#The Organization is not irrational: they spent extraordinary resource on one individual so there's got be a reason
gofancyninjaworld · 9 months
Just what did he *do* to them?
So, as The Organization's dastardly plan has been enacted, we've learned that there's a kill list that they're checking off, exceptional individuals who have been targeted for death -- and reconstruction as will-free fighters.
The S-Class heroes, Garou, and a few others, have each had a Machine God sent to kill them and take their corpses back to HQ for treatment.
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One Machine God. No back up plan, apparently.
So far the exception has been Dr. Kuseno. Kuseno may only have been No. 23 on their list, but he's gotten special treatment. THREE Machine Gods got sent to kill him, each at threat level dragon, and they were backed up by seven further powerful robots.
Just as remarkable was what they did. For everyone else, the Machine God will announce itself, explain why it's there, talk shit, and only then attack. The Machine Gods sent for Kuseno stealthily approached late at night, stayed well outside the building perimeter in the forest, and sniped the scientist clean through his centre of mass through the building walls. If the other Machine Gods used that modus operandi, they'd have a lot more success but they're acting as if the others are nice-to-haves.
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I can almost imagine the conversation that must have happened behind the scenes:
Machine God 'Body': I alone will be enough for one shitty old man and his ex-human pet. Head of Organization: NO! We absolutely cannot afford slip-ups. Take two more guys, and make sure you play together nicely. Also, take this backup squadron in case that old weasel tries to make a run for it.
Why? Thinking of three possibilities.
They really, really, really hate Kuseno.
They think that Genos and Kuseno are an extraordinary threat.
They think that Kuseno is a special resource that they must acquire at all cost.
Let's take them in turn. None of them are mutually exclusive.
Number 1 is very possible! Let's call it The 100 Cyborgs Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Hate You theory. I would not be surprised to see some very unwelcome revelations when/if Genos finally gets to The Organization.
Number 2 seems the least likely. Given how much store the Machine Gods -- and indeed the rest of the guys associated with The Organization -- place on ranking as evidence of strength, they're not likely to make much of Genos's strength. Unless they know that his type of strength is a special problem for them. But then, why are they not chasing Drive Knight with the same ardour?
Number 3 is very interesting indeed. If Kuseno knows something or has skills they cannot do without, then given that they can revive people as semi-automatons with no willpower, this is the best way to get their hands on it.
But wouldn't this risk damaging Drive Knight's anti-Bofoi plan?* That is if Drive Knight is in cahoots with them.
I thought about it some more. Not really. If the squad was able to kill Genos, then it'd mean that he was never strong enough to take on Bofoi's forces, and they'd be rid of a troublesome S-Class hero. And if they weren't, Genos would blame Bofoi for the attack, and then they're rid of two troublesome S-Class heroes. It's a win-win however they look at it.
Set an elephant to get rid of an elephant, as Zombieman would say.
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So far, it's all going according to keikaku, which means plan.
The only questions now are, do they dig up Kuseno's body, and how do they get away with this?
*I'm still open to giving Drive Knight the benefit of the doubt, but at this point, it's really not looking good at all.
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