#That post like 'the creators want you to pirate it' i cant find a source for this and for some reason i thought it was luiga
mihotose · 8 months
wrt to the za/um situation id like people to consider their stance on piracy: is piracy a morally neutral act, hence everything can be pirated freely or is piracy a punishment for companies that "deserve" it? on the reverse of that, are there companies that don't "deserve" it, and how do you delineate that? is it really possible for you to believe both when the company has no way of knowing what your personal reasoning for it is?
for the record! i am pro piracy of everything, but im curious as to whether reminders to pirate, in this case, disco elysium, are more for You as the consumer to feel like you are doing More than what youre doing (that is, just downloading a game). rather, is there any material difference between pirating because you dont want to or cant pay for it and pirating in protest, outside of your own private feelings, when the company will not receive your money either way? (does it count as a loss in profits if they were never going to get it? if not, what is the purpose of the protest?)
this isnt to say it isnt necessary to tell people to pirate the game at all! but i think its not un-worth it to contextualise why it is "morally correct to pirate disco elysium" outside of a meme image or phrase (ie tell them about the situation if they didnt know) if someone is thinking about piracy in terms of a meaningful Action, and like, ground your stance in something more than pissing executives off
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