#The Art of Louis-Léopold Boilly: Modern Life in Napoleonic France Susan Siegfried
empirearchives · 4 months
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Detail from “Viewing David’s Coronation of Napoleon”
By Louis-Léopold Boilly, c. 1810
This detail shows two figures using a printed guidebook to decipher the names and faces of people in the painting of Napoleon crowning his wife as Empress Josephine as shown at the Musée du Louvre between 1808 and 1810.
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empirearchives · 4 months
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Portrait of Mme d'Aucourt de Saint-Just, 1808, Napoleonic era, by Louis-Léopold Boilly
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empirearchives · 7 months
Fathers as nurturers during the Napoleonic era
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Portrait of Monsieur Gaudry giving his daughter a geography lesson, 1812, Louis-Léopold Boilly
The Gaudry portrait is even more a portrayal of “the good father” than a lesson in political geography. The painting provides evidence of a reorientation of the father’s role within the family that had taken place from the eighteenth to the nineteenth centuries. In her study of archetypal family structures during the Revolutionary period, Lynn Hunt traces “the rise and fall of the good father” and his eventual replacement, as an ambivalent figure, by republican fathers “who were now officially depicted as friendly, supportive, and interested in their children.” While the gradual transformation of the king into a good father began before the Revolution (as manifested in the portrait of Louis XVI, and not a tutor, instructing his son in geography), it was not until the Napoleonic period that a positive image of paternalism was explicitly rehabilitated, as Boilly’s commission for a portrait of the yet-childless Napoleon as père de famille so clearly indicates. In the meanwhile, children assumed new importance as the affective center of gravity in representations of families, a shift that is indicated by the painting’s focus on the demure Mlle Gaudry. Rather than reading the Gaudry portrait in twentieth-century terms, as an expression of “unusual sensitivity and psychological insight,” Boilly’s portrayal of an affectionate and respectful relationship between father and daughter is better understood as conforming to a new social construction of the family that came to the fore during the Napoleonic period, in which fathers assumed new roles as nurturers or guides.
Source: The Art of Louis-Léopold Boilly: Modern Life in Napoleonic France, Susan Siegfried, pp, 115
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empirearchives · 8 months
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So I found this neat drawing of Napoleon by Louis-Léopold Boilly in 1812.
From the book The Art of Louis-Léopold Boilly: Modern Life in Napoleonic France by Susan L. Siegfried.
It’s part of a larger drawing, and I very messily outlined Napoleon’s frame so I could see him better ;)
The piece is called “A Family Imploring the Emperor” in which Napoleon is granting someone clemency.
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