#The Colony of Fireflies' general territory is close second since they have hanging lanterns with fireflies in them
storm-of-silver · 1 year
Location - Commander's Maw
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[Image ID: A black and white drawing of rocky terrain and a few trees. There is a cat walking in the foreground. In the background, there is a large rock formation that looks like a yowling cat. End ID]
A stunning landmark within the Colony of Mist, the Commander's Maw is a large rock formation that vaguely looks like a yowling cat. The Maw overlooks much of the wilds, and many stories center around the origins of this rock formation, even outside the Colony of Mist.
Stories often follow similar story beats, regardless of origins. Once, there was a great commander who led their colony to prosperity and success. Some say the commander was extremely kind and wise, while others say the commander was violent and ambitious, caring only for their colony. Acknowledging the commander's deeds in life, the gods allowed the commander one wish when they died. The commander asked the gods to allow them to watch and guide over their colony for the rest of time.
The gods agreed, turning the commander into stone, freezing them in time to gaze over the colonies forever. In the case of a kind commander, this was a blessing, to see the colonies age and grow. In the case of the cruel commander, it was a curse, to live forever and never able to move.
During a trainee's study, their denning would be taken to the Maw by their teacher denning, and spend the night within the mouth of the Maw. The mouth was built into a cozy lodging for this purpose, and the teacher denning would use the view the Maw provides to point out various landmarks in other colony territories. Lovers and secret partners also tend to flock to this landmark thanks to its remote and private location, giving it the nickname 'Lover's Maw'.
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