#The Aussie initially signed up to learn how to get his revenge and got sucked into a lot
lunar-insanity · 2 months
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I suddenly remembered some old OCs of mine! Back in highschool, I was on a TF2 kick (met one of my best friends during that time) and I joined an RP group on DA called Apprentice Fortress 2. We basically made apprentices to the mercs between the ages of 18-25.
T'was a good time for a while! I started with the Medic up there and made the rest of them, with Mr. Evil Green Hair there last. It was definitely a time when I cut my teeth on traumatizing characters I think, and looking back at a few of these backstories, and stuff I wrote back then, WOW younger me, what the hell.
They were also pasty as fuck. I'm talking all of them were either pasty white or fair skinned (Medic). I wasn't happy bout that, so I picked out some new skin tones for em!
Anyway! I'm pretty proud of how they came out! So please enjoy:
The Adrenaline Junkie Battle Medic: Eclair Solar
The Head Engineer and Robot Maker: Elijah Walker
The Formerly Revenge Seeker Sniper: Theodore "Ted" Smith
The Retired Heavily Traumatized Spy Turned Sous-Chef: Alois Metzger-Archambeau
And lastly
The Entomologist-Geneaologist-Decay Fascinated-And Probably a High Functioning Sociopath based on how I wrote him back in the day- Soldier: Mårten "Grub" Bolten
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