#The Raven Herself is Hoarse (Bo Adams)
👄 + Bo Adams
“God, what do I even say… she’s wonderful.  I wish I knew better how to help her sometimes–I know how to fight the supernatural, but not necessarily how to deal with it on a day-to-day basis.  I can imagine how those kinds of abilities can be overwhelming at times… but I try my best.  She’s the sweetest girl, even if she sometimes tries to hide it (the things she says to her brother-in-law, my God), and she’s such great company on the set.  I really don’t know what I can say about her that I can’t say about all of my girls–she and Dahlia are a lot alike, bold little things who say whatever’s on their mind, but I think Bo can be quite more serious sometimes.  I don’t even know what else to say… Bo, if you’re reading this, I’m bad at saying it, but I love you dearly.”
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❝ don’t leave me alone ever again. ❞ (sxmmonsbirds, have some feels from smol!Bo)
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“I’m sorry, Bo, darling… they wouldn’t let me in during your ice bath.  But I’m here now, I promise.”  Brushing a hand over her forehead, Peter was relieved to feel that the poor girl’s fever had finally broken.  Thank God… if she’d kept burning up like that… he didn’t even want to think about it.  Damn Mel and his freezing set to hell for this…  “And you can breathe again–that’s a good thing.”
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Peter and Laces’ girls, feat. The Resting Bitch Face
(courtesy of Laces herself)
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Taking over this town they should worry, But these problems aside I think I taught you well. That we won't run, and we won't run, and we won't run.
The Vincent Children: Lydia Limpet, Charley Brewster, Alex Young, Dahlia Wallace, Lisa Johnson, Bo Adams, Luna Lovegood, and Lavender Brown
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⭐️ sxmmonsbirds
It’sbeen brought to Peter’s attention that Bo looks a great deal like a youngerversion of him multiple times, and he’s handled it differently each time.  If someone accuses him of not being fit to behanging around a young girl who isn’t his daughter or granddaughter, he firesback that maybe she is his own flesh and blood and how dare they make suchassumptions?  But when somebody tried todredge up a scandal asserting that Bo actually was his by some namelessimaginary woman during his acting days, Peter fired right back that his careerwouldn’t have lasted more than five films if that were the case and, again, hispersonal life is his own and the least they could do is leave this poor, sweetlittle girl out of it.
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⭐️ -sxmmonsbirds
Bo’s become the only Fright Night co-host Peter’s ever approved of, so of course he had to fight his producer to get her on the air, but in the end it was a fruitful fight.  She plays a young fledgling vampire named Elsie, patterned to look a bit like Claudia from Interview with the Vampire, who provides a more ominous edge to Peter’s playfully hammy persona and uses her powers to ramp up the special effects beyond their budgetary constraints.
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