#Thankfully with both exp boosts on my second run i should blow through the story like super quick fgdjdkdhd
love-fireflysong · 1 year
Been back in ff8 hyperfixation ever since I found that mini-Rinoa, so I'm seriously considering replaying it once I finish my Tales of Graces platinum lol.
It's been like 15 years since I last played it, so I think it's due for a replay at this point anyways dhskslsjsl
The only question is which version I want to play. Do I dig out my og playstation copy and blow the dust off my ps2? Or do I shell out the $26 it costs for the remastered version with slightly more polished graphics and, most importantly, trophies (and a new platinum) to obtain? Hmmmm, decisions decisions 🤔
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