#The Best Cancer Hospital in Hyderabad
sireesha91333 · 1 year
Punarjan  Ayurveda - Best Cancer Hospital in Hyderabad, India
 Punarjan Ayurveda is committed to our Ancient Traditional Indian medicine method, Ayurveda, with a holistic health care approach. Ayurveda is not only the medical system, but it is the whole science of wellbeing. 
Punarjan Ayurveda has 25yrs of Expertise Ayurvedic professionals & promises a patient-centered approach to cure and improving the quality of life, and restoring hope offering compassionate care. Punarjan Ayurveda is committed to our Ancient Traditional Indian medicine method, Ayurveda, with a holistic health care approach. 
For more information Visit:
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health-freaksss · 1 year
Apollo Cancer Institute is a center of excellence and is considered to be the best cancer hospital in Hyderabad providing 360 degrees cancer care including prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
The Institute offers services including Head & Neck Oncology, Haemoto Oncology, Urological Oncology, Orthopaedic Oncology, Gynecological Oncology along with Specialty Clinics for Breast Cancer, Musculoskeletal Cancers, Bone Sarcoma Clinic, Oral and Throat Cancers.
Their experienced team of doctors and other medical professionals provide holistic care that includes preventive measures such as healthy lifestyle and nutrition counseling. The team also has experts in oncologic surgery who perform advanced procedures like radical neck dissection and mastectomy among others.
If we are talking about review then best cancer hospital in Hyderabad reviews for Apollo hospitals Hyderabad are best and most of the population of India and some other countries prefer Apollo hospitals rather than any other hospitals.
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Our Senior Neuro-Oncologist Dr. K. Venkateswara Rao provides complete information about #braintumors, myths & facts about brain tumors, diagnosis, and treatment options for brain cancer. This video provides a comprehensive overview of brain tumors.
There are many types of brain tumors. The tumors are formed by abnormal growth of cells and may be either benign or malignant. Benign brain tumors grow and press on nearby areas of the brain. They rarely spread into other tissues and may recur. Malignant brain and spinal cord tumors are likely to grow quickly and spread into other brain tissues.
Malignant brain tumors can affect people of all ages. As always, early detection and treatment may save a life.
Consult a specialist immediately if you observe any of these symptoms.
-Headache, gradually progressing associated with Nausea and vomiting
-Altered Level of Consciousness
- Visual disturbances, Speech Disturbances, Auditory disturbances
- Limb weakness
-Altered level of Consciousness
-Bowel and Bladder Incontinence
Our Neuro-Oncology department offers state-of-the-art care for patients suffering from brain cancers and nerve disorders. In addition, neurologists in the department provide treatment for patients with neurologic complications related to cancer or cancer therapies. The department treats more than 300 newly diagnosed brain tumor patients each year. Under one roof you can go for Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy.
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ganitsoni · 12 days
Best Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad
Looking for the best cancer treatment in Hyderabad? Dr. Chinnababu is available. With extensive expertise and a commitment to personalized care, he is the top choice for an oncologist in Hyderabad. Schedule a meeting with him for tailored treatment to suit your needs.
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capturelifedental · 1 month
Do Smoker’s Smile? How Cigarettes Damage Your Teeth & Gums (CLDC)
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When it comes to dental health, there are several factors to consider, and one often-overlooked culprit is smoking. 
Cigarettes not only harm your lungs but also have detrimental effects on your teeth and gums. Understanding these impacts is crucial for maintaining good oral health. 
Before diving into the details, if you’re concerned about your dental health, consider reaching out to Capture Life Dental Care, where professionals can guide you toward a healthier smile.
The Effects of Smoking on Dental Health
Let’s take a look at the effects of smoking on your dental health.
One of the most visible effects of smoking on teeth is staining. Nicotine and tar, two main components of cigarettes, can cause yellow or brown discoloration on tooth enamel. 
This staining is not only unsightly but also difficult to remove through regular brushing alone. Over time, the stains can become more pronounced, leading to a smile that appears dull and unhealthy.
Gum Disease
Smoking significantly increases the risk of gum disease. The chemicals in cigarettes interfere with the normal function of gum tissue, making smokers more susceptible to infections and inflammation. 
Persistent smoking can cause the gums to recede, exposing the roots of the teeth and increasing the likelihood of tooth decay and tooth loss. 
Additionally, gum disease can lead to more severe health issues, including cardiovascular disease, if left untreated.
Slowed Healing
Smoking has been shown to impede the body's ability to heal, including in the mouth. 
After dental procedures such as tooth extraction or gum surgery, smokers may experience slower healing times compared to non-smokers. 
This delay in healing can increase the risk of complications such as infection and prolonged discomfort following dental treatment.
Oral Cancer
Perhaps the most serious consequence of smoking on dental health is the increased risk of oral cancer. 
Cigarettes contain numerous carcinogenic substances that can damage the cells in the mouth, potentially leading to the development of cancerous lesions on the lips, tongue, gums, or throat. 
Regular dental check-ups are essential for early detection of any abnormalities that may indicate the presence of oral cancer.
Bad Breath
Smoking is a major contributor to bad breath, or halitosis. The chemicals in cigarettes linger in the mouth and lungs, creating an unpleasant odor that can be difficult to mask with breath fresheners or mouthwash. 
Chronic bad breath not only affects personal confidence but also indicates underlying oral health issues that should be addressed by a dental professional.
The impact of smoking on dental health cannot be overstated. From staining and gum disease to oral cancer, cigarettes pose significant risks to the health and appearance of your teeth and gums. 
If you're a smoker, taking steps to quit is the best way to protect your dental health and overall well-being. 
Additionally, regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential for monitoring and addressing any issues that may arise. 
For personalized guidance and expert care, consider scheduling an appointment with Capture Life Dental Care. Your smile deserves the best possible care, so make your oral health a priority today.
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cancer-doctors · 4 months
colon cancer symptoms
Colon Cancer in Young Adults: Risks, Challenges, and Awareness
Dealing with colon cancer can be a challenging journey, not only physically but also emotionally. As individuals undergo treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation, they may experience a range of side effects, including spine-related issues. 
Understanding Colon Cancer
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Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that begins in the colon or rectum, which are parts of the digestive system. It typically starts as a growth of tissue called a polyp, which can become cancerous over time. Colon cancer develops when these abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, forming tumours that can invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body if left untreated. Early detection through screening tests and prompt treatment are crucial for improving outcomes and survival rates.
Colon Cancer Symptoms
Colon cancer often presents with subtle symptoms in its early stages, making it essential for individuals to be aware of potential warning signs. Recognizing these symptoms can lead to early detection and prompt treatment, significantly improving outcomes. Here are some common colon cancer symptoms:
Changes in Bowel Habits: Persistent changes in bowel habits, such as diarrhoea, constipation, or a change in stool consistency (e.g., thin or narrow stools), may indicate colon cancer. These changes may persist for several weeks and occur without an obvious cause.
Blood in Stool: Blood in the stool, which may appear as bright red blood or as dark, tarry stools, can be a sign of colon cancer. Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool may be intermittent or continuous and should always be evaluated by a healthcare professional.
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Abdominal Discomfort: Persistent abdominal discomfort, including cramps, gas, bloating, or abdominal pain, may occur in individuals with colon cancer. This discomfort may be vague and intermittent, often dismissed as indigestion or gastrointestinal issues.
Anaemia: Colon cancer can lead to chronic bleeding, resulting in iron deficiency anaemia. Symptoms of anaemia may include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and pale skin.
Bowel Obstruction: In advanced stages of colon cancer, a tumour may partially or completely obstruct the bowel, causing symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and the inability to pass gas or stools.
Unexplained Iron Deficiency: Iron deficiency without an apparent cause, especially in men and postmenopausal women, may indicate gastrointestinal bleeding from colon cancer.
While these symptoms could be caused by conditions other than colon cancer, it's vital to seek medical advice if they persist or worsen. Screening tests like colonoscopy, faecal occult blood tests, and stool DNA tests are available for early detection, especially for those with an average risk or a family history of the disease. Early detection can significantly improve treatment success and long-term survival chances.
Colon Cancer Treatment
Colon cancer treatment strategies are multifaceted and tailored to each patient's unique circumstances, considering factors such as the stage of cancer, tumour location, and overall health status. The primary treatments typically employed include:
Surgery: Surgery is often the initial treatment for colon cancer, especially in the early stages. It involves removing the cancerous growth along with surrounding healthy tissue and nearby lymph nodes. The extent of surgery varies depending on the size and location of the tumour, with procedures ranging from minimally invasive techniques to open surgery.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy utilises powerful drugs to destroy cancer cells or inhibit their growth. It may be administered before surgery (neoadjuvant chemotherapy) to shrink the tumour, after surgery (adjuvant chemotherapy) to eliminate any remaining cancer cells, or as palliative treatment for advanced stages of cancer. While chemotherapy is effective in targeting cancer cells, it can also lead to side effects such as nausea, fatigue, hair loss, and peripheral neuropathy.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy employs high-energy beams to target and destroy cancer cells. It is commonly used in combination with surgery and/or chemotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer. Radiation therapy can also be used as palliative treatment to relieve colon cancer symptoms and improve the quality of life in advanced stages of colon cancer. Side effects may include fatigue, skin irritation, and gastrointestinal discomfort.
Targeted Therapy: These drugs specifically target molecular alterations or pathways driving cancer growth. They can be more precise and cause fewer side effects compared to chemotherapy. Targeted therapy may be used alone or with chemotherapy, especially for colon cancer with specific genetic mutations like KRAS or BRAF.
Immunotherapy: While not yet standard for colon cancer, immunotherapy helps the immune system recognize and attack cancer cells. It's promising for treating advanced colorectal cancer with specific biomarkers like MSI-H or dMMR. Immunotherapy drugs called immune checkpoint inhibitors can unleash the immune system's ability to fight cancer cells.
While these colon cancer treatments are essential for combating it, they can also lead to side effects that affect various parts of the body. For instance, chemotherapy and radiation therapy can lead to fatigue, nausea, and gastrointestinal problems, while targeted therapy and immunotherapy may cause skin rash, diarrhoea, and immune-related issues. Close monitoring and supportive care are essential to manage these side effects and improve treatment outcomes for individuals with colon cancer.
Awareness Is The First Precaution
Young adults need to be aware of the risks of colon cancer. By knowing what can cause it, spotting the signs, and getting checked early, they can take charge of their health. There's hope for better treatments in the future, and by working together and spreading awareness, we can make sure that colon cancer doesn't affect as many young people and that everyone can stay healthier. 
If you're seeking expert oncological consultation or a second opinion on your diagnosis in Hyderabad, look no further than CION Cancer Clinics. Their team comprises specialized oncologists offering invaluable guidance and support across diverse fields, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care.
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txbanjarahills · 4 months
Best Oncology Hospital in Hyderabad | TX Hospitals
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mallareddyhyd · 5 months
Best Cancer Hospital In Hyderabad
Best Hospital for cancer treatment in Hyderabad. Malla Reddy Narayana Hospitals is a world-class hospital for breast cancer, liver cancer and all other cancer treatment in Hyderabad. We have a renowned team of doctors with ultra-modern technology. Book your appointment today-https://bit.ly/440L3Tj
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Which Hospital Is the Best Cancer Treatment In Hyderabad?
Navigating through the journey of battling cancer is undoubtedly challenging, but when you have a knowledgeable and compassionate team by your side, the challenging path becomes a bit less daunting. If you are based in Hyderabad and are seeking the best possible care for cancer, let me guide you in the perfect direction – Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals.
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myhealthhospital · 6 months
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We are delighted to announce the remarkable achievements of our Medical Director, Dr. T. Subramanyeshwar Rao, and the exceptional team of doctors at Basavatarakam Indo American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute!
Dr. T. Subramanyeshwar Rao, renowned for his exceptional leadership and expertise in Surgical Oncology, was honored by the Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO) of the USA for his outstanding contributions to cancer surgery. At the prestigious SSO - 2024 conference in Atlanta, USA, Dr. T. S Rao shared invaluable insights on "Training Cancer Surgeons in South Asia" and played a pivotal role in the release of the popular medical journal The Lancet's Global Oncology Commission. His vision, expertise, and unwavering commitment continue to inspire us all!
Fostering Excellence and Inspiring Future Generations: Dr. T. S. Rao's remarkable journey exemplifies the profound impact of education and mentorship in shaping the future of Surgical Oncology. His unwavering commitment to excellence serves as a guiding light, inspiring surgical oncologists and juniors alike. Dr. Rao's firm belief in the transformative power of education resonates deeply, igniting a passion for learning and growth in all who have the privilege of being mentored by him.
In an enthusiastic ceremony at our auditorium, Dr. K. Krishnaiah, CEO of BIACH&RI, alongside esteemed colleagues Dr. K V V N Raju, Dr. Senthil J Rajappa, and Dr. Kalpana Raghunath, acknowledged Dr. T. S. Rao and Dr. K V V N Raju for their outstanding contributions to the field of Surgical Oncology. Their dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to excellence have brought immense pride to Basavatarakam Institute!
In Recognition of Exceptional Leadership: We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. T. Subramanyeshwar Rao and Dr. K V V N Raju for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the field of Oncology. Your dedication, vision, and passion are truly commendable, and you bring immense honor to Basavatarakam Institute!
Let us come together to celebrate the extraordinary accomplishments of our distinguished leaders and the enduring spirit of excellence at Basavatarakam Indoamerican Cancer Hospital & Research Institute. Together, we continue to make a difference in the fight against cancer and inspire hope for a brighter, healthier future!
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oncologycenter · 7 months
Leading Cancer Hospital in Hyderabad - American Oncology Institute
Choose excellence in cancer care. Discover why American Oncology Institute at Nallagandla is the best cancer hospital in Hyderabad. World-class facilities and compassionate care await.
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vascularhyd12 · 7 months
Choosing the Best Cancer Hospital in Hyderabad
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ganitsoni9951 · 1 month
Understanding Brain Cancer: Recognizing Signs and Symptoms
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Brain cancer is a serious condition that needs prompt attention from the best cancer doctor in Hyderabad for effective treatment. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of brain cancer is crucial for early detection and timely care. In this article, we'll explore the signs, and symptoms of brain cancer in simple terms, and guide you on finding the best cancer doctor in Hyderabad if you notice any concerning symptoms.
Understanding Brain Cancer: Brain cancer happens when abnormal cells grow in the brain. These cells form tumors that can affect how the brain works. Tumors can start in the brain (primary brain cancer) or spread there from other parts of the body (metastatic brain cancer). Knowing the signs of brain cancer can help catch it early and get treatment.
Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms: Brain cancer can cause different signs and symptoms, depending on where the tumor is and how big it is. Here are some common ones to look out for:
Headaches: Persistent headaches that don't go away with usual treatments. Seizures: Unexpected and uncontrolled shaking or jerking movements. Cognitive changes: Problems with thinking, memory, or understanding things. Motor problems: Weakness, numbness, or trouble moving one side of the body. Vision changes: Blurry or double vision, or seeing things differently than usual. Speech problems: Trouble speaking, finding words, or understanding what others say. Hearing changes: Ringing in the ears, hearing loss, or other changes in hearing. Mood changes: Feeling more sad, anxious, or irritable than usual.
Importance of Early Detection: Finding brain cancer early can make a big difference in how well treatment works. That's why it's important to pay attention to any symptoms you have and get checked by a doctor if they last for a while. The earlier brain cancer is found, the better the chances of treating it successfully.
Finding the Best Cancer Doctor in Hyderabad: If you think you might have brain cancer, it's important to see the best cancer doctor in Hyderabad. Here's how you can find one:
Ask for recommendations: Talk to your regular doctor, friends, or family members to see if they know a good cancer doctor. Do some research: Look online to find cancer doctors in Hyderabad. Check their qualifications, experience, and other patients' opinions. Choose a doctor who specializes in brain cancer: Make sure the doctor you pick knows a lot about treating brain cancer and has helped other people with it before.
Conclusion: Brain cancer is a serious condition, but catching it early and getting treatment from the best cancer doctor in Hyderabad can make a big difference. If you notice any signs or symptoms of brain cancer, don't wait—see a doctor right away. With early detection and the right care, you can improve your chances of beating brain cancer and living a healthy life.
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cancer-doctors · 9 months
Cancer hospital in hyderabad
Stem Cell Transplant: The Beacon of Hope in Cancer Treatment
Cancer is a word that strikes fear into the hearts of many. However, in the field of cancer treatment, there is a glimmer of hope: stem cell transplant. These groundbreaking procedures are transforming the landscape of cancer treatment, offering new avenues of healing and recovery.
What is a Stem Cell Transplant?
A stem cell transplant, also known as a bone marrow transplant, is a medical procedure that involves the infusion of healthy stem cells into a patient's body to replace damaged or diseased cells. These stem cells have the remarkable ability to develop into various types of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. This regenerative potential makes stem cell transplant an invaluable tool in treating several types of cancer and other diseases.
The Role of Stem Cell Transplant in Cancer Treatment
Stem cell transplant plays a crucial role in the treatment of various cancers, particularly those affecting the blood and immune system. Here is how it works:
High-dose chemotherapy and radiation: In some cancers, such as leukaemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma, the disease may be resistant to standard treatments. In such cases, doctors use high-dose chemotherapy and radiation therapy to destroy cancer cells. However, these therapies also damage healthy blood-forming cells in the bone marrow.
Stem cell rescue: After the high-dose therapy, patients receive a stem cell transplant to replace the damaged bone marrow. These healthy stem cells can regenerate and produce new blood cells, helping the patient recover from the effects of the treatment.
Types of Stem Cell Transplants
There are two primary types of stem cell transplants:
Autologous stem cell transplant: In this type of transplant, the patient's stem cells are collected and stored before undergoing high-dose chemotherapy or radiation. After treatment, these stored stem cells are reintroduced into the patient's body to aid in recovery.
Allogeneic stem cell transplant: Allogeneic transplant involves using stem cells from a donor, typically a close family member or matched unrelated donor. This type of transplant is often necessary when autologous stem cells are not available or when a stronger immune response against cancer cells is required.
How Stem Cell Transplants Are Transforming Cancer Care
There are many significant ways that stem cell transplant procedures are making an impact on cancer treatment. These procedures show promising results in blood cancers and improving immunity.
1. Addressing Blood Cancers
Stem cell transplants have shown remarkable effectiveness in treating blood-related cancers, including leukaemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. By replacing cancerous blood cells with healthy ones, patients have a chance at remission and a cancer-free future.
2. Resetting the Immune System
In addition to targeting cancer cells directly, stem cell transplants can reset a patient's immune system. This is especially important when the immune system has been weakened by aggressive treatments like chemotherapy.
Understanding the Realities of Stem Cell Transplants
Stem cell transplants, while offering hope and potential, are not a guaranteed cure for cancer. It's crucial to have a realistic perspective on what these procedures entail and the outcomes they can achieve.
Pain and Discomfort: What to Expect
The stem cell transplant procedure itself is typically not painful, as it is performed under anesthesia. However, it's essential to be aware that patients may experience side effects and discomfort during the recovery period. Understanding and preparing for these potential challenges can help patients and their families better cope with the process.
Eligibility and Access
Access to stem cell transplants is not universal. Availability may vary depending on several factors, including the type of cancer, its stage, and the patient's overall health. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine eligibility and explore alternative treatment options if necessary.
Road to Recovery
Recovery times following a stem cell transplant can be quite variable and depend on factors such as the type of transplant and individual health. While some patients may recover relatively quickly, for others, it can take several weeks to several months to regain their strength and well-being. Patience and ongoing medical support are essential during this journey towards recovery.
Where to get these treatments?
While there are several excellent cancer treatment centres in Hyderabad, Cion Cancer Clinics has emerged as a trusted name in the field. Their commitment to patient-centric care, cutting-edge treatments, and a compassionate approach has earned them a reputation for excellence in cancer treatment.
At Cion Cancer Clinics, a team of experienced oncologists and healthcare professionals work tirelessly to provide comprehensive cancer care. They offer a wide range of treatments, including stem cell transplants, ensuring that patients have access to the most advanced and effective therapies.
Stem cell transplant stands as a beacon of hope in the landscape of cancer treatment. It is a powerful tool in the fight against various cancers, offering the potential for remission and improved quality of life. When considering cancer treatment options, including stem cell transplant, it is essential to choose the best cancer hospital and treatment centre. Hyderabad, with its diverse medical facilities, offers a wealth of resources to support cancer patients on their journey towards recovery. Cion Cancer Clinics, with its dedication to excellence, is one such institution that embodies hope in the battle against cancer.
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williamroger123 · 10 months
Dr. Syed Touseef Ahmed
Dr. Syed Touseef Ahmed, Trained & experienced- Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy deliveryActively involved in the care and management of cancer patients.Very proficient in radiotherapy techniques including 3DCRT, IMRT, IGRT, VMAT, Linac-based SBRT and SRS and brachytherapy.Has a keen interest in research activitiesProfessional Diploma – Clinical Research (P.D.C.R)Considerable experience in palliative and supportive careCompleted ‘CERTIFICATE COURSE IN PALLIATIVE CARE’ (C.C.P.C)
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