#That is definitely a nightclub bro I can't -
ranminfan 2 years
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When Rumpelstilskin likes to host parties and will often invite people he knows.
There's this scene in Shrek 4 where they enter Stilskin's palace and we see all the witches partying.
AND BOI THIS scene right here made me think maybe the Piper would be here surrounded by these witches sprawled all over him because it looks like a frikkin nightclub and I can't stop thinking that this version of Piper would actually be into this agh- 馃憖馃槱
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lena-in-a-red-dress 1 year
Bros AU (Hoes, maybe? Working title)
See, the main couple is comprised of the following characters:
1) uptight highly intelligent person who is incredibly self possessed to the point that they are entirely uncompromising in their identity and opinion
2) chiseled athletic person with a reputation of being "boring" (read: lunkhead) who is sex casual and not really looking to commit to anyone. Stuck in a career where they're not happy or fulfilled.
Deciding who would fill which role is a little difficult, as the film is nuanced enough that there isn't a direct parallel for character tropes.
Like, the high powered corporate guy is actually the laid back guy, and the queer history educator is uptight and anxious.
So on one hand I could see Lena as the uptight advocate for queer history heading up a new lgbt+ museum, and Kara as the laid back gym bro... but Lena would also be the more corporate type, and I can easily see Kara as the passionate educator of a niche subject.
I guess it comes down to which arrangement is more interesting to me personally.
Which I think would be Kara as the museum director, who is out and proud and can't fathom anyone who wouldn't be. Lena would be the CEO of her family's company, out of necessity and duty rather than any particular desire.
Lena is the one down for threesomes and orgies, Kara is a little more buttoned up. Lena is actually quite fit and active, using exercise and sport as a way to decompress at the start and end of every day. Kara is bookish and prefers to be inside on the couch watching hallmark movies than watching or participating in sports. Kara is into artisinal cheese and farmers markets, while Lena's life holds a touch of glamour in it, thanks to the events she has to attend and the circles her family runs in.
Neither of them would have imagined themselves falling for each other's types, but here we are.
They meet in a nightclub, at a launch for a new dating app-- they think. It's not quite clear. Kara isn't exactly unstylish, but is definitely dressed down compared to Lena's true nightclub attire. There's a lot of skin and long ponytail, and Kara can't tear her eyes away, not even when Lena turns and catches her staring.
Lena approaches, and they get to talking. Lena isn't as lunky as Kara anticipates, and is actually quite snarky. They hit it off, but in a lull in their conversation, Kara looks away to buck up the courage to lean in and kiss, only to turn back and find empty space beside her. Lena has slipped away, seemingly vanished.
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bxffysxmmers 3 years
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real gods require blood
All gods who receive homage are cruel. All gods dispense suffering without reason. Otherwise they would not be worshipped. Through indiscriminate suffering men know fear and fear is the most divine emotion. It is the stones for altars and the beginning of wisdom. Half gods are worshipped in wine and flowers. Real gods require blood. - Zora Neale Hurston
- zeus inspo - hera inspo - poseidon inspo - demeter inspo - athena inspo - apollo inspo - artemis inspo - ares inspo - aphrodite inspo - hephaestus inspo - hermes inspo - hestia inspo - dionysus inspo - persephone inspo - hades inspo - modern gods inspo used in blurbs
first thing's first: everyone in this ad should be between the ages of 22 and 27 with the exception of persephone who should be 22 - 24 and demeter who should be 25 - 27. genderbending is okay with me as long as you run it by me first because i don't want to have a million girls, i want it to be fairly balanced. everything said below should be taken with a grain of salt meaning if you put your own spin on it that is totally fine, the inspo is what matters.
additionally, only one or two characters should be from chicago, because the group is a group of people who are imports to the city and the life they have here so please do with that idea what you will. i did link to some cool pinterest boards with some inspo for a modern take on all of the different gods if you want to look at those but again, it's just for inspiration, please please please make every single one of these guys your own.
now, for the actual ad, basically these guys are something of a found family. through their jobs, parties, socializing, exes, currents, whatever they all met and it was almost instant, that connection, that 'feels like i've known you my whole life' thing that came over them. and so they stuck together, even if it was just a group text or once a year dinner party, they've all stayed in touch ever since despite distance, work, time constraints, and anything else that came between them.
the first pair that met and really started it all were aphrodite and ares. they were on again off again, always a problem with time and where their lives were at, but the love is there. they've been friends since their time in school together and it never let up, that care. the rest of the group swear one day aphrodite will find a way to settle down and be with ares but for now ares deals with the on again off again because sometimes is better than never. and then aphrodite found god here, and another one, and their interconnections grew the group and now here they are, family without being blood, with ties running through them, cutting and caressing them all the same.
from there, feel free to just get with me and we can make it work. i'm going to be making a ship developer for them (including a timeline because it seems necessary so that we have some idea on who, what, when, and how) but the basis is a found family plot with interconnections that made this many people come to mean so much to one another. from there? go wild, get with me on any questions, and please have fun with it. some suggestions for interconnections are below in the applicable boxes but if you don't want to use them just talk to me.
and lastly... if you want to add a god who isn't listed please just let me know! give me a little blurb and we can make this happen. remember the slight dystopian feel and the modern twist but like... yes, please, let's do this, i'm here for it. thanks!!
zeus drinks himself half to death at a bar. he no longer cares for mortals. he has long stopped trying to make this world turn.
suggestions: brother to poseidon and hades. married to hera. enters polyship with hera and hestia after cheating scandal. himbo energy.
hera no longer praises marriage. instead she talks to the women. she tells them that men always lie, tells them to run. she wishes she could take her own advice.
suggestions: married to zeus. enters polyship with zeus and hestia after cheating scandal. better than you.
poseidon still loves the sea but he could not hate mortals more. he feels the pollution of his domain like a phantom pain, raging that he could not protect his oceans from mortals.
suggestions: brother to zeus and hades. has a crush on demeter. moods like the sea.
demeter isn't peaceful. she feels the dying of the earth and with it goes her happiness. she curses the mortals who caused this.
suggestions: older sister of persephone. doesn't approve of hades. has a crush on poseidon. the mom friend.
athena chainsmokes in an alleyway, and glares at ares as bloody knuckles and booted feet connect with battered bodies between them. the fight clubs are their temples now.
suggestions: business partners with hephaestus (queer solidarity, y'all). just doing her best. definitely sapphic. possibly once had a thing with aphrodite.
you find apollo in a nightclub on 55th and 3rd, his prophets writhing in intermittent darkness, bassline pounding in their ears, liqour coursing in their veins, smoke and strobe lights clouding their eyes.
suggestions: twin brother of artemis. pansexual and everyone knows it. always chasing the next high, running from the lows. in a secret relationship with hermes.
artemis spends the night in a jail cell, blood on her knuckles and on her shirt and in her mouth, the smell of metal lingering in the air.
suggestions: twin sister of apollo. sapphic pls. the protector meets the vodka aunt. possibly once had a thing with aphrodite.
you watch as ares starts a fight in a dive bar, takes a knife from his pocket and uses it without flinching, smiles as he wipes his blade on his thigh, smashes a bottle on the floor and lights a match.
suggestions: on again off again with aphrodite. in love with aphrodite. not currently with aphrodite. just a boy, made of rage and the inability to express his emotions. looks like he'll kick your ass, will pull athena and artemis off of you in a fight, exhausted that he has to yet again. also requested here.
aphrodite drinks your worship straight from your lips and chases it with a scotch, crashes a cigarette, flicks the ash on the floor and leaves without so much as a thank you.
suggestions: on again off again with ares. in love with ares. running from ares. most likely to have slept with everyone in the group, twice. intimacy issues? i do know her. i know her so well. someone help.
you find hephaestus on college campuses, amongst engineering students. in times like this he is more relevant than ever, growing whilst other gods die. it seems that aphrodite is more keen on accepting his gifts now more than ever.
suggestions: business partners with athena (queer solidarity, y'all). once had a thing with aphrodite. a serious thing. didn't end well. they're totes okay now, for sure, yeah, definitely, mhm. patience is a virtue. stubborn pride is a gift. also requested here.
hermes is in the hustle and bustle of rush hour and the rush of the subway. he is perched atop skyscrapers, surveying the beautiful chaos of it all and lo, it is good.
suggestions: brother to hestia. in a secret relationship with dionysus apollo. running to and for, never from. chaotic good gremlin energy. do not feed after midnight. possibly once had a thing with aphrodite.
hestia mourns broken homes, she waits for her family. she waits in the doorway, arms outstretched and a smile like forgiveness waiting to embrace the siblings whom she know will never return.
suggestions: sister to hermes. pretends she doesn't know about dionysus apollo. doesn't approve of dionysus apollo. enters polyship with zeus and hera after cheating scandal. the mediator. why can't we all just get along?
dionysus shoots up in a basement in the seedy side of town. he wants to forget the suffering that has filled his immortal life.
suggestions: in a secret relationship with hermes. "gotta stay high, all the time, to keep you off my mind". heart of gold but no one ever seems to believe it. here for a fun time, not a long time, but thinking about that too much hurts.
persephone grins when people tremble. she is vengeful and wears flowers in her hair and she will make damn sure that the world will never forget her name.
suggestions: younger sister of demeter. in love with hades. she's beauty, she's grace. she'll punch you in the face.
hades stalks the streets, hazy in the fog of the streetlamps, and he smiles, because people will always believe in death and worship riches.
suggestions: brother to zeus and poseidon. in love with persephone. can you say trauma? secretly the most well rounded and good hearted of them all. how are you so pure, bro? who sent you?
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