#radiation therapy
cannibalgh0st · 2 months
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I went through both chemotherapy and radiation therapy at the age of 5. The cancer and tumor I had could have killed me without the use of medical science. I also had about 11 years of remission, and everything is cleared.
I understand that taking care of yourself naturally is important, but without medical science and skilled doctors, i would have died. I'm not saying don't do natural remedies, but don't doubt medical science either.
But again, there's gonna be people who are gonna tell me I'm going to die because of my treatments.
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evil-gang · 9 months
I won't let this decide my major, I just want to know everyone's thoughts
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oralcancerdoctor · 2 months
Throat Cancer – Causes, Symptoms, Types and Treatment
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What is Throat Cancer?
Throat cancer states the development of malignant tumors in the tissues of the throat, which includes the pharynx, larynx, and tonsils. It can affect various parts of the throat.
Types of throat cancer:
Pharyngeal cancer (Tonsillar cancer)
Laryngeal cancer
This type of throat cancer is categorized based on the specific cells involved and their characteristics, like squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, or lymphoma. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most regular type, accounting for the majority of throat cancers.
Causes of throat cancer:
Use of tobacco
Consumption of alcohol
Human papillomavirus infection (HPV)
Poor diet
Age factor
Exposed to unidentified chemicals
Poor oral hygiene
Signs and Symptoms of throat cancer:
Continuous sore throat
Difficulty swallowing aka dysphagia
Change in voice
Ear ache
Non-stop cough
Undefined weight loss
Neck Swelling
Visible lumps or masses
Diagnosis of throat cancer:
Physical examination
Imaging tests like CT scan, MRI scan, PET scan
Blood Test
Lung Function Test (LFT)
Treatments for throat cancer:
The treatment for throat cancer depends on different factors, such as the type, location, stage of the cancer, and overall health of the individual. Treatment options may include:
Radiation therapy
Targeted therapy
Supportive care (nutritional support, pain management, and speech therapy)
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scrubs-gloves · 1 year
Hannah's Treatment
(Continued from Hannah's Surgery Series)
Following her Ovarian Cancer diagnosis, Hannah was immediately admitted to the hospital's Oncology Center as a long-term inpatient case. A few days after her surgery, where she underwent a radical hysterectomy without consent, she met with her surgeon and a gynecological oncologist to discuss her treatment options. She was prescribed an intensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment regimen, with chemo four days a week and lengthy radiation treatments on the three days in between. She was also informed about the painful side affects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy that we she would experience. Another side affect would be losing her hair and going bald. Despite being scared and overwhelmed, Hannah signed the consent forms in order to undergo the treatment plan.
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The first step in her treatment plan involved undergoing a radiation 'simulation' in order to find and mark the correct positioning for her body to undergo pelvic and chest radiation. She was placed on the table, moved in position, and her abdomen and pelvic area were marked with small tattoos to indicate where the radiation beams would be.
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The next phase of her pre-treatment process would be to undergo a brief surgery to have a chemo port placed inside her chest in order for chemotherapy to be administered directly into her chest and bloodstream. When the surgery was finished, Hannah felt a small lump in her chest where the port was placed. It was still very sensitive to the touch. Hannah was forced again to reckon with the reality of her situation although it was necessary in order to save her life.
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A week after her initial surgery and diagnosis, Hannah's Ovarian Cancer Treatment was set to begin. Shortly after woke up in the morning, an oncology nurse, wearing a surgical gown, gloves, and a surgical scrub cap entered the room.
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The nurse proceeded to clean and prep the port area, hang the chemotherapy IV bag, and then connect it to the port in her chest. Hannah winced in pain briefly as the IV was attached to the port. Once this was complete, the nurse began the IV drip and the very first drops of chemo drugs entered her body. She gulped slowly as the IV began to flow. Hannah realized once again that her life would never be the same. The oncology nurse reassured her that everything would be okay, that it was a necessary treatment, and that it was all for the best.
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The next day, after her first chemo session, Hannah would undergo her first of many radiation therapy treatments. She was taken to the radiology center, lied down on the table, and was strapped in place. The fear once more set in as she found herself immobilized on the table. The table was then moved into position and the radiation beams were activated. She stayed perfectly still, knowing that the slightest movement would result in unnecessary radiation exposure. As the treatment continued, Hannah finally came to terms with her new reality. From this point on, chemo and radiation therapy treatments each day would define her existence going forward.
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As the treatments continued for days and weeks, Hannah quickly began to lose her hair and feel the side affects of the treatment. While extremely upsetting, she was always reassured by the oncology team that was for her own good. This new and painful reality was now her life.
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#surgery #surgical #surgicalgloves #surgicalcap #surgicalprocedure #surgicalscrubs #medicalgloves #scrubs #hijab #medicalhijab #muslimdoctor #medicalprocedure #hospitalpatient #cancertreatment #bouffantcap #medicalfetish #surgeryfetish #surgicalfetish #anesthesiafetish #anesthesia #medical
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larjb3 · 4 months
Welp. Looks like ya gurl is apparently adding radiation to the treatment plan. Yaaaay
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risenwraith · 8 months
#203 Weirdest best feeling.
Ever had sun-burn and pokked at a bit of lantern thin skin that just pulled away in swathes like moth-thin vellum?
Probably anyone who went on holiday and sat on a beach too long had that once or twice. That's just bad sunburn. Radiation burn is very similar - until the end. Then it's more like someone smacked you with a burning skillet and cauterized your non-existent traitor tit with a red hot poker.
Took off the silver patch today: all blah discoloured skin is dead/dry and ready to come off leaving pink, tender but healed new skin underneath. Nothing is soggy or ick, all burns are healed over. I know you're not meant to fuck with wounds, but carefully peeling away what looks like hardened snot off your chest to reveal perfectly healthy skin beneath is like a zombie apocolypse in reverse. Fucking magic. Thank you silver patches!
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drpriya · 1 year
Lung transplant patients can develop lung cancer. While the risk is relatively low compared to other complications, it is higher in lung transplant recipients than in the general population. Several factors contribute to this increased risk, including:
Immunosuppressive Medications: Transplant recipients must take medications to suppress their immune system to prevent organ rejection. These medications can reduce the body's ability to detect and fight cancer cells.
Chronic Inflammation: Lung transplant recipients often experience chronic inflammation in their transplanted lungs, which can contribute to the development of cancer over time.
Prior Lung Conditions: Many individuals who receive lung transplants have pre-existing lung conditions, which may already increase their risk of lung cancer.
Regular medical check-ups and cancer screenings are essential for lung transplant recipients to detect any potential cancer at an early, treatable stage. Monitoring for signs and symptoms of lung cancer and adhering to a doctor for cancer screening can help manage this risk.
What are the different types of lung infections?
There are various types of lung infections, which can affect different parts of the respiratory system. Some common lung infections include:
Pneumonia: This is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
Bronchitis: Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, often caused by viruses. Chronic bronchitis can be associated with smoking.
Tuberculosis (TB): TB is a bacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that primarily affects the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body.
Influenza (Flu): Influenza is a viral respiratory infection that can cause fever, cough, and other respiratory symptoms.
Bronchiolitis: This is usually a viral infection that affects the small airways (bronchioles) in the lungs, often seen in infants and young children.
Lung Abscess: A lung abscess is a collection of pus within the lung tissue, usually caused by bacterial infection.
Pertussis (Whooping Cough): Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial infection that can lead to severe coughing fits and affects the respiratory system.
Fungal Lung Infections: These can be caused by various types of fungi and can range from mild to severe, often affecting people with weakened immune systems.
Cystic Fibrosis Lung Infections: People with cystic fibrosis are prone to recurring lung infections due to thick and sticky mucus in the airways.
Aspergillosis: This is a fungal infection that can affect the lungs, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems.
Consultation at the best hospitals like Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, including oncologists and surgeons, is essential for personalised treatment recommendations. One must consult here to know more about lung cancer treatment, procedure of lung cancer treatment, cost of lung cancer treatment in Delhi.
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
Good Times was on at 2 am, I woke up and put on the oldies channel GetTV just for ambient TV noise.
But this episode' scene, "Love Has a Spot On Its Lung Part 2" really hit me hard in the heart.
With my mom's aggressive uterus cancer, her upcoming chemo & radiation.
When Bookmaker said, "Stop planning to die and start planning to live."
You gotta keep saying to yourself every day, "I'm gonna make it. It can't happen to me. I ain't gonna die. I'm gonna live, I'm gonna live."
Small reminders of our goal toward living beyond this cancer comes from unexpected places.
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i8seattle · 2 years
How cancer cured me of Scientology
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Affordable Radiation Therapy Options in Bengaluru: Quality Care within Your Budget
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Radiation therapy is a critical component in the fight against cancer, offering effective treatment options for patients across various stages of the disease. However, one of the common concerns for many is the cost associated with such high-quality treatments. If you are looking for Affordable Radiation Therapy in Bengaluru, you’re in luck. Bengaluru is home to several leading cancer centers that offer top-notch radiation therapy at prices that fit within a budget.
In this blog, we’ll explore the cost-effective radiation therapy options available in Bengaluru, ensuring you receive the best care without breaking the bank. From understanding what factors affect the cost to finding clinics offering affordable services, we aim to make your journey toward recovery easier and more financially manageable.
What is Radiation Therapy?
Radiation therapy, also known as radiotherapy, is a treatment that uses high doses of radiation to destroy cancer cells. It can be used in combination with other treatments like chemotherapy or surgery, depending on the type and stage of cancer. Radiation therapy is commonly used to treat cancers of the breast, lung, prostate, and brain, among others.
There are two main types of radiation therapy:
External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT): This involves directing radiation beams at the cancerous area from outside the body.
Internal Radiation Therapy (Brachytherapy): In this type, radioactive material is placed inside the body near cancer cells.
Both treatments are highly effective but can be costly. However, many clinics in Bengaluru now offer Quality Radiation Therapy on a Budget in Bengaluru, ensuring that patients can access life-saving treatments without undue financial strain.
Why is Radiation Therapy Expensive?
Radiation therapy requires sophisticated equipment, experienced medical professionals, and rigorous safety protocols. Factors contributing to the cost include:
Technology: The machines used for radiation therapy, such as linear accelerators, are incredibly advanced and expensive to operate and maintain.
Personnel: Highly trained oncologists, physicists, and radiation therapists are required to plan and deliver treatment safely and effectively.
Facility Costs: Clinics offering radiation therapy must adhere to strict regulations regarding shielding and safety, which add to the operational costs.
Customized Treatment Plans: Every patient’s cancer is unique, and personalized treatment plans add to the complexity and cost.
However, the rise of more clinics offering affordable services means that patients can find Affordable Radiation Therapy in Bengaluru without sacrificing quality.
Affordable Radiation Therapy Options in Bengaluru
While the overall cost of cancer treatment can be intimidating, several clinics in Bengaluru aim to provide budget-friendly options for patients. These facilities offer cutting-edge treatments at more reasonable prices, without compromising on quality.
HCG Cancer Hospital: HCG Cancer Hospital is a leader in cancer care in India, providing advanced treatments like radiation therapy at competitive prices. Their commitment to offering Quality Radiation Therapy on a Budget in Bengaluru has made them a popular choice for patients seeking cost-effective solutions.
Cytecare Cancer Hospitals: known for its holistic approach to cancer treatment, Cytecare Cancer Hospitals offers state-of-the-art radiation therapy services at more affordable rates. Their patient-first approach ensures that treatment is tailored to individual needs while keeping costs manageable.
KIDWAI Memorial Institute of Oncology: A government-run cancer hospital, KIDWAI Memorial Institute of Oncology provides one of the most affordable radiation therapy options in Bengaluru. Patients can access high-quality care without the burden of high costs, especially with the government subsidies available for certain treatments.
Apple Cancer Clinic: The Apple Cancer Clinic, headed by renowned oncologist Dr. S Varun Kumar, is one of the top-rated centers for affordable cancer care in Bengaluru. The clinic offers the latest radiation therapy technologies while ensuring that the treatments remain accessible to everyone. Special payment plans and financial assistance programs are available for those in need.
How to Find the Right Radiation Therapy Centre?
Finding the right radiation therapy center is a crucial step in your cancer treatment journey. Consider the following:
Reputation and Expertise: Look for a clinic with a good reputation and highly qualified oncologists.
Technology and Equipment: Ensure the center uses modern equipment like Linear Accelerators (LINAC) for precise treatments.
Financial Support: Ask about financial assistance programs, insurance coverage, and payment plans to help manage costs.
Patient Reviews: Online reviews can provide insights into patient satisfaction and treatment success rates.
Accessibility: Choose a center that is conveniently located for frequent treatment sessions.
By considering these factors, you can find Affordable Radiation Therapy in Bengaluru that doesn’t compromise on quality.
Frequently Asked Questions about Radiation Therapy
Q1: Is radiation therapy painful? A: Radiation therapy itself is painless. However, some patients may experience side effects like skin irritation, fatigue, or discomfort in the treated area. These side effects vary depending on the type of radiation therapy and the area being treated.
Q2: How much does radiation therapy cost in Bengaluru? A: The cost of radiation therapy in Bengaluru can vary depending on the type of treatment, the number of sessions required, and the hospital or clinic. On average, it can range from ₹50,000 to ₹2, 50,000. Clinics like Apple Cancer Clinic and government hospitals offer more affordable options.
Q3: Can insurance cover radiation therapy costs? A: Yes, many insurance plans cover radiation therapy as part of cancer treatment. However, the extent of coverage varies depending on the policy. It’s recommended to consult with your insurance provider and the clinic’s financial counsellor for more information.
Q4: How long does radiation therapy take? A: Radiation therapy is typically administered in daily sessions over several weeks. Each session usually lasts 15–30 minutes, although the total duration of the treatment can vary based on the type and stage of cancer.
By exploring your options, researching facilities, and discussing financial aid programs with experts, you can find Affordable Radiation Therapy in Bengaluru that fits your budget without compromising on quality care.
Cancer treatment doesn’t have to be a financial burden. With a range of affordable radiation therapy options available in Bengaluru, patients can receive high-quality care at reasonable prices. Whether you’re looking for a renowned private clinic like Apple Cancer Clinic or a government-supported facility like KIDWAI, there are numerous centers committed to providing Quality Radiation Therapy on a Budget in Bengaluru.
It’s important to remember that quality cancer care is within reach, even if you’re on a tight budget. Start by consulting with trusted professionals, exploring your options, and making use of financial aid programs. Your health is worth the investment, and with affordable options available, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.
To get more information visit our www.drvarunoncologist.com check out our Apple Cancer Clinic, or call us at +91 9606578058. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and X.
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omegahospitals4 · 22 days
Top Radiation Oncologist in Hyderabad | Omega Hospitals
Experience advanced cancer care at Omega Hospitals, Hyderabad. Our expert oncology team provides cutting-edge radiotherapy for effective, compassionate treatment.
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medifact · 22 days
Stereotactic therapy can be delivered on an adapted standard linear accelerator, such as a Varian Trilogy and TrueBeam, on a helical linear accelerator, called tomotherapy, or on a robotic arm linear accelerator (CyberKnife radiosurgery). This approach delivers massive doses of radiation that are biologically much more effective than standard radiotherapy.
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pluneshealth · 29 days
Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer
For Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer, Plunes HealthCare offers comprehensive support. We connect you with top hospitals, experienced oncologists, and personalized treatment plans tailored to radiation therapy for lung cancer. Call 7011311900 for expert guidance and optimal care. Your well-being is our priority.
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nancykhemchandani · 1 month
Cancer Types & Treatments Insight
Discover cancer types, treatments, and insights. Navigate complexities with radiation therapy and online consultations.
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facts1590 · 1 month
Cancer Types & Treatments Insight
Discover cancer types, treatments, and insights. Navigate complexities with radiation therapy and online consultations.
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drrajivdahiya · 1 month
Dr. Raj Dahiya: Play a significant role in treatment of oncology
Dr. Raj Dahiya is a conspicuous figure in oncology. His vocation has been set apart by devotion, broad instruction, and critical commitments to malignant growth treatment and examination. His excursion through the clinical field mirrors a mix of thorough scholarly preparation and a promise to work on quiet results.
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Early Instruction and Clinical Preparation
The clinical vocation of Dr. Raj Dahiya started with his enlistment at the Institute of Medication at the College of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), where he acquired his Primary care physician of Medication (MD). UMKC's six-year BA/MD program is famous for its thorough educational program incorporating undergraduate and clinical schooling.
His time at the college was characterized by scholastic greatness and a developing interest in disease examination and treatment. The college's emphasis on early clinical openness permitted him to acquire significant involved insight, further igniting his longing for practical experience in oncology.
Commitments to Oncology
After finishing his residency, Dr. Dahiya set out on a career devoted to oncology. His clinical skills and empathy in dealing with patient concerns immediately made him a leading oncologist. Dr. Dahiya's training incorporates different oncological administrations, including determination, treatment, and post-treatment care.
Dr. Raj Dahiya's excursion to becoming a leading oncologist started with a faithful enthusiasm for medication. Naturally introduced to a family that esteemed schooling and administration, he showed an early interest in technical disciplines. In the wake of succeeding in his optional schooling, Dr. Raj Dahiya sought a physician certification from one of the top clinical schools in the country. His extraordinary academic exhibition procured him a spot in a renowned residency program, where he decided to work in oncology.
Dr. Dahiya's obligation to learn didn't stop there. He sought additional specialization through cooperation in clinical oncology and radiation oncology, which provided him with a thorough comprehension of malignant growth therapy modalities. His broad preparation under the direction of incredibly famous guides established areas of strength for a point for his future undertakings.
Proficient Accomplishments
One of Dr. Dahiya's primary responsibilities to the field is his relationship with threatening development research. He has participated in different clinical starters to encourage new prescriptions and work on existing ones. His investigation revolves around altered prescriptions, attempting to fit treatments to individual patients considering their noteworthy innate profiles and the specific ascribes of their threatening developments. This approach has shown promise in expanding the adequacy of medicines and limiting side effects, finally improving patient results.
Dr. Raj Dahiya is likewise a promoter of patient instruction and strengthening. He believes informed patients are better prepared to make treatment choices and deal with their circumstances. To this end, he has been associated with different local area outreach programs, giving education on malignant growth avoidance, early recognition, and the most recent progressions in treatment.
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