#Thank u for asking i am happy i get to ramv
ceradenja · 2 years
PSPSPSPS TELL ME ABT MAGOLOR I wanna hear abt catboy
@seitsenpistepirjo tagging you too cus you also sent an ask abt Mags and I very much am smiling abt how you worded your ask, anyway this might be weirdly formatted cus im on mobile but I NEED to answer right now and not tomorrow.
First impression : Oh that's a fun looking character alright, oh thats cool you get to speak to him when you want. Oh you motherF-
Impression now: MY BOY MY BABY, I am literally that meme of the people pointing excited when he makes as much as a cameo in any media. Also his VOICE he sounds like a squeaky toy and I love that for him. I don't really know if any of this constitutes as an impression. There's an interesting depth to his character that would be fun to get to explore.
Favorite moment: Ok so this is very specific but hear me out. When he does that little ear wiggle in Drum Dash. This one:
Tumblr media
Ideas for a story: So this is kind of backhanded bcs I would be mad if they established a canon that deviates from My Timeline but I would like to hear about what he did right after Return to Dream Land. What was the initial aftermath like, did Lor ever speak to him. Did he go back to Halcandra, did he apologise to Landia? I may be working on a fic revolving around this.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think he's moneyhungry. Sure, he is the shopkeeper in Kirby Clash, but I Never really saw him being greedy about it? Idk I'd think someone who literally builds theme parks as Gifts isn't in it for the money, yknow.
Favorite relationship: He and Taranza are married, need I say more. But to be fair, I think there's potential to an interesting dynamic between him and Landia. I want to know if Landia ever forgave him for what he did, does Mags look up to her?
Favourite headcanon: Oh but theres so manyyyy. Each and every type of cat behavior and characteristics I am able to shove onto him. Honorary shoutout to him having scars from the incident with Master Crown bcs scars are cool.
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