#The Fliss/Conrad is kind of a joke but y’know
sargeantsarmy · 8 months
Enjoy this that I made on a random Tuesday afternoon
Here’s mine:
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No I don’t take criticism
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queenofbaws · 2 years
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hello hello! wip wednesday is sort of more of a “WELP” wednesday for me this week since ya gurl’s on a bunch of antibiotics and not really, uh, what’s the word...human. stuff’s probably gonna slow to a trickle on my end for a while, but here’s a little sneak peek into the world of the creep...s’ idiot friend conrad’s deal. ;P
“I feel like it’s my job to warn you about what we’re about to walk into…if only so you’re prepared for the kind of high school cafeteria dynamics we’ll be expected to weave our way through, you understand.”
He hadn’t, in all honesty, expected Fliss to shy away from the idea, but still a wave of relief washed over him when all she did was snort and turn her head back towards his. “Ah. So it’s going to be that kind of thing.”
“Comes with the territory, sorry to say.”
“Mhm. Something about being filthy, stinkin’ rich just tends to breed insufferable blowhards. Go figure.”
There was a glint in her eye as she set her chin against her hand. “You don’t say.”
“I…” He caught her look then, really caught it, and pulled back with a joking intake of breath, popping his eyebrows as high as they’d go. “Uh, wow. Excuse me, are…are you really about to lump me in with these—”
“Insufferable blowhards?” she finished for him, one corner of her mouth turning up.
Something about that look just…it took his mind off the others milling about the yard completely. Totally and completely. He didn’t even care that JJ and her Mean Girl plastic squad were probably giggling and pointing their way. Well, he didn’t care right now, anyway—he’d care later, he was sure, when she was blowing up his phone with eyeball emojis at all hours of the night. Just not now. Not even a little.
He used his bottle to gesture. “Y’know what? Yeah, poor word choice on my part. I can be a bit of—”
“An insufferable blowhard.”
hope y’all are doing well out there :) <3
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