#have been thinking words sorry about fhat
mihotose · 8 months
wrt to the za/um situation id like people to consider their stance on piracy: is piracy a morally neutral act, hence everything can be pirated freely or is piracy a punishment for companies that "deserve" it? on the reverse of that, are there companies that don't "deserve" it, and how do you delineate that? is it really possible for you to believe both when the company has no way of knowing what your personal reasoning for it is?
for the record! i am pro piracy of everything, but im curious as to whether reminders to pirate, in this case, disco elysium, are more for You as the consumer to feel like you are doing More than what youre doing (that is, just downloading a game). rather, is there any material difference between pirating because you dont want to or cant pay for it and pirating in protest, outside of your own private feelings, when the company will not receive your money either way? (does it count as a loss in profits if they were never going to get it? if not, what is the purpose of the protest?)
this isnt to say it isnt necessary to tell people to pirate the game at all! but i think its not un-worth it to contextualise why it is "morally correct to pirate disco elysium" outside of a meme image or phrase (ie tell them about the situation if they didnt know) if someone is thinking about piracy in terms of a meaningful Action, and like, ground your stance in something more than pissing executives off
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cielkissrr · 3 months
Hi, not sure if you do requests, but if you do, I was wondering if you could do one where R!Ciel hypnotizes O!Ciel or something like that?
((If you're comfortable, of course! Again, feel free to ignore this if you don't do this kind of this, and I'm sorry if this made you uncomfortable. Have a nice day/night))
hihi anon!! i do do requests so no worries :) i hope i did this well cus i usually dont think ab hypno,,enjoy!!
cielcest hypnosis . . .
back when they were younger, the twins had a lot of free time. well, ociel did anyway. but rciel did his very best to cancel plans and hang out with his sickly baby brother when he could. and that gave them a lot of time together.
one day, rciel had heard the adults laughing in one of the main rooms and when he peaked around the corner, he saw auntie an swinging a stop watch and his mother looking dazed while the others laughed.
after a while of watching, he learned fhat the stopwatch and a mix of sweet words had put his mother into that state. and then, through a few more sessions if watching, he decided he would try it on his little brother.
he took the stop watch when no one was looking and ran to their shared bedroom. ociel had been in bed all day as he was recovering from yet another bad cold. but when rciel walked in and jumped onto the bed, the youngers face lit up.
rciel said he had a way to make him feel better, to forget about his sickness. and of course, ociel was all too eager to see how.
cut to the two sitting across from each other and ociels eyes being all hazy and lidded while rciel tells him he feels better and less sick. it started so innocently until the older really took in his brothers appearance.
big blue eyes paired with rosy cheeks and disheveled clothes really made him look...good. before rciel knew it, he felt a pool in his tummy and a need to take advantage of this moment.
he scooted closer and ordered ociel to get on his lap and the boy did so immediatly. his shorts hiked up his thighs as he straddled the older and looked down at him, as if waiting for his next directions.
rciel had seen their parents do this numerous times, mommy always sitting in daddys lap and moving together. so he supposed thats what they should do. exactly as their parents did.
he ordered ociel to move his hips back and forth and moaned when his brother did so. ociels cunt had already started to get wet and he could feel the warmth through his pants.
he wasnt sure why, but the feeling of his baby brother grinding down on his dick felt amazing. but even so, ociels movements were lazy and werent enough.
eventually rciel ordered his brother to lay back down on his back and spread his legs. and as soon as he did, the older towered over him and began rutting into the others crotch. ociel moaned quietly but still with hazy eyes, peering up at his brother as he started panting over him.
he rolled his hips to match rciels grinding and began to whine.
rciel had no idea what he was doing, evident in his sloppy movements and uncoordinated thrusts, but every little bit of pleasure he got only spurred him on further. it was too good to stop now.
they continued to grind against each other until rciel gasped and peed right through his shorts and onto his brother's cunt. It made sense that he didn't cum, and given his age he was really chasing a release he couldn't yet produce. But the sight of his tired baby brother underneath him with piss-stained shorts was enough.
rciel then snapped his fingers, pushing ociel out of the trance and taking him back to reality. Innocent as ever, he thanked rciel for the "help", saying he did feel better and that he was grateful.
soon after he fell asleep, covered in a sheen layer of sweat and his brother's pee.
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sewer-freak · 2 months
LONG ASS MESSAGE WARNING!!!! I have Things to Share! You've not been super online lately so I've complied sum shit that may be of interest to you.
(turning off my pink text bc normal text is easier on the eyes for big messages likethis)
I've Accepted that my instinctive feelings toward your buddy Cain are. Different from yours and uhhhuhhhhh usually try not to make Too big a thing of it. (TBH, I get an instinctive bad vibe from. Most people. So that on its own isn't enough to go off of anyway.)
however!!!! I have reason to believe that he is The Kiwi Creep. (<- I gave him a name like they do for prolific killers)
Firstly, I present to you: These posts! I'm not a huge fan of this girl's either, but it is super useful that people just confess their dark incriminating secrets to her sometimes.
(The second one has confirmation that this the same person that's been harassing you!)
"Anyway, I’ve been intentionally misleading people. Or, one particular person.
She’s someone I truly hold dear and appreciate, yet I’ve been anonymously sending her sadistic, lewd fantasies I have about her. They make her scared and uncomfortable, but every time I send them, she comes to me for help. …Without knowing it’s me."
"I can’t keep up the act anymore, I feel as if everything’s blurring together. I’m hurting her. Yet I’m the person she seeks comfort from. She’s coming to the very person who’s causing her issues in the first place and she has no idea."
Sound familiar???
I find it interesting too that The Kiwi Creep instead of going to Cain like you suggested went to this totally uninvolved person! (Kind of like how you never see Batman and Bruce Wayne in the same room!)
Coincidence? I for one think not!
If this isn't enough, he recently announced he'd be going on break.
To do what? To handle an issue offline with higher ups at the temple. Guess he decided the coal-walking wasn't enough...
I don't usually go there anymore bc the local temple is built on abuse, puritanical hypocrisy and stuffing people into nasty, hard to clean chastity devices, but because I wanted to get to the bottom of this, I dressed up as Edin, who he'd trust, to see if I could get footage of him doing the things The Kiwi Creep said he'd do. I have some videos I can send you in DMs if you want em.
To top it all off, I got an account of his character from someone else that knows him.
I personally think it's pretty fucking damning but you ofc are free to reach your own conclusions.
Anywayz I hope you're alright n I know this ask is probably kind of overwhelming gihfuoji;kl ... Idk if putting it all out there like this is even helpful but I feel Strongly about The Truth being important. Feel free 2 take your time n figure out how you feel about this info n stuff idfk
hi. yea sorry idont have a good consept of timr. im mot on here alot. immrlyy truing to thnk words but its hard. id o not feel well.
i also get bad vibes feom everyone but idk idk cain i felt like. like he proved hilmself to me like he was different he said he was and he was but ffXKKNG KIWI SAID HE WAS DIFFERTN AND FHAT IF I KNEW WHO HE WAS I wouldd dhnage my tone oh nnyhod im going to be sick
wwwhhatt do yiu mean “shes comjing tothe bery peraon who is causing her jssues” hes so nice why WHYDO I MAKE EVERYUONE WANT TO HURT ME?! clearly he doesnt eant to feel like that he told me it frustrated him and hedidnt know what to so with the feelings i provoked him i always dducking do this i shojldnt interact with anyone evwer
ii i i dont kniw alot about the temple 8 only know whathes told me .,,, i thought he wpuld twll me to join but he neverdid it was alwaays more like “come to me with ur issues i can fix them!” idk idk idk
can you send me the vjdeos
i fffrll so horrible idont know what to do
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firstkokon0is · 3 years
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wedding booth
chifuyu x reader
summary: where toman enjoys the day of school fair and yet they still wont make this a normal day for everyone— someone’s gotta experience the school fair at its finest
cw: none? maybe i should include the grammatical error.
school fair is finally happenin, everyone is been waiting for this day and have their freedom
there’s booths everywhere, food stalls, confettis on the floor and cue the dumb people who just dump their trash everywhere but the trashcan— and especially the students in all levels enjoying their life
and just because no one will literally care and its freedom day anyways mikey brought his toman in the school fair, the captains and vice captains and hina and yuzuha . you know, to add more fun.
most of the booths are located into the senior’s building— you guys grouped into 4, you got chifuyu, baji and emma on your team and after the groupings you guys separated ways, the others are not really into the booths special mention to sanzu and mucho— and some are heading to the food stalls.
chifuyu want to eat first but baji is already dragging the 3 of you to the booths and even decided for the team to take the horror booth first.
and lets just say the two boys are more vocal than you and emma, baji even slapped the masked guy who is just doing his job to scare people— chifuyu and emma holding fistful of your shirt almost ripping it off because of how tight they’re holding— good thing baji randomly flew to the air for unknown reason that knocked chifuyu into the corner— its kinda dark and hard to see so you didnt know where chifuyu flew after baji‘s impact
“what the fuck was that— who’s fhat??? who flew?” chifuyu exclaimed ”sorry man i didnt know that happened” baji apologize and with that the time is up, the door finally opened— finally a light to see, you guys got out of there and for a good 3 minutes its the whole topic, while heading into the food stalls to get something to bite
but that didn’t actually happened, because yuzuha and hakkai came to get ”you” and “chifuyu“ for something they said— “what kind of show is this again huh? hakkai- oh my god” chifuyu rolled his eyes when he met mitsuya’s gaze— knowing what’s about to go down, “sorry man, i was just ordered around to get both of you”
“huh?? for what?” your voice pitched up as you asked, “you guys are getting married” mitsuya answered “—baji and mikey listed down your names in the wedding booth so you guys are getting married today” he added
you and chifuyu looked back at baji—while you guys are still seized by yuzuha and hakkai— that idiot baji just smiled “oh cmon dont act like you guys dont want this, chifuyu have been struggling to ask you out so why dont we advance to the wedding already im sure you guys will make it official anyways” baji said followed by a smile— more like showing his annoying smile.
you and chifuyu shared looks and giggled just like how it is between you, you guys aren’t a couple yet, but its more than friends.
yuzuha and hakkai lead you guys to the open park where there’s really like a wedding ceremony, there’s a red carpet on the floor and white chairs and a??? fake pastor lmao its mitsuya.
of course toman is there to cheer on and some other people too who cared enough to actually watch the “wedding”
“love birds please step on the front” mitsuya said with his stupid mic, giving you guys spare rings to put on each other— he also gave you guys mics so your vows can be heard by many, chifuyu couldn’t even look at you straight he is burning, he’s all red hiding his face with his hand.
mitsuya is picking vows card on his hands, making sure to give you guys the best scrip— he handed one to you and chifuyu— he threatened to punch chifuyu if he didnt take this seriously and who said he’s not taking this seriously??
he got his vow on his hand as he started , “y/n, i love you and thank the lord for bringing you into my life, as we enter the matrimony i promise to always love you in sickness as in health, in poverty and wealth, iin sorrow and in joy and to be faithful to you, my y/n…..as long as we both shall live” he looks at you sincerely into your eyes right after the few last words— as he took your hand and placed the ring on your forth finger.
now you’re getting all emotional , its not even a real wedding but they way he looks at you and the way his words are perfectly said— but now its you turn, its your turn to let him know
”Chifuyu Matsuno, you’re the guy that i loved, you were my best friend first until you made me realize that you’re the one……” you let your words came out of your mouth, that wasn’t even in the script you just said it
“that….my commitment to you is one if give willingly, absolutely and without hesitation— im yours utterly and have been since the moment we met” you read the card out loud still looking at chifuyu every second— but you felt like you dont need the card anymore so you put it down to the near table and took his hand
positioning the ring on his forth finger but before that
”we were married before this day and will always be, chifuyu” looking deep at his ocean eyes, you feel like drowning in it if it wasn’t on the tears falling out of it, you pushed the ring in his finger and it makes you happy how the ring perfectly fit on his finger
“KISS THE BRIDE” baji shouted from the audience
“WHAT” you and chifuyu said in unison “we still need to do that??” chifuyu again hides his face
”its doesn’t have to be on the lips” mitsuya said which actually make sense
chifuyu just giggled and i guess he gotta do it “c’mere my wife” he softly pulled you closer and kissed you on the cheek— dangerously close to the lips
and that’s it, toman went wild and so the people around you “CONGRATS” smiley snaked his arms around chifuyu and teaed him non stop as the other toman went up to the front to say their congratulation.
hina and emma started bawling their eyes and saying how real it was.
”hey y/n…….chifuyu” mikey called, you all twisted your head to look at mikey “you guys promise me to make this happen in the future— where its going to be real okay??” mikey just had the softest smile on his face that made everyone almost shed a tear
after the very sweet friendship moment, our forgotten baji from the audience have a spare video of y’all sharing vows and probably shared it on his snapchat.
and with that, the school fair ended, one of the happiest day in your life— at first you didnt think stuff like this can happen, you thought you’re just gnna have a normal fun and nothing more— but what do you expect being in toman? you’ll be the happiest.
and i hope one day, mikey’s wishes for both of you will be granted…..him and baji was the reason of this beautiful mess anyway
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janellion · 4 years
KAYLAAAAA i am Back ! HSHXH i would like to request hcs of the reader taking care of their drunk boyfriend(s) 👉👈 may i ask for tsukki, bokuto, kuroo, and akaashi? Hdhxbb i hope it's not too much !!! if it is, tsukki and bokuto would do omg aaaAAA i love you so much bb 💞💗💗💗 and idk if i've told you this before already but i LOVE LOVE LOVE your writing like it's one of the best i've ever read !!!! pls stay healthy and safe, i love you!!!!!
RON BB U MAKING A BITCH SOFT OMG 😭😭💗💗✨✨ thank you SO SO MUCH!!’ it means the world to me that you enjoy my writing!!! i’d love to write these for you!!! (i’m sorry they took so long bb 🥺😭 ILY!!)
taking care of your drunk!boyfriend hcs
ft. tsukki, bokuto, kuroo, akaashi
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tsukki doesn’t drink that much but when he does, he gets SOFT
i don’t mean like he’s crying and all over you
but those things that he only usually thinks? like “wow they’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen”
and he doesn’t realize that he does, he’s really just thinking out loud and so when you’re all flustered at hearing him being so sweet and honest, words that he usually reserves for tender and special moments, he just quirks an eyebrow like “what? did i say something?”
and you pretend like he didn’t, bc you love hearing the things he has to say
taking care of him involves a lot of,,, tough love
he is stubborn and wants to take care of himself
he only lets you take care of him when you’re firm but sweet with him
speaking of, you’re the ONLY ONE that he let’s take care of him
even though it does take some extra coaxing on your part, anyone else would be outright refused except for you
when you go to pick him up or the boys drop him off, they always seem a little extra tired because they’ve been dealing w drunk tsukki without you and he is DIFFICULT
like “we need to bribe him to get into the car” kind of difficult
but they’re really just bribing him with getting to see you
tsukki isn’t a super cuddly or physically affectionate person, but as soon as he sees you he melts
will draw you in for a hug with those long arms of his and just hold you until he starts swaying and you both fall on the ground
the nights end with him passed out in bed and you gently removing his glasses
he never brings it up the next day bc he’s embarrassed, but he thanks you in his own little ways, whether that’s a tender kiss to your temple as you make him something for his hangover, or your favorite flowers the next time he goes out for errands
a knock on the door pulls you from your current task, piquing your interest and making you wonder — isn’t it a little late for them to be back? i figured kei would just stay with kuroo. as you head to the front door, you peek your head through the window to see none other than your tall slightly red faced boyfriend batting away the presumably helpful hand that kuroo is offering him.
as soon as you open the door and tsukki’s eyes land on you, the annoyed and frustrated look on his face melts into one of calm adoration. he takes a step through the threshold, placing a large slender hand on your shoulder, drawing you into his chest and inhaling the scent of your hair.
you look at kuroo over tsukki’s shoulder, suppressing a grin as you see kuroo’s growing. “you should have heard him on the way here, he was so excited to see you,” he comments to you under his breath as he moves to head back to the boys leaning against his car in varying levels of intoxication.
you shoot him a “good luck!” as he walks away before the door slams, blocking kuroo’s retreating back. you try and pull away from tsukki, only to feel him pull you in closer in response.
“those guys were pissing me off,” you hear tsukki’s voice muffled into into your hair. you can’t help but smile at the softness in his voice despite the harshness of his words.
“let’s get you to bed,” you laugh softly, prying his arms ground around your waist and holding his hands in yours between you.
as you go to walk down the hall, tsukki’s grip on your hands tightens as he pulls you back to him, bringing one hand to your check and the other to the small of your back.
he looks at you intensely through his glasses, face slightly flushed, but eyes soft and mouth slipping into a small smile.
“you’re the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen”
i’ve written a bit abt drunk!bo here BUT yk i can always go off abt my hubby
OK SO bokuto is one of those “i’m myself but x100” kind of drunks
he is so excited and enthusiastic about things when he’s in a good mood
but he’s so down in the dumps and sad if he’s in a bad mood
fortunately!! you are always there to manage his moods, whether that’s extreme elation or intense sadness
a smile from you or a squeeze of your hand is all it takes to bring him back to his normal cheerful and exuberant self
BUT i hope that you don’t mind shirtless!bokuto (who could???) bc this man is CONSTANTLY TAKING HIS SHIRT OFF WHEN HE DRINKS
on the rare occasions where he goes out with tanaka, these two get kicked out of places SO FAST for public indecency
taking care of drunk!bokuto is a pretty involved affair
as soon as he sees you or the guys drop him back off to you, he is running full speed toward you, often forgetting his size and underestimating his speed
you’ve learned after the first few times that you need to brace yourself for impact bc he has crashed into you more times than you can count
this often results in you either on your back on the floor, or bo sweeping you up in a giant hug as he squeezes you tightly
the man REFUSES to take care of himself, does not want to eat or drink water until you offer it to him
if you bribe him w a kiss? man will do anything
the reason why he refuses to take care of himself? he just wants to spend time w you and shower you with love and affection!!
you’re trying to brush your teeth? good thing you only need one hand bc bo is holding the other!
trying to fix the bed? good luck bc bo has his arms around your waist and is nuzzling his face into your neck
fortunately, drunk!bo is also very sleepy, so after a lot of hand holding and hugging and wildly affectionate and inappropriate compliments, he is ready to pass out
unfortunately, he’s only able to fall asleep with you in his arms, so i hope your phone is charged!!
also, get ready to take a shower in the morning bc drunk!bokuto DROOLS
it’s ok tho bc he’s so cute abt it in the morning & will DEFINITELY insist on showering w you to help you,,, clean off 👀
a loud cry rings through the neighborhood prompting loud “shhhh” noises from the boys around your boyfriend. you smile in amusement as you look out the front window at the scene before you.
bokuto just dropped his phone as he was getting out of the car and proceeded to drop onto his knees, face buried in his hands as he cries out, “NOO WHAT DID I DO THEYRE GONE KUROO GONEEE,” as he gingerly picks up his phone and looks at the lock screen.
even from your vantage point in the house you can see the barely concealed snicker fhat escapes kuroo’s lips as he gestures to tsukki to help heft the large crying man to his feet.
“bro, i promise [Name] is fine, that’s just your lock screen, they’re in the house.” at this point kuroo pauses and looks up, seeing your face in lit up in the window.
“bo, look! they’re right there! why don’t you go give the door your secret knock and see them?” kuroo says, pointing to you at the window.
of course, you can’t hear this, but you do see the way that bokuto’s eyes light up as he brings his gaze to meet yours, and the wide smile that’s already across his previously tear-stained face.
with that, he is running full speed to the front door, and you barely have time to process the change in mood before you hear your signature shared secret knock on the front door.
laughing in anticipation, you throw the door open at the finish of the knock, only to be wrapped up in two sturdy arms, bo feet your lifting off the ground in his excitement.
finally setting you down, he looks at you with shining eyes, the grin on his face spreading with every passing second.
“i missed you”
so poor kuroo is usually stuck as the designated driver (he switches off with akaashi)
when he does get to drink though? his nerdy and flirty sides come out in the BEST possible way
he loves to use chemistry pick up lines on you, whether you’re out on the town together or you’re cuddled up in your bed after he gets dropped off for the night
you’ll be playing with his hair or he’ll be playing with yours and all of a sudden he’ll pull away and all the warning you’ll get is a slight glint in his eye and the traces of a mischievous smile as he says:
Do you have 11 protons? Cause your sodium fine
You must be a compound of beryllium and barium...because your a total BaBe
as soon as the lines are out of his mouth you can feel heat rushing up your neck and cheeks as your eyes widen slightly
kuroo always laughs gently, a light blush coloring his cheeks as he pulls away
he loves to do this bc it always yields his favorite sight: you flustered and embarassed at his sudden flirtatiousness
kuroo is pretty responsible so you don’t really,,, need to take care of him?
but you DO get to listen to a lot of really entertaining stories about things that have happened throughout the night he spent out with the boys
he likes to lay his head in your lap with his eyes closed as you run your fingers through his hair and gently massage his scalp, humming gently and laughing as he recounts the tales of his night
you WILL have to convince him to go to bed tho bc drunk!kuroo wants to stay up ALL NIGHT and spend time with you, cuddling and watching tv or some movies (he WILL try and convince you to watch a fun documentary)
but you’ll have to resist his charms and pickup lines
he does NOT make it easy on you though
will even go as far as to lay on the ground and make you drag him to your bedroom, barely concealing his laughter
he’ll eventually take pity on you and walk with you to the bedroom, but not before swinging his arm over your shoulder and leaning a bunch of his weight on you (he can’t make it too easy!)
the night always ends with the two of you facing each other, his arm slung over your waist as he traces every inch of your face with his eyes
you hear the loud honk of a horn as you receive a “here” text from your boyfriend. you open the door, not sure what to expect since it’s been quite some time since kuroo actually let loose.
you definitely weren’t expecting a grinning bokuto with his hand around kuroo’s waist as your dark haired boyfriend grinned at you with a mischievous look in his eye.
“[Name]!” bokuto exclaims in his signature booming and excited voice. “Your boyfriend here was practicing lines on me all night to get ready to see you,” he says, laughter in his voice.
“bro, you weren’t supposed to tell them!” kuroo turns to bokuto, eyebrows slightly furrowed, “it was supposed to be a surprise!”
bokuto simply laughs and shakes his head, removing his arm from around kuroo’s waist and going to clap you on the shoulder. “good luck,” he says with a wink before walking back to the car, yelling at a slightly flushed akaashi that “he’s next!”
with bokuto gone, all of kuroo’s attention is on you. the mischievous look on his eye has been replaced by one that’s softer, full of love and adoration. his smile, however, still slightly betrays the rest of his face as he leans in close to you, arm resting on one side of your face as the other goes to his hip.
“You must be related to Alfred Nobel, because baby you are dynamite!” slips past his lips and you can’t help but laugh, heat rushing to your face as you take in his words.
his suaveness, however, falters as he loses his balance and crashes into you through the threshold.
he pulls back from you, face lingering inches from yours as he grins again.
“Even if there wasn't gravity on earth, I'd still fall for you”
similar to kuroo, akaashi is often the designated driver or signature “responsible friend”
when he DOES go more wild it’s because someone bokuto convinces him to do something crazy for some reason his bachelor party
on those nights where he does participate more in shenanigans, he gets SOFT
not in the same way that tsukki or bokuto get soft, but in a very special way that is Signature Akaashi
the guys will drop him off and they will all be waving and smiling at you, faces soft
akaash’s softness is infectious and inspiring, and all of them are going to go home to their own partners and be extra soft and sweet bc of him and his love for you
akaashi’s love language is quality time, and this is never more obvious than on the nights when you’re taking care of him after a fun night out with the boys
he just wants to be with you, whether that be on the couch as you finish up your book or show, talking to you as you shower for the night, or at the kitchen table as you have a midnight snack
his eyes soften and drink in the sight of you under the bright kitchen lights, or the soft glow of the tv, or through the foggy mirror of the bathroom
anything you ask of him is yours, so taking care of him is very easy
you’re both in bed as soon as you’d like to be, whether that’s one hour or five hours after he gets done with the boys
this is bc all akaashi wants to do is hold you in his arms and look at you, whispering into the quiet space between you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him
he’s not usually big on being very affectionate with his words, so when he says them, you KNOW he means them more than anything
even though he was the one that went out, he’s always the last one to fall asleep bc he wants to memorize the way you look in this exact moment, and tuck it away into his collection of favorite memories
your phone buzzes on the couch next to you, drawing your attention from the show you put on as you wait for your boyfriend to get dropped off.
accepting the phone and bringing it to your ear, you hear the calm and deep voice of the man you know and love.
“hi love, we’re almost to the house,” rings through the speaker. a chorus of “AWWWHS” and “OOOOHS” echo in the background as you hear the unmistakable voices of the boys in the car. a smile tugs at your lips at the shenanigans, and widens at akaashi’s soft chuckle. “see you soon,” you say as you hear the sound of a car pull up.
making your way to the door, you open it to reveal the slightly flushed face of your boyfriend as he gets out of the car, accepting the hand that bokuto offers in assistance.
the softness in akaashi’s eyes is unmistakable as he makes his way toward you, his gaze never straying from your face.
bokuto chuckles behind him, waving briefly at akaashi’s back before walking around to the front of the car.
as akaashi reaches the front step, he wraps an arm around your waist and brings you in for a soft but firm kiss, pulling away with a gentle smile and shining eyes.
the “OOOHS” and “AHHHS” ring out from the car again, but there’s a softness to them.
regardless, you pay them no mind as you look into akaashi’s eyes, a small smile playing on your lips.
“it’s nice to see you too,” you say through a grin.
“i’ve been wanting to do that all night”
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a/n: tysm for reading!! ty @strawbirb for the bokuto idea!! my requests are OPEN. i’m slow but i will get to them! 🥰✨
general taglist (also my faves 🥰) : @oyakags @cosmictooru @over5feettall @kaidasen @achoohq @kuronekomama @anianimol @strawbirb @spriteandnicotine
writing taglist: @softkatsuki
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war-sword · 6 years
the ilvermorny exchange (3)
part 3 | index | masterlist
summary: you’re an Ilvermorny student, and you’ve applied to the International Magic Student Exchange Program to attend your sixth year at Hogwarts instead. You and your friends are excited to go to school overseas, but a certain blonde prefect has decided to personally make your exchange year suck. You decide to give him a taste of his own medicine. (draco x reader, enemies to lovers, female reader) words: 5,382 (omg) warnings: cursing A/N: okay everyone buckle up... it’s time. and again just as a reminder this is a no-voldemort AU! otherwise some things won’t make sense. Also, sorry if your Ilvermorny house isn’t horned serpent. i just used that to make the scene easier! taglist: @tragically-cordelia @mhftrs @2pumpkin-pasty @gingerlouisgirl @seriouslynotfunny @clockworkherondale @cherrie511 @songforhema
As the December holiday approached, all the Ilvermorny students were getting excited to head home for the break. You were sitting your common room with a few of the other students, talking about your plans for break.
“I’m so excited to go home and have some fucking grits, dude… this porridge shit they eat here? Absolute trash.” Jason lamented.
“I KNOW! I just want a real buttermilk biscuit with some jam for the first time in four months,” you agreed. “A cracker is not a biscuit! It’s a fucking cracker! Also I want coffee in the morning, not tea.”
“Y’all talking bout breakfast, bro I just want some barbecue,” Kenny piped up. You all moaned in unison.
“A hamburger… literally anything besides these fucking meat pies. I’m over it. At least the dessert here is good.” Alex sighed.
“Do they let students cook here? Maybe I should ask my mom to send me back with some recipes.” You gazed up at the American flag which was hung over the mantle in the common room, charmed to always be fluttering as if in the wind, daydreaming about your mom’s homemade bread.
“I hear the Hufflepuff dorms are right near the kitchen, I can ask Madeline about it tomorrow,” Sarah offered.
“We should make some of our friends here some American food.” Alex said. She and Chris were playing mini gobstones on the table in the center of the room, and she waved her wand to make her move.
You sat up with a start. “Ohmygod, guys. What if we threw a Christmas party before the break? We can make a bunch of American food, invite our friends…”
Alice and Sarah exchanged a glance. “That’s a great idea, y/n!” Everyone else agreed.
“We can play them some American Christmas music!”
“And do a gift exchange!”
Ideas flew across the room. Chris and Sarah went off to get the other students who were in their dorms to come to the common room, and the fifteen of you planned it out together. Everyone got to invite two new friends, since the Ilvermorny dorms were small and probably couldn’t hold that many people. Sarah and Alice would find out about using the kitchen and created a menu of six American Christmas staples. Alex volunteered to procure illicit substances. You and Chris were on decorations with a few other people.
“Alex, want to split our invites? We need to invite the trio,” you said after all the planning was done.
“Sure. I don’t really want to invite anyone else, so I can take Ron and Harry. You use your invite on Hermione and someone else. I know everyone loves you.” Alex said.
“Okay, if you’re sure.” You thought-- maybe you could invite Mari from magical creatures class? Or Noor, who you often saw in the library… did she like to go to parties?
You mulled it over the next day, the square of parchment with the day and time written out on it folded neatly in your robe pocket. You saw Mari at class, but she was busy and you realized you didn’t know her really that well. You didn’t see Noor in the library.
Two days before the party, you and Chris were in the common room making paper snowflakes and charming them to float near the ceiling. “Who’d you invite?” You ask.
“Emi, from my astronomy class. She’s in Slytherin, but she’s really friendly to me. Didn’t use my other invite,” he said. The scissors he’d charmed levitated in the air next to him, snipping away at a piece of paper. Chris took it and unfolded it, guiding it up to the ceiling with his wand to be with the others.
“Couldn’t think of anyone?”
“Nah. You?”
“I haven’t used my other invite either,” you confessed. “I want to, but I don’t really know anyone else who would want to come to this party.”
“Maybe you should invite someone who wouldn’t want to come. You never know, maybe they’ll have a good time,” Chris said.
“Hm, maybe you’re right.”
On the day of the party, the Ilvermorny common room was buzzing with excitement. To contribute to the American Christmas theme of the party, you’d put on your Ilvermorny house sweatshirt and a santa hat you found in Hogsmead last week. Sarah and Alice were bringing the food up from the kitchen with the help of the elves, and Alex was carting out cases of firewhiskey from back in your dorm where she’d been storing it. Someone had got the record player going, and Frank Sinatra’s Christmas album is already playing.
Around six o’clock, your guests started arriving. Emi, was one of the first to arrive. A tiny asian girl, Emi was absolutely hilarious. She tried and loved all the food that had been set out, and was excitedly asking you and Chris questions about Ilvermorny. She and Chris apparently didn’t talk near as much in class as he’d let led you to believe which you found very funny.
More people you knew began to trickle in- Ginny, Ron’s sister, who Alex had a crush on, and someone had invited Neville which made you very happy. The trio showed up soon after, and you gave each of them a hug.
“Merry Christmas you guys!”
“Merry early Christmas!” Hermione squeezed you extra tight.
“Thanks for coming.”
“Of course,” said Harry.
“Hey, where can I get one of those?” Ron pointed to the firewhiskey bottle in your hand. Hermione whacked him across the back of the head.
“God, Ron, you’re so rude!”
You just giggled. “It’s fine. Here, follow me.”
After getting Ron and Harry a drink, you all sat around in the chairs and chatted. Alex and a few other friends came over and completed the circle. You all laugh as Ron tries various American foods from his loaded plate.
“What’s fhis called again? Pasta and cheese?” Ron mumbles around the food in his mouth.
“Mac and cheese,” Alex laughs.
“It’s bloody felicious, fhat’s what if is! ‘Mione, you’ve got fo fry if.” He slides the plate in front of her, covering his mouth as a piece of pasta tries to escape. Hermione just rolls her eyes.
Tapestry-Isolt appears on the side of the cloth that faces into the common room, making a gesture. Alex jumps up from her spot on the floor. “Someone’s here.” Your hastily take a big drink from you bottle of fire whiskey.
Ron continues to prod Hermione to try the mac and cheese. You hear people raising their voices at the door. Everyone quiets down, looking to the doorway. Alex is barring the way, but you can see Malfoy’s shock of blonde hair over her shoulder.
“Dude, get out of here.”
“I’m telling you, Huckabee, I was invited.”
“By who?”
“By me.” All eyes in the room sweep to you. Alex whipped around, her jaw slack. Malfoy crossed his arms smugly. “What?” You held out your hands. “Shit gets kind of boring when he’s not around.”
The only sound in the room is young Michael Jackson’s voice coming from the record that’s playing.
“For Christ’s sake,” you sigh, standing up. People turn back to their conversations and you walk across the common room to the door. Alex gives you a look. “Give it a rest, okay?” You say, crossing your arms.
“Okay.” She suppresses a smirk and walks off.
You turn back to Draco. “You want a drink?”
He looks at you skeptically. “Sure.”
Draco moves over to an empty spot on the wall and you return with a bottle of firewhiskey for him. He takes it and has a sip, and you lean back on the wall beside him. “So,” he begins, looking out across the room. “Did you invite me so we could get in a shouting match, I can slap you and you can punch me in the nose, and then I can leave? All because you’re bored?”
“No,” you say defensively.
Draco raises his eyebrow and looks at you out of the corner of his eye.
“I was just… being nice.” You say hotly. “Chris told me to invite someone who might not enjoy parties. The Christmas spirit, all that bullshit.”
“You? being nice?” He smirks.
“I’m actually very nice, you’re just never lucky enough to get to see it.” You stick your chin up and sip from your bottle.
“Right,” he says with an eye roll. He pulls a square of parchment out of his pocket, and you recognize it as the invitation to the party you’d slipped into his robe pocket during potions two days ago. “I knew it was you. No one else I know has handwriting this atrocious.”
You slap his arm, and he chuckles. You snatch the parchment from his fingers. “My handwriting may not be that great, but it still says right here ‘festive holiday party’. I don’t think all black counts as festive.” You point to the words on the parchment, and then at his outfit.
Draco reaches down and tugs up his pant leg, exposing a green sock-clad ankle. “What do you call this then?”
“A weak attempt,” you shoot back. He lets out a small laugh and shakes his head. Your current conversation reminded you of the time up in the tree outside the courtyard. You didn’t entirely hate talking to him like this.
“What’ve you got on? It’s quite ugly.”
“My festive, American outfit.” You straighten the collar of your pullover. “This is my Ilvermorny house sweater, and it’s not ugly.”
Draco takes in the green fabric with his eyes. “What’s your house at home?”
You’re a little surprised by his interest. “I’m in Horned Serpent.” You turn to the side, and point at your house crest that’s stitched on the left breast.
“So… is that like Slytherin here?” He asks.
“I’m not sure.” You furrow your brow. “I think it would maybe be Ravenclaw. Horned Serpent favors the mind, and scholars. But I don’t really think I would be in Ravenclaw if I was sorted here. Sometimes I don’t even think I should be in Horned Serpent at home. At Ilvermorny, sometimes you can be sorted into two houses, and then you get to choose. I was sorted into Horned Serpent and Pukwudgie. I picked Horned Serpent.”
Draco was quiet as he considered this. “You can fight with the Sorting Hat here, but you can’t choose your house. Our first year, we all watched Longbottom argue with the stupid thing for almost five minutes.”
The side of your mouth quirked up. “You? How long did it take the Sorting Hat to figure out you were a Slytherin?”
“Almost immediately,” he said smugly.
“How surprising.”
In the center of the room, Alex, Chris, and the trio were watching the two of you talk. Ron was still shoveling mac and cheese into his mouth with fervor.
“God, Ron, how can you stand to eat and look at them at the same time?” Hermione said, looking slightly disgusted.
“What exactly is going on?” Harry asked, genuinely confused. “I’ve seen them fight since they day you all arrived. They can’t stand one another.”
“This is what I was fucking telling you guys! The sexual tension.” Alex slammed her hand on the table. “All she does is talk about how stupid his face is. I think she has a crush on him and doesn’t know it.”
“The other day, I told her to invite someone she didn’t think would enjoy parties, just to be nice.” Chris said. “I didn’t realize she’d take it so literally.”
“Oh, look, they’re going at it now…” Ron gestured with his fork over toward you and Draco, who were now arguing.
“What are we talking about?” Emi returned to the circle with more food and sat down next to Chris in front of the fireplace.
“How Malfoy and y/n are eye-fucking.” Alex stated.
Emi wrinkled her nose. “Whatttttt?! Her and Draco? Never. He hates her guts-- All I ever hear him talking about is how stupid her face is.”
Alex threw up her hands. “WHAT DID I SAY!”
“Here, let’s find out.” Emi put her cookie back on her plate, and waved her hands around. “Draco!”
The trio frantically tried to tell Emi to stop, but it was too late. Draco walked over, with you trailing a bit behind. “Oh, hello Emi. I didn’t realize you were coming here.”
“Yeah, same to you.” She patted the empty spot on the ground next to her. “Come sit, we’re playing a game.”
Draco awkwardly sat down, looking across the table at the trio in disgust. You walked behind them to sit on the hearth between Alex and Chris. “How did you even get here? Did you lie to Snape?” Draco asked his housemate.
“I have my ways.” Emi stated, picking her cookie back up and eating it in one bite. “How did you get here?”
“I’m the Prefect, I can go wherever I want.” Draco said, taking a sip of his firewhiskey.
Emi nodded approvingly, then brushed the crumbs off her fingers. “Let’s play truth or dare, I’ll go first. Y//n, truth or dare?”
“Uh, truth, I guess,” you said.
“Have you ever thought about kissing Draco?”
You nearly spit out the sip of firewhiskey you’d just taken, and next to you, Alex burst out laughing. You felt your face getting hot. “Uh, have I ever thought about it?”
“Yeah,” Emi said, completely blank faced.
You paused, and looked off into the distance for just a moment. “Sure. I’ve thought about it.” You took another sip from your bottle, avoiding eye contact with anyone.
Emi seemed satisfied. “Alright. Your turn, then.”
You bit your lip, then turned to Draco. “Hey Malfoy, truth or dare.”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “Truth.”
“Have you ever thought about kissing me?”
Draco didn’t miss a beat. “Have I ever thought about it?” He echoed you from moments ago.
He took a drink of firewhiskey. “Sure. I’ve thought about it.”
Hermione flopped back into her chair, looking defeated, and Ron’s mouth was open. Harry looked nearly green, while Alex’s eyes were glinting dangerously.
Emi looked pleased. “Well, there we are. I’m adjourning the game.”
“Emi, you can’t just do that.” Draco frowned. “You: truth or dare.”
“I don’t have to play, I just adjourned the game.”
“Mmm, you started it so you’re automatically playing.” Draco poked her arm. “Truth or dare?”
“Fine,” she sighed dramatically. “Dare.”
“Dare you to go eat all the rest of that disgusting-looking pie.” Draco pointed across the room to the perfectly normal looking apple pie on the table.
“Hah! Jokes on you Malfoy, this American food is delicious.” She turned to Chris on her other side. “Chris! Go get it for me.”
“Damn, what happened to please?” Chris said, but he was already getting up. Emi patted his leg as he walked by.
“Ooh, now it’s my turn again. Hm,” she tapped her chin, looking around the circle. “Hermione, truth or dare?”
Hermione grimaced. “Truth, please.”
Emi drummed her fingers together with a look of great concentration on her face. “Tell us something about about Hogwarts we don’t know.”
“Emi, that’s a lame truth,” Alex laments.
“What? She’s smart, you lot don’t know anything about here, I’m curious.” Emi takes the pie from Chris, who has just returned, and she takes a bite.
Hermione takes the compliment in stride. “Hm, well, there’s a legend that there’s a secret room underneath the girl’s bathroom on the first floor. No one ever goes in because that’s where Moaning Myrtle lives, but the times I have been I haven’t found any evidence of it. There’s loads of other secret passages across the whole castle, I’ve used the ones near the Charms room to get to class in the Towers on time before. And the Room of Requirement is supposedly somewhere on the fourth floor.” Hermione rattles on.
“What’s the Room of Requirement?” You ask.
“What it sounds like,” Hermione explains. “You go, and if you really are in need of something or a space, a door will appear. When you enter, the room will be suited to your needs. I’ve never heard of anyone going there, though.”
“I’ve been.”
All eyes turn to Draco. “What? When?” Hermione says, shocked.
“A few times. None of your business.” He shrugs.
“Mmm! I wanna go!” Emi swallows a bite of pie and throws her fork down.
“Yeah, Malfoy,” you prod. “Take us.”
Chris and Alex chime in with their agreement. Draco looks skeptical.
“Why should I?”
“Because it’s the Christmas spirit, asshole.” You get up and walk to the door, shoving your santa hat onto Draco’s head as you walk past. “Everyone! We’re going on a field trip!” You announce to the whole party. Draco glares at you, and you grin back. “Let’s go, sunshine. You lead the way.”
The large group of you troop through the halls, Draco leading the way. “I look better in this than you.” He leans against the rail of one of the moving staircases, gesturing to your hat.
“At least you’re looking slightly festive now.” You lean back on the railing opposite him.
“Sexual tensionnnnn,” Alex hisses loudly from a few steps below. You and Draco cast her matching sneers.
“You two are the ones who admitted to thinking about kissing one another, so stop looking like that.” Chris said, putting his hands up. Emi giggles, grabbing onto his arm.
“Key word: thought!” You cried. “It’s hard not to think about something when someone brings it up.”
“Oh, so you hadn’t thought about it before tonight?” Draco teased.
“NO.” You said indignantly.
The staircase slid into place and Draco sauntered off into the next corridor, shooting you a look that said ‘right, sure.’ You run up beside him and whack him on the arm. “Dick! I do not waste my precious time thinking about you.”
“Hey, that hurt!” He reaches out and shoves you sideways.
“For the love of Christ, STOP FLIRTING!” Alex yells.
“We are not!” You and Draco yell back.
You turn the corner and Draco leads everyone to what seems to be a blank wall. “Is this it?” You ask.
“Yes, now shut up so I can concentrate.” Draco closes his eyes, and everyone becomes quiet. For a few moments nothing happens, then the stone wall slowly starts to shift. Swirling lines curl around the shape of large double doors, and a round handle forms in front of Draco. He opens his eyes and looks at the doors, satisfied. “This is the room where people come when they need to hide something.”
Draco tugs the large doors open, and everyone gasps as they look in. The room seems to go on forever, stacks of objects piling up into mountains every few feet. Thin aisles weave between the piles for people to walk between. Everyone files in, going their various ways down the different paths. Draco seems pleased by everyone’s amazement.
“What’s that sound?” You ask, coming to stand beside him again.
“There’s probably a record player in here somewhere. It’s always playing when I come, so it must be broken.” Draco says.
“How often do you come here to hide stuff?” You tease.
“I told you, none of your business,” he shoots back.
“C’mon,” you gesture for him to follow you. “Let’s see if we can find it.”
Draco follows you without much question, and the voices of everyone else fade away as you go deeper into the Room. You turn various corners, trying to follow the sound of the music. “There’s so much stuff in here,” you muse aloud, letting your fingers brush over the dusty surface of a long-forgotten desk.
“It’s thousands of years of useless junk, since I assume people have been hiding thing here since Hogwarts began,” Draco answers.
You turn another corner where there’s a slightly more open area. There’s a huge shelf that’s filled with broken teacups, so many they look likely to spill over at any moment.
“I don’t think we’re getting any closer.” Draco’s voice is softer than normal, and right behind you.
You turn around and find yourself only a few inches away from his chest. “Yeah, the music, uh, sounds about the same,” you say, your eyes flitting up to his face. You can’t help but catch sight of his lips, which look incredibly soft and inviting up close.
You both move toward each other at the same time, but you also both stop just a fraction of an inch away from one another. Draco’s head is tilted down, and you can feel his gentle breath on your lips. “Draco, what are we doing?” You whisper.
He swallows before answering. “Can we just not think about it?”
Your heart feels like it’s going to flutter out of your chest. “Okay.”
Draco’s head dips down, and he captures your lips with his. At first, the kiss is soft, but it doesn’t take long for the usual fire between you to flare. You’re kissing like you argue, one of you always trying to best the other. One of Draco’s hands comes around the small of your back, his fingertips brushing against your skin, while the other flies to your neck and rests on your racing pulse. You dig your fingers into his hair, knocking your hat off his head and pulling him down towards you. He groans into your mouth.
Together, you take a step backwards so you’re up against the shelf. Your back hits it harder than you meant to and you let out a small gasp. China rattles above you.
“Y/n, is that you?”
Your lips separate with a pop, and Draco’s eyes are wide. Someone is coming.
Alex pops around the corner a few seconds later, and sees you mending the teacups on the shelf. “Oh, yay, it’s you. You all good? I thought I heard something about to break.”
“Nah, just the cups,” you say, waving your wand again to repair another.
“Cool. I think the rest of us were gonna head back now, you coming?”
“Uh, I’d like to stay here a little longer. I think this place is dope.”
Alex looks skeptical. “Alright, just don’t get lost. Hey, where’s Malfoy? I can’t find that bitch either.”
You shrug. Alex raises her eyebrows. You sigh and lower your wand from the shelf. “Jesus fuck, there’s nothing going on between us, okay? I don’t know where he is, he probably left already.”
“Alrighttttt,” Alex sings. “Uh-huh. Sure. I definitely believe you. One hundred percent.” She turns on her heel and walks off.
After her footsteps fade, Draco reappears from around another corner, a stupid grin on his face. “Honestly, I’m hurt you consider that nothing.”
“Oh, fuck off.” You guide a repaired teacup back to its place on the shelf.
“I can show you some more, if you’d like?” His arms wrap around your torso and he places a kiss on the side of your neck, making you giggle.
“Okay, okay! But not here. We’re liable to break something for real.”  
His eyes glint mischievously. “I know just the place.”
The tapestry has barely fallen into place behind you before you’re being pushed up against the wall in the tiny alcove behind it, Draco’s lips meeting yours with passion. “Draco… what exactly… are we… doing,” you ask again, between kisses. You part, breathless, dim light from the torches in the corridor filtering through the tapestry, illuminating Draco’s face just enough to see the flush on his cheeks.
“I dunno,” he says, lips descending onto your neck. “Can we not talk… about it... right this moment.”
“Ugh, fine.” Your hands thread into his fine hair again. “But we have to talk about it tomorrow.”
Draco’s face reappears in front of yours again. “God, you’re so difficult sometimes. I love it.”
He lifts you up the wall so your faces are more in line, putting one of his legs between yours to stabilize you. Your toes barely brush the ground, and for the first time you’re truly aware of how much taller he is than you. One of his hands slips under your sweater, and you sigh in delight as his fingertips skate across the skin of your hip. “Mmm, someone’s eager.” He gently nips at your lower lip.
“‘S been a while,” you mumble.
Draco’s mouth cracks into a smile, ending your kiss. You pout and he laughs. “I know I’m good but, seriously, how long’s it been.”
You hope he can see your eyes roll in the dim light. “I thought we weren’t gonna talk about anything right now.”
“Yeah, but now I’m curious.” Now his fingers are gliding along the small of your back, and you arch away at the feathery touch, which just amuses him more.
“Like… maybe a year and a half.”
“A year?” Draco’s mouth drops open, and you hate the look of arrogance that’s taking over his face at being the first to kiss you in such a long time. “There is absolutely no way.”
“I’ll leave, you know.” You threaten, taking your arms off his shoulders and crossing them.
Draco suddenly grabs onto your upper arms. “Please don’t.”
“So then stop running your mouth and kiss me, you idiot.” You uncross your arms and grab at Draco’s collar.
“Luckily for you, I’m excellent at both of those things.”
It had been… a long time. You’d spent the better part of an hour in the corridor on the third floor, and now you were making your way back to the Ilvermorny dorms much later than you’d have liked. You tried to tell Draco Alex would only get more suspicious, but he was… very persuasive.
“Greylock,” you said to tapestry-Isolt. She stepped to the side to let you through. The party had dwindled to most of the Ilvermorny students, the trio, Ginny, and Emi, who were seated by the fire playing a card game.
“What’s up?” You asked, plopping down into a chair. All you received were stares in return. “Uh, hello?”
“You were gone for a while.” Alex says, leaning back against the hearth Ginny’s legs settled in her lap.
“Yeah, I did end up getting a little lost. That room was huge.” Everyone continues to stare.
“Got you hat back, then?” Alex gestures to your head.
FUCK. “Uh, yeah. I saw Malfoy when I was leaving, asked for it back. I guess he was just wandering around, too.”
“Uh-huh.” Alex can’t keep the smirk off her face.
“I literally just happened to see him and all I did was ask for my fucking hat back, okay? Hop off my dick.”
“What’s on your neck?” Alex points, and you feel the blood drain from your face.
You don’t say anything to that. Alex throws her hand of cards to the side, deflty sliding out from under Ginny and onto your chair. “Ah! Alex, get the fuck off me!’ You cry, desperately holding up the collar of your sweater as Alex tries to pull it down.
But Alex wins in the end. She yanks down the left side of your collar, revealing the forming bruises across your collarbone. “HOLY SHIT YOU LET MALFOY GIVE YOU A HICKEY.”
Your cheeks are flaming, and you let out a muffled scream into your hands. Emi is losing it with laughter.
“You let that git’s lips touch your face? More than your face?” Harry stuttered. Ron made a gagging noise.
“Y/n, I cannot believe you did that!” Hermione wailed.
“OKAY, everyone chill out.” You put your hands out. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
“How do you know?” Alex cries.
“Because I explicitly asked and he said, ‘let’s not talk about it right this moment,’ quote.” You punctuate your sentences by punching your fist into your palm.
“Uh-huh, cos he was too damn busy sucking on your neck like a fucking leech.” Alex poked at your collarbone and you swatted her hand away.
“Oh my gooood, that’s such a Draco thing to say to someone he’s totally into.” Emi drawled.
Your blush flares back up. “What? He’s not ‘totally into me’.”
“Uh, absolutely yes,” Emi shoots back. “Tomorrow you’ll see.”
As it turns out, tomorrow’s ‘we’ll talk about it later’ begins in a similar place as last night. Draco’s hands are gripping at the back of your uniform shirt as you tug on his tie, his lips already attached to the sensitive piece of skin behind your ear. You can’t stop the moans rolling out of your mouth.
“I like how much you like this,” his voice rasps against your skin.
“Yeah, and I’d love to give you some payback for last night but we have something to discuss.”
“Can’t we just do this a little longer?” He nearly whines against your lips.
You grab the front of his shirt and spin him around, so he’s the one with his back to the wall. His eyes open in surprise at your aggression. “Do you like me or not?” You get straight to the point.
The edge of his mouth quirks up. “I definitely like it when you do that.”
This gets him a quick slap on his cheek. “I’m dead ass serious, Draco. I’m not the kind of girl who just goes around kissing whoever, alright?”
“Yeah, I sort of figured that when you said you hadn’t been kissed in a year and a half.”
You let go of his shirt and turn to leave. Maybe he really was just using you since all he still wanted was to tease you.
Draco’s hand closes around your wrist. “Wait, Y/n, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make fun of you.”
You turn to face him again. “But that’s all we ever do, Draco! Everything I know about you is stuff I tease you about. There’s no point in this, I’m bad at not catching feelings. I know myself.”
“Me either! Listen, I know you know me well enough to at least know I’m not actually stupid. I wouldn’t have kissed you for no reason.”
“Oh, you totally would have.”
“Okay, fine, I’m an arse but I’m still a gentleman. There’s a line I don’t cross. To answer your question, yes, I do fancy you. I like being around you. I look forward to potions everyday. I might not know much about you but I do notice things about you that I think are utterly adorable.”
Your cheeks heat up at his compliment, and you throw yourself against his chest in a hug.
Draco rests his hand on your hair. “I tease you because you’re the only one who can keep up. I love your wit, I think it’s one of the most attractive things about you. If you want to try… being together, we can do that. Just maybe not tell anyone because that’d be a bloody mess.” He adds quickly.
“I like those things about you, too.” You say, turning your head so he can hear you clearly. “You’re smart, and I happen to think you’re pretty cute also.”
“Just cute?”
“Nah, your jawline is pretty hot. And your accent.”
“I knew there was no way you actually hated my accent.”
You pull away and playfully slap his chest. “Okay, boyfriend,” you smirk. “Can we get to kissing, because I go back home tomorrow and I need my fix before Christmas.”
“Ugh!” Draco groans, throwing his head back. “I forgot about that.”
“Yah-huh.” You give an exaggerated nod.
“I think kissing just might make waiting worse,” he says playfully. “Let’s find out.”
Several minutes later you return to the Great Hall to catch the end of the lunch hour. Everyone’s expectant eyes are on you as you take your seat and casually start eating.
“Well?” Alex pries.
“Huh? Oh, we talked.”
“Okay? And?” Ron urges.
You shrug noncommittally. “We both agreed it was probably a bad idea. A one time thing.”
The trio sighs in relief, while Alex crosses her arms and huffs. “Ugh! You’re so boring.”
You just put another bite of food in your mouth and give her a mock-sad face. “Sorry to disappoint.”
Across the Hall, Draco enters and heads to they Slytherin table. He shoots a quick wink your way before sitting down with his own friends, careful to not look over at you again for the rest of the meal.
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marshunter06 · 5 years
Endgame Thoughts
If you haven’t seen it and you don’t want to be spoiled don’t read this.
Unpopular opinion but I don’t fucking care. I fucking hated endgame. What the fuck was that? This movie was written for fanboys with no regard for fan girls. There were so many issues within the original six’s characterization (with the exception of Clint imo). Call me an angry bitch just cause my ship wasn’t canon, sure whatever, but that’s not why I’m fucking bitter. It left me so fucking unsatisfied. I feel empty. What the fuck did I just watch.
While I love Steve and enjoy Tony, this movie was once again not an avengers movie. It’s a Steve and Tony movie. Everyone else got their story arc pushed back. Telling me that Natasha will play a big role in this movie then killing her off halfway. Yeah sure. Tell me again why Thor was pretty fucking useless against Thanos while Steve was kicking ass? He’s the fucking God of Thunder! Also he was the butt of too many jokes and it was way overdone. Haven’t we seen Thor hit rock bottom having to fight his way back enough times? Also he didn’t mention Loki??? He’s still hung up on Jane? Now he’s probably going to be in gotg 3 and I’m just not a fan of that. Take more spotlight away from the guardians whatever. I’m not a Thor stan so I won’t say more, but they did him dirty.
The Bruce and Hulk thing was pretty fucking weird to me. Though again not a huge fan of him normally I can’t say much. I’ll agree with Valkyrie when she says I think I liked you better before. If they would have explained this better or even set it up then maybe I could accept it more. When the ancient one pushed Bruce out I fully expected Hulk to get up, but nope. Guess he’s gone, just his body left. Kinda pissed fhat ge didn’t get a rematch with Thanos. I also think that they made Bruce more of a joke and dumber even though he’s pretty fucking smart. Again not a stan, so I’ll leave it at that, but they him dirty.
Tony. Fuck man. Nothing will every prepare for that moment. Everybody knew it was coming, but it wasn’t fucking fair. You guys just couldn’t let him be happy with Pepper and Morgan (this Morgan is fucking pissed because of this). He’s played the self sacrificing character in every single fucking avengers movie. Really? This crap again? It’s fucking old. Just let the man retire, but no because no one else is more qualified to deal the final blow to Thanos. Fuck that. The heart and soul of the MCU is gone now. Thanks a lot. With it, a true OTP gone too. While I’m at this, fuck Howard Stark. Why do you guys want to paint him as such a great man all the time? Tony just suffers and suffers. Does he get a happy ending? No, he gets to die instead. Of fucking course. I could go on about this, but basically they did him fucking dirty.
As for my goddess Natasha... words cannot describe how bitter I am that you’re gone. I refuse to believe it. You’re just stuck in the soul realm. I honestly think they killed her just because they didn’t know what the fuck to do with her character. Which is fucking dumb since I would’ve loved the Black Widow movie to be set after Endgame with her doing shit on her own, but nope. Poor Nat is just trying to keep shit together without falling apart. She cares so much about her found family and she would do anything for them. It’s a shame she doesn’t get to see how she helped save the world. It’s also a fucking shame that she didn’t get a fucking funeral or more than a few lines from Clint. Yo if you don’t see romanogers as an otp theyre at the very least a solid brotp! We got one fucking tear from Steve then nothing. Why did she even have to die! In Infinity Wars Red Skull tells Thanos he must lose what he loves most, no offense, but Natasha is not what Clint loves most. He’s already lost who he loves most. All of a sudden it changes to who you love? While the clintasha moments were great, it was just that. This movie gave us Clint and Clintasha development but nothing with just Natasha. She is more than her relationship with other men. I know I wrote a fic where she dies during Endgame, but fuck man did it really have to come true? She wasn’t in half the movie because of this bullshit! That awesome women empowerment moment with all the ladies of the MCU was missing the Black Widow! She gave us the first strong female hero in the MCU and she should’ve fucking been there for that scene, but no. I don’t care what anyone says, she should’ve fucking been there. It would’ve been such a kickass moment to finally see all of them together on screen kicking ass. She deserved better. Fuck. I’m sorry Natasha, they did you fucking dirty.
I have a lot of feelings about Steve obvi since that’s my Captain. The man out of time thing? We’re really still going with that? Sure just disregard all of his character development in the previous movies, yeah let’s just put him back at the first avengers film. It’s a fucking sad day when I say I wish he fucking died. They basically killed his character for me. I fucking knew he would go back in time and stay there. What other choice did they have if they didn’t want to kill him? Well they should’ve just killed him. It would’ve been fitting for him to make that ultimate sacrifice finally just as Tony did. I’ve always loved seeing Steve progress and develops with each movie proving to us why he’s Captain America and why he’s still relevant today, but this movie fucking regresses the hell out of him. You’re fucking telling me he chooses to go back for Peggy who he knew for what like three years instead of staying with his team/family who he’s worked with for over ten fifteen years now. Yeah cause apparently they don’t mean shit to him. Fuck that. Steggy isn’t the only real relationship. His brotps matter too and they matter a hell of a lot more than his romances. Instead of giving us that Howard and Tony talk, Peggy should’ve slapped some sense into Steve. Honestly I firmly believe that Steve wouldn’t have gone back if Tony and Nat made it. I’m still fucking livid. Yeah let’s just ignore all the timeline/ other universes that will occur when I choose to stay back in time. Let’s just skip over Steve putting the soul stone back and ignoring Natasha’s death so he can get back to his lost love. Yes I’m fucking bitter. What the fuck did you do to my favorite character? And to the important relationships he had with the other avengers, new and old? Given the choice I guess we would apparently all choose to live in the past instead of moving forward. Great fucking message there. Steve, they did your character fucking dirty.
Bring on the fanfics cause this canon is fucking broke. I have a fix it fic in mind already. I’m so disappointed in the MCU. Endgame is not my canon. Fuck that movie. Honestly I’m kinda done with this. I don’t want to talk about this fucking movie anymore. I never thought Endgame would be the end of my love for the MCU too. To quote Tony, “part of the journey is the end” and unlike some poorly written characters, I can move on.
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 7 years
situation: 13, line: 34 X) for the drabble thing
Gahhh! I’m so sorry this was super late! Omg! But I finally got the inspiration to do it! This is a little.. shall we say… angsty haha
Someone does something stupid, “It’s 2 am, go back to bed.”
I laid on my side, the sheets pooled around me as I breathed deeply. I was already deep in sleep, the fan at the foot of the bed cooling at the bottoms of my feet. It was quiet, except for the soft buzzing of the fan and both of our small breaths. Thankful the two of us were able to go to sleep. I wasn’t very pleased with how we left things. Usually, I want to make up before we fall asleep.
But I was just so tired and Saeyoung had been working all day. I knew he’d be too tired to discuss it, but I had so much trouble falling asleep. He apparently did too, because not too long into the night he was shaking me rather violently.
My body jolted, and I threw a look over my shoulder. My hands flew up to my eyes, wiping them until I could see somewhat clearly. Saeyoung’s face was soft in the darkness, his golden eyes practically enveloping my own. I felt a slight shudder creep up my back, and I let out a soft sigh.
“Sae, what is it? I was sleeping,” I groaned.
“Ashley, baby cakes, are you still mad at me?”
“What? Sae, can we talk about this in the morning? It’s 2 am, go back to sleep.”
“No. I’m not letting you go back to bed. Not until you tell me that you’re not mad.”
I sighed heavily, sitting up slowly. My body could only take me so far, sleeppractically gnawing at my muscles. All I wanted was to go back to bed, but Saeyoung was right. It wasn’t like I was trying to be irritating and not want to talk about it. The day had just been so long and the two of us were so tired. My body felt like it was in fire the entire time.
Through sleepy eyes, I looked at my redheaded fiancé with a somber expression. I tried to cover myself up to shield from the cold, but it only made me look rather ridiculous. Not that I cared at the moment. All that I wanted was to make up with him, so I could go back to bed.
“I’m such an idiot, I know, baby… today was supposed to be special, and I ruined it like always,” Saeyoung said, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze.
I pursed my lips, looking at our hands and squeezing back.
“Sae, it’s not like you meant to be stupid. You didn’t know. I shouldn’t have pushed you like that, but when I saw you working all day I got so pissed off.”
“I know… and I didn’t mean what I said. I was just tired and stressed. You don’t deserve that… not on our anniversary,” He said, a tear falling down his cheek.
“Sae, baby, please… don’t cry.”
I reached up to cup his face, trying to smile as best as I could given the circumstances. My body was practically swaying I was so god damn tired. But I needed to show him that I was okay. Saeyoung is very fragile and sensitive when it comes to my feelings. I don’t want him to think that I’m angry at him anymore.
He did do something incredibly stupid. He did act like a jerk. But that was okay, because I know he didn’t mean it. I know how stressed he can be. It was my fault for coming into the office and pushing him. Knowing full well that he was busy.
It was just a big day for us. Our three year anniversary. I wanted to spend all day with him. So when I saw that he was on the computer working I lost my mind. He and I both said things that were with the intent of hurting the other, and thats not how a couple should solve things. That’s not at all how we should treat one another.
“I’m so stupid for forgetting our anniversary. I don’t deserve you, Ashley,” Saeyoung mumbled, “We’re about to get married, and I can’t even give you a damn anniversary gift without making you cry.”
“Shhh… don’t say another word. You already know how I feel. Saeyoung, I don’t care anymore that you forgot. I know work is stressful enough without me barging in here like fhat. It’s one day we can share together tomorrow. Your health is more important to me than some stupid argument we had over a day. I’m not saying the day isn’t important for us, because it’s the day that you became my whole work. That’s exactly why I was so pissed. But you didn’t forget… you just got lost in the job, got stressed out, and I didn’t see that.”
“But… I forgot the most important day.”
“We can celebrate tomorrow, sweetie. It’s not worth all the gross things that we said. It’s really not. It reminded me of before… when you pushed me away and I… I never wanna go back to that.”
“We won’t… we won’t, I promise. I’m here for you, forever. You hear me?”
Saeyoung cupped my face in his hands, staring deeply into my eyes.
“I love you… I’m going to marry you. We’re going to get that rocket ship, go to the space station and have the most beautiful wedding you’ve ever dreamed of. I’m not going anywhere, and that’s never going to happen again.”
I smiled softly, feeling tears falling down my own cheeks as well. Sae quickly swiped them from my face, leaning down to kiss me softly.
“I’m so sorry, Ashley. For everything. I’ll be sure to never ever ever forget this day again. Or get so caught up in work again. Because you’re my life now,” He said, softly.
He peppered more kisses onto my face, smiling when I started to giggle.
He yanked me down into the bed, settling back underneath the covers. My head laid on his chest, securely bound by his arms that were wrapped around me. Saeyoung kissed the top of my head, locking his legs with my own. We returned to the calmness that we had moments ago, my eyes feeling heavy from sleep.
“Goodnight, kitten. I’ll see you in my dreams.”
I smiled, burying my face into the crook of his neck.
“Goodnight, Saebae…”
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