#The Nox
The Nox Knew!
Shadow of the Erdtree spoilers below.
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The Nox knew the secrets of the Enir-Ilim! Their architecture resembles it. Their cities are covered in petrified remains like the ones on the tower!
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They even had their own god turned weapon in the form of the fingerslayer blade! Like the Hornsent, the Nox use these sacred mummified figures, the chair crypt giants, to house items of holy significance to them.
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Somehow, someway, the Nox learned the secrets of reaching godhood and tried to replicate it but failed. Maybe due to their methods being divorced from actual divinity? Instead of looking outwardly godhood, the Nox turned their attentions inwards, finding the divinity within themselves?
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Or Unlike the Hornsent who worship the crucible, the source of all primordial life, the Nox worshipped something older, Primeval life.
Our powers draw upon the powers embedded in glintstone, but what is the nature of such power?
Glintstone is the amber of the cosmos, golden amber contains the remnants of ancient life and houses its vitality, while Glintstone contains residual life. And thus, the vitality of the stars.
It should not be forgotten that glintstone sorcery is the study of the stars and the life therein.
- Sorceress Sellen
The Nox worshipped The Moon and Night, where the Hornsent worshipped the Crucible and the horns bestowed upon them. Both the presumed sources of mortal life. That might have been the gateway of the Nox's access to godhood, a moonlit night sky. Night's Sacred Ground could have been their Enir-Ilim.
But like the Hornsent, the Nox paid the price for their wish to create a god of night. Being banished by Marika and/or her Golden Order. But unlike them, instead of being inquisitioned and purged, the Nox were simply forced underground and away from their Godhood granting nexus.
We witness a microcosm of what happens when someone follows this path. First Sellen, the graven witch. In her folly to understand and harness the primeval current, shr sacrificed countless mages in her pursuit of knowledge, turning them into graven masses. The result is not unlike the Shaman being turned into jars. Then the Hornsent, who massacred Marika's people for their own means.
Could the Nox's knowledge of achieving godhood be the reason Marika decided to banish them? Them creating a potential rival to her order? Were the Nox following in the footsteps of the Hornsent, sacrificing people, their own people, for one being to achieve godhood? Maybe that's what digusted her after losing her own people to such ambitions.
Maybe the Nox's Silver Age was the precursor to Marika's Golden one. They failed where she succeeded...
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dailystargatebooty · 6 months
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hoarah-babylon · 7 months
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one thing about fromsoft games they’re gonna make the wedding scenes cool as fuck
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scifidancer · 1 year
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STARGATE SG - 1 / "The Nox"
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I spent entirely too long on this.
Edit: You have to unmute for this to make any sense.
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gr00vyminibus · 1 year
I'm tryna listen to that audio book called the nox, and lashana's playing a big part in narrating it with her seccsy raspy ass american accent. The five minute sample is literally so delicious and convincing enough, I can't.
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I want to live with the Nox so bad I'm tired
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
So where's Maddox in relation to his daughter? In the same underground area, or did she ditch her poor blind dad? Is one protecting the other?
Keep in mind that this whole au is just fun and not actual plans for the Morgling’s futures…
But yes, Nenet and Maddox are in separate areas of the underground. I headcannon that holding a greatrune can corrupt oneself easily so not all of the ocs are still in their right minds.
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Maddox would be in the Siofra Aqueduct, so technically within Nokron while Nenet is in Nokstella.
Specifically I want his boss area to be around the waterfall where a crucible knight can be found ingame. He would be able to hear every step of the player, getting enraged if the sound of the spirit bell plays.
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Even though he is blind, Maddox is far from helpless. He would be very fast in his boss form, being able to dual-wield erdsteel daggers and knock the player down with his tail. He would mutter about the player being a trespasser, whisper his daughter’s name and upon death cry out for his lost love. Definitely a somber fight.
My plan for Nenet was for her boss area to be in the Nokstella, Eternal City. The highest room, in the audience chamber with the giant throne. The place were the tarnished can find the Moon of Nokstella trinket.
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She would start out upon the throne, face obstructed by a veil, hiss out about the players filth drug down from the surface. Mind ate up and now worshiped by the remaining Nox, her fight would be of night magics. I also imagined her summoning mimics during the fight, becoming extras of herself. Horns stumps still dripping and leaving poisonous puddles on the ground.
Both her and her father would be optional bosses.
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un-local · 2 years
Anyone got any idea what the statues of the wailing people are in Nokron and Nokstella? The ones that look like the scream painting?
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My best guess—they’re people used/sacrificed to create the silver/mimic tears. (using life to create life, that kind of thing)
All theories welcome—what are yours?
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mysg1spacemonkey · 2 years
Pls ignore my previous ask. The coffee hadn't worked yet. 🥱 Make Me Choose: Stargate Edition Janet Fraiser or Vala Mal Doran the Nox or the Asgards
I hear ya. My coffee hasn’t kicked in yet, either. Lol.
Janet or Vala… Janet all the way. Vala is a fun character, and I like her, but I love Janet. She’s smart and strong and spunky. For such a diminutive person she has a commanding presence. She’s an amazing doctor, a great soldier, and a loving mother. And depending on the day, in my mind she’s either Sam’s best friend or wife. *nods*
The Nox or the Asgard…. This one is surprisingly difficult. Part of me wants to say the Nox because they brought sg1 back to life after Apophis’ Jaffa killed them in season 1. If it wasn’t for the Nox, the show would have ended there. Lol. But I have to go with the Asgard. Sure, there were a few bad eggs, and they pretended to be people’s “gods” while protecting them, but the Asgard did more good than bad. They protected Earth, they helped in our petty political squabbles, and they provided us with technology that would have taken us centuries to come up with. We were able to do so much because of the Asgard and their help.
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ruushes · 6 months
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girls night in the ancient tomb and we know fuck all
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amygdalae · 1 year
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Hard to say but I suspect she might be chilling
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dailystargatebooty · 6 months
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hoarah-babylon · 4 months
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thinking Such Insane Thoughts about gravity falls and parental love and liking your kids like. idk.
filbrick might love his kids in some way but he doesnt really like them. caryn loves her boys but doesnt care for them enough.
soos's dad might have liked the idea of a kid. but he never really loved him. abuelita had to take his place.
dipper and mabels parents probably love their kids, sure, but they fuck dipper up because of their issues.
wendys dad loves her as much as he can but she misses her mom so so much.
gideon and pacificas parents dont really love them. gideons parents fear him and pacifica fears her parents.
bills parents loved him so fucking much. it wasnt enough.
fiddlefords parents loved him enough to let him leave. but they left him with a bone deep fear of the "outside" in his bones.
but.. ford and stan. they arent even the twins parents but oh my GOD they love them. deep in their crazy old man bones they LOVE these kids.
fords angry and resentful but he sees them and he goes SOFT. he watches dippers every move and sees himself. he pats mabels fluffy hair "you're a good person, mabel."
stan loves these kids so much goddamnit. everything he does is for this family. you can see in every inch of him he just wants these kids to be ok. even when hes picking on dipper he wants to help so bad. he dies for them.
they are the best parents in the series and they save the world.
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ill stop drawing @niximilart gameplay stuff when it stops being funny
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