#The Evil Within Ch.11 Reunion
thequietmanno1 · 8 months
Thelreads, MHA 286, Replies Part 1
1) “Things are about to get spicy, on Chapter 286: The one withing us
Oh, is this about how AfO is here, inside what used to be Shigaraki?”- Within Shigaraki, Izuku – it’s a regular family reunion between the living, the dead, and the asshole who’s just here to rub it all in their faces.
2) “Even AfO is not taking this shit, he knows Bakugo is fine, coughing blood when stabbed on the lungs is something all healthy boys his age do.
Now, are you going to activate his quirk and blow him up to damage Midoriya even more? Please?”- If he could have, he would have, but fortunately, Tomura’s fighting from the inside at the same time AFO’s hijacking control of his charcoal corpse to strike out at the heroes, so that means AFO can’t be as effective in killing the heroes as he wants to be- at least, not until the control gets a little stronger….
(MHA ch 248)
3) “Ah, so Todoroki will get a dash skill as well? Fucking hell everyone now has a dash, the balancing team needs to get their shit together”- Frankly, I’m more impressed by Shoto’s balance of everybody on just one foot. Even if he’s carrying one half-dead adult and one nearly-dead Pomeranian, that is some impressive skill to be able to keep himself aflost without any stabilising thrust. Boy’s got mad balancing skills.
4) “Oh this is definitely not Shigaraki talking, that’s for sure. Time for an evil speech?”-  AFO doesn’t need to speak long to stab straight to the emotional heart of the matter…
5) “Nope, no evil speech, just trying to drive the knife deeper, but what he’s not counting on is that Midoriya is about to flip his fucking shit and he’ll make the potato face that All Might gave him look like a classical sculpture.”- Actually, that is what he’s counting on. AFO’s goal is to bring Izuku in close to finally get a hand on him to steal OFA with, and he figures that if Izuku’s anything like All Might, all it’ll take is hurting and more importantly, insulting his allies to make him flip his shit out and forget about the “bad touch” powers….and he was bang on the money.
6) “Oh this is definitely not a good sign.”- AFO pressed the Kachan button. Tomura really wishes he hadn’t done that… 7) “OH JESUS FUCK
WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU FUCKING RIPPED HIS TENTACLES WITH YOUR TEETH JESUS”- Midoria: Your throat and my teeth have an urgent appointment, bitch!
8) “CHRIST THIS VESSEL IS REALLY FALLING APART AND MIDORIYA IS ABOUT TO MAKE SURE NOT A SINGLE CELL REMAINS TO TELL THE TALE”- Tomura’s gone through a small army of assembled heroes, been burned, battered and pushed to the brink of death, and he’s never once panicked or thought he was in danger of losing. But this?. Seeing Izuku’s sheer wrath aimed square at him? That’s the first time he’s actually gone “Uh-oh” ever since he awakened, faced with a force more primal and destructive than even himself.
IS HE EMERGING FROM SHIGARAKI’S BODY LIKE A COCOON?”- And as always, AFO’s greatest skill is his ability to incite the anger of his opponents, pushing their buttons precisely so to manipulate them to his tune without effort, allowing him to puppet Izuku into reach as easily as he’s puppeteering Tomura’s body
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I’M STARTING TO FEAR LIKE SHIGARAKI WAS PRETTY MUCH JUST A COCOON FOR HIM TO GET A STRONGER BODY”- It’s half symbolic….for now. But given how their vestiges/souls appear to be merging within Tomura’s body, it may well be that AFO could indeed be “reborn” within the chrysalis that is Tomura. All the advantages of youth and experience rolled into one. 11) “Oh what the fuck I thought that was Hawks there on the right for a moment Also, unfortunately that’s no more than to calm them down, because there’s no way to stop that thing. Those heroes don’t stand a chance, there’s no stopping it”- And he’s not even the real superweapon the villains have, but the prototype! @thelreads
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pocket-luv101 · 4 years
Across Time || Chapter 20
Fandom: Servamp Ships: KuroMahi (main), LawLicht (side) Characters: Kuro, Mahiru, Hyde, Licht
Summary: Mahiru falls into a well and is taken to a new, fantasy world. He comes across a half-blooded cat demon trapped in a tree. After he frees Kuro, he helps him collect the shards of the sacred jewel. (KuroMahi, InuYasha AU)
Ch.1 || Ch.2 || Ch.3 || Ch.4 || Ch.5 || Ch.6 || Ch.7 || Ch.8 || Ch.9 || Ch.10 || Ch.11 || Ch.12 || Ch.13 || Ch.14 || Ch.15 || Ch.16 || Ch.17 || Ch.18 || Ch.19 || (Ch.20) ||
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“Gear said that one of our brothers made tainted jewel shards. It’s time to arrange a reunion with them. I haven’t seen them in years so I don’t know where they are now.” Hyde said. They left Kuro’s childhood home but they didn’t know where they should go next. “I don’t want to believe that one of our siblings is creating these shards but Gear doesn’t have a reason to lie.”
“Our family is made of different demons but I can’t think of one that’s able to corrupt a shard.” Kuro rolled the tiny shard between his finger. He thought of how the jewel forced him to become a demon. Luckily, Mahiru was able to purify the shard with his powers. He turned to him and he couldn’t help but look at his lips as he thought of the kiss.
Kuro shook his head and reminded himself that he needed to focus on the issue. He handed the shard to Mahiru and said, “You should hold onto the shard. It can’t turn me into a demon again but I’ll feel better if you were the one holding it. You’re the most knowledgeable about spiritual energy and the sacred jewel. The shard won’t be tainted again with you.”
“I heard of people drawing power from the jewel. On the other hand, a person influencing the souls within it is rare. Since the shards are smaller, it’s easier to corrupt it now.” Licht thought of the stories his village would tell him about the jewel and its creation. “A human may taint the shard. My mother told me of two brothers who did so. They died long ago though.”
While Licht didn’t tell him directly, Hyde could hear that he wanted to reassure him that his brother wasn’t the one selling tainted jewel shards. He was surprised that he would do so. He assumed that Licht wouldn’t question Gear and insist they go after his family. Hyde looked down at him but Licht quickly pulled his eyes away. “You have six other siblings. It’ll be a waste of time to search for each one and ask them about the shard if they aren’t involved.”
“Touma has been giving shards to people in exchange for their help. Selling these shards may be an extension of that plan. It could also be someone copying him as well.” Mahiru added. He reached out and took Kuro’s hand. He thought of Tsubaki and Mahiru didn’t want anyone else in the family to hurt Kuro. With a light squeeze, he said: “We should search for others who have these black shards.”
“You can sense the jewel shards, Mahiru. Does the tainted shard feel different from the others? It would help.” Kuro didn’t want to believe that one of his siblings was selling the dark shards. While he hadn’t spoken with them in years, he thought of them each day he was sealed to the tree. Yet, he knew it wasn’t in Gear’s nature to lie. Tsubaki also worked with Touma to take the tessaiga in the past.
He turned back to Mahiru when he let out a long sigh. “From a distance, they have the same energy. I can only tell them apart when I’m closer but that won’t help lead us to the person selling the shards or anyone holding one. I’m sorry.”
“We wouldn’t have gotten this far without you.” Kuro adjusted their hands so their fingers were threaded together. He had seen how strong Mahiru was throughout their journey. He knew that he felt responsible for the shard being shattered. Tenderly, he stroked his thumb over his knuckles to comfort him. “We’re going to reform the jewel together.”
“I hope you’re including us in your ‘together’, Nii-san.” They pulled apart at the sound of Hyde’s voice. Kuro and Mahiru had a blush and the sight caused him to chuckle. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw his brother so flustered. He was happy that Kuro found a partner but they needed to keep their focus on the jewel shards.
Kuro could read his brother’s thoughts and he understood the importance of reforming the jewel. A part of him was worried about the journey ahead of them. He didn’t want to fight another of his siblings since it would cause the rift in their family to become larger. If one of his siblings tried to kill Mahiru, he didn’t know what he would do. He cared for both equally.
“We can ask travellers and other merchants if they heard of a man selling tainted jewels or if a similar person approached them. Someone must know something.” Mahiru suggested. He was able to sense the shards but they were scattered around the country. It was difficult for him to focus on a single one. He would lead them to the jewel’s general location and then search for it.
“The person selling shards must be holding many of them.” Hyde reasoned. “Where is the largest cluster of shards you can sense? We can also talk to people on our way to the shard.”
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“What a beautiful garden.” Mahiru said breathlessly as he looked over the sea of violet flowers. A humble inn sat at the center of the garden. His eyes were drawn to a flower that was a different colour from the rest. A light blue flower grew at the edge of the garden. The light colour reminded him of Kuro’s beautiful hair. He was tempted to pick the flower but he didn’t know if he should.
“The villagers said that they heard of a merchant who sells jewels. Hopefully, they’re the tainted shards. Do you sense a shard in the inn?” Hyde asked him and Mahiru nodded. “We don’t know if he’s still staying in the inn but someone must’ve seen the merchant. Knowing the man’s appearance will help us find him rather than blindly following rumours.”
“Let’s go then.” Licht said and stepped forward.
Mahiru started to follow him but then he noticed that Kuro was staring at the camellias. He reached down and picked the blue flower. Kuro had noticed how Mahiru looked at the flower and thought he wanted it. He tucked the camellia behind his ear and then lightly brushed his bangs from his face. “I don’t think the owners will mind if we pick one flower. If they get mad, you can blame me.”
He touched the flower in his hair and a smile spread across his face. While the gift was small, it showed that Kuro’s kindness. He wasn’t the type for words but his loving gesture told him how he felt. Others wouldn’t notice how he stared at the single flower yet Kuro had. Mahiru picked a white flower and handed it to him. “We’ll get in trouble together. Planting so many flowers must’ve taken a long time.”
“The garden is beautiful but it’s a little overwhelming for me.” He groaned and scratched his nose. Since he was a demon, his senses were heightened. The thick scent of the flowers turned his senses into a haze. Kuro took the flower from Mahiru and tucked it into his obi. “We should go inside. The smell won’t affect me as much.”
“Okay.” Mahiru nodded and took his hand. They walked into the garden but then his steps stuttered for a moment. His eyes widened slightly and he looked around him. Kuro didn’t know what caught his attention since he couldn’t sense anything around them. His brows furrowed as he said, “I can’t feel the jewel shard anymore. It didn’t move though. It’s simply gone.”
“Maybe you’re tired from walking so much and it’s affecting your powers.” He suggested. While he nodded, he could see that there was still a hint of concern in his brown eyes. Kuro rubbed his hand over his arm and then placed his hand on his back to led him into the inn. His strong hand was comforting but Mahiru had to question why he couldn’t sense the jewel anymore.
They entered the inn and saw Hyde speaking with a man. “I am a travelling monk. I was drawn to your inn because I can sense a looming evil in your walls. Have any of your guest noticed a demon presence?” Hyde spoke loudly enough to draw the attention of the patrons. “I would suggest you purify your inn to chase out the demon. Since I’m a kind monk, I will perform an exorcism without charging you.”
“I’m not giving you a free room.” The man retorted bluntly. “One of my regular customers is a monk and he exorcise my inn regularly. There is also a barrier around the inn so I will know if a demon enters.”
Behind them, Licht chuckled. He had seen Hyde trick many people into giving them free lodging. Licht would often have to kick the demon and force him to pay for the room properly. He stepped forward and took out his coin purse. “How much does a room cost? We’ll take two if they’re available.”
“Are you planning to room with me? I’m sure my brother would want to share a room with his mate.” Hyde had a charming smile and Licht quickly looked away from him. The sight caused his heart to flutter even though he knew the flirt was merely teasing him. He had fought many demons yet Hyde was the only one who could affect him.
“You will be staying in a room with your brother.” Licht said and he turned back to the innkeeper. As he was discussing the room, Hyde glanced around the room. The strong scent of flowers filled the room and irritated his senses. The owner had decorated the room with flowers that they saw outside. He thought they were strange but he couldn’t focus on them enough to understand why.
“Here are your room numbers. My name is Misono and I own the inn so please come to me if you need anything.” He said as he passed the number slip to Licht. “My inn is famous for its flowers because they sooth the soul. They will give you a peaceful sleep.”
“You must have a lot a of customer. Do merchants visit often? I would like to purchase a few things but we haven’t encountered many merchants on journey.” Mahiru asked Misono. He didn’t want to scare the people staying in the inn by telling them about the tainted shard. There were a few people in the lobby but Mahiru couldn’t sense if one was holding a shard.
“We had a merchant stay here yesterday but he left this morning. If there’s something you want in particular, you might find it in the village.” Misono suggested.
“Thank you. We might pay the market a visit.” Mahiru tried to hide his disappointment. He didn’t know how to ask Misono more about the merchant without being suspicious.
He walked to where Kuro was speaking with his brother and told them what Misono told him. They walked down the hall and Mahiru let out a sigh once he thought others couldn’t overhear them. “It seems like we missed the merchant by a day. Should we leave and try to find him? He might not have gotten far in such a short time.”
“I have to question if the innkeeper has been telling us the truth.” Hyde whispered and looked back to the lobby. His sharp eyes watched Misono interact with his guests. “He told us that there was a barrier around his inn that would tell him is a demon enters. Nii-san and I were able to enter though. Something feels wrong here.”
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“You’re quick to distrust people. What are you looking for, Shit Rat?” Licht asked Hyde who was shifting through the flowers. The sun was setting so it was unlikely they would find anything before it became dark. He knelt next to him and scanned the garden. “If you’re searching for the barrier Misono mentioned, you’re already looking at it.”
“I’m a trained monk and I can’t find a spell tag or talisman that could make a barrier.” His eyes narrowed as he stared at the flowers. Licht picked one and shoved it into Hyde’s face. The petals tickled his nose and caused him to sneeze. He turned away from him and blindly pushed his hands away. “What was that for, Angel Cakes?”
“This garden acts as a deterrent to demons, whether Misono intended for it to be or not.” Licht twirled the flower between his fingers and watched the blur of colours the petal created. “My village would plant potent flowers near our home. We would use different flowers though.”
“My brother is resting in the inn due to the smell these flowers have so you might be right. I’m lucky my nose isn’t as strong as his but it’s still hard to concentrate with the smell.” Hyde complained. His instinct told him that the inn was hiding something but he didn’t know what it was. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Licht curse next to him.
Licht dropped the flower and stared at his finger. He had been pricked by a thorn and blood began to bead on the wound. “I didn’t think violets had thorns.”
“They don’t. Let me see your hand.” Hyde cupped his hands around Licht’s. He hadn’t noticed how long and slender his fingers were before he held his hand. He was reminded of Licht’s strength when he stared at the faded scars on his skin. Closing his eyes, he focused on the thorn prick. “I don’t think the thorn had poison or something similar.”
Hyde tore a strip of cloth from his shirt and wrapped the fabric around his finger. His touch was gentler than Licht expected it would be. Once he finished, he pulled his hand back. He turned away from him so he wouldn’t see him blush. “You didn’t need to wrap a tiny thorn prick.”
“I’ll take that as a ‘thank you’.” Hyde chuckled. He stood and held his hand out to help him stand. As Licht reach out to place his hand in his, a drop of blood soaked through the fabric and landed on a flower. The petal became red and the colour spread to the other violets.
He jumped to his feet and asked, “Do you sense a demon who could be causing this?”
“I can’t smell a thing with these flowers. I think that’s the point.” Hyde muttered and drew his sword. He watched the flowers for a demon but he couldn’t sense anyone’s presence.
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“Do you feel better?” Mahiru asked Kuro who laid on his lap. He tenderly stroked his fingers over his temple and let his spiritual energy flow into him. The scent of the flowers gave him a headache and he had trouble sleeping. He went to Mahiru’s room with the hope that he could help him. Kuro only need his warm fingers threading through his hair to sooth him.
“A little. I never thought there would be a day where I can’t fall asleep. It was the one thing I’m great at.” He groaned and Mahiru chuckled. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Kuro reached up and placed his hand on Mahiru’s cheek to pull him back down to tickle their noses together. Mahiru giggled and sat up.
“There’s nothing we can do about the flowers but a cup of warm tea might help you fall asleep. I’ll ask Misono if I may use the kitchen and make a cup for you.” Mahiru said and patted his shoulder. He sat up so he could stand. “Hyde wants to investigate the inn but I can’t sense a demon presence. I’ll ask them if they found anything later.”
“My brother is lucky that his nose isn’t as strong as mine and he can still walk around.” Kuro sighed at his own weakness. He was also worried about the flowers’ effect on Hyde though. As Mahiru walked out of the room, he stumbled slightly and caught himself on the door. He jumped to his feet and went to his side. “Are you okay, Mahiru?”
“I’m fine, Kuro.” He reassured him but his words were overtaken by a yawn. Mahiru tried to rub the sleep from his eyes and said, “I’m just a little tired. I don’t know why. The sun set but it isn’t that late yet. Maybe the journey is taking more of a toll on me than I thought. I should feel better in the morning once I get proper sleep.”
“You don’t have to make tea. Go to sleep and I’ll talk to my brother for you.” He suggested and lightly nudged him towards his own room. The fact that Mahiru was a human was always on his mind and he didn’t want him to push himself. He touched the flower in his brown hair and said, “Misono claims the flower can give people a peaceful sleep.”
“I would like a cup of tea myself so I don’t mind making a pot for us. It shouldn’t take me long so you can wait in your room.” Mahiru told him and continued down the hall.
The lobby was empty when Mahiru entered the room. He wondered where Misono was so he could ask him for directions to the kitchen. The moonlight filtered through the window and reflected off a mirror. The light caught Mahiru’s attention and he walked to the decorative mirror standing on the table. A small portrait of two people rested next to the mirror.
He recognized Misono in the photo but he hadn’t seen the other man in the inn. In the corner of his eyes, he saw Misono appear in the mirror’s reflection. He turned over his shoulder and said, “This is a beautiful mirror you have.”
“It’s a family heirloom. My brother gave it to me and said it will protect me while he’s travelling.” Misono told him and picked up the mirror. Despite the darkness, Mahiru could see that there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.  
Mahiru reasoned that the man in the photo was his brother and he likely missed him. He understood how Misono felt since he missed his friends and family from the future. He thought of how Kuro and the new friends he made helped him. With that thought, he said: “I came down to ask you if I could borrow your kitchen and make tea. Would you like to join us, Misono? Friends can help you through anything.”
“Friends?” Misono repeated and turned the mirror in his hands. A butterfly landed on the edge of the mirror. “I see many people since I own an inn. Most people don’t stay for long for us to become friends. It’s better if I don’t become close with the guests here. They all die.”
His last statement made Mahiru stiffen. For a moment, he thought he misheard Misono but a dangerous glint appeared in his violet eyes. He turned the mirror so it reflected Mahiru’s image. A powerful force crashed over him and he thought he felt the air being pulled from his lungs. He didn’t understand what was happening as his vision became hazy.
Instinctively, Mahiru raised his hands and summoned a barrier. His spiritual energy formed a wall but it quickly disappeared. The light was drawn into Misono’s mirror and Mahiru’s heart sank. He didn’t know what powers the mirror had but he could sense his spiritual energy being taken. He left his arrows in his room so he couldn’t defend himself.
“I was told that you haven’t mastered your powers yet. I should tell Touma that he has underestimated you. I haven’t though.” Misono stood over him and his mirror began to glow. The image changed to Hyde and Licht walking down the hall. “I can see everything in my inn through this mirror and I overheard you discussing the merchant selling black shards. I won’t let you kill him.”
“Are you working with him?” Questions raced through his mind but he doubted Misono would answer any of them. He needed to warn his friends about Misono. Mahiru grabbed the table next to him by the leg and swung it towards Misono with all his strength. He managed to knock the mirror from his hands. Once the mirror was turned away from him, Mahiru felt his strength return.
He ran down the hall and called Kuro’s name. “Misono has a demon mirror. I need my arrows.”
In the room, Kuro jumped to his feet. He could fear the panic and fear in his voice. He grabbed his quiver and rushed out of the room. The relief Mahiru felt when he saw Kuro only lasted for a moment though. The ground beneath his feet disappeared and he started to fall. He summoned a barrier beneath his feet to keep himself from dropping through the floor.
Mahiru looked down and found a dark mirror beneath him. His barrier began to weaken due to the mirror’s power and he searched for a way jump to safety. The mirror was large so he couldn’t jump to safety. Kuro stood on the edge of the mirror and stretched out his hand to catch Mahiru. He moved to the edge of the barrier and reached out to Kuro. Their fingers only managed to brush together before someone attacked him.
Kuro was shocked when he faced his brother. “Snow Lily?”
“I’m sorry, Kuro, I don’t want to fight you. But I owe Misono my life. Touma only wants the Shirota man dead so we don’t need to fight. Please, just let him go.”
Kuro hadn’t seen his brother in years so he didn’t know the debt he owed Misono. He couldn’t let Mahiru be taken though. In the corner of his eyes, he saw Mahiru’s barrier finally fade away. His heart sank and his body moved before he could fully process the situation. He pushed Lily aside and jumped after Mahiru as he fell into the mirror.
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