#The Schoonover Law Firm
Sins & Amends Chapter 26
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(Gif by @ banditthewriter)
Billy Russo x Female Reader (60 part story)
This follows pre- the punisher into the storyline of daredevil, punisher season 1 and beyond
This is NOT Canon Billy. This is decent human being Billy left with bad options over worse decisions
This was also posted to A03 under: WaywardGaPeach. That account and this one is the only place you'll see me post this. If you see it on any other platform/account know it's not me.
Chapter Summary/Warnings: Frank adjusts to life as "Pete" while Karen gets assigned to interview a certain up and coming CEO
Weeks passed and whether you liked it or not time marched forward. You had to once again pick up the pieces and reform your version of normal.
Frank was living across the city and now going by the name Pete. You managed to see him face to face a couple times a month and most of those times was when he showed up after one of Curtis' meetings. You weren't ignorant to the fact of why Curtis always knew when Frank would be showing up.
He always avoided around the first of the month and last of the month which was when Billy would drop off a check to Curtis to help with rental of the building and other expenses that came along with the programs that were offered to the vets. You made sure to stay away those times as well. You missed seeing some of the familiar faces you'd come to know but you were glad that despite everything else Billy had at least chosen to not turn his back on Curt.
You hated seeing Frank so infrequently but he kept in contact with you as much as he could. You knew the way his head worked good enough to know that whatever happened in Kandahar was still haunting him especially after Schoonover all but confirming that the massacre at the carousel was connected. You also knew that he would come to you with it in time. He had to make that step, you couldn't force him.
You and Karen had grown closer than you already were. She reminded you of Maria in a lot of ways, not that anyone would ever replace her. Karen was her own woman as well. She was smart, opinionated, proven time and again to be brave and unwilling to back down when it came to doing what was right or uncovering a truth. You wouldn't hesitate to call her one of your best friends and she fit right in with Curtis, Alice and Kenzie seamlessly. 
Foggy was now working at the same law firm as his off again/ on again girlfriend Marci and Matt had went into working solo. They were talking more often and you had hope that New York had not seen the last of Nelson & Murdock. Trust once broken needed time to heal but they'd been friends too long and cared about each other too much to simply walk away.
A part of you simply hoped that everyone could just find peace. Something you all so desperately needed.
You were coming off a twenty four hour shift and wanted nothing more than to go home, shower and sleep until time to go back in. The calls had been back and back and while some of them were nonsense like the man that was constipated or comical like the frat boy who managed to get his head stuck between the railings of the stairs, most of them had been actual emergencies.
You trudged into the door of your apartment and dropped your bag on the floor. You bent to take your boots off and your phone started ringing. You stared at it for a few moments before finally deciding to answer. You smiled when you realized it was Karen "Hey Kare. What's up?"
You could practically see the nervous smile playing across her face from her tone of voice "Well um can I come by? I know you just got off but I've got coffee and blueberry muffins!" "Uh oh" you laughed and when she made a confused sound you clarified "Last time you bribed me you needed me to get you out of dinner with Ellison and his wife so what's going on?"
She chuckled nervously "you know what? I'm getting out the cab downstairs so we can talk in  five minutes. Bye!" Before you could say goodbye she hung up so you reached back to unlatch your door before continuing to remove your boots.
You were sitting at your kitchen table with your head leaned over on your arms by the time Karen's blonde hair peeked around the corner. "Hey sweetie!" She greeted holding a coffee out. You sat up and took it cautiously "So we diving in head first or wading in the shallow end?" You asked once she was sitting across from you and offering a muffin out.
She nodded then smiled "I've got assigned a big article" "Awesome. I'm proud of you. What's that got to do with the weirdness?" "It's interviewing the CEO of the most successful up and coming private security business on the east coast" she explained.
You slowly sat the muffin back down on the table "Oh" "Yeah oh. Look I'll tell Ellison to find someone else if you don't want me to" just the fact that she'd offer to refuse made you smile but your hangups shouldn't affect her job. "No, I don't want you to do that. I mean he is going good with Anvil and it's offered a lot of vets a second chance. It's not bad to put a spotlight on that and I'm sure he enjoys basking in it as well. It's apparently what he's always wanted" 
She studied you for a moment, no doubt searching for any uncertainty on your face so you tried to keep it as neutral as possible. "Ok. I'll tell Ellison I'll do it" you nodded then took another sip of your coffee "Are you still up for movie night with me and Alice this weekend? Kenz is going out of town to a conference so it'll just be us till she gets back" "Of course" she replied with a grin before going into her usual line of questions as to how your shift had been.
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The rest of the week went by in pretty much a blur. Between back to back shifts, helping Curtis with the soup kitchen on Wednesday and your Thursday meeting with Kenzie it was the weekend before you realized it which also meant two glorious days off for you and Alice.
Friday morning Karen texted you around nine thirty to let you know she was dropping by Anvil for the interview and wondering if you wanted to meet for a late lunch. You texted back a confirmation on a late lunch then rolled back over willing yourself to catch a little more sleep.
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The line of interview requests was getting annoying at this point. There was only so many times Billy could sit in front of a reporter, slap on a fake smile and answer the same exact questions he already had a dozen times.
The most recent request came from The Bulletin and if he was being honest the only reason he had accepted was because it was the only paper in New York that had even attempted to paint Frank as anything short of a monster.
The appointment was scheduled for ten and at nine fifty eight on the dot there was a knock at his office door. He stood and straightened his tie as he walked across the floor. He was expecting the same run of the mill middle aged, balding man to be on the other side but instead there was a blonde woman that was around your age with a hesitant smile.
She held out her hand before he could even ask "Mr Russo? I'm Karen Page with the bulletin" the way she held herself seemed almost familiar to the point it took Billy a split second to respond "Nice to meet you and please just call me Billy"
The questions Karen asked were different from the other papers. She stayed poised with her pen over her notepad and every time he gave an answer that would've had any other reporter beaming she instead would come back with an even more in depth question. There was an edge to the way she asked that almost had him questioning the possibility of her having been a former conquest from his not so savory dating days.
The reasoning behind her hostility was answered towards the end of the interview "The name Anvil. I've read a lot of your other interviews to prep for this one, didn't want to repeat questions and I've never seen it asked. Where did the name come from?"
He felt a smile pull at the corner of his lips as the memory of you laying across his chest as you proposed the name flashed through his mind "Honestly Miss Page I wouldn't be here today without the person who chose the name Anvil for this company" her jaw visibly tensed while she wrote down what he'd said and for a second he thought that would be the end of the questions but when she glanced back up there was a small flicker of annoyance that passed over her blue eyes. "That person must have been very important to you. Are they still in your life?" 
Any trace of a smile left his face when he thought back to the last time he'd held you in his arms, the night he truly lost any chance of a future with you. "Sadly no. She and I separated a while back" Karen scoffed loudly which caused him to raise an eyebrow "Is something wrong Miss Page?" She shook her head and started to gather her things "Not at all Mr Russo"
She walked halfway across his office then stopped and turned around "You know I was going to keep my mouth shut but I've never been really good at that. So if you cared about her so much and speak of her in terms like sadly no we separated why did you ever break her heart not once but twice?" Before he could respond she said "You know what? Nevermind. My editor will email you a copy of my article before it's printed. Have a good day"
He stared at the open door for only god knows how long. Every memory of you flooded through his head. How the hell did you know one of The Bulletin's top reporters? Her question of "why did you ever break her heart not once but twice?" Was still ringing through his mind when his phone ringing drew him out his own thoughts. He made a mental note to ask Curtis later that night about Karen Page then turned his attention back to business.
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When you walked into the restaurant Karen had told you to meet her at around two you spotted her sitting at a table in the back. She smiled when she glanced up and spotted you so you worked your way over.
"Hey Karen" you greeted with a smile as you sat down across from her and asked the waitress for a lemonade before she handed you a menu and disappeared. 
Karen you noticed was being uncharacteristically quiet so you bumped her foot with your own under the table. "Miss Page do you want to share with the class?"
She finally met your eyes and it was like the dam she'd been holding back decided to burst all at once "The interview went fine but I could not sit there and listen to his bullshit a moment longer! I asked him about the name Anvil because while I'm a professional and while I know we didn't even know each other then I know he messed with your head pretty bad so I was just curious as to what he'd say" 
You could feel how big your eyes had gotten during her rant so you simply asked "Well what did he say?" "That he wouldn't be where he was without the person who named Anvil and he acted like he was upset that the two of you had ended although he's the one who broke your heart twice so I kind of snapped at him...please don't be mad"  whether it was the fact that Karen closer resembled a puppy that had been scolded at the moment or how funny you found the mental image of Billy just sitting there a bit confused while this woman he'd never met went off on him you hadn't even thought to be mad at Karen. 
"Of course I'm not mad at you. I just hope he didn't say anything to Ellison" you replied and she shook her head "No actually he thanked Ellison for the interview and said it went smoothly" you bit out a laugh "Must have been too embarrassed to say anything" she shrugged shyly before a smile slipped onto her face and pretty soon both of you were laughing.
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When the article about Billy and Anvil came out the following monday you couldn't help yourself so you bought an issue of The Bulletin on your way to work.  Karen and Alice had both ended up staying at your place from friday night all the way to sunday afternoon. Teenager you would've been in heaven from the adult version of a two day long slumber party but it was actually cleansing. You felt better than you had in a long time.
You walked into the bays at the station house and greeted Evans and Rogers who were washing the trucks. "Feel free to hit my rig up next" you teased with a smile. Alice was standing at the counter pouring herself a glass of orange juice when you walked through the common area and held a second glass out to you. "Good morning partner" "Morning dear" you greeted as the two of you wandered into the locker room area so you could store your stuff.
You sat on the bench in front of your locker and let your eyes skim the article. It was like all of Karen's pieces, well written and informative but not boring to read. She ended it by saying "Whoever gave Mr Russo the name Anvil and the drive to open this company deserves a pat on the back as well" Alice was leaned across your shoulder reading along and giggled at the end "I think Karen would've called him an asshole in the article if she could've"
You cut your eyes back at her and she held up her hands defensively "I know, I know. We can't hate him just because he didn't want you but he could've given you a valid reason either time or you know what? He could've stayed away from you after the funeral but he didn't" you shook your head but a smile had worked it's way onto your face "You'd take my side against Chief Alice so it's not saying a lot you still wanting to slap him" 
She shrugged and sat down next to you "Or we could get you back into the dating world like Karen not so subtly suggested. I mean babe it's been plenty long enough. You need to get back out in the world. You don't have to fall in love but you could have a little fun! You're still young and you're fucking gorgeous" you rolled your eyes and was about to remind her just how long it'd been since she had to deal with the dating world but an alarm went out for a structure fire that needed ambulance as well so the entire station house went into action.
As you were pulling out onto the road she winked at you and said "Saved by the bell from discussions of your lack of a dating life" 
You loved Alice but you just weren't really interested in dating. Hell you hadn't been with anyone but Billy in years. Not to mention finding someone who understood not only your personality, job, the fact that your friends who were your only family came before anyone else and your own personal baggage of trauma wouldn't exactly be easy to find. There was also the matter that you couldn't see your heart ever getting over Billy.
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dylanobrusso · 5 years
Before Billy: Makes You Stronger
Just a lil Post - Before Billy. 
Further clarification...takes place a year after Before Billy. :) So 2 years prior to current events.
Taglist: @suchatinyinfinity @something-tofightfor @holamor @editboutique @ashkuuuu @geeksareunique @thoughtcrime-101 @sssilverssserpent @thebutterflyxx @obscurilicious @whovianayesha @madamrogers​ @tartelette-aux-fraises​ 
It’d been a year now since you were shot and wounded up in the hospital. Curtis and Billy both got their slings off, arm and shoulder as healthy as ever. You had your stitches out and could walk on your own and breath normally again. Your side would still hurt sometimes, the scar where they had to cut out the bullets and reconstruct your ribs still a bit sensitive.
But all in all when you consider what all happened in the past two years, you couldn’t complain. You and Curtis moved into a new apartment. Much bigger with more space-and no broken windows. He continued his group sessions at the church and went from having just 3 sessions a week to hosting a session every night. He held one group for vets and another one for the homeless while setting up his own soup kitchen downtown.
Dinah ended up being a great help to you. She checked on you daily to make sure you were okay and even helped Curtis pick up groceries for you when you were first released from the hospital. Surprisingly, she became a good friend. Frank joked with you that she has a crush on you and that’s why she’s always been so nice-but you always shrugged him off.
You met Frank’s wife, Maria, and his two kids. Since Frank was cleared by both the CIA and Homeland Security, he was free to live his life with his family again. The Castle family would come by yours and Curtis’ apartment from time to time and they even invited you both to their new house for dinner as well. Maria is your typical all-American house wife and probably the nicest person you’d ever met. She was always offering to bring over home cooked meals and cookies that the kids helped bake.
You met Karen Page who turned out to be the pretty, pale blonde you saw after the events at the Royal Hospitality. She interviewed both you and Curtis in efforts to help support her story she was writing. She published a five page article about the events with Billy and Frank, being manipulated and controlled by Rawlins and Schoonover. While there was a lot of backlash, there was even more support from those that read it. Through her you met Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson. She worked with them at their law firm when they first started. Matt was a very handsome man who seemed to have a secret of his own. Foggy was your everyday goofball.
You also finally met the ever mysterious Micro: David Lieberman. You’d heard so much about him from Dinah so it was nice to put a face to the name. He was very awkward but kind and shared funny stories about his time with Frank. You learned the place Rawlins took you to was where he had been staying for a few years. He was cleared as well and able to be with his family again.
Then there was Billy. Where to start with him? As part of the agreement for him to be released, he attended therapy twice a week and helped volunteer at Curt’s soup kitchen. Therapy helped him resolve his guilt for the attack on the Castle family while also teaching him how to go about forgiving himself for the things he’d done. Him and Frank still had a long way to go, though. Once you were released from the hospital Frank made it a point to not be around if Billy was there at yours and Curt’s apartment. Frank would open up to you a bit about how he felt and you’d encourage him to talk to Billy when he felt ready.
Billy still had the funds he’d stacked away (you never told anyone about the bags in the woods at Central Park) and was able to start up a new version of Anvil. This time, with his own money, and not being funded by a jackass manipulator. It was hard for him to start the company back up. He didn’t want to go down the same path he went down before. He hired an all new team of recruiters and came up with a new slogan. 
“Anvil: Protection for those that need it most.”
He only hired those who attended Curtis’ group therapy sessions. He wanted to make sure he had those working for him to take mental health just as serious as physical health. Once him and Frank finally started to talk again, he even managed to get Frank to agree to speak to Anvil employees and help them train.
Dinah still refused to talk to him which Billy understood completely. He wrote her a long letter since she didn’t want to see him in person, but she admitted to you that she burnt it. Rafael, the director of Homeland, urged her to get help to work through everything. She finally had closure on her friend who was killed during their time in Kandahar and Rafael wanted her to work on forgiving Billy.
You and Billy were...managing. Billy became that guy friend who would always shoot his shot but you’d always turn him down. Your friendship was nothing short of sarcasm and witty comebacks. You managed to move up in your company again and worked long hours. Sometimes you’d come home to see Billy drinking with Curtis or having them invite you to hang out with them. Things were starting to get back together again.
“Y/N, pass me the ketchup?” Foggy leaned over with grabby hands as you passed it to him.
You all were at Pop’s diner for dinner, having your usual burgers, fries and milkshakes. Frank brought Maria with him and Curtis brought a new girl he was dating. Matt and Foggy managed to leave the firm early and pick Karen up along the way. This was one of the first times Dinah had joined you all since she threw her drink in Billy’s face, so you made sure to keep them separated all night. Billy sat next to you as per his usual with him on your right and Karen on your left...with Dinah beside Karen so she didn’t have to look at Billy.
“Excuse me, May I get some ice? For the water...” you asked the waitress shyly. You weren’t a fan of room temperature. You realized that made you sound boujee, but....
“You gotta be kidding me, Y/N. It’s fucking water. Just drink it,” Billy scoffed at you, earning a laugh from Frank and Curt.
“Well, you drink it then, William!” You rolled your eyes as you slid the water glass to your right.
“It’s just water, not arson. Jesus,” Billy shook his head as he gladly took the glass from you.
“Oh, I’m sorry I prefer iced water! Room temp just...tastes different.” You made a sour face as he nearly downed the water.
He swallowed before looking back over at you. “Whatever you say, princess.”
You glared at him as the waitress came back with a new glass of water, with ice. “Thank you!” You grinned placing a straw into the glass. “So, Maria, how did Frankie JR do on his test?”
Maria’s eyes lit up and Frank stared at her like she was the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. “Oh, he did wonderful! And Lisa made honor roll again!” Frank nodded enthusiastically. “She sure did, that’s my girl.”
Matt raised his milkshake and clinked his glass with Frank and Maria. “Good job! May have a future lawyer on your hands,” he laughed. Frank shook his head. “She has been interested in these Law and Order shows lately.”
You, Karen and Dinah whispered together about the date that Karen went on recently and Foggy poked his head in. “Oh, romance in the air? You talking about the date Y/N had?”
Dinah chuckled taking a sip of her drink. “No, Fog, this is about Karen,” she smiled as Karen blushed furiously.
“I’m gonna swear off dating for a while,” you shrugged when Foggy gave you a shocked expression. “Too many fuckboys and not enough cares for me to give.”
“Isn’t that what you call me? A ‘fuckboy’?” Billy narrowed his eyes at you and Dinah rolled her eyes. “Obviously, Russo.” You giggled at Dinah’s snarky response.
“Yeah, Y/N’s had her fair share of those jackasses. We don’t need to go through that again.” Curtis shook his head as he ate a handful of fries. Billy huffed at that, remembering your ex who still to this day would try to hit you up. Karen continued to talk about her date as Billy and Foggy discussed the new bar that was opening around the corner.
From the outside looking in, nobody probably ever imagined you all would be sitting together, let alone be friends with each other. 
But that cheesy quote ended up being true. As cliche’ as it is, you all only got stronger.
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keystonelaw-blog · 6 years
Welcome Teal Schoonover!
This was originally published on our website. To check out more of our content, visit [https://www.keystone-law.com/welcome-teal-schoonover/]
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Keystone is excited to announce the hiring of Teal M. Schoonover as an Associate in our Los Angeles office! Prior to joining Keystone, Teal worked in the Trusts and Estates practice group of a law firm in Newport Beach. She has experience with estate planning and representing trustees, executors, administrators, beneficiaries, and heirs in trust and estate administration matters valued from hundreds of thousands of dollars to tens of millions of dollars.
Teal graduated cum laude from Pepperdine University School of Law. During law school, she received her Certificate in Dispute Resolution and was selected as a member of the Pepperdine Negotiation Advocacy Competition Team. She was also a law clerk for the Pepperdine Center for Estate and Gift Planning.
Welcome Teal!
This was originally published on our website. To check out more of our content, visit [https://www.keystone-law.com/welcome-teal-schoonover/]
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darrylrocco · 7 years
Greenberg Traurig Attorneys, Practices Recommended in The Legal 500 United States 2017 Guide
More than 100 lawyers and 30 practice areas from Greenberg Traurig were recognized in the recently released guide.
NEW YORK – June 20, 2017 – More than 100 attorneys from global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP have been recognized in The Legal 500 United States 2017 Guide to Outstanding Lawyers (“Guide”). In addition, the Guide recommends Greenberg Traurig as a “Top Tier” firm in “Real Estate.” This high recognition of the firm’s Real Estate Practice comes shortly after the team received the Chambers USA Award for Excellence in Real Estate. In addition, the Guide recognized 32 of the firm’s practice areas.
The Legal 500 recognized Robert J. Ivanhoe and Laura Reiff in its “Hall of Fame.” This recognition is awarded to individuals who receive constant praise from their clients for continued excellence.
Five Greenberg Traurig attorneys were recognized on the Guide’s elite “Leading Lawyers” list:
Lori G. Cohen: Dispute Resolution – Product Liability, Mass Tort and Class Action – Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices – Defense. Cohen is Chair of the firm’s Pharmaceutical, Medical Device & Health Care Litigation and its Trial Practices; she is also Co-Chair of the firm’s Atlanta Litigation Practice.
Judith D. Fryer: Real Estate – Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). Fryer is Co-Chair of the firm’s REIT Practice.
Robert J. Ivanhoe: Real Estate. Ivanhoe is Chair of the 300-plus-lawyer Global Real Estate Practice at Greenberg Traurig and Co-Chair of its REIT group.
Laura Reiff: Labor and Employment – Immigration. Reiff is Co-Chair of the firm’s Business Immigration & Compliance Practice and of its Global Human Capital Solutions Group. In addition, she serves as Co-Managing Shareholder of the firm’s Northern Virginia office.
Martha J. Schoonover: Labor and Employment – Immigration. Schoonover is Co-Chair of the firm’s Business Immigration & Compliance Practice.
According to the publisher, the rankings recognize practice area teams and practitioners who are “providing the most cutting edge and innovative advice to corporate counsel.” The rankings are based on feedback from 250,000 clients worldwide, law firm submissions, and interviews with private practice lawyers, in addition to Legal 500’s independent research in the legal market.
Some of the commentary published in The Legal 500 United States 2017 Guide regarding Greenberg Traurig and its attorneys include:
... “acts for a broad range of clients, both domestic and international, and is recognized for its ‘excellent service and global reach’.”
…“geographically broad and talented team”
…“highly experienced and capable”
… “delivers high-quality advice”
…“the best in New York at knowing the intricacies of state-managed healthcare organizations”
…“highly rate by clients for its regulatory expertise”
…“provides ‘expert knowledge on how to structure a benefits offering’…”
“’Knowledgeable, technical and great to deal with’…”
“…sets itself apart with ‘the quality and practicality of its advice’.”
“…‘deep and extremely positive experience’.”
“Clients also describe team members as ‘business partners’ and an ‘extension of their own internal capabilities’.”
The Greenberg Traurig lawyers listed below are recommended in The Legal 500 United States 2017 editorial based on the Guide’s industry or practice area designations as selected by researchers:
Attorney Recognized In Attorney Location Tricia A. Asaro Industry focus - Healthcare - health insurers Albany Douglas  C. Atnipp
Industry focus - Energy regulatory - oil and gas
Industry focus - Energy transactions - oil and gas
Houston Ryan D. Bailine Real estate Miami Ian C. Ballon
Intellectual property – Copyright
Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters)
Silicon Valley
Los Angeles
Kerri L. Barsh Industry focus - Environment - litigation Miami Hilarie Bass Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Miami Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state) New York Robert H. Bernstein
Labor and employment - ERISA litigation
Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense
New Jersey Charles S. Birenbaum Labor and employment - Labor-management relations San Francisco Dennis J. Block M&A/corporate and commercial - M&A - large deals ($1bn+) New York Mark D. Bloom Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy) - corporate Miami James N. Boudreau Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense Philadelphia Robert S. Brams Real estate - Construction (including construction litigation) Washington, D.C. William D. Briendel Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense
New York
Westchester County
Michael L. Burnett Real estate - Construction (including construction litigation) Houston Karl D. Burrer Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy) - corporate Houston Micala Campbell Robinson Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense New Jersey Michael J. Cherniga
Industry focus - Healthcare - health insurers
Industry focus - Healthcare - service providers
Tallahassee Francis A. Citera
Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state)
Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - consumer products (including tobacco)
Industry focus - Environment – litigation
Chicago Joseph C. Coates III Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense West Palm Beach Lori G. Cohen Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - pharmaceuticals and medical devices - defense Atlanta Alice L. Connaughton Real estate - Real estate investment trusts (REITs) Washington, D.C. David A. Coulson Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Miami Karl G. Dial Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Dallas Liz Dudek Industry focus - Healthcare - service providers Tallahassee Sylvie A. Durham Finance - Structured finance New York Troy A. Eid Industry focus - Environment - litigation Denver Seth J. Entin
Tax - International tax
Tax - US taxes - non-contentious
Miami Robert C. Epstein Real estate - Construction (including construction litigation)
New Jersey
New York
Kristine J. Feher Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense New Jersey Scott E. Fink Tax - US taxes - contentious New York Joseph Z. Fleming Labor and employment - Labor-management relations Miami Judith D. Fryer Real estate - Real estate investment trusts (REITs) New York William Garner Industry focus - Energy transactions - oil and gas Houston John F. Gibbons
Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state)
Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense
Chicago Jerrold F. Goldberg
Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense
Labor and employment - Labor-management relations
New York Matthew B. Gorson Real estate Miami Elaine C. Greenberg Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Washington, D.C. Susan L. Heller Intellectual property - Trademarks - non-contentious (including prosecution, portfolio management and licensing)
Orange County
Los Angeles
Ian A. Herbert Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans
Northern Virginia
Washington, D.C.
Robert J. Herrington Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - consumer products (including tobacco)
Los Angeles
Shari L. Heyen Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes Houston Nick Hockens Real estate - Land use/zoning New York Robert A. Horowitz Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense New York Harold N. Iselin Industry focus - Healthcare - health insurers Albany Robert J. Ivanhoe Real estate New York Christiana Callahan Jacxsens Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - pharmaceuticals and medical devices - defense Atlanta David C. Jensen Real estate - Construction (including construction litigation)
New Jersey
New York
Wendy Johnson Lario Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense New Jersey Kate Kalmykov Labor and employment - Immigration
New Jersey
New York
Barbara T. Kaplan
Tax - US taxes - contentious New York Kurt A. Kappes Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters)
Bradford D. Kaufman Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense West Palm Beach Gregory W. Kehoe Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense
New York
Washington, D.C.
Justin F. Keith
Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense
Labor and employment - Labor-management relations
Boston Mark D. Kemple Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense Los Angeles Paul B. Kerlin Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - consumer products (including tobacco) Houston Leslie A. Klein Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans
Nancy B. Lash Real estate Miami Michael S. Lazaroff Dispute resolution - International litigation New York Elli Leibenstein Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes Chicago Corey E. Light Real estate Chicago Victoria Davis Lockard Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - pharmaceuticals and medical devices – defense Atlanta David Long-Daniels
Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters)
Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense
Atlanta Ian R. Macdonald Labor and employment - Immigration Atlanta Pamela J. Mak Labor and employment - Immigration Northern Virginia Jeffrey D. Mamorsky Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans New York David G. Mandelbaum
Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - toxic tort – defense
Industry focus - Environment – litigation
Philadelphia Alan Mansfield Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes New York Terence P. McCourt Labor and employment - Labor-management relations Boston Richard C. McCrea Jr. Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters)
Sean McKenna Industry focus - Healthcare - service providers Dallas Patricia Menéndez-Cambó M&A/corporate and commercial - M&A - large deals ($1bn+)
New York
Mark I. Michigan Finance - Structured finance New York Nelson F. Migdal Real estate - Real estate investment trusts (REITs) Washington, D.C. Kenneth M. Minesinger
Industry focus - Energy regulatory - oil and gas
Industry focus - Energy transactions - oil and gas
Washington, D.C. Nancy A. Mitchell Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy) - corporate
New York
Marc L. Mukasey
Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state)
Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense
New York Howard L. Nelson Industry focus - Energy regulatory - oil and gas Washington, D.C. Renée W. O’Rourke Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans Denver David A. Oliver Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - consumer products (including tobacco) Houston Gregory E. Ostfeld Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - pharmaceuticals and medical devices - defense Chicago A. John Pappalardo Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense Boston Lenard M. Parkins Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy) - corporate
New York
Patrick Pope Industry focus - Energy regulatory - oil and gas Washington, D.C. Stephen L. Rabinowitz
Real estate
Real estate - Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
New York Alfredo Ramos Industry focus - Energy transactions - oil and gas Houston Paul B. Ranis Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters) Fort Lauderdale Bernadette M. Rappold Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - toxic tort - defense Washington, D.C. Magan Pritam Ray Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans Silicon Valley Laura Foote Reiff Labor and employment - Immigration
Northern Virginia
Washington, D.C.
Barry Richard
Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state)
New York
Washington, D.C.
Erik S. Rodriguez Labor and employment - Labor-management relations Atlanta Bobby Rosenbloum Intellectual property - Copyright Atlanta Elliot H. Scherker Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state) Miami Ozzie A. Schindler
Tax - International tax
Tax - US taxes - non-contentious
Miami Daniel I. Schloss Intellectual property - Trademarks - litigation New York Mark P. Schnapp Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense Miami Martha J. Schoonover Labor and employment - Immigration Northern Virginia Jay A. Segal Real estate - Land use/zoning New York David E. Sellinger Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes New Jersey Philip R. Sellinger Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes New Jersey Hal S.Shaftel
Dispute resolution - International litigation
Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense
New York Keith J. Shapiro Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy) - corporate Chicago Charles A. Simmons Tax - US taxes - contentious
New York
Robert D. Simon
Tax - International tax
Tax - US taxes - non-contentious
Northern Virginia
Louis M. Solomon
Dispute resolution - International litigation
Dispute resolution - Securities litigation – defense
New York Mark E. Solomons Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state) Washington, D.C. Jonathan L. Sulds
Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense
Labor and employment - Labor-management relations
New York Nancy E. Taylor
Industry focus - Healthcare - health insurers
Industry focus - Healthcare - service providers
Washington, D.C. Christopher Torres Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - toxic tort - defense Tampa Daniel J. Tyukody Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Los Angeles Colin Underwood
Dispute resolution - International litigation
Dispute resolution - Securities litigation – defense
New York Mary F. Voce
Tax - International tax
Tax - US taxes - non-contentious
New York Steven J. Wadyka Jr.
Intellectual property - Trademarks – litigation
Intellectual property - Trademarks - non-contentious (including prosecution, portfolio management and licensing)
Washington, D.C. David B. Weinstein
Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense
Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - toxic tort – defense
Industry focus - Environment - litigation
Washington, D.C.
New York Terry R. Weiss Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Atlanta Todd D. Wozniak
Labor and employment - ERISA litigation
Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense
Atlanta Peter W. Zinober
Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense
Kenneth Zuckerbrot
Tax - International tax
Tax - US taxes - non-contentious
New York
Overall, Greenberg Traurig is recommended in the Guide in the following practice and industry areas:
Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state) - Appellate - courts of appeals
Dispute resolution - Appellate: Supreme Court (federal and state)
Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense
Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action: consumer products (including tobacco)
Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action: pharmaceuticals and medical devices - defense
Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action: toxic tort - defense
Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy): corporate
Industry focus - Energy regulatory: oil and gas
Industry focus - Energy transactions: oil and gas
Industry focus - Environment: litigation
Industry focus - Healthcare: health insurers
Industry focus - Healthcare: service providers
Intellectual property - Copyright
Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters)
Intellectual property - Trademarks: litigation
Intellectual property - Trademarks: non-contentious (including prosecution, portfolio management and licensing)
Labor and employment - Immigration
Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions): defense
Labor and employment - Labor-management relations
M&A/corporate and commercial - M&A: large deals ($1bn+)
Real estate - Construction (including construction litigation)
Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes
Dispute resolution - International litigation
Dispute resolution - Securities litigation: defense
Finance - Structured finance
Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans
Labor and employment - ERISA litigation
Real estate - Land use/zoning
Real estate - Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
Tax - International tax
Tax - US taxes: contentious
Tax - US taxes: non-contentious
from Restructuring & Bankruptcy http://www.gtlaw.com/News-Events/Newsroom/Press-Releases/204829/Greenberg-Traurig-Attorneys-Practices-Recommended-in-The-Legal-500-United-States-2017-Guide
0 notes
dmcreif · 7 years
Would Nelson & Murdock have won Frank Castle’s trial if Matt was dedicated to the defense?
I’ve seen, and often asked myself this question, always wondering if the firm would have managed to win Frank Castle’s trial if Matt wasn’t so busy running around with Elektra.
I think it’s safe to say that the odds of getting Frank Castle a “not guilty” verdict were stacked against Nelson & Murdock from the start. The trial was one of those big, important trials, up there with the OJ Simpson murder trial. It's a career making moment for Nelson & Murdock, and for the State of New York, it's the kind of trial where you need to make sure you do everything by the book and make sure your case is watertight and legit. No unreliable or coached witnesses, no inadmissible evidence. You have to get it right the first time because there are no do-overs. And the evidence that Frank Castle was randomly killing people, even if they were very bad people, was pretty strong (especially incidents like the hospital shooting where he was in public). So on the evidence alone, it was a bit of a sunk case. Even with both Matt and Foggy on the job, and without Frank going off script when giving evidence, it was a tall order to get a not guilty verdict.
As for the trial, the main ways that Matt’s involvement with Elektra affected the trial were that he completely missed their opening statement, and Elektra threatened the medical examiner, rendering Tepper's testimony inadmissible. Both of those things certainly didn't make things better, and the situation definitely would have been better if Matt had been dedicated to the trial instead of trying to balance out his double life. So what if those things were changed?
*Would Matt’s prepared opening statement have been different from Foggy’s improvised one? Yes. But not in any significant ways. When the trial first started, they were still working together on their defense strategy, and all three members of the firm were on the same page as far as what approach they planned to take. So Matt’s opening statement would have set up their defense for the jury in basically the same terms Foggy did.
*Tepper's testimony, though, would have played out much differently. If Elektra didn’t threaten him, it would have been up to Matt to get Tepper to break down on the stand, and make him admit that the records on Frank's family had been altered. Matt certainly could have done that if he had his head in the game. I mean, the testimony from the other two witnesses–Colonel Schoonover, and the other medical expert who testified about the long-term effects of Frank’s brain injury–wouldn’t play out any differently, and they were both pretty strong witnesses for the defense.
It stands to reason that the real reason the firm lost the case was because Frank sabotaged his own defense. Frank didn’t want them to win. This whole concept of a “trial by jury”? It’s insulting and absurd to him. He’s not interested in being cast as a powerless victim of his circumstances. Nor is he up for getting the psychological help that a Nelson & Murdock victory would grant him. More to the point, Frank is only interested in meeting with Wilson Fisk, which is the main reason he ultimately sinks his own case. Now, if Frank had been a compliant client (e.g. a different person…), Foggy’s arguments would have been solid enough to earn him at least a partial victory (Jeri Hogarth certainly thinks that). But even without Fisk’s involvement, it's hard to imagine a situation in which Frank would have allowed himself to be let off with an insanity plea. Matt may be responsible for a lot of the disastrous fallout that happens over the course of Season 2, but Frank's trial going down in flames is arguably one of the few things where Matt is not the one at fault. That said, they were also going up against Reyes, who is influential and corrupt enough to make the reports about the deaths of Frank's family completely disappear, and the law is her home turf, where she'd likely have an advantage. So even if Nelson & Murdock managed to win the Castle case, Reyes likely would have pulled off a plan B to save her ass, especially against a firm as small and not influential as Nelson & Murdock.
So really, if Matt had been 100% dedicated to the trial, the only differences really would be to Matt’s professional reputation and to his personal life. Even if you lose trials like this, these are still career making moments. The other lawyers, other firms, they watch the lawyers who work these big trials to see who does well and who doesn't because they all want to bring someone on-board. The criminal law society of New York City gossips, nitpicks, critically assesses its peers and competitors.  Jeri Hogarth was impressed by Foggy’s diligent preparation and defense of an extremely unpopular accused, so she and the other Manhattan firms would be impressed by both Matt and Foggy, if Frank’s defense had actually been the work of both of them. Matt and Foggy wouldn’t have fought, wouldn’t have broken up Nelson & Murdock, etc. Presumably, Matt and Karen would have kept dating, and he would have kept hiding the truth about Daredevil from her for who knows how long.
Karen’s storyline likely wouldn’t be changed at all. She would still have kept trying to find out the truth about the shooting of Frank’s family, for her own reasons; and Reyes would still have summoned them to her office and told them her story after Frank escaped. And Matt would still have tried to track down the Blacksmith. Even if Karen still kept her job at Nelson & Murdock, she had promised Ellison a story for the Bulletin, so she likely still would have visited Colonel Schoonover (I doubt she’d have gone with Frank to the diner under these circumstances). Even if Karen and Matt were still on good terms, as long as Matt kept her in the dark about him being Daredevil, they would have each kept on pursuing their own agendas without telling each other much, as we’ve seen them do before. So once the trial was over, that whole story could play out largely unchanged. There would be differences in the details, but the major plot points remain the same.
An even bigger difference would be the whole Hand storyline, factoring in Matt actually ignoring Elektra and throwing himself into defending Frank (though it stands to reason that if this were the case, Stick and Elektra would have found other ways to sabotage Matt’s friendships). 
1 note · View note
darrylrocco · 7 years
Greenberg Traurig Attorneys, Practices Recognized by Prestigious Chambers Global Guide
NEW YORK – March 28, 2017 – Global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP has 37 attorneys recognized in the 2017 edition of the prestigious legal services directory, Chambers Global. Additionally, the directory recognizes 23 of the firm’s practice areas.
Chambers and Partners, a UK–based publisher, selects attorneys for inclusion in its guides based on thousands of interviews with practicing lawyers and clients from around the world. Attorneys, practice areas, and firms are ranked by placement in bands, with "Band 1" being the highest placement. Attorneys and firms can also be designated as “Foreign Experts,” “Experts Based Abroad,” and "Foreign Desks" to highlight a particular expertise in a jurisdiction despite being based outside of the jurisdiction. For a full explanation of the rankings, please click here.
Shareholders Patricia Menéndez-Cambó in the Miami office; Mark A. Clayton in the Las Vegas office; Jude Kearney in the Washington, D.C. office; José Raz Guzmán in the Mexico office; Jarosław Grzesiak and Paweł Pietkiewicz in the Warsaw office; and Lisa Navarro in the London office are ranked in “Band 1” in their respective regions.
Shareholder Lejb Fogelman in the Warsaw office is listed as a “Senior Statesman” in Corporate/M&A. Shareholder Dennis J. Block in the New York office and Shareholder Gary M. Epstein in the Miami office are recognized as “Eminent Practitioners” in Corporate/M&A. In addition, Przemysław Kozdój in the Warsaw office, Miguel Moisés in the Mexico office, and Iksoo Kim in the Seoul office are recognized as “Up and Coming.”
The firm, with offices in the United States, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, has attorneys ranked in its offices in Austin, Houston, Las Vegas, London, Mexico, Miami, New York, Northern Virginia, Seoul, Silicon Valley, Tampa, Tokyo, Warsaw, and Washington, D.C. In addition to individual rankings, the firm is ranked “Band 1” in Capital Markets: Equity and Corporate/M&A in Poland. The firm is listed as a “Foreign Desk Abroad” in Corporate/M&A in Israel. Greenberg Traurig is the only major international law firm with a multidisciplinary, registered office in Tel Aviv and serves as a gateway for Israeli businesses and entrepreneurs seeking opportunities around the world.
The following Greenberg Traurig practice areas are recognized in the 2017 Chambers Global guide by Region:
Latin America-wide
Banking & Finance
Banking & Finance
Energy & Natural Resources
Capital Markets: Equity
Capital Markets: Debt
Banking & Finance
Dispute Resolution
United Kingdom
United States
Corporate/M&A – Foreign Desk for Israel
Corporate/M&A – Foreign Desk for Latin America-wide
Immigration – Business
The following Greenberg Traurig attorneys are recognized in the 2017 Chambers Global guide by region:
Equatorial Guinea
Jude Kearney – General Business Law (Expert Based Abroad)
Mark A. Clayton – Gaming & Gambling
Gary M. Epstein – Corporate/M&A (Expert Based Abroad)
Robert L. Grossman – Corporate/M&A (Expert Based Abroad)
Koichiro Ohashi – Capital Markets: Domestic
Latin America-wide
Emilio J. Alvarez-Farré – Corporate/M&A
Randy A. Bullard – Corporate/M&A and Banking & Finance
Patricia Menéndez-Cambó – Corporate/M&A
José Raz Guzmán – Banking & Finance; Capital Markets; and Corporate/M&A
Miguel Moisés – Banking & Finance and Corporate/M&A
Juan Manuel González Bernal – Banking & Finance and Projects
Andrew Caunt – Capital Markets: Equity (Expert Based Abroad)
Lejb Fogelman – Corporate/M&A
Jarosław Grzesiak – Capital Markets: Equity and Corporate/M&A
Przemysław Kozdój – Banking & Finance
Ireneusz Matusielański – Capital Markets: Equity
Paweł Pietkiewicz – Dispute Resolution and Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators
Federico Salinas – Capital Markets: Equity; Capital Markets (Foreign Expert for UK); Capital Markets (Foreign Expert for USA)
Rafał Sieński – Capital Markets
Agnieszka Stankiewicz – Banking & Finance
Andrzej Wysokiński – Banking & Finance and Dispute Resolution
South Korea
Iksoo Kim – Capital Markets: International Firms
United Kingdom
Fiona Adams – Corporate/M&A
Paul Maher – Corporate/M&A
Lisa Navarro – Energy & Natural Resources: Water
Gillian Sproul – Competition/European Law
United States
Emilio Alvarez-Farré – Corporate/M&A (Foreign Expert for Latin America-wide)
Douglas C. Atnipp – Energy: Oil & Gas (Transactional)
Dennis J. Block – Corporate/M&A
Mark D. Bloom – Bankruptcy/Restructuring
Randy A. Bullard – Banking & Finance (Foreign Expert for Latin America-wide) and Corporate/M&A (Foreign Expert for Latin America-wide)
Mark G. Davis – International Trade: Intellectual Property (Section 337)
Gary M. Epstein – Corporate/M&A and Corporate/M&A (Foreign Expert for Israel)
Françoise Gilbert – Privacy and Data Security
Robert L. Grossman – Corporate/M&A (Foreign Expert for Israel)
Jude Kearney – Corporate/M&A (Foreign Expert for Equatorial Guinea)
Richard C. McCrea, Jr. – Labor & Employment
Patricia Menéndez-Cambó – Corporate/M&A (Foreign Expert for Latin America-wide)
Kenneth M. Minesinger – Energy: Oil & Gas (Regulatory and Litigation)
Howard L. Nelson – Energy: Oil & Gas (Regulatory and Litigation)
Laura Foote Reiff – Immigration: Business
Federico Salinas – Capital Markets: Debt & Equity (Expert Based Abroad in Poland)
Martha J. Schoonover – Immigration: Business
Peter W. Zinober – Labor & Employment
  from Restructuring & Bankruptcy http://www.gtlaw.com/News-Events/Newsroom/Press-Releases/202637/Greenberg-Traurig-Attorneys-Practices-Recognized-by-Prestigious-Chambers-Global-Guide
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