#The Protean Resources Library
transthaumaturge · 4 years
Happy TDOV! Here’s some Queer Hogwarts Headcanons.
Hi, all! My name is Rachel! I’m a trans woman, and I grew up on Harry Potter. I am writing this because we deserve to be seen and also because I know it would piss JK “Gender is Real” Rowling off if she ever read this. Here is how queer students and allies in the different Hogwarts houses would support fellow LGBTQ+ kids in various positive ways.
Disclaimer: Throughout this post, I’ll use the word ‘Queer’ several times. I know that this label doesn’t necessarily represent everyone in the LGBTQ+ community, but I also don’t consider it a slur in modern usage. It has a history of reclamation in the community, and has long been considered a sort of umbrella term for a lot of identities under the rainbow umbrella. Please respect my choice to use this word, as I don’t police others’ language when it comes down to it. If you see yourself as LGBTQ+ but not queer, I see you and respect you.
When a Gryffindor student is ready to come out as a trans boy or a masculine enby, they can ask LGBTQ+ students in their house to accompany them while they attempt to climb the staircase to the girls’ dormitory and announce their newfound gender identity to the whole house. Without fail, when they climb halfway up and speak their truth the stairs turn into a ramp and they slide back down. Every time that someone does this, there’s a huge party in the common room afterward to celebrate them living their truth for the first time.
Some of the burlier Gryffindor kids decided to bury the hatchet and team up with their Slytherin equals to form a queer community watch. Inspired by Hermione’s work with the fake galleons, they get a list of interested students around the school and start passing out small badges enchanted with the protean charm and a mild shield charm. When a LGBTQ+ student is in trouble, the coin will keep some of the nastier curses from landing while they use it to notify the watch. Before long, these badges become very recognizable to the right people and just wearing one is usually enough to ward off bullies or vouch for LGBTQ+ identity. One of the watch captains is a muggleborn with a special interest in Earthbound, and insists that they should be made to look like Franklin Badges.
A couple years after the Battle of Hogwarts and inspired in part by Dumbledore’s Army, a group of Gryffindors decides to start a weekly queer support group in the Room of Requirement. It’s not the best-kept secret in the world, but the room provides the group with the extra security they need in order to make sure that any closeted students are comfortable showing up.
A group of Ravenclaw students begin curating an LGBTQ+ library in their common room, with resource books and fiction about every identity under the rainbow. They maintain a robust lending program, teaming up with Madame Pince to keep a catalog of their books in the library proper. For closeted students who want to learn more about their identities without outing themselves too early, the Ravenclaw students in charge of the queer library become skilled in charming the book covers to disguise their contents and in developing alternate places for book pickup and drop-off.
Appreciating Gryffindor students’ initial efforts to open up a queer support group in the Room of Requirement, LGBTQ+ Ravenclaw students team up with their Hufflepuff counterparts to find facilitators for a number of smaller identity-specific support groups representing everyone from trans students to aspec kids. The Ravenclaw students focus more on intercommunity education, while the Hufflepuffs put more work into inclusive group protocol and making sure that meetings are as affirming as possible for attendees.
A group of out-and-proud Ravenclaws take it upon themselves to get professors to sponsor a series of lectures in the Great Hall about a variety of LGBTQ+ topics. These student-delivered lectures get so popular that they’re able to get several well-known queer celebrity witches and wizards to come and speak on their experiences. They’ve even been able to convince a couple ghosts who identified centuries ago in a way that would now be known as LGBTQ+ to speak on what life was like for them. They’re trying really hard to score an interview with the ghost of one of Sappho’s lovers, but they’ll need a translator first.
Being a house founded from the start on the ideals of inclusion and diversity, Hufflepuff already lends itself well to LGBTQ+ community support. On an emotional high from their work with Ravenclaw to found identity-specific support groups, queer Hufflepuffs go further and set up a whole slew of LGBTQ+ mental health community pick-me-ups. These range from Pride parties and dessert buffets full of rainbow food to therapy dog sessions, group Quidditch outings, and trans-inclusive drag shows. Every so often, they convert the Room of Requirement into a fashion closet so that all interested students can try on different kinds of masculine, feminine, and androgynous fashions from the wizarding world and muggle culture alike.
A group of Hufflepuffs recruit students from other houses in starting the first Hogwarts LGBTQ+ support helpline. They bring in counselors from St. Mungo’s about four times a year to train student peer-advocates, and try their best to find students from every identity under the rainbow so that all their bases are covered. Students can reach the helpline at any hour by taking an enchanted pamphlet from a community bulletin board near the Great Hall and saying “I need help” into it. As a bonus, it casts a Muffliato charm around the user so that nobody around them can hear their conversation. This helpline stays active during school breaks so that queer students in need will always have somebody that they can talk to.
Some trans Hufflepuff upperclassmen aspiring to be healers convince Madame Pomfrey to get training on magical transition therapy so that she can administer it to interested students. They put up community notices to field students to her, and sit down with anybody unsure if they’re “trans enough” to reassure them that they definitely are, and that getting transition therapy is their choice alone. They’re now working on getting gender-affirming transmutation procedures subsidized by the school.
Ever skilled at navigating bureaucracy and antiquated rules to get what they want, a group of legal-minded queer Slytherin students team up to defend fellow Hogwarts students who were punished for LGBTQ+-related reasons and so that any homophobic or transphobic staff members know that if they put one toe out of line, they’ll be gone before they can say “Merlin’s Rainbow Flag”. They also exploit several unclear passages in the original Hogwarts’ founding documents to make the school re-label a bunch of washrooms as gender-neutral and establish a new non-binary/gender-neutral dormitory in each of the four houses. Anytime that a new attempt is made to gender-segregate student life or force compulsory cisheteronormativity on school events, Slytherin is there to right wrongs.
A group of formerly-closeted Slytherin students start offering help to anybody in the student body who wants to be socially out but needs to keep their gender identity or sexual orientation hidden from their parents. They advise these students on what to say, how to act, and where in the school it’s safest to present as their true selves. If anybody attempts to out these students-in-need, their lives are made...unpleasant. When a student is ready to come out publicly and to their family, these Slytherin students talk them through how to safely and defensively do it so that if their parents react poorly and try to hurt them financially or otherwise, the damage is minimized. They help to arrange alternate living situations and tuition funds if needed, provide polyjuice potion for trans students going through magical transition therapy who need to hide their identity during a parent visit, and they’ve gotten very skilled at spotting and destroying transphobic and homophobic howlers before they reach their intended recipient.
About to graduate from Hogwarts and get a cushy Ministry job? There are queer Slytherin students who will find you in your OWL year and beyond to offer coaching so that you can effectively support and pass LGBTQ+-inclusive policies at the government level. They offer any information about policy and past precedent that they can (and they have a very well-stocked queer law library in their house common room), help future magical legislators and judiciaries to get better at debunking homophobic and transphobic legal fallacies, and put them in touch with queer and allied Ministry members so that they have multiple people they can keep in touch with in the workplace if they need more support after graduation. Before long, there’s a noticeable shift at the Ministry level towards policies that help LGBTQ+ wizarding kids and adults avoid discrimination and live the lives they want to live. Following their initial success at Hogwarts, this Slytherin-led LGBTQ+ future legislators group reaches out to magical schools in other countries to found satellite chapters and expand their positive influence.
That’s it for now! I hope that I made you smile and that my ideas resonated. If anybody has any additional headcanons in this area or suggested tweaks for how each house would contribute to LGBTQ+ life at Hogwarts, be sure to reblog this post with your ideas. Happy Trans Day of Visibility!
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With Don’t Make Deals with Demons on its way to being published I thought it would be fun to dive into the lore and fun facts of the world the characters inhabit as we wait for October to come. So, let’s talk about Lumen Solum. More under the cut. History and slight culture lesson time!
Lumen Solum
Lumen Solum is a land made up of four big continents and four smaller continents, all united by their capital, Central City State. The land used to be one big continent many centuries ago before a huge earthquake split the land into the continents everyone knows today. It was both a tragic event and a much needed one.
For you see, before the earthquake had happened, a huge civil war was raging between the inhabitants of Lumen Solum. A huge argument that had devolved into chaos on how the land should be run and who should be in charge. It seemed like it would never stop, nothing to calm the anger of those fighting. When the earthquake hit, the fighting came to a near standstill. Areas where battle lines had been were now drastically seperated by water, many were injured from the earthquake’s effects and the importance of taking care of ones comrades became more important than taking out enemies.
It was during this time of silence that people began to think, wondering if this whole battle even had a point. That maybe this wasn’t the best way to settle the matters that brought them to this state. There were many who still wanted to fight but they soon grew tired and were outnumbered by those who had enough, especially the leaders of the various troops that were fighting each other.
Within time, all came together and agreed that the fighting should stop and that all should instead focus on rebuilding their beloved home and rise together as something stronger. It was that day, Central City State was established as the capital, a place where all parts of Lumen Solum were united as one and was the sign of their unity and their new found peace.
Central City State
Central City State is the capital of Lumen Solum. It’s where all parts of Lumen Solum come together and is seen as the sign of their unity. Central City State is the hub for all big things, from the most recent steam technology discoveries to the latest advances in medicine and so on. It’s also the place for the leaders of the respective continents to meet and discuss matters and make sure everything is running properly. It’s a great place to meet all kinds of people and definitely a place for someone to try and get their start on something big if luck happens to be on their side.
Protea was the first continent to re-establish and rebuild itself after the earthquake. Proteans are well known for their strong builds and endurance, so it was no surprise to anyone when they were the first to rise back up after the war. They have the greatest sources of pure metals, minerals and many other things thanks to all the mountains that populate their land. They were huge contributors in helping build Central City State and rebuilding the towns and cities of the other continents with their resources and their skills in craftsmanship. Proteans are also known for being rather friendly and practically treat everyone around like they were family. It’s also said extreme temperatures are nothing to them. Along with the cold mountains they tend to inhabit, they also have the vast deserts below they have learned to survive in with creating oasis stops for people take refuge in when traveling and even whole villages. Hot or cold, nothing can seem to stop any Protean from accomplishing their tasks.
Lotalily was right behind Protea in re-establishing and rebuilding itself. While they had their part in the war, the people of Lotalily did what they could to keep as far away from the war as possible. Despite they participation in mostly just defending themselves, they are a very pacifistic people. When the war ended, it was a huge relief and they were more than happy to help everyone recover. The people of Lotalily are skilled in the ways of making beautiful jewelry and fine clothing, having access to many resources on their continent that allow them to do as such. They are also skilled in the ways of using their lotus and lily flowers as means of healing, which was a huge help in recovery for those affected by the earthquake. People of Lotalily are often described as silent but sharp in their words. They will tell the truth but they will be gentle as well, as a means of being of polite and showing a kind hand. A way of life that many of Lotalily strive to live by.
Rosaria was one of the last to recover after the war. Their land had taken the hardest hit from the earthquake and it was unsure for the longest time if it would ever be restored to its former beauty. But with time and much help from the other neighboring continents, the land regained its beauty and the people were able to get back up on their feet. Rosarians are known for being very innovative people, in art, technology, medicine, many things. They like to try everything and put a new spin on it. Many of the other continents do this as well but many joke that Rosarians somehow have it in their blood to always put a new spin on things. Not that it’s a bad thing, some of the greatest technology developments in regards to steam engines came from Rosaria, especially from Apollo Halitus and his associates, who developed the pipe mail system everyone uses and the railways. So, while many joke that Rosarians can be crazy in how they handle certain things, they are rather helpful and as many have noted, are always more than ready to step in and lend a hand.
Iris is the smallest of the continents in Lumen Solum and was also one of the ones to recover the fastest from the war. Irisians are survivors as many say. They don’t have a lot to their land but they know how to live on the bare minimum and work resources to their advantage. What they lack in quantity they make up in quality. No one can deny their craftsmanship in weaponry and their skills with taming animals, horses especially. During the war, they were a force to be reckoned with and many were fearful if they ever saw soldiers riding in on horses with well made armor. It was a sure sign that they were from Iris. After the war, they dedicated themselves to helping establish a proper defense system and means of keeping the peace in Lumen Solum. They also helped and still do to this day with food distribution to those who need it desperately. The system’s not perfect, but they do what they can, often working alongside the priests and priestess from the Church of Angels as a relief effort for those suffering from natural disasters or need help getting back on their feet. While once feared by many during the war, those of Iris are now seen as some of the most charitable people you’ll ever meet.
Jasaree was the last to recover after the war, right behind Rosaria. The earthquake had a caused a massive flooding throughout the continent that eventually resulted in the creation of the three great lakes that sit in the middle of the land. It was said those of Jasaree had lost the most thanks to the water drowning many of their people along with spreading sickness. It was a miracle they hadn’t been wiped out entirely. They were very grateful when help came and did what they could to repay the favor. Mainly, in record keeping. No one has better records of the war and stories than Jasaree. To them, history is very important and must be kept as accurate as possible. Even with the flooding, they had done everything to preserve scrolls and books from getting tarnished. After they were able to re-establish their land, with the help of others, they built what is considered the biggest library in all of Lumen Solum, containing all records of history and many folk tales and much more in their shelves. If you need information, that’s one of the best places to go to learn about anything. Jasaree plays a huge part in book distribution  in Lumen Solum along with being a contributor in education for everyone. Not every Jasareen is a writer or a teacher, but across all of them, none of them deny that sometimes nothing is better than a good book to read after a long day of chores or personal hobbies.
Maravilla is the biggest of the smaller continents and was able to recover after Lotalily. Maravilla is a place of wonder to many. It’s one of the hottest places yet one of the most beautiful. With towering forests full of trees of the fruit bearing nature, a beautiful lake and small natural hot springs scattered about the area, it’s definitely seen as a vacation spot by many. For the Maravillians, there’s nothing they take more pride in than their land and their culture. Their efforts in rebuilding Lumen Solum ranged from helping provide meals (Well cooked meals according to them. Many account saying they were determined to make sure no one was scrawny. In fact, this is still noted to happen in present times and it is advised you should never say you’re starving at a Maravillian dinner table.) and helping people cheer up with dances and songs from their culture. Maravillians are very very sociable, right up there with Proteans in friendliness and are also fierce. The fiery people with big hearts as some people have come to know them as. For them, family is everything and to those they care for, they become a larger part of that family.
Hibis recovered around the same time as Lotalily and Maravilla. This continent in particular is considered one of the most diverse in setting. From mountains, to forests, a lake and even small beaches. All of this allows them access to many different resources which helped in the war and most certainly helped during relief efforts. Hibisians, while having access to many things, are mainly known for their flower talents along with gardening as a whole. Their relief efforts involved helping establish irrigation and crop systems for the other continents to use that was suited to their land and alongside Maravilla and Iris, provide food for those who were in need. Present day, they’re still the seen as the biggest food provider for Lumen Solum and for their flower arrangements. Beauty is something they treasure in Hibis and the best way they show their pride in such a thing is the flowers they grow for all to see and enjoy.
Sakuran is the second biggest of the smaller continents next to Maravilla. Like Lotalily, they did what they could stay out of the war but still defended themselves when the time called. Unlike many others, the damage from the earthquake hadn’t affected them as much but they still suffered some damage. Once they recovered, they pitched in the efforts to help others, mainly in construction and development of technology. It was thanks to some of the lead scientists in Sakuran that new systems were developed to help buildings withstand earthquakes better along with other natural disasters. To this day new technology is still being developed to help deal with natural disasters and keep as many as safe as possible. Sakurans are very much seen as innovators and have paved the way for many future developments. To them, it’s better to look forward rather than look back.
And that’s it. Hope this was enjoyable and be sure to look out for more lore and fun facts stuff for Don’t Make Deals with Demons and many other things.
Where do you think you would live in Lumen Solum? Would you be a Protean, a Lotallian, a Rosarian, an Irisian, a Jasareen, a Maravillian, a Hibisian or a Sakuran? Anyone can come from anywhere so, what would it be? 
And that’s it for now. Catch ya later! Be sure to look out for Don’t Make Deals with Demons in October!
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*Spellcasters* format rules: same as the regular Commander, only there is no commander. You have an instant or sorcery spell in the command zone that accumulates at the rate of two mana each time you cast it. The color identity of the cards in your deck must match that of your special spell in the command zone.
Regras do formato *Spellcasters*: mesmas do Commander normal, só que não existe comandante. Vc tem uma magica instantânea ou feitiço na zona de comando que acumula a taxa de duas manas toda vez que vc a conjura. A identidade de cor das cartas do seu deck deve respeitar a da sua mágica especial na zona de comando.
Banlist *Spellcasters*:
Ad Nauseam
Ancestral Recall
Black Lotus
Bond of Agony
Capture of Jingzhou
Chaos Orb
Coalition Victory
Crop Rotation
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Erayo, Soratami Ascendant
Falling Star
Gifts Ungiven
High Tide
Imperial Seal
Iona, Shield of Emeria
Library of Alexandria
Lim-Dûl's Vault
Limited Resources
Lutri, the Spellchaser
Mana Drain
Mana Geyser
Mind Twist
Mox Emerald
Mox Jet
Mox Pearl
Mox Ruby
Mox Sapphire
Mystical Tutor
Natural Order
Panoptic Mirror
Paradox Engine
Price of Progress
Primal Surge
Primeval Titan
Protean Hulk
Prophet of Kruphix
Recurring Nightmare
Show and Tell
Sway of the Stars
Sundering Titan
Sylvan Primordial
Sylvan Scrying
Tainted Pact
Temporal Manipulation
Tibalt's Trickery
Time Vault
Time Walk
Time Warp
Tolarian Academy
Tooth and Nail
Trade Secrets
Transmute Artifact
Treasure Cruise
Vampiric Tutor
Yawgmoth’s Bargain
*Ante cards
*Conspiracy cards
*UN sets
*Vanguard cards
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cvbhjhjkkluio767 · 3 years
[*EPUB]-> Read/Download The Big Note: A Guide to the Recordings of Frank Zappa BY Charles Ulrich online book
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fic-dreamin · 7 years
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This paperback version is great! it's cheap and it's not as heavy This paperback version is great! it's cheap and it's not as heavy. While it it won't fit in your pocket a stack of these will be a bit kinder on your back. I do plan to baby these a bit more than my hardback books. The pages are the same as the hardback just a bit smaller. This is definitely a must if you're starting out in Pathfinder and can't drop the cash on all the books. Go to Amazon
Worthy Addition The Bestiary 2 for Pathfinder is definately a worthy addition to the existing game. Are your players are getting a bit too used to the bestiary 1 creatures? I am finding I have to spend a lot of time creating variants in order to surprise them. Go to Amazon
Should be standard in any Pathfinder collection If nothing else, a great deal of creatures found in the modules and adventure paths appear here. I would say Bestiary 1 and this really give you a solid pile of monsters to throw at the party. The art is top notch as usual with Paizo's main books. I love just paging through it to get adventure and encounter ideas. Go to Amazon
An excellent expansion of monsters. There isn't much I can say about this product. You're a GM. You need monsters. This book has them, plus over 200 beautiful artistic renditions of them.The book's theme is outsiders, introducing the Proteans, the Inevitables, the Agathions, the Daemons, and a slew of other outsiders. Other creature types are far from neglected and in true Paizo style this book pulls from mythology and literature, including C.S Lewis's Jabberwocky who dominates the cover illustration. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Lots of fun, new, and exciting monsters for Pathfinder campaigns. Go to Amazon
Excellent This book is an excellent addition to the growing library of the Pathfinder series. While necessary for the core gameplay, it is also recommended beyond that for the sheer quality of the volume. The love and work that has been put into this book is apparent in every piece literature and image in it. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Just what I wanted. Go to Amazon
Good Book I've been very happy with all the Pathfinder resources that I've purchased. The books seem sturdy. The artwork is good. The content is good. I have a small problem with the monsters they chose to add in the follow-up Bestiaries. I don't think most DMs are going to find uses for them unless characters are doing LOTS of planar travel or higher-end adventures. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Five Stars Besides that its good! Great book Five Stars Five Stars Five Stars Five Stars Four Stars Five Stars
0 notes
Banned in maindeck:
Ancestral Recall
Ancient Tomb
Black Lotus
Coalition Victory
Consecrated Sphinx
Dream Halls
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Food Chain
Gaea’s Cradle
Gifts Ungiven
Grim Monolith
Hermit Druid
Inexorable Tide
Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
Knowledge Pool
Library of Alexandria
Limited Resources
Mana Crypt 
Mana Drain
Mana Vault
Mishra’s Workshop 
Mox Emerald
Mox Jet
Mox Pearl
Mox Ruby
Mox Sapphire
Natural Order
Narset Transcendent 
Necrotic Ooze
Oath of Druids
Panoptic Mirror
Paradox Engine
Prophet of Kruphix
Protean Hulk
Sensei’s Divining Top
Serra Ascendant
Shaman of Forgotten Ways
Sol Ring
Strip Mine
Sway of the Stars
Sundering Titan
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale
Time Vault
Time Walk
Tolarian Academy
Tooth and Nail
Viral Drake
Yawgmoth’s Bargain
(Ante cards are also banned.)
Banned as Commander:
Erayo, Soratami Ascendant
Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
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