#That moment between max + Lucas in ep.4 is just Billy + Steve but they're both whispering because the kids are right there lol
ur-fav-alien · 2 years
Okay so I watched ep.4 of s4 "Dear Billy" and I have thoughts... specifically thoughts about what would go down in the series if Billy was alive.
So I think it would be kinda obvious that he would be in Max's spot with the whole getting Vecna'd thing (Max would still be alive obvio Billy is just built different and survives the Mind Flayer). Then that whole Dear Billy scene happend and I started thinking even more of how it would go down if Billy was in Max's place. Obviously the letter would be to his mom, because why would it be for Neil? But then comes the question, where would Billy go to read this letter? If his mom is dead why would there be a grave in Hawkins for her, that doesn't make sense. So imagine they're all driving and Billy randomly says "turn here" and everyone is like "that's the woods?" and he knows that's the woods and he stil makes them turn there.
Insert Billy walking into this small clearing in the woods where he's made a makeshift grave for his mother because he has absolutly no idea where the fuck she is and for all he knows, she could be dead. WHICH IS SO FUCKING SAD. And then I started thinking about that scene between Vecna!Billy + Max and how he's saying Max feels guilty that she's glad that Billy's dead and like with Billy what if it's Vecna posing as Billy's mom and just kinda of berating him about what he's turned into due his father's abuse like: "Billy... my sweet Billy, what have you turned into? I don't even know who you are anymore... you look so much like your father... Billy I'm scared of you" And Billy is just sobbing
I would cry. I would cry like a shit ton.
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