meredith asked worriedly.
“I…” Ballister started but was interrupted by someone yelling, “The mayor is dead!”
Meredith grabbed something from her bag that she was carrying, it was a smoke bomb, she began throwing it and a puff of green smoke blew.
"Let's go." Meredith said, taking Ballister by his other hand and they ran out and away from the graduation grounds.
Ambrosius watched them run out worriedly. “How did this even happen?” he asked himself as he looked at the crime scene.
Ballister and Meredith ran into an alleyway. 
“Ok, I think that we’re safe now.” Meredith panted as she caught her breath and looked at Ballister.
Ballister still held his cut arm as he sat down. His arm was still bleeding a lot.
Meredith got a med kit out of her bag and tented the wound. “Here we go.” she said as she finished wrapping the bandages around it.
Ballister looked at the wrapped up wound before looking back at Meredith as she said, "We gotta get out of this place."
“I’m sorry… ‘We’?” Ballister repeated to see if he heard her right. 
“Yes. ‘We’, Ballister.” Meredith said, helping him up.  "We need to get out of this place."
“Meredith…” Ballister started as he sighed and looked down. “You can’t just drop everything for me. You’ll be hunted too and never get to be the scientist that you wanted to be.”
“Ballister, look at me.” Meredith said, lifting his head up. “I know that you’re innocent and that you didn’t kill your mother… and I am going to help to prove that.” 
They begin hearing the news all over the city of the death of the mayor and that Ballister was a killer.
“Come on.” Meredith said to Ballister, holding his hand. "I'll call someone I know to help us and where we can go."
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xandriagreat · 9 months
Modern Nimona
Chapter 13: Breaking Down
First chapter | Last chapter | Next chapter
Notice/warnings: betrayal, hurt/pain, realization, kissing, screaming, angst
*A week later, at night*
Meredith and Nimona challenge each other in a video game while Ballister gets snacks from the kitchen.
"Oh ho ho! You are going down, Nimona!" Meredith said, trying to beat her in her red car in the game. "You can't beat me at this level, for I'm a master of this!"
“We’ll see!” Nimona commented, trying to win with her yellow car in the game.
Ballister noticed that Nimona was a bit red as the two played. "Remember to not burn the tv." Ballister said, walking over with snacks. "Or catch it on fire." Meredith corrected, as she was distracted as Nimora beat them.
The next thing that the grownups knew was that Nimona won.
"Darn it." Meredith said in defeat, placing their controller on the table and standing up to walk to calm down.
“Yes!!!” Nimona exclaimed, jumping up from her seat and doing a victory dance.
Ballister chuckled as he got a chip from the snack bowl.
"Did you cheat on this game or something?" Meredith asked, looking down at her.
“Nope!” Nimona said, still doing her victory dance.
Meredith recheck.
It was an extra arm holding the console
"I knew it!" Meredith laughed, pointing at the extra arm and console.
Ballister had his hand out and said, "Come on Nimona. You know the rule."
"No cheating." Nimona said, mocking him in his voice as she gave him the console. Meredith laughed a little at her impression of Ballister, who was glaring.
"Cut it out." Ballister warned, glaring at both of them. Meredith and Nimona stopped and looked at him.
Then Meredith looked at the time while Nimona gave Ballister the controller.
It was 10:30 PM.
"Well… It's getting late. You should get some rest" Meredith said, looking at Nimona. "Look at the time."
It was getting late.
"Come on, just one more hour." Nimora said, acting energetic but then yawned a bit.
“Come on, Nimona. It’s time for bed.” Ballister said, getting up from his seat and turned the tv off.
“Alright, dad!” Nimona chuckled, going to get herself ready for bed.
Meredith was surprised when Nimona called Ballister 'dad' as Nimona left the room.
"She called you dad." she said, looking at Ballister. They noticed Ballister’s face looked surprised in shock. “You ok, Bal?” Meredith asked, looking worried. “I… Yeah. I’m ok.” Ballsiter said, nodding and getting up.
The two grownups started getting up and fixed the couch for Nimona to sleep. They were quiet for a bit as they did that.
"Bal, do you remember the story that Nimona told us about her past?” Meredith asked, breaking the silence while fluffing a pillow.
Ballister nodded as he put the blanket down. “Yes. What about it?”
“I noticed the story on the subway didn't make any sense, apart from the well, since there’s a well near the wall." Meredith started, placing the pillow down. "Of course the lab rat part seems familiar."
“Nimona didn’t mention being a lab rat.” Ballister said, picking up the snack bowl and went to the kitchen.
Meredith followed him and got to her lab. "I mean from the new newspaper headlines and articles." Meredith said, getting another article about the breakout from her lab.
Ballister looked at her when he got into the kitchen.
"I was trying to connect her story and this." Meredith said, placing the newspaper on the kitchen table.
“Let’s not jump to conclusions, ok?” Ballister said, looking down at the article and then looked at Meredith.
But then his mind starts to wonder.
It was about everything for the past ten years, Ambrosius, the adventures with Nimona and Meredith, Gloreth, and wondering if there were other shapeshifters.
Meredith noticed.
"Is it about Goldenloin?" Meredith asked, getting a chip from the bowl and then ate it.
“Yeah… and Nimona.” Ballister sighed, looking down.
Meredith walked over to him and asked, “Want to talk about it?”
Ballister nodded.
"Come on, Bal." Meredith said, "Spit it out."
“Do you think that there are shapeshifters?” Ballister asked, getting a chip and eating it. “And if so, where are they? Beyond the wall?”
Meredith thought about it as she ate some chips before saying, “That’s an interesting thought. It would explain some of the sounds from beyond the wall.”
Ballister nodded. “Yep. I wonder if we'll confront Nimona’s family beyond the wall.”
"But I don't know if we can confront her about family or others like her yet." Meredith said, putting the snacks away. "She might be mad and get triggered, but I think parts of the story like, how on earth did she ever had a single mother who had to work but didn't have any records of her."
“Agreed. But let's be slow and wait when she’s ready.” Ballister hummed, nodding.
"Yeah, good point." Meredith said, pointing at Ballister.
Nimora begins shapeshifting her hair back to purple after taking a shower and dressed when she stumbles upon Ballister's office.
She thought she took a quick peek.
She wanted to read a book. 'If I was Ballister, where would I put a book?' she thought as she tried to open the door.
It was locked and authorized by his handprint.
Nimona hummed as she shapeshifted into Ballister and put her handprints on the lock.
It was now open.
She looked at his shelves as she looked around the room.
Though she wasn't usually in school due to her past, she secretly wanted to read (though when Meredith talked about education since the first time they met she was just too stubborn to say she's in denial).
She looked around the shelves until she noticed something on a desk. Nimona looked at them and her eyes widened.
There on the desk was the scroll of her ancestor and the article of her.
She looks at it in fear and anger, not knowing how long she was there until she heard the door open.
“Nimona!” Ballister exclaimed in surprise when he came in. Meredith came along too and was surprised. "What are you doing here?!" Meredith asked, but noticed the scroll and article.
The grownups and teen looked at the scroll and article before looking at each other.
"Please Let us explai-" Meredith started but was cut off by Nimona shouting, “How long have you had these?! How long did you two know?!”
The grownups looked at each other, both worried about this. "A week or so." Meredith answered, rubbing the back of their neck. "But it's not what it looks like."
Nimona glared at both of them before pointing at the scroll and article, saying, “What it looks like is that someone gave you the bad side of history instead of telling both sides of the stories.”
"Nimona…" Meredith said trying to reach out to Nimona but Nimona ran out and jumped out the door.
“Nimona!” Ballister and Meredith shouted after her, started to run after her after getting their coats and something to protect themselves. Meredith got her jetpack on as they ran.
Meredith and Ballister got the things ready to protect themselves as they went out.
But then a bright light shined on both of them after they ran about half a mile.
“Nimona!” they shouted after her as they left the hideout.
It was revealed to be Thaddeus and the police.
"Well, well, well…" Thaddeus chuckled darkly, looking at them. "You're out in the open."
Ballister gasped before looking at Meredith and ordered, “Meredith run!”
"Don't worry, I'll get help!" Meredith said they got their jetpack working. She flew up as the officers grabbed Ballister.
Nimora shape-shifted to a wolf and ran far and far away as fast as she could.
She was crying as she ran.
Nimona stopped running when she got to the wall, looking out to the city. She gasped when she saw a well. “Oh no…” Nimona breathed as she remembered her past.
A young Nimora and her mother sneak out of the lab and shapeshift around the woods just for a while, to be themselves and catch a breather. 
It had already been a year since she and her mother were caught and brought in for testing.
They were treated terribly by the scientists and sneaked out when they could.
They were in the woods a bit aways from the lab.
“Ok, honey. Mama is going to get some food, ok?” her mother told her. Nimona nodded and watched as her mother went off to get some food.
But as she waited, she saw in the distance a young girl, around Nimona’s age, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles, playing with stones and being happy by herself playing by the well.
Nimona slowly walked over to the girl but still was hiding. She didn’t know where she was stepping as she stepped on a twig and it snapped it, which got the girl’s attention and looked at her.
The girl slowly walked over to Nimona. “Hi there.” she said, smiling at her.
Nimona almost backed away in fear when the girl got close to her. “H-hi.” Nimora said nervously.
“Hey, it’s ok.” said the girl, who gave Nimona a rock and helped her walk out of her hiding place with a smile. “Want to play with me?”
Nimona was unsure but nodded a yes and Nimona tried to throw a rock but it just landed at her feet.
The girl giggled and explained, “That’s not how you throw.” Then the girl taught her to throw and the two girls played.
“What’s your name?” Nimona asked at one point, looking at the girl. 
"Gloria," the girl said, looking at her with a smile, "yours?"
Nimona was about to speak when her mother found her. "Nimona, there you are!" she called out before looking at the girl.
Gloria looked at Nimona’s mother with wide eyes.
"Who was this girl?" Nimora's mother asked, pointing at Gloria in worry in her voice.
"Her name is Gloria." Nimona said, smiling and holding Gloria's hand.
"Well, nice to meet you Gloria." her mother said in a softer tone, smiling softly at her.
Nimona begins sneaking off, so does Gloria. They begin being close friends in secret, going to their favorite hiding place in the woods, having fun at the playground near the woods, playing knights and soldiers and cowboys, and sometimes sleeping into the woods.
At age 7, Gloria was struggling to get an apple out of the tree. When the little girl was about to give up, Nimona shapeshifted into a little bird in front of her for the first time, which Gloria was amazed by. 
Nimona gave Gloria the apple as she shapeshifted back to little girl self. “I’m so sorry! I should have remembered that you’re human… ” Nimona apologized in worry. “Please don’t be mad-!” 
“That was amazing!” Gloria exclaimed, holding the apple in one hand and holding Nimona’s hand. “How did you do that?!”
Nimona looked at Gloria in surprise but then smiled. “Well, it’s more like what I’m feeling or I think of what I want to shift into.” she explained, giggling.
Of course Gloria kept that a secret between them and the relationship started to get stronger and stronger.
This relationship went on for almost nine years.
Then on Gloria's 15th birthday, they snuck out to the biggest skyscraper in the city looking around. 
Gloria has changed with her now long blonde hair floating into the wind, wearing a beautiful white dress, light blue leggings, and brown flats laughing and having a good time, holding onto a line of the tower. 
Nimora had a pink hair in a Chelsea haircut, a magenta tunic over a large red T-shirt, black cargo pants, crimson red socks, and light pink and cherry red Velcro sneakers she got it from Gloria on her birthday last month.
"Glad I suggested sneaking into the skyscraper on your birthday then a boring party." Nimona jokes with a smile.
Gloria chuckled softly and held her hand. Nimora blushed softly, rubbing her hand gently as they sat down.
“I love you, Nimona.” Gloria said softly, smiling softly at her.
Nimona blushed red, even though she would have gotten used to it by now. "I love you too, Gloria." Nimona said, smiling softly.
They have been secretly dating for almost 6 months now.
Nimona poker her lips and nervousness, about to say something to her… but then the next thing she knew Gloria kissed her on the lips.
That caught Nimona off guard but she kissed her back.
They are in love.
But it seems that the time is almost sundown and everyone might be worrying.
"Looks like we have to get out of here." Gloria said as they left. But when they got to the streets, Gloria gasped when she had an idea. 
“What’s on your mind?” Nimona asked, facing her. 
"What if we run away together?" Gloria asked, smiling.
"W-What?" Nimona asked, very lightened and surprised in her voice.
"We can start a new life together, over that wall." Gloria said, pointing at the wall. “I want to explore and have an adventure with you. So, what do you say?”
Nimona smiled as hugged her and exclaimed, “Yes! I would love to!”
"What are we waiting for?!" Gloria exclaimed. "We should tell your mom!"
Nimona’s smile fades a bit and sighed, “My mom is gone… just last week.”
"Oh… I’m so sorry…" Gloria said sadly. "What happened in the lab? If you don’t mind."
“She was shocked for not ‘following’ the rules…” Nimona said, almost close to crying.
"My God, that's horrible." Gloria said, holding her hand before squeezing it gently. "That's it! WE are leaving together TONIGHT!"
Gloria begins packing up all her essentials needed to get over the wall as well as some food. She's stolen from the pantry to last them days, with Nimona waiting outside.
Gloria climb out of the window with a ladder 
"Ready?" Gloria asked, adjusting her hood.
Nimona nodded excitedly and held her hand out to her.
Gloria smiled and held her hand as they both ran to the wall.
Unfortunately It was pretty high.
Nimona shapeshifted into an eagle in order to fly them out of here, at first it was completely successful as they saw the outside of the wall for the first time.
It was beautiful. The river was beautiful and shining in the moonlight and the moonlight shone so brightly and there were thousands of stars, along with beautiful trees and grass.
Nimona landed and shapeshifted back to herself.
She looked at Gloria, who looked shocked while looking at the new surroundings.
"Gloria, you ok?" Nimona asked, looking at Gloria.
"W-we're…FREE! We're finally free!" Gloria said, grabbing Nimona by the waist and laughing. "Look at this! It's amazing!"
Nimona laughed and hugged Gloria back as Gloria spun around as they fell to the ground. They both laughed softly and got up when they realized that they were free at last.
But it didn't last very long as they noticed a flashlight pointing towards them.
"Run!" Gloria yelled, grabbing her girlfriend's hand and along with the bag. They begin running as the alert sounds start rolling and helicopters fly up above to catch them.
They begin running to the woods trying as fast as they can, They found a hiding spot.
Nimona can still remember the loud sounds of the helicopter and the bright lights as they were catching them as she began to cover her ears.
Then the next thing she knew was that she got shocked and was paralyzed her.
Nimona was breathing heavily in fear as she started to pass out after getting more shocked.
☆back to flashback☆
They held onto each other, hoping they wouldn't get caught.
They began catching their breath.
“Gloria… I’m so sorry about this…” Nimona said sadly. “They’re after me…”
“They’re after me too…” Gloria said after a while.
Nimona looked at her in a bit of surprise.
They begin to check if they are safe.
There are more officers, searching for them.
"We need to go." Nimona whispers.
They try to run trying to go further and further.
But then they were caught by officers and were grabbed.
"Let us go!" Gloria said, trying to break free from the officer's grasp.
"Well, well, running away from your family aren't you, Gloria?" Said a voice, which revealed to be the new director-in-training, Ynonne. The new director-in-training with straight long hair in a ponytail reaching her waist, and in a military uniform, with a smirk.
"You…" Gloria breathed in fear and anger.
She was then hit in the stomach and fell to her knees.
"GLORIA!" Nimona yelled in terror. She took down the guards holding her and was about to attack but was caught in the electrical net, shocking her so much until it was about to kill her.
“Nimona!” Gloria exclaimed in worry, trying to get to her but was still being held back.
Then Ynonne cleared her throat, getting Gloria’s attention.
"We’ll forget about your runaway from the city and everything goes back to normal, with you back with your family and this monster back with the lab… or we will do this to your lover until she’s dead." Ynonne said, looking down at Gloria.
Gloria looked at Nimora in terror as the shapeshifter kept on being shocked repeatedly. “Fine!” she shouted at Yvonne. “But at least let me say goodbye to her… please…”
Yvonne rolled her eyes but nodded and raised her hand to signal the guards to stop shocking.
Gloria walked over to her girlfriend, who was panting heavily.
Nimona began to blackout as Gloria got the net off of her and held her hand and left with her last word to her girlfriend, “Don't forget me…”
☆present time☆
Meredith got to the address of Dr. Ocean Sealine's place and arrived there.
She took a deep breath and began knocking on a wooden door. “Dr. Sealine!” they exclaimed as she knocked.
Ocean opened the door as he adjusted his goggles over his eyes, wearing green pajamas.
"Sorry to disturb you at this late hour." Meredith said, looking at him, ignoring that Ocean was in his pajamas. "But I believe you remember me?"
“Oh yes! Margo!” Ocean exclaimed, smiling at her.
“Well…it's actually Meredith.”
“Oh! Well, want to come inside?” Ocean asked, stepping to the side so Meredith could come in.
She nodded and looked around his place as they walked inside. It was a bit cluttered but a bit clean.
"Do you like Earl Grey or Oolong tea?" Ocean asked as he entered the kitchen "Although I have tea in a couple options, I also have some coffee or water or milk or orange juice. Please take a seat."
Meredith had a deep love of both Earl Grey and Oolong teas.
"Maybe a mix of Earl Grey and Oolong please." Meredith said, sitting down on the couch.
"I'll try." Ocean said, nodding and starting to make the tea.
While she was waiting for her tea, she looked at the research Ocean made.
One was of Gloreth's monster.
Almost like the one she had given from Goldinloin. "Hey, Ocean?" they called out, looking at Ocean.
"Yes?" Ocean replied, looking at Meredith from the kitchen.
"Do you know anything about shapeshifting and Gloreth?" she asked, pointing at the photo.
"Yes, I do." Ocean said, walking over with the tea.
"Mind telling me?" Meredith asked, taking the tea.
Ocean nodded and sat down next to her. "Well, the story of Gloreth and her monster is incorrect. Gloreth wasn't a grown woman but a child when she faced her monster. They started off as friends but then became enemies when they were older."
"But, did any of them have descendants?" Meredith asked
Ocean nodded. "Yes."
"Why aren't there any more shapeshifters in the city? How come some of the history happened raised while others"
"Well, to sort of stop the war, Gloreth ordered and built a wall to protect the city, or kingdom as it was called back in old times." Ocean said, waving his hand a bit. "Anyway, the shapeshifters are on the other side of the wall but some of the scientists wanted to figure out how the shapeshifter bodies work. So, some shifters were taken into the labs."
"I think… I think I heard about those horrible experiments before, but I did see a poor girl during a field trip to the science lab in terror in secret." Meredith said, looking at the history books Ocean collected. "You think other shapeshifters escape this horrible fate?"
Ocean nodded. "There was one. It looked exactly like the one on the news. You know with the red pink hair. But it can’t be… unless…" Ocean’s eyes widened with realization. “Unless the things, like shots and a lot of testing, that the scientists used on the shapeshifters used so much that they stopped aging when they don’t get or stop taking whatever the scientists give them.”
Meredith nodded as they began collecting the pieces.
"I'm also working on some memory projector." Ocean said, getting up. "It basically has memories of the shapeshifters. Wanna see it?"
Meredith nodded. “Sure. What is it?”
Ocean walked to a desk and then brought back something.
It contains some sort of cube light, blue, pink, red and gray.
Meredith watched as Ocean pressed the button and began to reveal alive sections of whose memories check the past shapeshifters.
Meredith picked Nimora's and was shocked to see the truth.
"I need to get to Bal!" Meredith said, putting her cup down and getting up.
Ocean nodded. “Um… ok!”
She began to rush out the door and out the place. But before they took off, she felt something hit her arm. They noticed a dart in her arm and collapsed to the ground.
The moment she woke up a couple of hours later, she began to look around.
It was a prison cell.
She looked again and Ballister was there, by their side. “Bal?” she groaned, slowly sitting up.
“Mere.” Ballister breathed in relife, smiling.
"Bal!" Meredith said, hugging him. But as they hugged him, she felt that her ankle was chained. She looked down to see her ankle, and Ballister’s ankle, chained to the floor.
“Hey.” a voice called out by their cell. “It’s good to see you both awake.”
Ballister and Meredith looked to see who was by the cell and it turned out to be none other than Ambrosius, waiting for them to wake up.
"Oh, you…" Meredith growled, glaring at him. “What do you want, traitor?”
Ballister looked at Meredith and hissed, “Mere!"
“No… Meredith is right…” Ambrosius said, his voice sounding full of guilt.
Then Ballister and Meredith looked at Ambrosius and asked, “What do you mean?”
Ambitious looked at them and pointed at Ballister’s arm. “This…” he started, remembering like it was yesterday. “Everything… I didn’t mean to hurt either of you…”
"And?" Meredith asked, with her arms crossed. She noticed that Ballister was glaring at her.
“I’m so sorry…” Ambrosius said, starting to cry.
Bal and Meredith's expression changed when they saw Ambrosius crying.
"What do you mean 'you're sorry'?" Meredith asked, uncrossing her arms.
Ambrosius looked at both of them and they were surprised to see makeup tears smudges.
"Tell us… please." Ballister said, wanting to know.
Ambrosius took a deep breath and sigh sadly.
"Ambrosius…" Ballister and Meredith started to speak, trying to understand.
"I understand if you two don't want to see me ever again but I can help you out. By taking you over the wall." Ambrosius said, wiping away the tears before looking at the two again. "I know it'll get me in trouble but hear me out."
Ballister and Meredith looked at each other before looking back at Ambrosius as he explained his plan.
But then someone opened the cell when he was done, it was one of the officers.
"Come with us." the officer said, looking at them.
Nimora slowly woke and saw herself inside of some sort of big orb, for when she tried to move she was stuck. She tried hitting it but it didn't break.
Suddenly a group of scientists came in.
"Ah, subject 615, after the last eight years that you escaped and we had our search team across the city and then almost giving up, we finally found you." The main scientist said, smiling at her.
She escaped from the lab 8 years ago and went on the run, hiding and surviving on the streets.
Nimona growled at them. "You-" then she screamed in pain when she got an electrical shock.
"Don't you be disobedient to us again, you belong with us." The main scientist said, looking at her as the others walked over to her with testing equipment.
Nimona breathed fast and heavily as she felt fear and anger rise up inside of her.
Meredith and Ballister were taken to the hallways towards the lab.
Ambrosius walked with them along with the guards.
There Mayor Yvonne was waiting for them. She smiled darkly at them and said, "Welcome."
"You…" Meredith growled . "What do you want with us?" Ballister asked in a growled. "And what is ALL of this?!" Meredith asked, her eyes filled with fire.
Yvonne smiled more at them. "Well Ms. Blitzmeyer, stubborn and intelligent just like your father." Yvonne said, looking down at them.
"It's Mx. Blitzmeyer." Ballister corrected, glaring.
"Whatever that means." Ynonne said, clearly not into changing gender identity. "Anyways, I bet you know this place before, Blitzmeyer. Maybe one of your classes on a field trip or when you were a student on a trip?."
Meredith looked around and her eyes widened knowing where they were. "We're in the testing lab." they said, looking at the mayor.
Yvonne nodded. " But you never saw this part of the lab, but this is the department of defensive weapons." the mayor explained before she started to lead them and the group of officers to a room.
Everyone looked at the machines for experimenting. "We do have a surprise for you." Yvonne said, smiling dark.
Then they heard banging echoing.
It was revealed to be Nimona in a sometype of big orb.
"Nimona!" Ballister and Meredith exclaimed worriedly.
Nimora began trying to break free by shape shifting into her bigger self but she was shocked by the orb, making her stop and falling to the floor.
Ballister and Meredith watched in terror. "Just stop! PLEASE JUST STOP!!!" Ballister begged.
But they both got beaten in the stomach by the guards. They both fell to the floor as the shock stopped.
"Why are you doing this?!" Meredith exclaimed, tears falling down her face as they looked up at Mayor Yvonne. "She's harmless!”
Yvonne looked darkly at them and said, “You all don’t know what it can do.”
"W-what do you mean?" Meredith asked in shock. "You're not doing what I think you're doing to Nimona."
Yvonne could only smile darkly. “Yep. It’s a living weapon.” Yvonne said, pointing at Nimona.
“She’s not a weapon!” Ballister shouted, anger building up inside of him.
"Yeah! And not a toy to use for military affairs!" Meredith said in anger as well.
Mayor Yvonne just ignored them as she walked over to the orb, looking at Nimona.
"Please don't do this." Meredith pleaded, worriedness in her eyes.
Yvonne didn’t listen as she smiled at the weak Nimona, who was still panting after being shocked.
"Why are you using her anyways?" Ambrosius asked, confused and wanting to know like the other officers.
“Maybe it’s because she’s afraid of losing her reputation." Meredith said, snappy.
Ynonne heard it loud and clear.
Everyone did.
The officers started to talk among themselves while Ambrosius was in shock.
Yvonne turned around, walked over to Meredith, and slapped her. The room went quiet when the mayor did that.
“Gloreth did whatever it took to keep the monsters out.” Yvonne growled loud and clear. “And so will I.”
Then there was a laugh, coming from the orb that held Nimona. Everyone looked very confused at the trapped shapeshifter.
“Oh! That’s rich!” Nimona laughed, wiping a laughing tear away.
“What do you mean?” Ambrosius asked, taking a step closer to Nimona.
Nimona sighed with a big smile before it faded as she looked at everyone. “Gloreth and the monster, her name was Niki, were kids and became friends when they first met. Like me and Gloria.” the shapeshifter explained darkly. “But, unlike Gloria and I, Gloreth stopped being friends with Niki and turned her back, or better terms, stabbed her in the back and started the war of the humans and shapeshifters.”
Everyone was surprised about this historical fact.
"Niki? What did she look like?" Ambrosius asked, taking another few steps forward.
“Like me, but with long hair.” Nimona said, pointing at her hair. “It makes sense since she’s my ancestor. Like you being the descendant of Gloreth and almost looking similar to her.”
Baliister and Meredith realize why the girl from the scroll looked exactly like Nimona, but different.
It all makes sense now.
Then Nimona got shocked again before she could say anymore. As Nimona panted heavily, Yvonne walked over and said, “That’s enough.”
"Why do you want her and her family or kind anyway?" Meredith asked, looking at the Mayor.
Yvonne looked at her and said, "It's to know and understand what these monsters are."
"But why use her when you hate shapeshifters?"
Yvonne glared. "It's to protect the city. Also, the shapeshifters don’t attack each other."
Then a scientist quickly came over to the mayor. "Ma'am." The scientist said, sounding serious. "You all should leave. We need to do testing subject 615."
Nimora tries to break free as they begin to leave but it doesn't work. Just then all the emotion and her bottle of anger started to grow more and more as she remembered hurtful words that were spoken to her.
'You are nothing but a lab rat'
'You're a monster.’
‘Go back to the streets, freak!'
'You freak!'
‘Don’t disobey us, test subject 615.’
The words got louder and faster that they overlapped in Nimona’s mind.
Nimona began clutching her hands as she began to shapeshift into a sometype of shadow and smoke. She was growing bigger and bigger as she shapeshifted, leading her to scream so loud that it cracked the orb.
The scientist looked at her and gasped in horror.
Meredith and Ballister were in the interrogation part of the room. Ballister gettinging beaten in the stomach again by Thaddeus while getting corner by officers
Ambrosius just walked in and saw this happening. “Hey! Stop it!” he shouted, pulling Thaddeus away. “You are supposed to ask questions!”
"Yeah, like he said!" Meredith said in agreement. "You are just abusing your power as an officer!"
“Says from a trader.” Thaddeus said, looking at Meredith before going to one of the chairs in the room.
"TRADER?!" Meredith screamed in anger standing up but was forced down into her seat by the other officers.
"You guys brought in a runaway monster." Thaddeus said, ignoring the screams.
“No, we didn’t.” Ballister said, looking at everyone.
Thaddeus scoffed but was confused when one officer walked to the table, holding a file.
“How did you two meet subject 615 and for how long?” the officer asked, pulling out and showing two photos of Nimona to Ballister and Meredith.
One photo was of a little girl Nimona and the other was a teen version, similar to the one they know but with a pixie cut and wearing a hospital gown.
Ballister and Meredith were shocked to see two photos of Nimona.
"What is this? Nimona?" Ballister asked, pointing at the two photos and looking at the officer. “We haven’t met her until about a month and a half ago when we were in hiding.”
Just then, the door opened and it was revealed to be Dr. Ocean Sealine. Everyone looked at him as he ran in.
“Sorry that I’m late!” Ocean exclaimed as he got in.
“It’s alright.” Ambrosius reassured him. “You said you had something to show us about this case.”
"Dr. Sealine?!" Ballister and Meredith exclaimed in shock, surprised to see them.
Ocean looked at them and waved before getting his backpack off and getting something out. “Yes, I do. And it’s this.” he said, about to pull out something from his bag.
It was the cube from earlier.
But before Ocean could explain what it was, there was a loud crash sound and screaming scientists ran out. "EVERYONE OUT!!! EVERYONE RUN!!!" a scientist screamed as they ran. "Alert the Institute!"
Ocean puts the cube back in their backpack as everyone quickly gets out of the room.
Everyone began running out and evacuating the building before half of it collapsed.
Meredith and Ballister were set free by Ambrosius. “Come on!” Ambrosius said, taking Ballister and Meredith.
“Hey, wait up!” Ocean shouted as he ran up to catch up with them.
They got to a safe spot near the woods to catch their breath.
“What’s going on?!” Meredith exclaimed, looking around to see what was happening. “Where’s Nimona?!” Ballister asked, looking around to see where Nimona was.
“Hey! I think that’s your friend!” Ocean shouted, pointing at something.
Ambrosius, Ballister, and Meredith looked at what Dr. Sealine was pointing at and then they gasped.
There was a big monster of shadows and smoke.
Ambrosius quickly got his walkie talkie out and got it on. "Calling all units! Calling all units! Get the mayor and alert the city NOW!" Ambrosius said into his walkie talkie before turning it off.
"What have we done?" Meredith and Ballister breathed in shock as they looked at their friend's state.
They realized what they've done and needed to fix this.
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xandriagreat · 8 months
Modern Nimona
Chapter 14: Comfort and Changing the Story
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Notice/warnings: death/ghost, crying
People in the city are just doing their business by either going home from work, getting food, enjoying the night or some protesters from different sides to fight who’s the real villain.
But everyone stopped what they were doing when they heard something at the near edge of the city and the woods within the wall.
It sounded like a low growl.
Then white flaming eyes appeared from the darkness and a huge paw of smoke and darkness entered the city.
Everyone screamed loudly and ran away as it entered.
Ambrosius arrived at the scene with a few officers and got his walkie talkie out. "We need barricades on Avenue A through F." He ordered. "And can we clear the streets? These people are in danger."
The officers in the area got the order and some went to get the barricades up while others got some people to safety.
The mayor begins looking at the city, hearing the dispatch from every officer in the city.
‘Now there’s the monster on the loose.’ Mayor Yvonne thought as she turned to her security.
"Sound the alarm!" she ordered them. "And get me to the wall"
They immediately pressed the emergency button that they fixed a week ago and the emergency alert came on as the shadows and smoke monster crawled more into the city.
Monster attack. Monster attack.
This is not a test.
Monster attack. Monster attack.
This is not a test.
Monster attack. Monster attack-
The screens came off when the monster swiped a screen off as if to say ‘SHUSH!’
Mayor Yvonne was surprised by this but she kept her guard up as she went to the wall with her security.
All of the citizens panic as they try to get away from the monster walking more into the city.
When the monster was walking more into the city, members of every officer, military, and every S.O.S available came to people’s aid.
“It’s go time, people!” a general shouted as everyone got in position.
Then all of the officers gasped when they saw the monster of shadows and smoke.
They stood their ground.
Sirens began the sound through every corner of the city that was attacked.
There were still some citizens in the area and some officers said to them and to their coworkers, "Everyone stay calm."
Ambrosius begins checking on every person when he notices a terrified old woman about to get hurt by some falling glass and metal.
"Look out!" Ambrosius shouted as he moved her out of the way.
The glass and metal hit the ground just seconds after Ambrosius got the old woman out of the way, shattering.
"You okay?" he asked her.
The old woman nodded, trying to calm down.
Ambrosius sighs softly before he hears a familiar rude voice shout out at him.
"Hey, Goldie!" Thaddeus shouted at Ambrosius. "Watch how a real officer gets it done.”
Some of the officers pointed their weapons at the monster when Thaddeus was on his work police motorcycle with the other officers, arriving at the scene.
“Alright, officers. Let’s shoot some bullets and break some hearts." He began getting his gun out. "I’m gonna be a freaking hero-!” Thaddeus said out loud to his group, which made everyone roll their eyes at him. But when he looked at the monster with everyone else, he didn’t know what came over him but it wasn’t his prideful self. And then came screams in terror, which got the monster’s attention and looked at the officers.
The monster saw the weapons pointing at them, growling at them as if to say ‘don’t think about it’.
This act made some of the officers run, including Thaddeus.
As Thaddeus tried to get away on his motorbike, his bike hit another bike, leading it to get out of control, heading to a wall and crashing into it.
The mayor was pacing and pacing of what to do then she remembered the cannons
"What is it, Madam Mayor?" One of the security guards spoke.
Yvonne looked at her security guards and ordered, “Prepare one of the cannons and aim it at the monster.”
They were shocked but did as they were told.
Meredith and Ballister were running and they saw the mess of the whole city's current state.
“We need to get to Nimona.” Meredith said, looking at Ballister.
But then they noticed a photo of the three of them out of Meredith's pocket fell to the ground. Ballister picked it up and both of them looked at it.
Then they began hearing a scream.
A very loud and high pitch scream that could almost shatter glass.
Meredith and Ballister were worried about Nimona, now knowing the truth of her family and her culture.
They begin hearing someone huffing and puffing, making them turn around to see Ocean running over to them.
"Sealine!" Meredith and Ballister exclaimed looking at him.
"There you are, I was looking for you after you left." Ocean said, panting when he got to them.
Ocean caught their breath as they put his backpack, which was open, on the ground.
The cube fell out of his backpack and Ballister picked it up. But then an idea pops into Meredith’s head as she looks at the cube.
“Bal! I think I know a way to talk with Nimona!" Meredith exclaimed.
"What is it?" Ballister asked, looking at her.
Meredith got the cube, looked at Ocean, and said, "Get to the security room and newsrooms and get the cube working."
Ocean was shocked but nodded and did as told
"Come on, Bal!" Meredith exclaimed. Ballister nodded and ran with Meredith to get to the same level of Nimona. “I’ll tell you on the way!”
They look at the monster coming towards the bridge.
'Please don't think what I think you're doing.' both Meredith and Ballister thought as they ran.
Nimona, in her monster of shadow and smoke form, stomped through the city, roaring in pain.
She looked at a wall screen that a commercial about a game was playing.
"I killed the monster!" the child on screen exclaimed happily.
"I killed three!" another child exclaimed happily too.
Nimona growled at that and swiped at the screen before she continue to stomp through town.
Ambrosius begins evacuating the citizens under the subway. "Come on!" he said, leading some people down in the subway.
“Let’s go!”
Some officers got to Ambrosius, where Ambrosius ordered, “Keep them moving. Get everyone underground.”
“Yes, sir.” a female officer and led the officers to help the people.
Ambrosius was about to follow but then he noticed Meredith and Ballister running to where the monster was going.
"Bal! Meredith!" Ambrosius shouted after them.
Then he gasped when he noticed one of the cannons being turned to the city.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” he mumbled under his breath as he got communication device out.
“Ma’am, someone is turning the cannon into the city!” Ambrosius exclaimed in worried into the communication device.
"Yes, I know. I gave the order." Ynonne said into her communication device, already at the wall and walking over to the cannon.
“But firing them will take out half the city!” Ambrosius argued. “Innocent people will die!”
“And so will the monster.” Yvonne said, showing no sign or sound of remorse for her people.
“But…” Ambrosius started but the communication device went off. “What are we doing?” he mumbled to himself as he put it away before running to the wall to stop the cannon.
As Nimona got closer and closer to Gloreth’s statue, people started to watch some recordings while some threw random objects at her.
Along with news helicopters captured the scene as Nimona got to the statue.
She looked at the statue of Gloreth and the blade that the general holds.
She began hearing the angry shouts going through her head again as she breathed heavily.
She nearly weeps in tears after all the years she has been through.
She has lost everything. Her family, her mother, her home, the girl she loved, and even the two people who saw her, loved her and trusted who she was and didn’t run away.
'I don’t know what’s scarier. The fact that everyone in this city wants to run a sword through my heart… or that sometimes… I just wanna let ’em.' Nimona thought as she began opening her heart.
She began to scream at the top of her lungs.
But then she began to feel something just as she was about to stab herself on the sword of Gloreth. It wasn’t the blade.
It was more of stopping her.
This shocked everyone.
Nimona looked at what was stopping her.
It was Ballister and Meredith, who arrived just in time to stop her from ending her own life…
Both of them had a hand over her heart and, with their might, stopped her to let the blade hurt her.
Ballister panted as he looked up at Nimona with Meredith on his side.
"I’m sorry… I’m sorry.” Ballister said, looking up to look at Nimona.
"Please… don't do this…" Meredith said, looking up too. "We understand where you're from now."
"We see you now, Nimona." Ballister and Meredith said "And you’re not alone."
Nimona began to calm down and shapeshifted from a white light back to her human teen self.
The two grownups took a step back as Nimona shapeshifted back.
Showcasing a lot of burns and dozens of scars she had over the years and her hair mixture of the purple and pink red colors. She had red, purple and even black on her skin with a lot of marks.
She started to cry as she tried to walk over to them but her body was tired that she almost fell to her knees.
Ballister quickly caught Nimona and held her close, comforting her.
Meredith began looking at the town's people, who were looking at them. She got a bluetooth microphone, that can connect with any speaker in the area, from her bag and turned it on.
"People of the city, please listen. We're all living a lie!" Meredith said, with the microphone. "Everything you know about the city’s history and legacy isn't true.”
Everyone begins listening to Meredith.
"Our city isn't build on glory, but from centuries of war, manipulation, and fear" Meredith continued "Ballister and I Once loved the institute but now that we see things clearly that this city and the institution is built by the blood and sweat of the people being forced based on generations of bloodlines from descendants of the original knights and ended up raging at the expense of other people, even taking children who came from original knights away from their parents since birth and raise them to be soldiers!"
The citizens were talking among themselves.
"You want more proof?" Meredith said, pointing at one of the screens to show everyone to all the screens of the city.
Then there was static on the screen for a moment, getting everyone’s attention. Ocean was revealed when the static stopped. “Hello everyone.” they said, waving before stepping to the side to show the cube on a table with some cables. “I have something that I've been working on. It’s the memory projector of the shapeshifter.”
Then he attached it to one of his cables and exposed some horrifying scenes of the past.
Everyone was completely shocked at the truth and when they got to the part of the shape shifters and Glorith that was downright terrifying, and Nimona's and Gloria's past.
Everyone started to watch in horror. Even the officers and guards on the wall saw them with Mayor Yvonne.
"It's time to rewrite our history and it's time to take our power back." Meredith said, throwing away her university ring to the ground, symbolizing breaking away from the past.
A lot of the students of the Institute got their rings. One by one, they all threw their university rings to the ground.
Mayor Yvonne noticed that everyone was distracted, even the monster.
The truth about everything about their secrets were revealed.
"Kill it." Yvonnoe ordered, not wanting to waste a second and have everything ruined. She didn’t hear the cannon being fired up or the officers and guards of the wall didn’t move from their spots. The mayor got mad and turned around to look at them, started to shout, "I said fire the cannon-!"
She was cut off when she saw Ambrosius and other officers.
Ambrosius had his fist up as if to say ‘wait’ to the officers and the guards. "No! It’s over." Ambrosius said, lowering his hand but still had it in a fist.
Yvonne looked at the director and officers in shock.
“It’s fooling you! Fooling all of you! Can’t you see this is what it wants?!” Yvonne exclaimed angrily, pointing at where the shapeshifter was. “For us to let our guard down! But I see what it really is, and so did Gloreth! Monsters like that are a threat to our very way of life!"
“And what if we’re wrong?" Ambrosius spoke out. "What if we’ve always been wrong and shouldn’t be afraid?"
The officers and guards nodded in agreement.
Yvonne looked at them and sighed.
"I'm sorry." the mayor said, taking something out of her pocket.
It was a ring.
Yvonne got the ring on and then pointed her hand to them, then some sort of beam of green light appeared.
It began to target the officers and guards of the wall and shoot all of them, including Ambrosius.
With everyone down, Yvonne went into the cannon and closed the door, not wanting anyone to stop her from what she’s doing.
Ambrosius tried to get up to stop her, even though he was badly hurt. “No! No!” he shouted as the door closed.
The mayor began activating the gun.
Ambrosius realized that there was no point in stopping her. He got a guard and looked at other guards and officers, who were helping the hurt others. “Let’s go!” he ordered them.
They all went to get out of the way.
Ambrosius looked at the cannon one last time before looking at the city, worried for everyone.
Some people started to run to get to safety. Nimona, Ballister, and Meredith looked at everyone running on the ground.
“That gun is gonna kill everyone.” Ballister breathed worriedly.
“We got to do something!” Meredith said, trying to think of what they could do.
Nimona looked at the grownups, everyone, and then at the cannon. She started to hear a familiar sound that she could hear.
“Hey, boss.” Nimona called out to Ballister, getting his attention along with Meredith’s.
“Be right back.” the shapeshifter said, pointing to the wall before hitting her fist into her hand. “I’m gonna go break some stuff.”
“Wait, Nimona. What are you…?” Ballister asked worriedly, thinking of what she could do next.
“It’s time to rewrite this story.” Nimona said, turning around to look at the cannon before jumping off of the sword.
“Nimona! Nimona!” Meredith and Ballister yelled in unison as Nimona jumped off the sword and shapeshifted.
Nimona turned into a shadowy beautiful red Phoenix flying across the city.
People watched in worry and in awe as she was heading towards the gun.
"Go back to the shadows from whence you cam-" Yvonne growled, pulling a lever to activate the cannon as Nimona flew to the cannon before it could go off.
Then it exploded, destroying that part of the wall, leaving it with a pile of smoke and some glowing sparkles everywhere.
Ballister and Meredith ran to the rubble of the broken wall.
“Nimona!” Both of them called out, looking for her.
“Nimona…” Balister said, realizing that Nimona was gone. He looks at the glowing sparkles caused from the red Phoenix.
“Come back!” Ballister begged, trying to catch one of the glowing sparkles as they faded. Then he just held his hand out as the final sparke slowly fell to his hand before fading. “Please come back…”
The spark completely faded out of his hands.
Ambrosius went to them to see both Meredith and Ballister crying.
Ballister looked at Ambrosius as he went to him. Then he leaned on him, crying, as Ambrosius held him.
Gloria came into the scene to check on everyone. “Is everyone ok?” she asked, walking over to the three.
After the entire smoke and dust came off they saw the wall finally being destroyed, a lot of the officers and other civilians now seeing the other side of the wall.
It was beautiful.
The sky was clear.
The moon was bright and the stream was there as before and the forest looked amazing.
Some people who were hiding in the woods over the years saw the citizens, mainly the ones who were hunting for some food. All of them have different colored hair and colored eyes. They were also wearing clothes that came from many centuries or even from different eras of history.
Everyone, from both sides, looked at each other that looked different from each other.
Then ghosts appeared in beautiful light pink auras in front of Ambrosius, Meredith, Ballister, and Gloria, which scared everyone for a moment.
They were Nimora's ancestors tracing all the way back to Glorth's time.
The first one of her ancestors who almost look like the grown up version of Nimona but with beautiful curly pink hair tied up in a low ponytail reaching to her calves and gorgeous reddish-pink eyes. She wore a gorgeous embroidered crimson red dress ripped revealing a pink underdress, also ripped, revealing scars of her legs, along with a little stab in her stomach.
It turned out to be…
“Niki?” Meredith breathed.
Niki began to smile, showing her grateful attitude.
“Thank you for breaking those chains.” Niki said as the other ancestors came forth and nodded to show their gratitude alongside Nimora's parents.
“Thank you for keeping our daughter safe after Gloria helped her.” Nimona's parents said to them before they turned to Gloria. "And Gloria, Thank you."
“For what?” Gloria asked, confused.
"For not giving up who you are and never forget what you did to protect Nimona."
Gloria begins with a smile.
The ancestors then turn to both Ballister and Meredith.
"And you two, Thank you for letting Nimona in your life and let her feel like home." Nimona's parents said to them.
"R-really?" Meredith said, wiping a tear.
The ancestors nodded.
Ballister wiped some tears away and calmed down.
The other civilians saw the ghost before the ghosts disappeared out of thin air and saw some more shapeshifters in the distance.
One of the shapeshift hunters went back to the village to warn them about the wall while the rest stayed.
Some of the kids that were with the hunters were completely shy and backed away with their respective parents/hunters.
Ambrosius noticed that he had his gun on him. So, very slowly, he got it out and placed it on the ground and pushed it away from him. “We’re not going to attack.” he reassured them.
He looked at the other officers and nodded to them to signal to lower their weapons. The officers did the same thing and put their weapons down.
Then two kids from the city suddenly ran out, amazed by the outside, that they bumped into a girl who was hugging her Father's leg.
"Hey, I like your hair." One kid said, pointing at the girl’s light pink hair.
“You do?” the girl asked, brushing some hair out of her face and losing the grip of her father’s leg.
The two kids nodded. “Want to be friends?”
“Let’s take one step at a time. But yes.” the girl said, letting go of her father’s leg and walking over to them.
All of the grownups, both from the city and the woods, saw this interaction and was amazed.
A bright shadowy figure was watching from the shadows before being called by her name and leaving, hoping for a better future for the city and the woods.
Tags: @vanessafangirl13
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xandriagreat · 11 months
Modern Nimona
Chapter 4: Realization
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Notice/warnings: food, eating, planing 
A couple of hours went by after redecorating the entire house
Meredith felt a bit tired from the decorating and collapsed on the couch, snoring. 
She woke up when she felt something on her back.
It was Ballister’s hand.
Meredith sat up, letting Ballister’s hand fall off her back.
She felt like she woke up from a fever dream as she rubbed her head. Meredith also noticed two cups of tea next to them on the coffee table. She picked up a cup and sipped it.
Ballister started getting back some consciousness when the grownups heard a noise from the kitchen. They saw Niroma making something in the kitchen while singing along with a song over headphones.
♪ “Can I get a witness, the status quo's so low. Everybody itching For a throne to throw and you could be the widget. To my turbo Better see your status when I go solo”♪
Nirmoa stopped and noticed the two adults awake by by. “Ah! You’re both awake!” she exclaimed happily as she walked over with food.
“Hey…” Ballister started as he sat up. “How long was I out?”
Nimona sighed as she leaned on the couch. “Oh, five years.” she answered and then the thunderstorm outside crashed and lightning flashed. 
“What?! Five years?” Ballister gasped, his eyes widened.
Meredith rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “No, you weren’t.” she reassured him.
"Don’t be so gullible. It was just a couple of hours." Then Nimora showed who brought a plate with some type of tacos. "Breakfast tacos?”
Ballister and Meredith got a breakfast taco while Nimona got her one.
Ballister felt that it was a dream when he remembered about the jailbreak. “Wait… Wait… Last thing I remember, we were in a supply closet. And now… How did I get here?" Ballister asked, looking at his friend and teen as he ate.
"We dragged you for, like, seven miles." Nimona said, before taking another bite of her food. "What happened?" Ballister asked again, wanting to know. "Your head bounced on the sidewalk a few times." Meredith said, with a sharp memory. “Until I help Nimona carry you.” Then she got up and went to her lab.
"It’s all so foggy." Ballister said, rubbing his forehead. 
"Really?" Nimora said, sitting down next to him. "You thanked me, said you’d forever be in my debt, and that we’d always be best friends." She then began pulling out the photo that she took while he was out with Meredith in it. "Totally happened."
"Uh…" Ballister started as he looked at them and then looked around in shock to see that everything in the house had changed. “What happened?”
Nimona smiled at him like she knew the answer. “Hey, we spruced up the place.”
“I’m sorry… ‘We’?” Ballister asked to see if he heard her right.
“Meredith and I." Nimona said, pointing at herself and where Meredith went. “Though, I did most of the work when she fell asleep on you.”
“Wait- what?” Ballister started but was interrupted by a scream from Meredith.
Ballister got up and ran to where Meredith was. “Meredith?! You ok?” he asked when he got to her. All that his friend could was point at the suspect wall. Ballister looked at the suspect wall and screamed too.
The suspect wall had a red light over head, drawings of torment, and all of the photos of the suspects were out of place.
“You two like it?” Nimona asked as she walked over with a smile. 
The grownup looked down at Nimona, the look of anger on their faces. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE WALL?!” Meredith yelled pointing at the suspect wall. "IT TOOK US YEARS TO GET IT DONE!"
“I updated it.” the teen said, pointing at the wall with pride. "Plus, I drew up plans for revenge, torment, and good old general malfeasance. Even for the punchable face guy." She points at a photo of Thaddeus.
Ballister hummed and nodded in approval.
“Um… Bal?” Meredith said, getting his attention. 
“What’s up?” Ballister asked, looking at Meredith, who was looking at photos on a desk. Meredith points at the photos, making Ballister look at the photos.
The photos were more of Ballister and Meredith out cold with Nimona taking the photos but not in human form. Instead in the animal forms that helped them escape the Institute.
Two grown-ups look surprised at the drawings of different animals, connecting the pieces together about everything. "Rhinoceros." Ballister said, realized that the dream wasn’t a dream.
Then he and Meredith looked at Nimona and the photos that she took while they were asleep.
It all makes sense now.
"You’re…Y-you’re.." Meredith said as she and Bal started backing up when looking at Nimona.
"I’m what? Marsupial? Mariachi? Meatball?" Nimora asked, walking over to them with a glare.
"You’re a monster." Ballister said finally, glaring down.
"Do not call me that!" Nimona shouted at them as thunder crashed outside.
"No! No, no, no! Of course not!" Meredith said, trying to get everything under control. “You’re obviously not a massive fire-breather, you know… But you do do the shifty-shift-shifting-shape thing. And you’re a girl who can turn into… What are you?”
“I’m Nimona.” Nimona said, presenting herself while she still held her taco.
“No, that’s not an answer.” Ballister said, shaking his head as he walked over to her. “People don’t just turn into things.”
“I do.” Nimona said as she walked around the room a bit, eating her taco. 
“Okay. Fine. Then we have a million questions.” Meredith said firmly. Nimona stopped in front of them, pointing a finger at them, and said, “You get one.”
Ballister and Meredith looked at each other before looking back at Nimona. 
“Why are you helping me?” Ballister asked, walking over to Nimona.
Nimona looked at him as she finished her taco. “Because I’m bored. And everybody hates you too.” she replied, her arms crossed.
Ballister looked at her sadly. 
Meredith looked at both of them before looking back at the wall, thinking who it could be. 
“Wait…” Meredith started as she pointed at a photo and then looked at Ballister. “Didn’t you say that you got your ring fixed before the ceremony?”
Ballister looked at Meredith then at the photo.
There was a picture of a young man named Diego, a man with light brown skin, brown eyes, and blonde hair styled in a short mohawk with the rest of the class of 2012 at the eco-friendly jewelry content, where Meredith worked part-time Monday through Thursday throughout her Junior and senior years of high school and half of college before graduation.
Ballister thought way back to see what she meant. His eyes widened as he remembered. “Yes… Yes!” he exclaimed as he walked closer to the wall, pointing at the photo. “I gave him my University ring to fix it because the top gem got cracked and I wanted to wear it for the ceremony.”
"Then the jeweler has to know something." Meredith said, crossing her arms.
Ballister nodded and exclaimed, “Of course, he's the one that gave me the fixed ring, the ring that-" But then he stopped mid-sentence as he looked at the pictures first the ring and then the photo of Mayor Boldheart. "That killed… my mom…"
“You need the Jeweler?” Nimora asked, walking over to them with a smile. 
The grownups nodded.
“Then let’s go kill- Get him. Let’s go get him.” Nimona said, quickly changing her tone when the grownup looked down at her. “You and me.” She offered her hand to Ballister, to shake it.
"And what will you do in return for helping him clear his name?" Meredith asked 
"I'll be his sidekick!" Nimona exclaimed with a smile. "No take backs!" She still had her hand out, ready to shake.
Ballister looked at it before he reached to shake it then stopped when Nimona shapeshifted to a shark. 
“Could you not, please?” Ballister asked flatly, not wanting to play. 
“I don’t follow.” Nimona said with a cheeky smile.
“Just be the girl version of you.” Ballister said flatly, pointing at Nimona.
Nimona tilts her head to the side. “But I’m not a girl.” she started, shaking her head before smiling. “I’m a shark!” Then she snapped her shark teeth at him.
Ballister sighed and then shook her fin.
Meredith smiled softly at them, chuckling softly. "Well, I'm joining too." Meredith said. "I'm not leaving you two again."
Then Meredith’s phone rang.
The three looked at it as she picked it up and sighed. “It’s work…” she said, looking at the two. “They probably want me to come over to substitute a class.”
“It’s alright.” Ballister reassured her, then pointing at himself and Nimona. “We can take the subway and talk with him while you go to work.”
Nimona nodded excitedly.
“Alright.” Meredith sighed, looking at them and then pointing a finger at them. “Don’t get caught and no mayhem. Got it?”
Ballister and Nimona nodded. “Got it.”
Meredith smiled before quickly going to the other room and began picking up the call. "Hey, what's up, Ms. Blitzmeyer?" Meredith asked, putting the phone near her ear as she got her bag ready.
"Did you see the news?" Ms. Blitzmeyer asked on the phone.
"Umm, yea." Meredith said, hoping they didn't find out about the whole criminal thing.
Her heart raced as one of the headmasters on the phone said, "This new girl, she does look familiar. Where have I seen her before?" 
“Um… remind me, which news, please?” Meredith asked with a shaky breath.
"The pink hairy girl, She looks like the lab rat that escaped years ago." the headmaster on the phone said. 
That caught Meredith off guard. “What?” Meredith asked as her heart calmed down.
"I couldn't quite click my tongue out." The handmaster said. “But when I was a student, there was a project that the scientists did at the Institute. I don’t remember what it was but I do remember that it was a strange name.”
Meredith hummed but didn’t know why one of the headmasters was telling her this. “Ok, but why are you telling me this?” she asked, wanting to know the answer.
"Look, The school might be on lockdown because I think the monster might come back." the headmaster on the phone said "We might need to reschedule the classes just in case."
After the call finished, she went back to see the teen and her friend chatting as they went out.
‘Maybe I should follow them.’ she thought as she got her invisible coat.
 A lot of officers were checking at Institution they have seen all the damage that has been done from yesterday 
"Oh man! Look at this place!" exclaimed Rudy, a man with black skin, black eyes, and full beard shadow wearing a detective uniform "A thousand years of history destroyed." Said his twin sister, Ruby, a woman black skin, blown eyes, and a brown bob cut, also wearing a detective uniform
"Huh. Hey, Mansley!" Todd shouted to an officer named Mansley.
"What?" Mansley asked, looking at him.
"Your uncle’s head fell on my grandpa’s butt!" Todd exclaimed, pointing at the broken statues.
Everyone, except for Ambrosius, started to laugh at that.
"That’s hilarious." Mansley said.
"Nice." another officer said.
"Oh, so sad, though." an officer said, looking at the ruined hall.
"Well, if Goldenloin hadn’t been distracted…" Thaddeus said, pointing at Ambrosius.
Everyone began looking at Ambrosius as the new director tried to explain, "I never liked…"
Then he went quiet with all officers when the mayor came into the scene with her bodyguards 
"Let me get this straight.” the mayor started,  sounding upset. "The murderer of mayor Boldheart escaped with the help of a girl, an ostrich, and a whale?"
"It destroyed our showers!" One of the other officers exclaimed, pointing up at the higher levels.
"This is his fault!" Todd said, pointing at Ambrosius.
"Tell him, Todd." an officer said.
“Me?!” Ambitious exclaimed angrily, pointing at himself as he looked at everyone.
"Why didn’t you tell us Ballister was working with whales?" Thaddeus asked, walking over to him.
“Whales? Really? I haven’t seen him until today!" Ambrosius explained angrily.
“Oh, what? Whale? Really? Yeah. You knew him better than anyone, bro.” Thaddeus said, his arms crossed.
"I tried to stop him, bro." Ambrosius explained, glaring at him.
“Really? Like this? ‘Oh, hi, Ballister. Come right in. And of course you can bring your whale, ostrich, and big fat unicorn’.” Thaddeus said, mocking Ambrosius.
"Fat unicorn?" Ambrosius asked flatly.
"Yeah, you saw it. One with the horn that broke everything." Thaddeus said, looking at everyone, before looking back at him.
"You mean rhinoceros?" Ambrosius corrected.
"Enough!" the mayor shouted, making both of them quiet as officers looked back at the mayor.
"There is a villain on the loose in our city." The mayor said calmly as she look at everyone. "Look at you, acting like common children. Remember your training. Remember who you are. We are born to protect this city."
Everyone bowed their heads.
"I was born." Thaddeus said, bowing his head before raising it up again.
"Let me take the lead, Mayor.” Thaddeus said, being narcissistic as always. “There’s only two things I want right now. A, to have really big weapons.” he shows his gun. “Check. And three, to treat Ballister like the mayor-killing monster he is. I’ll hunt him down.”
“Yeah!” the other officers around shouted.
“I’ll make him hurt." Thaddeus started, being on a roll. "I’ll make-”
“I’ll do it.” Ambitious said, stepping up and raising his hand.
This shocked everyone and started to ask why.
“If anyone can find Bal… find Ballister before someone else gets hurt… it’s me.” Ambrosius said, knowing despite being the new director, he wanted to be an officer.
“This is the greatest threat we’ve faced in generations. Thankfully, we have a descendant of Gloreth to lead us.” the director said, smiling at Ambrosius.
“What?!” Thaddeus screeched but both the mayor and director just ignored him.
“Officers, search every street, every shadow. Find Ballister, and bring him to me.” Ambitious orders the other officers to find Ballister.
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xandriagreat · 11 months
Modern Nimona
Chapter 5: The Train and The Jeweler
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Author's note: Everyone brace yourself for It's going to be a long chapter! Also my co-writer and I decided to post the chapter once in the week.
Notice/warnings: disguise, weapons, news, knocking out, kidnapping, wounds
Nirmoa and Ballister were checking each other before they went to the subway.
Ballister had his black jacket on with the hood up, so that no one recognized him and screamed in panic.
Nimora started to shapeshift again into a cat and ponce on a mouse, scaring Ballister in the process.
“Would you stop that?!” Ballister asked angrily.
Nimona looked at him with a deadpan look. “Counterpoint. Your plan sucks and it’s boring!” Nimona replied, letting go of the mouse. “Where are we going?”
"The market," Ballister answered, glaring at her, "Meredith always saw him when she needed to get some food."
But then they saw the news and it was the mayor speaking up.
"Fellow citizens," the mayor started, “In light of yesterday’s horrific attack on the Institute, we are taking every precaution to keep you safe.”
People had mixed feelings on their looks about this testing.
“Please do not be alarmed. This is only a test. Go about your normal lives and rest assured that the Institute has this situation well in hand.” the mayor added with a soft smile. "Good day and may Gloreth guide you always."
"Do not be alarmed." One of the military generals said to the people. "Please remain calm. This is only a test."
"Oh! A “don’t-be-alarmed” alarm." Nimora said sarcastically, her arms crossed.
Nimona and Ballister jumped when they heard a voice say, "That's effective."
They looked and revealed to be Meredith wearing her invisible coat.
Ballister and Nimona jumped when they heard her. “Meredith?” they whispered, looking in the direction that she was.
"I was looking for you guys." Meredith said, looking at them. "Plus the news is garbage."
Nimona nodded. “Yeah. It’s also a joke.”
Both of them laughed while Ballister rolled his eyes. "Don’t you guys get it?" Ballister growled at them. "The second we let our guard down, something terrible comes over that wall."
"Have either of you ever even been outside the wall?" Nimona asked, looking at both grownups.
“Yeah, ’cause I have a death wish.” Ballister said sarcastically then he hissed. “No! No one has!”
"So, maybe there’s nothing there?" Nimona said, looking at the grownups with a smile. Then she revealed two wings on her back.
Meredith was amazed while Ballister was so done.
"You know what? We need to go underground, now.” Ballister said, looking at both of them. “Without the wings."
“You’ll want ‘em later.” Nimona grumbled as she shifted to hide the wings.
They begin walking through the underground subway as Nimora got bored and unplugged the game the kid was playing, making the kid cry as they headed to the underground subway station
The subway was quite busy when the three got there but a lot of people were doing their business while some were trying to get money.
Nimona just walked with him like it was normal. “Hey look, we’re famous!” Nimona exclaimed, pointing at something. Ballister looked at what she was pointing at.
It was the news.
The news began popping up about the two, and new wanted signs all over the news.
“Oh, you gotta be kidding me…” Ballister growled at that. “Don’t Bal, it’ll be over soon and you’ll be a hero again.” Meredith whispered to him.
They began taking the down escalator and looked around to see if there were any police officers around. There was one at the bottom who was checking for any faces under the hood and two at the top, who were talking about an otter, trapping them.
"Great! We got to figure out a way to distract them" Meredith said, sarcastically.
“Leave that to me!” Nimona said with a big smile. "Who has four thumbs and is great at distractions" Then Nimona shapeshifts her thumbs into two more and points at herself.
"Nononono…Don't eve-” Ballister and Meredith said together, but calm down. "But at least try something inconspicuous and discreet, like…" Ballister said before Niroma vanished out of their sight. “Aaand she's gone." Ballister and Meredith said in unison, looking at each other.
Then they began to hear a scream at the bottom of the escalator.
"Mayor killer!" someone screamed, pointing at someone before running up the other escalator.
Meredith and Ballister began to take a peek to see what was going on with the officer at the bottom of the escalator.
It turned out to be Nimora who had shape-shifted into Ballister. The only thing that would definitely be a dead giveaway is the streak of her hair.
“Ah! Yes! It is I, Ballister Blackheart!” Nimona exclaimed in Ballister form, scaring the jazz musician and then scaring the woman as well
As everyone began to ran they were distracted looking at Nimona.
“I hate everyone and everything!” Nimora said, ripping one of the stuffed animals.
‘Oh dear.’ Meredith thought as she sighed, doing a facepalm. 'Out of ALL people, she had to shapeshift into you, you had to pick Bal.'
Ballister was thinking the same thing.
“But not as much as I hate myself…” Nimona in Ballister form said, sounding sad. “Could someone give me a hug?”
Meredith tried not to laugh a bit knowing that it is kind of funny but stopped when Ballister noticed her snorting.
"Baah! I hate smiles!" Nimora said, just as the other officers tried to catch him.
"Got him." One of the officers said, almost grabbing Nimona but Nimona jumped out of the way with Ballister and Meredith slowly began hiding behind one of the pillars near the escalator.
"I hate cupcakes and I think babies are ugly!" Nimona yelled as she dodged the officers more.
"Hoo hoo!" Nirmoa begins picking up the trash can and throwing it everywhere "Look at this! I’m loitering, and I’m littering!"
Then she picked up the saxophone that someone dropped earlier.
"I hope you all like freestyle jazz!" she said as she began playing random notes and began tricking every officer as she ran up the escalator.
"Get him!" One of the officers yelled, chasing after her. All of the officers ran after Nimona.
Meredith was pretty surprised that Nimora is pretty good at freestyle jazz. She did like that during her high school years. Ballister groaned as he covered his ear, hating freestyle jazz.
"Hurry up!" One of the officers shouted trying getting up the escalator
"Stop pushing me! I’m trying!" One officer shouted back at the officer.
"I’m not pushing! I’m encouraging you forward!" the other exclaimed.
"Well, do it without hitting!" the other exclaimed back.
By that time the officers were gone, the train arrived and the subway was already a mess.
Nimona slid down the escalator in a red pink rat form. When she got to the bottom, she grabbed a piece of pizza in her mouth, dragging it.
They heard the door chime and the doors opened up.
"Our chariot awaits," Niroma said as she dragged the pizza to the train cart.
"Let's just go, Bal and Nim." Meredith said, adjusting her hood. "Before any more trouble is done."
"And what was that?” Ballister asked before getting on the train. “You never said you could turn into me."
“Oh… I can turn into you and other people too.” Nimona said, getting on the train.
"Well, for the record, that is nothing like me." Ballister said.
They stepped onto the train.
"You’re right. You’re never that much fun."
"Your kind of right, Nimora" Meredith smirked at Ballister while he growled.
The train then begins to move leaving their way to the marketplace, not noticing the security camera of the platform.
At the security place they were looking everywhere in the city for any form of trouble.
One of them working began to notice something from the train station.
"We found him. We found him!" the worker exclaimed.
The new director came in with most of the officers and the mayor, looking at the cameras screens.
“It looks like him.” Thaddeus said, sounding convinced. "All right, let’s go. Let’s get this gutter punk."
Ambrosius felt that something was off. “Wait.” he ordered, putting a hand up. “Let’s continue watching.”
Everyone looked at the screen.
"Something doesn’t feel right." Ambrosius said to himself as he looked at the screen while it continued. "He hates freestyle jazz."
"You’re letting him get away." Thaddeus said, his arms crossed.
“Keep playing.” Ambrosius ordered, still looking at the screen.
Then a hooded figure appeared, along with another hooded figure. One of the hooded figures showed part of Ballister’s face while the other stayed hidden. It was some sort of invisibility coat that showed the outline body of the person.
Then a red pink rat appeared, dragging a piece of pizza in its mouth as they got on the train.
"That's him," Ambrosius said, pointing at the screen of the three, “and it looks like he has company.”
The new director looked at one of the workers and asked, “What’s the next stop?”
“It goes to the market.” the worker said. “It’ll arrive there in six minutes.”
“That’s where we’ll meet them.” Ambrosius said as he looked at the other officers. “And now we go.” he said to Thaddeus, a bit of rubbing it in his face as the officers went out of the room.
The mayor looked at the invisibility coat on the female figure and the red pink rat, as if they knew each other before.
On the train Meredith and Ballister begin looking at Nimora, who is now in gorilla form, and eating pizza.
Meredith found the kid fascinating while Ballister was uncomfortable.
��You guys have been staring at me,” said Nimora, sounding uncomfortable, "does anyone want pizza?" She waved the pizza in their faces before eating more of it.
"I didn't know you can shape shift to people." Meredith said in amazement. "And you ate the pizza that was on the ground in your mouth. You could cause bad germs in bacteria to another person and could get them sick."
"And can you please just be normal for a second?" Ballister asked, scratching the back of his neck.
"Ballister!!" Meredith said, smacking his head a bit, be more of a person to straighten someone out when someone didn't say something nice.
Ballister whined a bit at that as he rubbed where she slapped him. "Ow."
Nimona rolled her eyes as she asked, “What do you mean 'normal’?”
"Well, being a teenage girl." Ballister said, chuckling nervously, hoping that Nimona won’t attack him.
Meredith raises a brow at him as Nimona asks, “You want me to be just a girl?” 
Then Nimona laughed sarcastically like it was a joke.
"What he means is not everyone is as accepting as us." Meredith said, explaining in a more simple tone but not an offensive one. "Thank you, Meredith." Ballister said, still rubbing his slapped head. 
Nimora noticed Meredith's words, and then she sat up a bit from slouching. "I haven’t heard that in a while." Nimona said, her voice softly.
"What do you mean you haven't heard of it for a while?" Meredith said, trying her best to tell what was going on. "You know you can tell us anything that has been bothering you, Nimona."  
“So, how did you get your shapeshifting from?” Ballister asked, wanting to understand.
Nimona sighed as she looked out the window, watching at the tiel pattern of the subway.
"What's wrong?" Meredith asked, getting worried about Nimona. "You want to talk about it."
Nimona can already imagine the tiles of the wall moving around like in a movie theater. “I wasn’t always like this… ”
Nimona already imagined herself as a little girl running and hopping on the tiles of the wall. 
“I was just a kid. Cute, little, innocent me. I was playing in the woods, following the birds flying and the fish swimming and the deer bounding.” Nimona explained, watching the tiles. "They all looked so happy together, but I… I was alone, with my mother trying her best to keep her family afloat after father passed away. And when I was rummaging in the woods, that’s when I heard it…”
Nimona could remember hearing a woman's voice begin to sing in a soft, beautiful way. Vocalizing leading to a well, a big one with beautiful colorful stones all over. 
"…a song, calling me, leading me to a wishing well."
"Really, a well?" Meredith said, very interested. "That seems interesting."
"But how did you know it wasn’t just a regular well?" Ballister asked.
"Bal, let her continue the story." Meredith said, talking some sense into him. She then turned to Nimona. "Go on, we're listening."
Nimona looked down at the grownups with a deadpan look. “I just knew.”
"Knew what?" Meredith asked, getting invested by the story.
“That the well was magic.”
"And…" Meredith said, try to encourage Nimora to continue the story.
“As I went to it, a coin appeared in my hand and I made a wish.” 
"What is it?" Meredith asked at the edge of her seat
“To be trapped with a wanted guard and his scientist friend with small minded questions.” Nimona said sarcastically, smiling.
"Really?" Meredith asked, feeling a bit down but sarcastic. "That's all?"
“No. But I’m not telling you.” Nimona answered as she shapeshifted back to a teen girl.
"All right, fine if you're not ready to talk, We understand." Meredith said, nodding in understandment.
“Do you still have the pizza?” Ballister asked.
"I'll pass on the pizza" Meredith said in disgust.
Nimona handed the crust of pizza to Ballister. Then a second later, Ballister tossed it at Nimona’s face, making the both of them laugh.
Then they heard the subway chime as the train was heading to a stop. "Now arriving at Market Station." The driver said over the speaker.
"Finally, we're here." Meredith said, just as they looked out the window, they saw a bunch of police officers already there. 
“And it looks like your friends are here too.” Nimona said, pointing at the officers.
"Yikes!" both grownups exclaimed as they begin hiding under the window.
"Everyone, don't make a sound." Meredith instructed as she got her hood up.
 "Did you think they saw us?" Baluster asked Nirmoa. Nimona took a quick peek as a lot of lasers started pointing at the window before going back down. "Yes." Nirmoa said as they saw a bomb smashing through the window.
"Run!" Meredith said as they began to run out of here as the officers began following them
 "Go,go,go!" On the officers said as the three begin to run
Ambrosius entered the cart along with the officers.
Everyone was surprised to see it was empty besides them. 
“What?” Ambrosius asked himself as he looked around.
“Director.” one officer called out to Ambrosius, pointing at the ceiling. Ambrosius walked over to see what the officer was pointing at. 
There was a big hole in the ceiling of the cart. 
"Tiny whale." one officer said while the others exclaimed, "Whoa!"
Luckily the market is quite busy so they're easily lost the cops.
Meredith, Ballister and Nimona Began running to the alleyway getting away from the police.
"That was a close one." Meredith said, catching her breath. “Agreed.” Ballister panted as he caught his breath
"What in the name of Gloreth?!" Ballister exclaimed, holding his chest. "Did Goldenloin see you do the thing?"
"Seriously? That guy cut off your arm, and you’re worried about being seen with me." Nimona exclaimed angrily at Ballister.
"I told you, it’s…" Ballister started but was cut off by Nimona exclaiming, "Complicated! I know!"
"Look! Jeweler!" Meredith said, pointing at Diago, who was out shopping. Nimona and Ballister looked at where Meredith was pointing to see Diago by stand.
"Hi. Hi. Uh, excuse me." Diago said, trying to get the owner's attention.
"Okay. We’ve gotta get him out of here quietly." Meredith said to the others.
“On it.” Nimora said shapeshift back to her teen girl.
“Wait, not like that. Not like that, either.” Ballister said, stopping her.
“You want me to shift. You don’t want me to shift. Pick a lane!” Nimona exclaimed in anger as she shapeshifted into a little boy with black hair wearing blue overalls over a green t-shirt, white socks, and red race car sneakers.
“And now you’re a boy…” Ballister said flatly, pointing at Nimona.
“I am today.” Nimona said with a dark giggle as she moonwalked out of the alley.
"Wait, no!" Ballister said before being pulled back by Meredith. "Lay low, Bal." Meredith said, looking at the wanted signs everywhere.
Ballister nodded and put his hood up.
Meredith did the same.
"Now, we need to hurry before mayhem happens." she said as they left the alley.
Meredith and Ballister were about to follow Nimona but stopped by a big futuristic car.
Then they heard voices in the distance.
Meanwhile the other officers try to find them when Ambrosius gets caught by a bunch of his loyal fans.
Ballister and Meredith got into the car to hide.
“Don’t move!” a woman outside of the car said, making Ballister gasp, so did Meredith. It turned out to be a car saleswoman with a name tag, having the name ‘Coriander Cadaverish’. “Cause if you do then you’ll miss this big deal!”
Meredith sighed in relief while Ballister sighed in in anyonce.
Nimora found Diego, who looked at an ad on a TV screen about Dragon Krisps, and began playing innocent and acting in a cute little boy's voice.
"Excuse me, Mr. Jewel, sir.” Nimona said in the cute little boy voice, getting Diego’s attention. “I can’t find my mommy. She went to that scary alley over there." Then she pointed at a spooky alleyway before looking back at him. "Can you help me find her?" Nimora begins putting on that puppy eye face. "Please?"
"Oh, no." Diego says sarcastically, then begins to look around. "Let me go ahead and pass this on to someone else."
Nimona dropped the cute little boy act and went into a pretty deomatic voice while in the little boy form, "There’s no time!"
Diego began to scream and began to run away, dropping his groceries.
While that was happening, Ballister and Meredith were trying to keep guard while listening to the saleswoman
"This baby’s fully loaded.” the sales lady explained with a smile. “State-of-the-art sound system."
As rock music begins to play, Meredith begins trying to stop the music before anyone heard it while Ballister tries to keep in guard.
“There. Can we just part the waters?” Ambrosius asked, trying to get through the crowd. "Thank you. Thank you. Move aside."
Diego was running through the market, trying to get help. “Please help me! Help me, please! A little demon baby is after me! Please help me!” he tried to explain.
Nimona growled at him when she caught up to him, causing Diego to scream. People began to scream in terror too.
“Check this out! With our 360-degree dashcams, you’ll always see what’s coming,” The saleswoman explained, pressing the screen, showing the officers walking toward the car. “and our news feature will keep you up to date with the city's latest trends and headlines.”
The headlines that showed on screen were the wanted posters of Nimona and Ballister. The saleswoman began to recognize the face as she looked at Ballister.
"Uh, you look a lot like…" The saleswoman started, fear in her voice.
“I’m innocent!” Ballister yelled as started the car and drove.
"Help!" The saleswoman screamed as Ballister drove.
The officers began to notice the car drive off.
"No!" Diego screamed while being dragged by Nimona.
People begin to be shocked and scream as Diego finds something to hit the boy with, one of the last things was pizza with pineapple on it.
“Pineapple on pizza?! Bleeh!” Nimora said, in disgust.
"There!" One of the officers said, pointing at her.
"Excuse me. I need to get through. Move!" Ambous said, trying to shove other people to get to Nimona
"Uh-oh." Nimora said, realizing she was taking Diego shoes.
Diego begins laughing in joy knowing he's going to get out of here until a car hits him, making him crash into a stand and knocking out.
Then the doors opened to reveal Ballister and Meredith in it.
"Aw. Why did you get to kill him?" Nimora complained, kicking the jeweler's foot.
"He’s not dead." Ballister said, picking Diego and putting him in the trunk. Nimona helped him.
"Hopefully." Meredith said under adjusting her hood to be invisible.
"Is that Ballister?" One of the customers said, pointing at Ballister.
"It’s the mayor killer!" another customer screamed, pointing at him. "He’s working with the demon baby!"
"I thought he ate babies!" Another screamed.
"Uh oh, Let's get out of here." Meredith said as she got back into the car and rummaged through her bag.
Ballister couldn’t agree more as he went into the car as bullets flew by.
"Ballister! Stop! Halt" Ambrosius shouted as he and the other officers ran, their guns out.
"Yeah!" Said the child cheering and excited.
"Get in!" Meredith and Ballister said in union to Nimona.
“Bal!” Ambrosius called out.
“Shoot him in the face!” one of the other officers.
“What are you doing?” the sales lady screamed in fear as her door opened.
“We’ll take it.” Nimona said to the sales lady as she got in.
The sales lady was pushed out of the car and Meredith threw a few pink smoke bombs immediately sending electrical shocks to officers nearby.
"Drive, DRIVE!" Meredith said to Ballister to start the car and drove off.
“Dang it!” some officers growled.
People screamed in a panic all around the market.
The whole ride was silent with Meredith taking a deep breath in the backseat, knowing it was a close call while Ballister was angry as he drove. 
"I hate to say it, but you make a pretty good bad guy." Nimora said, trying to lighten up the mood while still in child form.
Ballister slowly turned his head to look at Nimona, glaring down at her.
"Please, Let's just go somewhere when we won't be seen or cause any more trouble again." Meredith said, rubbing her forehead "We already caused more than enough mayhem for one day."
Ballister sighed as he looked back at the road, knowing a good spot where they wouldn't be seen.
They went to a hidden sketchy highway.
Nimora shapeshifted back to her normal self as the three got out of the car when it was parked.
"We’re gonna shake this dude down in this sketchy part of town.”
“We’re just going to talk to him-” Ballister started but stopped when he looked at Nimona’s leg. "Y-your leg!" Meredith said in horror, looking at Nimona's leg, which was strung by a bullet.
“What?” Nimona asked, looking at her wounded leg.
"There's a bullet in your leg!" the two grownups exclaimed in horror.
Nimona shrugged like it was nothing. “It’s just like a splinter.”
"I'll get the first aid kit!" Meredith said, looking through her bag and began instructing Ballister, "Bal, get Nimona to sit down."
Ballister nodded and got her to sit down. “We’re going to take a seat and take a look.”
"No, it’s fine." Nimona reassured as she sat down. "It's totally-"
"Look at you! You’re not fine!" Meredith said, getting the first aid kit from her bag and looking back at her leg, which was now bleeding. "You're bleeding!" 
"Now sit and relax." She began getting the tweezers out and went to get the bullet.
Ballister held Nimora's leg still. "Stay still." Ballister said to Nimona.  "It'll hurt for a moment. We're going to do this on the count of three. Ok?"
Nimona nodded.
"One…" Meredith started as she got the bullet.
"Two…" Ballister added, holding Nimona’s hand while holding her leg.
"Three!" Ballister and Meredith said in unison as she took the bullet out of Nirmoa's leg.
The grownup expected Nimona to scream in pain. But Nimona didn't even scream instead she said ouch a little as it was a little pain.
The grownups looked at each other then back at the teen. “Most people scream at this part.” Ballister said, looking at Nimona and the bullet.
"I’m not people." Nimona said, reminding the grownups.
"Right." Meredith said, as she began using rubbing alcohol just to get rid of any bacteria on Niroma's leg. "Um… does it hurt at all?"
“It does.” Nimona said, nodding as she rubbed her leg a bit. “But I’ve been through worse.”
Ballister had a thought come to his mind and wanted to ask it. "What does it feel like?" Ballister asked, looking at Nimona.
“Pretty stabby in my leg region.” Nimona said, waving her hand above her leg.
"No. No. The shape shifting." Ballister and Meredith said, feeling sorry for the girl.
Nimona went quiet for a moment as she looked at the two.
"Sorry. Small-minded question." Meredith said apologetically. "Now hold still." She said as she begin getting the bandages and wrapping around Niroma's leg
“Honestly? I feel worse when I don’t do it. Like my insides are itchy.” Nimona said, moving her fingers in the air like to tickle it. "You know that second right before you sneeze? That’s close to it."
"When you shapeshift, you're free?" Meredith asked as she finished wrapping the leg.
Nimona nodded with a soft smile.
"And what if you held it in?" Ballister asked.
“I die.”
“What?!” the grown-ups said in union 
"Don’t be so gullible. I wouldn’t die-die." Nimona said, reassuring them. “I just sure wouldn’t be living.”
Then they begin pounding coming from the trunk of the car
"So nice to hear you guys bonding." Diago said muffed from the trunk. "Ah, it’s such a shame I have to go. So… Let me go!"
“Oh yeah, the punk in the trunk. Let’s go dunk on the punk in the trunk." Nimona said, getting up and cracking her knuckles.
"Agree." Meredith said, following them with a smile.
They opened the truck and Diego screeched for a moment when he saw them.
"Start talking." Ballister and Meredith said, both of their arms crossed as they looked down at him.
"We want blood." Nimona said with a sinister smile.
"Blood?" Diego asked worriedly.
"Your blood!" Nimona shouted at him, still smiling that smile.
"We don’t want blood." Meredith said, shaking her head.
"Buckets of blood!" Nimona added.
"No! What I want is answers, so start talking." Ballister explained, wanting to hear Diego explain. 
"Or we start stabbing." Nimona said, moving her arm like she was holding a knife.
"No stabbing!" Ballister and Meredith said to Nirmoa.
"Slapping." Nimona said for the torture.
"No!” Ballister yelled before taking a breath and looked back at the jeweler. “Why did you set me up?"
“I didn’t!” Diego except in fear.
"Then who?" Ballister asked in anger.
"You!" Nimona yelled l, pointing at Diego
"No!" Diego said, shaking his head. 
"Who?" Ballister asked, more angry. 
"Let me explain-" Diego started but was interrupted
“Blanche? Chad? Thaddeus?" Meredith said in a strict manner.
“Thaddeus?!” Diego exclaimed in disgust. 
“Punchable face guy?” Niroma asked excitedly.
"Of course. Thaddeus did something to my ring, didn’t he?" Ballister said, pointing at Diego.
“What? No!” Diego exclaimed in shock.
"Why are you protecting him?" Meredith said.
"Who’d ever protect Thaddeus?!" Diego screamed at them.
"Guess we’re just gonna have to do things the hard way." Nirmoa said, walking away for a moment
“Hard way?” Diego asked, confused as he watched her walk away. “Hold on a second. Wait. Just wait.”
Nimona shapeshifts back to the boy from earlier and jumps up to get into the trunk. "Peekaboo." Nimona said.
Diego screamed when seeing her in that form. “Alright! Alright!” Diego screamed, not wanting to be hurt by a baby again.  “I have a video.”
“Then show it to us.” Ballister growled.
"Ok, ok, I'll show you the proof." Diago said as he pulled out his phone and began to play a video that took place a week before the university graduation of 2013.
“Check it out!” a young Diago on the phone said, who was in the fixing shop. “Right here, with me, is Ballister Boldheart’s ring!” Then the video shows Ballister's ring but the top gem had a big crack. “And I thought that this is a great opportunity to show you guys how to fix a university ring!”
"Boring." Nimora said, rolling her eyes.
"Are you going to show us the entire video or do we have to do it again?" Meredith said to Diego, flames in her eyes.
"Oh, we can just fast-forward!" Diago said, not wanting to cause trouble as he began fast forwarding the video. "Okay, this is the part you have to see."
A young Diego, with a gem to replace the old one, hid behind the shelves as the director, who was wearing a hoodie over herself, breaks into the shop, swapping the ring, and goes out of the shop, not being aware that someone witnessed her doing that or that a camera was still rolling.
“Um… I’ll do this on another day.” young Diego said to the camera before hitting stop recording.
Diego looked at everyone, who were in shock.
"The Director set me up…" Ballister said with realization, anger boiling up. "She killed the Mayor… She killed my mother!"
"I can't believe it." Meredith said in disbelief, but then turned to anger. "We trusted her. We put our faith in the institution and what did she repeat us swapping out an important ring that would have changed the city's history!" Meredith begins saying it out loud and angry knowing for years she's been working hard putting her fate. However, this discovery completely sent her to the end now realizing who the director really was, a selfish person.
Nimona looked at the grownups worriedly as she got out of the trunk, shapeshifting back to her teen self. “Hey! Snap out of it!” she yelled, getting their attention. “Take a deep breath and let's calm down.”
Meredith took in a deep breath and sat down while Ballister took in a breath and looked at the phone. “Did you ever post this?” Ballister asked Diego, wanting to know.
Diego shook his head. "No, I planned on doing it after graduation but after the whole thing, it would have looked like I supported you and I would have gone into questioning or more trouble."
Ballister got the phone from Diego and got his phone out, sending the video to his phone before he handed Diego phone back to him.
Meredith stood up and walked away with Ballister following her. 
Nimona was about to follow but noticed that Diego was getting out of the trunk. She turned back into the little boy again. “Oh. Hey, buddy.” Nimona said in the baby voice. “I’m sorry for kidnapping you.”
"It’s okay." Diego said with a smile.
"Or am I?!" Nimora said in a deep voice 
Diego screamed at the top of his lungs as he ran away while Nimona laughed as she changed back to her teen self.
Meredith was processing what she saw while Ballister was transferring the video to her phone just in case something happens to his phone when Nimora caught up with them when they got home.
“So, what do we do now?” Nimona asked but then she noticed that both Meredith and Ballister looked betrayed.
“I can’t believe it.” Meredith growled as she hugged herself. “I had to pretend that I wasn’t friends with you, to protect you, Ballister, and I was working under the killer the whole time!”
"I get it. It sucks. But we did it. You’re innocent, Bal, and we have the proof." Nimora said, pointing at the phones. "Once we upload that video…"
"We’re not." Ballister said, looking at Nimona as he put the phones away.
"What?! Everybody needs to know the truth." Nimora exclaimed madly. "The system is jacked. The Institute needs to shut down."
"Will you be quiet?" Ballister asked angrily.
"Prospective target. Clear on Avenue Three. Over."
"I will not be quiet about this!" Nimona exclaimed loudly, her arms opened wide.
"For once, I have to agree with the kid." Meredith said, her arms crossed. "We can't keep the truth silent, everyone had to know what the mayor did to your mother-"
Ballister rolled his eyes before he looked at Meredith and Nimona, saying, “Look, this video could damage people’s faith in the Institute."
"No duh!" Nirmoa said 
"Look, I don’t know why she framed me, but the Institute’s not the problem."
"The Mayor is."
"That’s why I’m taking this to Ambrosius."
"Who cares?"
"This is the man who cut off your arm. Arm-chopping is not a love language!"
"He didn’t cut off my arm. He disarmed a weapon." Ballister said "It’s how we were trained."
Nimona looked at them in shock. "Wow!" she breathed. "They brainwashed you both pretty good."
"You think this stops with the Mayor?" Meredith asked 
"You should be questioning everything right now." Nimona said, standing on the couch.
"The will of Gloreth, the Institute, the wall." Meredith said, listing the things that are questioning their minds. "I knew everything we were taught here was a lie."
"And what’s it all really for?" Nimona asked, sitting down on the couch.
"For protecting the city." Ballister said
"You mean villains like you?" Nimona asked, pointing at him and then pointing at herself. "Or monsters like me?"
"Nimora, you are not a monster." Meredith said, putting a hand on Nimona’s hand, rubbing it gently.
"Look, if we get this to Ambrosius, everything is gonna be okay." Ballister reassured, looking at both of them. "For all of us."
Meredith saw a pair of scissors on her desk and began to do something she hadn't done before like she did with her previous haircut, cutting off her entire hair in a while.
"Ready." Meredith said, getting her coat ready
Nimona sighed and got off the couch. "Okay, fine. But when things go south, I’m breaking stuff." she said, hitting her first into her hand.
"That won’t be necessary." the grownups said together, shaking their heads.
The mayor and the director were riding in the mayor’s private limo.
The mayor noticed Ambrosius had a sad look on his face. “Director, are you ok?” she asked with concern in her voice.
Ambrosius was in his thoughts: 'I’ve lost my mind. I’ve lost everything in ten years. The man I love, my best friend. Although now he’s got a new best friend. What’s that about? What else is he hiding? Who is the real him? Who am I? A direct descendant of Gloreth? I never asked for that. Now everyone expects me to arrest Ballister. If I don’t, I’m a traitor to you. If I do, I’m a traitor to him. Oh, and on top of that, I chopped off his arm! HIS ARM! Who chops off an arm? Because I was trained to? I could have killed him! Also, ARM CHOPPING IS NOT A LOVE LANGU-!'
But all that Ambrosius could say was, “I’m fine, Mayor…”
The Mayor sighed and held his hand. "Stay strong, Ambrosius." she told him. "The blood of Gloreth runs through your veins."
Ambrosius sort of appreciated it but there was another thing on his mind, choosing not to tell it as well.
As they arrived at the mayor's office, it seems that it's been overrun. They began getting out of the limo to see what was going on.
"Ambrosius." a familiar voice called out.
“Ballaster?” Ambrosius said, looking at who was in front of them.
It was revealed to be Ballaster, Nimora and Meredith who no longer had her invisibility cloak, and her hair completely chopped off into a messy boyish cut. They didn’t look too happy.
"Security!" The mayor begin calling
But a lot of the security guards began getting knocked down by not only Meredith's electrical smoke bombs but Nirmoa's fighting skills.
"They were like this when we got here." Meredith said, finally spoken up with her arms crossed. "Plus I own the fighting part of Nimona." They look at Nimona 
"You!" the Mayor exclaimed, pointing at them.
"Us!" Nimona said with a smile.
Ballister smiled a bit before letting it fade and looked at Ambrosius. "Ambrosius, the Director,” Ballaster started, pointing at the Mayor, “killed the mayor ten years ago."
"What?" Ambrosius asked, looking at the Mayor before looking back.
"Another desperate lie." The Mayor said to Ambrosius.
“He’s not a liar." Meredith said, shaking her head.
"Says the miscreant, whispering in his ear." the mayor said to Ambrosius.
Ballister, Meredith, and Nimona glared at her.
“I’m innocent, and I have proof.” Ballaster said, getting his phone out to show the video.
"He’s got a weapon!" the Mayor shouted, pointing at him.
The next thing that everyone knew was that the phone was shot out of Ballaster’s hand and falling to the ground, breaking it.
"No!" Meredith yelled. She was about to use her smoke bombs when someone grabbed her. "Let go of me!"
"Not happening, sweetie.” Thaddeus said with a low chuckle.
"STOP CALLING ME THAT YOU MACHO CHEATING JERK!" Meredith shouted as she began kicking Thaddeus's leg and face, with her own experience, learning some karate online in her spare time and finally kicking the officers holding her, setting her free.
"Ow!" Thaddeus said in pain.
"That's what you get for treating me like crap when we dated and making fun of my life and height!" Meredith shouted at him.
Ballister and Nimona grabbed Meredith and pulled her away before they all looked at the mayor and the new director.
“It doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t need proof.” Ballister said, looking at Ambrosius. “You know I’m not a murderer.”
“What are you waiting for, Director?” the mayor asked, looking at Ambrosius like if he was going to let this happen.
“Hurry before the whale gets here.” an officer shouted.
“Come on, man.” another officer shouted.
“Do the right thing.” another officer shouted.
Ambrosius sighed from the pressure as he got his gun out, pointing at them. Before he could give the order to arrest them, he looked at Nimona, wondering who or what she was. “Who is she, Bal?” Ambrosius asked, pointing his gun at Nimona. “What is she?”
“Ambrosius, we’re begging you to trust us.” Meredith said, sounding desperate.
“Arrest them.” the Mayor ordered the officers, pointing at the three. 
Ballaster, Meredith, and Nimona looked at the officers starting to approach them
Ballaster looked at the officers approaching them, being done by following the rules. “You wanna know who the kid is?” 
“Oh, I like where this is going.” Nimona chuckled with a smile.
“You wanna show ’em?” Ballaster asked, looking at her.
“I’d love to.” Nimona answered.
"Now, let’s break stuff." Meredith said, getting a laser gun with a smirk. "And show these corrupted officers what we misfit are made of."
Nimona chuckled as her eyes glowed before shouting, “Metal!”
The next thing that everyone knew when Nimona jumped up was Nimora transforms into a gorilla.
“Is that a gorilla?" an officer said, pointing at her.
Nimona roared in Ambrosius' face, making his hair go back, before booping his nose. “Bloop.”
Meredith begins electrocuting some officers with her electric gun, replacing her laser gun.
"Bal! Get the gun!" Meredith said, instructing her friend and then began to run away. 
Ballaster nodded and grabbed a nearby gun. He followed after Meredith.
The officers begin running for their lives as Nimona attacks them.
The Mayor watched this mayhem happen and wanted to stop it. “Give me a weapon!” the Mayor ordered Ambrosius.
“We need to get you to safety!” Ambrosius responded, looking at her.
He begins taking her to the limo along with the other bodyguards. “Get her to safety now!” Ambrosius orders the driver before going into the fight.
"Let's go!" Meredith said to Ballister as he got a protective shield from a knockout officer.
The officers began to scream as Nimona attacked them in her different forms as she caused more mayhem and laughed.
"Sorry, not sorry!" Nimora said when she hit an officer.
"You see a way out of here?" Ballister asked Nimona as they fight the officers.
"Of horse… I do." Nimora said with a pun, shapeshifting into a horse.
"Okay, that was terrible." Meredith said, "No offense." Getting on Nimora with Ballister before Nimona started to run off.
"Stop that… horse?" Ambrosius said confusedly, looking at at them.
"We’re going over, aren’t we?" Ballister asked, clinging onto Nimona.
"Yep! The only way out is down!" Nimona exclaimed as she jumped off and the three start to fall.
"Why are we always falling?!" Meredith and Ballister screamed.
Then Nimona got her wings out as she held them. "Ha ha! Told you you’d want the wings. Whoo-hoo!"
Ballister and Meredith smiled as they both hopped in a helicopter.
Nimora shape-shifted into a whale and “ate” the officers that Ballister threw out of the helicopter as Meredith took over the controls of the aircraft.
When Nimona landed, she spat out the people.
"Whoo-hoo-hoo!" said Nimora as she shapeshifted back to her teen self.
"Okay, that was super gross." Ballister said with a chuckle, pointing at Nimona as he and Meredith got out of the helicopter.
"Ha ha, I know!" Nimora said, as more officers came to the scene.
Ambrosius was in front of them and he was glaring at them.
"Well, if it isn’t the golden boy." Nimora said before she shapeshifted and ran off to do more mayhem.
Ambrosius was about to shock her with his electric gun but Ballister tackled him, making both of them fight each other, while Meredith takes care of the other officers.
"That’s the otter that bit me!" The other officer from the train with a casted arm said in fear before Nimona attacked him.
"I can see your confusion. I have the tail of a river otter, but the webbed back feet- oh forget it!" Nimora said as Meredith held one to her gadgets.
Ballister and Ambrosius was still fighting over the gun.
"Did I ever mean anything to you? Or was it all just a lie?" Ballister asked, pinning Ambrosius to the ground.
"A lie? Says the guy running around with a monster!" Ambrosius shouted at him, glaring at him.
"Don’t call her that! She’s smart, kind, and quite sophisticated."
"That guy just peed his uniform! He peed his uniform!" Nimora said as she chased some running officers.
"You shouldn't see the look on his face, Hahaha!" Meredith said, feeling excited as she began using more of her electric guns and smoke bombs on them.
"And she has Meredith and mine back, unlike you." Ballister said, growled at Ambrosius.
"You lied to me about everything!" Ambrosius growled back.
"Only one lying to you is the Director!" Ballister yelled.
"What? You’re gonna kill me now too?" Ambrosius asked, glaring up at him.
"You believe that?" Ballister said in disbelief.
Ambrosius looked at him in surprise.
"Then you never knew us at all." Ballister said in a melatonin tone. "After all we've been through."
Then he tossed the gun to the side before he got off him.
Ballister started to run off to help but he got grabbed by a group of officers and was getting punched.
"Yeah. Now I’m gonna punch you in the face." Nimora said, laughing before leaping onto the officers with the cast "Now, I’m no doctor, but this cast looks delicious." Nimora said while Meredith used the teaser to put him down.
Nimona and Meredith made more mayhem but then stopped when they heard Ballister scream in pain. 
"Boss?" Nimona breathed, looking over with Meredith to see Ballister getting hurt. "Bal!" Meredith exclaimed in worry.
"You think this hurts?" Thaddeus said to Ballister with a dark chuckle. 
Meredith began trying to attack Thaddeus but she was almost kicked in the stomach.
"Wait till you see what we do to your pet monster." Thaddeus said, before nodding to the officers as Nimona ran over.
Then the officers tossed an electrical net and started to shock her.
Nimora growled as she tried to shape-shift while being shocked.
"No! Leave her alone!" Ballister and Meredith screamed with terror in her eyes. "She's just a teenager!" Meredith screams, wanting the officers to stop.
Nimona growled low and then the next thing that everyone knew was that Nimora turned to a dragon from the Dragon Krisps ad.
"Kwispy!" Todd exclaimed happily, pointing at Nimona but then was confused. "Wait, what?"
"Hope you brought milk!" Nimora shouted, in a demonic voice.
"No!" Officers shouted, starting to run.
"Wait, wait! No, no!" Ballister and Meredith shouted.
Nimora begins throwing up cereal to the other officers, making them run away or slip and fall on the bits.
Ballister and Meredith watched in amazement and smiled at Nimona.
Just as all the damage was done, the sirens began alerting them and everyone around the area.
"Monster attack. Monster attack. Seek immediate shelter." An automatic voice said from the speakers.
As Nimona panted heavily, noticed a little girl looking up at her with terror on her face.
Nimona figured that her current form was scaring her.
Nimora transformed into a little girl wearing a beautiful pink overall dress, red pants, brown shoes and her hair down to her waist.
Ballister and Meredith were surprised as she saw Nimora's child form.
"It’s okay." Nimona reassures the girl, showing her hands to her that she's not going to hurt her.
“…immediate shelter. Monster attack. Monster attack.”
The little girl saw a nearby taser and picked it up. "M-Monster." The little girl said with fear, pointing it at Nimona.
"…immediate shelter."
Then the little girl pulled the trigger, shocking Niroma who immediately collapsed.
The little girl was pulled away from her mother.
"Her! Come on!" The officers said, noticing the Nimona was down.
Ballister and Meredith quickly ran to Nimona before the officers got to her.
"We've got you, kid!" Ballister said, pick up Nimona as Meredith got a smoke bomb out and tossed it to the ground, giving them time to escape.
Ambrosius watched as his former friends went away with the teen girl.
The mayor watched, horrified at the scene from the limo.
Nimona was unconscious as they went home.
Ballister started to make food while Meredith took Nimona to her room to clean Nimona and herself up. She gave Nimora warm clothes before she got herself dressed.
"That poor kid." Meredith said as put it on her gray sweatpants and a teal shirt. "I knew she had an awful life, but just look at her."
"It is sad." Ballister said as he came in with two plates of food.
Then she checked for any more injuries on Nimoa as Ballister put the plates on the bedside table.
Meredith saw that her leg had been healed already.
"Huh? How's it already healed?" Meredith asked, putting a gentle hand over it.
Ballister checked her leg too and was surprised until he remembered what Nimona told them. "She's not people." he reminded Meredith.
"Indeed." Meredith said, nodding. "But that kid was still terrified of Nimona when she shapeshifted into her form of a child."
Meredith stepped away and sat down on the arm chair, placing her hand on her forehead, rubbing it. "It's like she knew someone before who did that same action to her."
Ballister nodded and picked up one of the plates from the bedside table, offering it to her.
"Thank you." Meredith said, taking the plate.
"You're welcome." Ballister said, nodding before he went out to get himself cleaned up and changed into different clothes.
Meredith looked at Nimoa, which reminded her of how she grew up differently and how she was an outcast after hitting her unexpected growth spurt right after summer.
☆Flashback: 14 years ago☆
A young 17-going-through-18- year-old Meredith walked around in the halls of the Institute.
Her gray hair was down to her waist. She was wearing a gorgeous headband, black cat frame glasses, a blue dress shirt under a white sweater vest, dark brown khaki pants, and pink flats.
She was holding her books close to her chest and a special light brown knapsack.
Of course but she was under her invisibility coat she was working on, hopefully not the cash on other people who would mistreat her like her formal 'friends'.
Her father has signed her up so she can make some new friends and hopefully to come happy.
As she headed to her first class, she thought she's finally going to be alone further away from the other students until… the invisibility of her coat began wearing off just as someone was about to come over.
"Just leave me alone." Meredith said, fixing her cloak, hopefully to get work again.
“Oh… sorry…” the student said, sounding sad. The student started to walk away but tripped over a popular student's leg, hitting the ground hard.
Meredith got out of her seat, helped the student up, and began checking for injuries. "Are you ok?" Meredith asked the student, who nodded, before she looked back at the other student. "Do you want me to get the principal involved?! You couldn't have ended up seriously hurting someone!"
“Well, he doesn’t deserve to be here.” the popular student said, pointing at the student. “That’s Ballister Blackheart.”
“It’s Boldheart…” Ballister corrected. “Mayor Valerin Boldheart adopted me a few years ago.”
The popular student rolled their eyes and said, “Who cares! You’re still part of your original family!”
Meredith noticed that Ballister looked down. She wasn’t going to let the bullies get to his head. "Well, CUT IT OUT!' Meredith said in anger. "If you ever hurt him, What makes fun of whatever it is again…YOU WILL REGRET IT " Meredith added, as flames in her eyes, showing some serious business "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"
The popular kid and their friends were terrified and quickly ran to their seats, because of how tall she was. It looked like she's going to strangle them.
Ballister looked back at Meredith, seeing how tall she was. “Wow.”
Meredith was shocked and was about to go back to her seat that is usually far away until someone grabbed her wrist.
It was a different person. A young blonde East Asian student grabbed her wrist.
"H-hi." Meredith said hesitantly. "I request you let me go."
The student let go of her wrist and she began to calm down.
"Nice to meet you, Ballister Boldheart and -" Meredith said, looking at Ballister and the student.
“I’m Ambrosius Goldenloin.” the student said, offering his hand to her.
"Nice to meet you. I’m Meredith Blitzmeyer." she introduced herself, shaking his hand. "I just transferred to the institution." Meredith smiled warmly at the both of them as she fixed her glasses.
Ambrosius hummed with a smile. “Nice to meet you.”
“Oh cool! It’s my first day here too!” Ballister exclaimed with a smile.
Meredith couldn’t help but smile softly at them, knowing that she had found friends.
Meredith met up with Ambrosius and Ballister at lunch time, talking with them while they ate lunch. 
They were talking about the bullies earlier, which made Meredith scoff. "These bullies had no matters, agreed?" she asked, looking at Ambrosius and Ballister.
“Agreed.” Ambrosius said, nodding.
"No… they're right…" Ballister said, looking down as he hugged himself.
"Hey, hey." Meredith said, in a sympathetic tone. "Talk to me."
“But they’re right! I shouldn’t be here…” Ballister said, wiping tears away.
"Want to talk about? What happened back there?" Meredith asked, sitting down with him.
Ballister looked down and sighed sadly. “I was raised on the street… with my family who did a lot of bad things…”
"Like what? I'm listening." Meredith said in a more kind way "Is it bad? Were they…bad?"
Ballister nodded. “They stole and sold things… killed people to get the things.”
"Oh my, that's bad." Meredith said to him, giving Ballister a pat on the shoulder. "But did your parents ever love you?"
Ambrosius gave Meredith a look.
"Sorry." Meredith said. "I'm just asking."
“It’s… it’s ok. I don’t mind it.” Ballister sighed softly, rubbing his neck.
Ambrosius and Meredith waited patiently for Ballister to answer.
“My parents didn’t really care for me… Just for the money that they got with their deals and heists.” Ballister said finally, hugging himself. “It just got to a point where I couldn’t take it anymore and called the cops on them during a heist.”
"Oh my, but then the cops tried to catch you leading you to the institution?" Meredith asked.
"Well…" Ambous said, getting out of video from his phone. It was when the other students were training. Mayor Valerin Boldheart was there in the video, supervising, along with the director.
A young kid with long, dark hair covering one of his eyes, and wears torn down gray shirt and black pants, appears to begin attacking the dummy. "I’m here to slay monsters and protect our city!" he said with pride, before being tackled by other police officers pinning him down.
Mayor Valerin Boldheart stood up and shouted, “Stop!”
Which made everyone look up at her.
Then the next part of the video shows the news going on with the kid and the mayor. The young kid began looking at the beautiful ring from the institution.
"Whoa." The kid said, with his eyes in wonder.
“No, he’s not from a royal or rich family.” Mayor Valerin Boldheart said into a microphone. Then she smiled as she put a gentle hand on the kid’s back. “But he does have the heart of a hero and I’m willing to help him on the right path.”
The kid looked up at her and smiled at her while reporters started talking about the situation.
Then Ambitious stopped the video while Meredith was surprised as her thoughts clicked like puzzle pieces. "So that's how you got adopted." Meredith said, now knowing the whole story then she pointed at the video. "I never watched the news. I say it’s a waste of time, that's why."
Ballister nodded, rubbing the back of his neck and blushing embarrassedly.
Meredith couldn’t help but chuckle, enjoying her friends. "Well, I know this might be fast but after school, can we go out around town? You know, looking at the city. Stop by Huff and Puff to get some food, if that’s alright with you two?" Meredith asked, twirling her hair.
Ambitious and Ballister looked at each other before looking back at Meredith and nodded. “That sounds like a plan.” both of them said together, nodding.
☆present time, the same night☆
Nimona woke up and looked around to see a plate of food on the bedside table.
Meredith went to check on her.
"Nimona! Thank God you're ok!" Meredith said, hugging Nimona in a big hug.
Nimona didn't hug back.
Meredith let go of her and backed away from the hug as Bal came to check on them.
“Hey, everything ok?” Ballister asked, looking at both of them. He noticed Nimora was awake. “I see that Nimona is awake.”
"Yeah, she's okay." Meredith said, nodding.
“No, I’m not ok.” Nimona growled, arms crossed. “I’m awake but I’m not ok.”
The grownups noticed the kid's behavior.
"Please, let's talk about this." Meredith said, trying to be more understanding to her.
Nimona looked down, not looking at them.
“Nimona, please.” Ballister said, walking over and sitting down on the bed.
"We are sorry about you-" Meredith started.
Nirmoa got up from the bed and tried to walk away. "Don't talk to me." Nimora growled, hugging herself.
Ballister and Meredith looked at her in worry.
"We know something’s wrong." Meredith said, trying to stay calm.
"I said I don’t wanna talk about it!" Nimona yelled, transforming into an almost bigger and muscular version of herself.
Meredith and Ballister were shocked to see this side of her but remained calm.
"Nimona, calm down." Meredith said, instructing the kid to take deep breaths. “You’re ok. You’re safe.” Ballister said to reassure Nimona.
Nimona growled as she looked at the both of them before turning back into her normal teen self.
Ballister and Meredith looked at her as they noticed that Nimona was trying not to cry.
“Did you see the way that little girl looked at me?” Nimona asked, looking at the grownups with tears in her eyes. "Kids… Little kids… They grow up believing that they can be a hero if they drive a sword or shoot into the heart of anything different. And everyone says that I’m the monster?"
Ballister and Meredith looked at Nimoa as she started to cry. 
"I don’t know what’s scarier." Nimona cried softly, holding herself and looked down. “The fact that everyone in this city wants to run a sword through my heart… or that sometimes I just wanna let ’em.”
Both grownups were surprised at Nimora's story.
"We have to get you out of here." Balusters said, going to pack a bag. “We’ll go over the wall. We won’t stop until we find someplace safe. Okay, we’ll go together.”
"Together?" Nimona asked, looking up to look at him.
“Listen, you were right about everything. The Institute, the wall…” Ballister said sadly, hugging himself. “Ambrosius…”
“No matter what we do, we can’t change the way people see us.” Meredith said, coming to an understanding.
“You two changed the way you see me.” Nimona breathed.
“Didn’t you?” Ballister said with a chuckle.
“We can’t let the mayor get away with this. We shouldn’t have to run. And you made a deal, right? We clear your name, you make me your sidekick.” Nimona reminds them with a smile. “You can’t back out on a deal because you believe in truth and honor and blah, blah, blah. All that stupid stuff.”
“Truth and honor aren’t stupid, but all right.” Meredith said.
Nimona chuckled as she walked over to them. “So, you got a plan?” she asked.
“‘Course I got a plan.” Ballister said with a smile. “Something, something, something…”
“We win.” Nimona finished with a smile.
They started setting the plan into action.
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