#The Lornwood
ganymedesclock · 2 years
The Color Gods seem to have "true names" consisting of two disyllabic parts. Would Gale Ruse be pronounced like those two English words, or as two different syllables each?
Gale Ruse is pronounced just like those words, yeah! It's funny to think about it, because "Garu" is pronounced with a short 'a' rather than the long 'a' in 'Gale'.
But yeah, it's pretty much standard for all the color gods except Aeon and Ilvi, given their unusual relationship with names, identity, and each other. Some of their 'true names' are real words and some of them aren't. It's a mix.
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thedopesamurai · 1 year
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Exiled Druids of Lornwood
Huussi, 2016
“Don’t you run into the forest alone, lest by a druid you are turned into stone” - A common phrase to scare children from getting lost. A long time ago, new caste of magic users were born in the Land of Light. Greatly gifted and often wise beyond their years, through decades of study in nature they were able to combine light and earth magic into what they called life magic. These scholars of Audinburgh were finally accepted into the circle as the first druids. They were also the first to consistently combine two elements successfully without side effects, and paved a way for new theories and discoveries in magic and its behavior. Following the First Elemental War, during which the element of light was the only one to remain dormant, all other types of magic were deemed dangerous in the Land of Light. During the Great Purge of Lux Aeterna, druids, among other impure magic users were exiled from the land. They fled into the surrounding forests, forming small tribes and communities, swearing to never return in an event that their services and knowledge would be needed again. Through the propaganda of King Farlon, their entire centuries of reputation was slowly wiped away, their image reduced to nothing but monsters, twisted sorcerers, and betrayers of light. As their numbers thinned among the scarce wildlands, they adapted and developed new ways to survive and lengthen their lifespan. They learned to cultivate their own magic and feed on it, conjuring wells of raw power they hid deep in the forests. These pools would grow and slowly absorb energy from the ground around them, providing a lasting supply of magic to live with. They dress up in gifts of the forest to channel their magic, and adapt better amongst the animals through scents and appearances. Among other side effects and malformations, their bodies covered in roots and vines to nurture their bodies, they've grown taller and more powerful than ever. No longer they pledge faith to the gods, they’ve become akin to an image of one. But what is the price of losing your humanity and becoming what everyone feared of? - Excerpt from the Book of Druidism, chapter 3: Behavior of Life Magic: "... As the most powerful uses of druidic life magic rely on channeling the magic through a physical object or a living being, they often have a vessel to imbue and practice their magic with. As a vessel, most druids are accompanied by companion animals, also as a respect to their close affinity with nature. In dire situations and military use, they could temporarily empower the animal with life to turn one into a hulking beast. When used on humans however, this has a heavy toll on their health for unknown reasons. ..."
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
An Annoying Pretty Boy
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Request: Yes or No
If you guys like this, I attempt to make this a series. Yes Blake's face claim is Tommy/Malachai his face just really suits Blake and I love him lmao
"Reynolds! Come to my office!" Blake looked up from a file and stood up, closing the it and walking over to Webb's office. He entered, raising a brow.
"Yeah?" Blake crossed his arms. Webb motioned towards the tv. Blake shifted his gaze onto it.
"Billionaire Jakob Oaks has been found dead in his penthouse. The police are ruling it as murder."
"Another one bites the dust." Webb's mumbled. Blake bit back an amused grin and looked at her.
"I'm gonna switch you from Kenny's case to these guys cases. You won't be working alone." Webb said. Blake frowned.
"Don't put me with an asshole or an idiot." Blake pleaded. Webb chuckled, tossing a file on the table.
"There's your buddy." She said. Blake sat down, opening the file. Damian Angelico.
"An inmate at Lornwood Prison? Elena, what the hell?" Blake looked at her. Webb shrugged.
"If you want to compain, complain to the governor. We suspect that an old buddy of Damian, the same guy that snitched on him, is committing these murders." Webb informed.
"He's in prison for second degree murder and drugs, Elena!"
"Actually, nobody really knows what happened and many say it was self-defense. I personally believe it was self-defense, he was nineteen for God's sake and almost every kid his age does, deals, or has thought about drugs." Webb corrected, sipping some coffee. Blake groaned, slumping back against his chair.
"If he helps, his sentence will be reduced and he might even get parole." Webb said.
"Give the kid a try and if he doesn't help at all, tell me and he'll be sent back."
"Wait, the governer is okay with releasing a potentially dangerous person out into the world?" Blake questioned. Webb nodded, closing the file.
"You'll be fine, Blake." Webb assured. Blake sighed, rubbing his temple.
"Wanna meet him?" She asked. Blake nodded. Webb stood, grabbing her keys and phone.
Blake looked up as a young man, Damian, entered. He was a pretty boy. Blake wouldn't be suprised if he was a teen dad. Damian sat down, glancing at the guard when he left.
"Hey, Damian." Webb said, sliding a pack of cigarettes over to him. Damian opened it, sliding one into his mouth and lighting it. He slid the pack back to her, glancing at Blake.
"What's with the pitbull?" He asked, smoke escaping his mouth as he spoke. Webb chuckled.
"Blake Reynolds meet Damian Angelico." Webb said. Damian eyed him, bringing the cigeratte up to his lips.
"He's your exit ticket." Webb explained. Damian cocked a brow.
"He looks like he's gonna kill me. You couldn't have gotten someone friendlier? He's hot but.." Damian leaned back, sighing. Blake furrowed his brows slightly.
"It's helping or being stuck here for more years." Webb crossed her arms. Damian sighed and nodded.
"Okay." He grinned.
"When am I getting out?"
"Tomorrow. Nobody will know and you're gonna be going by a different name. Tristan Lukewind. You can decide if you wanna be pretend brothers or husbands." Webb said. Damian snickered as Blake internally groaned.
"Well... Chat. Get to know each other. I'm gonna go grab some coffee real quick, I really don't wanna come back to find you two strangling each other so be peaceful." Webb stood up, walking away. Silence overcame them. Damian butted out his cigarette and cleared his throat.
"Let me guess.." He straightened his back.
"You are either divorced or have a dead wife, probably have a kid you don't see often, and... Are closeted." Damian said.
"I see my kid all the time and I'm open about my sexuality." Blake replied. Damian laughed, nodding.
"This is gonna be so much fun. We're gonna be besties by the end of this wild trip, just you wait." Damian cooed. Blake rolled his eyes. He just had to get stuck with a crazy guy.
"I'm not crazy." Damian mumbled. A crazy guy that can't respect the fourth wall.
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by-the-fire · 5 years
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Druids of Lornwood by Teemu Husso
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1er-monde · 8 years
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Exiled Druids of Lornwood by Huussii
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
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Our Lady of amber, the eternal martyr, the true divinity.
In worship, returned to the sun above; in servitude she descends anew to us.
Rejoice, children of man! Once more, Our Lady is before us!
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
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The first petitioners of the infantile god of death were the scavengers drawn to the scent of blood and carrion- and thus well-suited to track the comings and goings of such a deity.
Orderly in worship, the beasts knew no conflict during their sacred bacchanal. Their god was kind; the feast was long, and all would leave satisfied.
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
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Expression study for Aeon. Template sourced from here, and inspired off @rukafais doing the same meme with their character Ekkehardt.
For optimal health please make sure your changeling at least attempts to maintain a standardized viscosity.
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
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“But what is it then?”
“A half-child. An omen and a warning; a thing left in the darkness of the earth.”
“But it smiled at me. It has a human face-”
“I know, son. I know.”
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
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technically half a god
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
So, what is All Color like in the Lornwood?
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All-Color; The Light-Font, The Sun At Height, the Serpent Star and the Mother of Hues. Primal goddess of ideas, beliefs, potential and understanding. Sire of the Color Gods, via her consort, the Great Lorn.
While her 'foremost' children and their mortal kin quite resemble each other, All-Color well predates humanity and it's thus pretty hard to find the right words to talk about her in words that humans can communicate. During the great Age of Creation, there were a few humans that crossed her path, and some accounts describe her as a luminescent creature always encountered in the deepest blackness, taller than any man or god, speaking so gently that the breath from her lungs would not stir the wings of an insect. She is credited with creating the universe- although only the Color Gods can really claim to have spent much time with her, as she did not survive the act, being killed and shattered by the penultimate of her children.
Even so, such a creature does not vanish easily. Some claim pieces of her still remain, kept by her consort. Pieces that may never again be whole, but that do not truly die.
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
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She swears she’s offering you something savory
So take a drink, her product’s number one
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
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Too long not enough Lorn have a shitpost
[post source]
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
Another thing I can really say about Lornwood inspiration is that I wanted to go out of my way to make the gods extremely diverse, because while the lornwood gods aren’t “perfect” in concept I’m sorta looking to greek myth in inspiration- beings simultaneously of remarkable grandeur and luminous elegance... and also extremely human flaws. But with that sense of ‘perfect impressions’ or at least a sense of grandeur and idealized forms hanging over it, I wanted to take that idea and run with it.
So the god of love and artistic beauty has psoriasis (specifically that invokes charcoal, burnt wood, and/or lava rocks), and she’s still considered a paragon of those things. The divine judge seen as current acting queen of the gods has osteoarthritis that sees her using a wheelchair most of the time- and that even ties in with the concept of her as impressive and elegant since there’s plenty of real-world deities depicted with mighty celestial chariots.
And the two primal creator deities that symbolically, deifically, and also literally got it on to create the universe were a trans woman and an intersex enby.
I wanted to make a point that like, these guys may not have it all together, but they’re primal forces of the elements, and the raw building blocks of the cosmos just really do not have time for racism, ableism, fatphobia and heteronormativity; there’s no reason entities older than mortal law should adhere to a very narrow view of one time period and one culture’s conceptions of what makes a normal person; and it’s not just limited to the troubled god. Aeon’s nonbinary gender, legal blindness, borderline illiteracy and possible ehlers-danlos aren’t the reasons they’re blacklisted.
The disabled body is holier than the vision of a bigot who insists it should not be so, and that’s earnestly what I believe.
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
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“Hey kid, don’t get the wrong idea, okay? It’s not what you are. And I don’t mean that in the sense of, ‘what you are isn’t bad’- but come on. Think a little. You’re a monster. I’m a god. What’s the difference? Just what you call ‘em, really. We’re all monsters. Just the rest of us... we had the time to clean up.”
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
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Hey! Hey!
You know I’m dangerous, right?
Show the proper respect!
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