melvinfeller · 4 years
Melvin Feller MA Believes That God Has a Plan for You!
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Have you ever asked the question; Why is life so hard? Melvin Feller has.  In fact, Melvin Feller points out that sometimes the hardest parts of life turn out to be the catalyst to really grow and learn.  We all deal with circumstances that are of our own doing or caused by others.  Many people feel that they are defined by their last mistake or relationship.  But you are not and nor should you be.
God loves you as His child, and wants you to enjoy a relationship with Him. He is the answer to your search for that ultimate relationship. He will fill the hole in your heart. He is the one Creator of the universe and all it contains, including you. You won't be complete inside until you have a personal relationship with the God who created you.
 How Can We Know That This is Even Possible and the Truth?
Melvin Feller believes that God, Himself, oversaw the writing of the most important Book of all time, The Bible.  Melvin Feller also believes that “God’s Owner's Manual" for our life. Within the Bible are all the answers we need to live life and in addition to finding God. This in turn will aid us in facing our problems and issues.
Being at harmony with God is not instinctive, because by natural law we are separated from God. This separation is the "something wrong" that is at the root of our basic selfishness, loneliness, and shadowy feelings. Feelings of imperfection.  Through many acts, thoughts and attitudes, we keep moving away from God, not toward Him. ALL of us do this, no matter how moral and upright we may seem on the surface. If you search your own heart honestly, you already know this is true. This has caused a split between us and God. This split is the reason we become sinful.
In the Bible we are told that, “God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. Everyone has turned away, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.” (Psalm 53:2-3, NIV)
 Thus, the Question is How do We Find God?
We can find God because we know He loves us, God cannot and will not use viewpoint that this will allow us to remain apart from him.  But then again because God is perfect, He cannot allow our sin to go unpunished without ceasing to be perfect, because he would then cease to be God. Our sins demand that they must be paid for.  Our religion and good living cannot solely pay it off.  Therefore, God designed the perfect solution. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to earth. The Bible tells us of His story. He was both God and human. He lived a normal life, but lived it as God. Jesus truly loves each and every one of us. While on earth, Jesus talked with everyone that would listen, even healing them and making them promises. He even submitted to an unjust death sentence for all of us. But that wasn't the end. After three days, He rose up out of His grave. Alive! God saw and planned the death of His Son Jesus as payment for our sins. Jesus took our place on a cross over 2000 plus years ago! Therefore, Jesus overcame death, actually came back to life to show us His celestial power. And His power over sin and death is ours just for the asking.
This has been proven through the Bible.  It says that “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21, NIV  
Ever since Jesus came to earth, people have had questions. As life becomes more and more complicated, chaotic and society in general has become more decadent and hurtful, we now know people are asking more and more questions about this life and society in general. However, the most important decision we will ever make in our life is what we decide about Jesus Christ. God is actually looking for only two simple things:
·         Will you turn your life over to your Creator and believe that Jesus Christ is that one Person, that one relationship you need?
·         Will you admit you need Him and confess your wrongdoing to Him?
 By us actually doing these two simple things we are guaranteed a place in God's family.  This simply means turning to God and asking Christ to be part of our lives. God has already implemented that ability when He planned His Plan of Salvation.  That occurred when His only begotten Son died for us. Turning to God means we are turning from something. If we turn to the right, we must turn from the left, thus, we cannot face two totally different directions at the same time. It is also the same with Jesus Christ and sin. Only as we turn to Him, we are able to "repent", which means we comprehend that we cannot fully embrace Jesus and His teachings while hanging onto our sin.  The same sins He died for. That means turning our back on wrong choices such as judging people, lying, sexual immorality, becoming quick to anger, etc. in order to begin doing things God's way.
 So, the big question for most of us is how do we turn towards God?  God only asks that we do the four simple actions.
·         Admit your spiritual need. Admit we are sinners.
·         Believe that Jesus Christ died for Us and/or You on the cross.
·         Receive Jesus Christ into our hearts and our life, thereby choosing this relationship over our current life of sin and separation from Him.
·         Being repentant and willing to turn from sin.
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Remember that the Bible tells us that, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” John 1:12, KJV
Therefore, we all can belong to God from today forward, but only if we will tell Him with total sincerity. Your prayer should be our own because it needs to flow from deep within us. If you have a need I have written a sample of what you might say to God:
Lord, I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I was made for You, but I've been living for me. I want to begin a relationship with You now. I believe that You died in my place, to pay the penalty for my sin, and rose again for my salvation. I want to turn from my sins. I now invite You to come into my heart and life as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Real Estate Guidance and How to Profit in a University Setting
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Melvin Feller both an adjunct professor in real estate and real investments and financing located in Texas and Oklahoma invests across the country and now sees this current economy as a great time to be investing in real estate.  Melvin Feller has taken a class of college students out to the field to test the theory that anyone can invest smartly and by asking the right questions.  This was a test for Melvin Feller and his new upcoming College Class Book on “Today’s Real Estate Techniques – What Works in This New Economy.”
 His students did well with 10 out of 14 students having bought or been deeded real estate that these students turned around and made profits on.  Melvin Feller called this his first outdoor lab with boots on the ground for university learning!
 However, as Melvin Feller suggested, if you are looking to get into real estate investing you will want to do your research and take advice from people who know what they are talking about.  Real estate investing, if done properly, can make you wealthy and financially independent, over a period of time.  Investing in real estate can be risky at times, due to the current economic situation. This article will give you some great advice if you are wanting or thinking about real estate investing.
 Real estate investment has been proven to be less risky than buying stocks.  It attracts numerous people from numerous different backgrounds and real estate investing has three main benefits: the tax advantages from deprecation and the equity growth.  The best benefit is that is looked at as forced savings account because your renters are paying off the mortgage.
 The term depreciation in real estate investing means purchasing with money that came from a mortgage that has the yearly rents less than the interest of the current mortgage and the expenditures paid for the property’s maintenance. These items convey benefits from taxes and the most important thing is the interest of your mortgage that become highly coveted tax deductions on annual basis.
 Equity growth is defined as the appreciation earned from the value of your properties. One point to remember and always keep at the forefront of your mind is that is not guaranteed, because you have no guarantees that the value of a property will raise.  You always need to know that real estate is micro economically controlled and thus id depend upon that city’s economic policies and safety issues.
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When planning your real estate investing you don’t have to start by investing in a place where you live. Just by following due diligence principals on various surrounding areas and getting to know the area like the back of your hand; you can buy an apartment or house that you can then rent out. Furthermore, real estate investing that’s done in a city which you are not going to live actually removes some of the stress and emotion of what and where to buy.  The main reason is because you will need to turn the daily management of those properties over to property management company.
 If you get into real estate investment as landlord, but you feel that you just do not have the time and/or the skills to manage, you can hire a property manager that will take care of the property management for you. Generally, the fee for their skills are around 10% of the profits, but there are many advantages, you save a lot of time and you will certainly profit from the experience and knowledge property managers have.
 One of the most important decisions to make as your preliminary thinking about investing in your local market, I recommended that you try to locate rental property in growing areas that provide everything a tenant is looking for which includes: leisure activities, restaurants, transportation and a sense of belonging to an area that they love.
 Another possible risk in real estate investing is the chance that the value of the property you purchased may actually decrease in retail value, and you may feel that will be forced to sell the property quickly, so consider this when buying and try to pick an area where you know and understand that rents are stable.  Many areas have price drops and increases.  However, we generally never see where rents decrease over this invent. In fact, rents generally have increased and the tenants are still making a profit for you.  So rather then sell the property, it is actually a great time to purchase more property.
 The last item in regards to purchasing and renting out a property is that before doing the initial purchase that you do an in-depth research regarding the history of tenancy in that specific area.  The main reason I suggest this is because if there are too many tenants in a given area your vacancy factor may increase, which translates into longer period of vacancy between tenants.  
 I have described some of the most basic information you will need if you want to start investing in real estate.  Real estate investment is not easy so you should take this advice and do further research with well-seasoned Realtors and Investors if you think that this is the ring thing for you.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Melvin Feller MA Illustrates How You Can Buy Any Business During Any Economic Cycle!
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According to Melvin Feller Business Group, if you’re thinking about running your own business, especially in buying a company that’s already established may be a lot less work than starting from scratch. Melvin Feller has over 30 years in the commercial real estate field and the buying and selling of businesses. Why not buy a business from someone that does it and teaches it both in person and as an online adjunct professor? However, you will still need to put time and effort into finding the business that’s right for you. This article was written by Founder and CEO Melvin Feller in order to take you through the steps of buying an existing business, including how to assess and value a business, your obligations to any existing staff and where you can get professional help.
Actually, there are advantages and disadvantages of buying an existing business and If you get it right, there can be many good reasons why buying an existing business could be the right move for you. Remember though, that you will be taking on the legacy of the business’ previous owner, and need to be aware of every aspect of the business you’re about to buy.
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Melvin Feller Talks Buying a Business.
According to Melvin Feller, it may be easier for you to get finance as the business will have a proven track record. A market for the product or service will have already been demonstrated.
There may be established customers, a reliable income, a reputation to capitalize and build on, and a useful network of contacts.
A business plan and marketing method should already be in place.
Existing employees should have experience you can draw on.
Many of the problems will have been discovered and solved already.
You can always re-sell the business.
You often need to invest a large amount up front, and will also have to budget for professional fees for solicitors, surveyors, accountants, etc.
If the business has been neglected you may need to invest quite a bit more on top of the purchase price to give it the best chance of success.
You will need to honor or renegotiate any outstanding contracts the previous owner has in place.
Deciding on the right type of business to buy:
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Melvin Feller Recommends Being Your Own Boss.
Ideally your business needs to fit your own skills, lifestyle and aspirations. Before you start looking, think about what you can bring to a business and what you’d like to get back. List what is important to you. It is useful to consider:
Your expectations in terms of earning — what level of profit do you need to be looking for to accommodate your needs?
Your commitment — are you prepared for all the hard work and money that you will need to put into the business to get it to succeed?
Your strengths — what kind of business opportunity will give you the chance to put your skills and experience to good use?
The type of business — limited company, partnership etc. — that you’re interested in buying.
The business sector you’re interested in — learn as much as you can about your chosen industry so you can compare different businesses. It’s important to take the time to talk to people already in similar businesses.
Location — but don’t restrict your search to your local area. Some businesses can be easily relocated.
Where to look for a business to buy:
Many national and local newspapers carry advertisements for businesses and business locations or lots.
Depending on what sector you’re interested in, you could look in trade journals. Or put in your own advertisement, saying what you are looking for. You can get contact details for most newspapers, magazines and trade journals from press directories available on the internet.
Some magazines, many of them with their own websites, specialize in buying and selling property and businesses. Of course, do not forget Realtors who use their publications and websites like loopnet.com, Crexi.com, Showcase.com, as well as Marcusmillichap.com and get familiar with their websites, including Craigslist and eBay.
How to value a business:
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Melvin Feller Talks Valuing Your Business.
Understandably, how to value a business is often the most worrying part of buying a new business. Remember, though, that what a business is worth to you will not be the same as it is to someone else with a different set of priorities and objectives.
To get a general idea of how healthy the business is, look at:
the history of the business
its current performance (sales, turnover, profit)
its financial situation (cash flow, debts, expenses, assets)
and why the business is being sold
The following list of questions will help you discover possible areas where you could financially get hurt.
How healthy is the business?
How much is there?
What condition is it in?
Does the asking price take into account depreciation?
Is anything leased or currently being purchased?
Intangible assets:
How much goodwill comes with the business?
Are any trademarks registered?
What are the profit margins on each product or service?
Which products or services account for the majority of sales?
Which ones are required to conduct business?
Are there any outstanding issues with the licenses?
How old are the debts?
Which debtors owe the most?
What does the business owe?
What is the credit history like?
What are their prices?
What’s their credit policy?
Is the business adequately staffed?
Is it over-staffed?
Do all employees have the necessary skills?
Do all of the employees have the necessary equipment to do their job safely?
Do they need refurbishing?
Are they leased or company owned?
What percentage of the market do the competitors have?
Valuation methods:
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Melvin Feller MA Discusses Valuation Methods.
Your accountant can advise on how to put a specific value on the business and do the actual calculations. You can then decide how much you want to offer, or if you want to buy it at all. If you do decide to make an offer, the research you do now will be completely verifiable once you’ve agreed a purchase price and terms with the seller.
Make sure the business is worth buying by doing your due diligence:
Having done your research, it is important to verify the information you now have. A period of time is allowed for you to access the business’ books and records in order to verify that all of the information that you have discovered up to now is accurate, and this is known as due diligence period. It should give you a realistic picture of how the business is performing now and how it is likely to perform in the future.
When to begin due diligence.
Don’t start due diligence until you’ve agreed to a price and terms with the seller. For a down payment they may agree to take the business off the market during your investigation.
The investigation period is negotiable — but most small businesses need at least three to six weeks.
Where to get help
You should get accountants and attorneys to help you identify various risk areas but you can also get information about companies directly from the internet. Remember, due diligence is much more than the finances of a business. You need to come out of this period knowing exactly what you are getting yourself into, what needs to be fixed, what the costs are to fix them and if you are the right person to take over this business.
Key areas to cover are:
employment terms and conditions
outstanding litigation
major contracts and orders
IT systems and other technology
environmental issues
commercial management including customer service, research and development, and marketing
Information sources
Dig as deeply as you can and use whatever documents are available. For instance, if you’re looking at employee records, you could check out:
payroll records
staff files
copy of retirement and profit-sharing plans plus financial statements, if relevant
employment contracts
the staff manual
union contracts, if relevant
you may also need information from external sources such as the landlord, tax office or bank.
A step-by-step process on how to buy a business
Get professional advice
Professional help is invaluable as you go through the negotiation, valuation and purchase process. You may find it useful to contact the professional organizations to get advice and help on finding a lawyer or an accountant.
Research the business sector you’re interested in, including the best time to buy. Shortlist two or three businesses.
Make sure a business is worth buying: conduct due diligence and verify any information you have been given. As well as checks on the business, your attorney will conduct searches in order to verify relevant licenses etc.
If you’re planning to arrange a loan, the lender will insist on carrying out their own survey and valuation at your expense, but you may want to pay for an additional independent survey and valuation.
Initial viewing and valuation
Be discreet — the owner may not want staff to know they are selling, but be thorough and record key findings.
Arrange finance
Lenders generally require:
details of the business/sales particulars
accounts for the last three years
financial projections even if no accounts are available
details of your personal assets and liabilities
Make a formal offer
If you make your initial offer by phone, follow this up in writing. Head your letter subject to contract and include this phrase in all written communication.
Before completing the sale, try to negotiate an overlap period so you have time to become familiar with the business before taking over. Record all the main point agreed.
Even after you reach an agreement on the price and terms of sale, the deal could still fall through. You have to meet certain conditions of sale to complete, including:
verification of financial statements
transfer of leases
transfer of contracts/licenses
transfer of finance
Looking after existing employees:
There are regulations that govern what happens to employees when someone new takes over a business. These apply to all employees when a business is transferred as a going concern, meaning employees automatically start working for the new owner under the same terms and conditions. For more information, check on your responsibilities to employees if you buy or sell a business.
Inform and consult employees
If you do want to discuss reducing numbers of employees or reorganizing the staff it’s a good idea to do this once you’ve completed the due diligence period, but before you take over the business. As the new employer you should inform and consult all employees — including employee representatives — who may be affected.
Employee Retirement Plans
 Melvin Feller Believes that Employees add to the Bottom Line.
As their new employer, you do not have to take over rights and obligations relating to employees’ retirement plans put in place by the previous employer. However, if you don’t provide comparable retirement plan arrangements, you could theoretically face a claim for unfair dismissal.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Understanding Stress and its Signs, Sources and Effects as Discussed by Melvin Feller MA
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Melvin Feller MA, is not only a business owner and mentor to others who are involved in businesses of all types but also a husband, father, grandfather, and a surviving victim of mental spousal abuse from his former marriage and of cancer.  Melvin Feller loves life today and all it has to offer especially married now to one the most beautiful and kindest women he has ever known. Therefore, in reorganizing his life to make him a better person in both business and personally, he has now added the stresses of life to his mentoring and online adjunct teachings.  He always starts out with the question of what is stress? Why because in order to understand it we must know its definition and knowing what it is allows us to stop it or readjust from letting it harm us.
 Therefore, what is stress; actually, it is the stress response of the body is meant to protect and support us. To maintain stability or homeostasis, the body is constantly adjusting to its surroundings. When a physical or mental event threatens this equilibrium, we react to it. This process is often referred to as the "fight or flight response." We prepare for physical action in order to confront or flee a threat.
 Our ancestors responded to stressful ordeals in this fashion. Millions of years later, when you face a situation that you perceive as challenging, your body automatically goes into overdrive, engaging the stress response. Immediately, you release the same hormones that enabled cave people to move and think faster, hit harder, see better, hear more acutely, and jump higher than they could only seconds earlier. Like theirs, your heartbeat speeds up; your blood pressure increases; your breathing quickens. Most modern stresses, however, do not call for either fight or flight. Our experience of stress is generally related to how we respond to an event, not to the event itself.
 When is stress a warning signal?
When it is part of a natural reaction to challenge or danger, the body’s response is called positive stress. However, when you feel out of control or under intense pressure, you may experience the physical, emotional, or relational symptoms brought on by negative stress. These are the signs of stress that you need to recognize and control.
 It is important to remain attentive to negative stress symptoms and to learn to identify the situations that evoke them. When these symptoms persist, you are at risk for serious health problems because stress can exhaust your immune system. Recent research demonstrates that 90% of illness is stress-related.
 It is not possible to live without any stress. We can, however, learn ways to handle the stress of daily life efficiently, and to manage our reactions to stress and minimize its negative impact.
 What are the symptoms of stress?
 Physical symptoms
Physical symptoms can be caused by other illnesses, so it is important to have a medical doctor treat conditions such as ulcers, compressed disks, or other physical disorders. Remember, however, that the body and mind are not separate entities. The physical problems outlined below may result from or be exacerbated by stress:
 ·         sleep disturbances
·         back, shoulder or neck pain
·         tension or migraine headaches
·         upset or acid stomach, cramps, heartburn, gas, irritable bowel syndrome
·         constipation, diarrhea
·         weight gain or loss, eating disorders
·         hair loss
·         muscle tension
·         fatigue
·         high blood pressure
·         irregular heartbeat, palpitations
·         asthma or shortness of breath
·         chest pain
·         sweaty palms or hands
·         cold hands or feet
·         skin problems (hives, eczema, psoriasis, tics, itching)
·         periodontal disease, jaw pain
·         reproductive problems
·         immune system suppression: more colds, flu, infections
·         growth inhibition
 Emotional symptoms
Like physical signs, emotional symptoms such as anxiety or depression can mask conditions other than stress. It is important to find out whether they are stress-related or not. In either case, the following emotional symptoms are uncomfortable and can affect your performance at work or play, your physical health, or your relationships with others:
 ·         nervousness, anxiety
·         depression, moodiness
·         “butterflies”
·         irritability, frustration
·         memory problems
·         lack of concentration
·         trouble thinking clearly
·         feeling out of control
·         substance abuse
·         phobias
·         overreactions
 Relational symptoms
The antisocial behavior displayed in stressful situations can cause the rapid deterioration of relationships with family, friends, co-workers, or even strangers. A person under stress may manifest signs such as:
 ·         increased arguments
·         isolation from social activities
·         conflict with co-workers or employers
·         frequent job changes
·         road rage
·         domestic or workplace violence
·         overreactions
 Severe stress reactions that persist for long periods of time and recur without warning after a traumatic event or even after an intense experience such as an accident, hospitalization, or loss, may become a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) requiring professional assistance to overcome.
 What triggers your stress response?
Except for major catastrophes, few events are stressful in themselves. Stress arises when you perceive a situation as threatening. For example, your morning commute may make you anxious and tense because you worry that traffic will make you late. Others, however, may find the trip relaxing because they allow more than enough time and enjoy playing music or listening to books while they drive.
 Stress is often associated with situations that you find difficult to handle. How you view things also affects your stress level. If you have very high expectations, chances are you'll experience more than your fair share of stress.
 Take some time to think about the things that cause you stress. Your stress may be linked to external factors such as:
 ·         the state of the world, the country, or any community to which you belong
·         unpredictable events
·         the environment in which you live or work
·         work itself
·         family
 Stress can also come from your own:
 ·         irresponsible behavior
·         poor health habits
·         negative attitudes and feelings
·         unrealistic expectations
·         perfectionism
 How serious are your stress symptoms?
 Acute stress
In determining how to cope with your stress symptoms, it is helpful to know what type you are experiencing. The most common form, acute stress results from demands and pressures of the recent past and anticipated demands and pressures of the near future. The best way to envision the effects of acute stress is to imagine oneself in a primitive situation, such as being chased by a bear. In small doses, acute stress is thrilling and exciting, but too much is exhausting. The same ski run that feels so great in the morning can be quite taxing at the end of the day. Skiing beyond your limits can lead to falls and injuries. In the same way, too much short-term stress can produce physical or emotional symptoms. Most people recognize the signs of acute stress. They appear when something major happens like moving, changing jobs, or experiencing a loss. You probably feel stressed when something goes wrong, such as when your fender is crumpled in a car accident or your child has problems at school. Daily hassles with a demanding boss, a nagging spouse or mentally abusive spouse, or irritating noise also can make you feel stressed. Normally, as our ancestors did, our bodies rest when the stressful event is over. Moreover, because it is short term, acute stress doesn't have enough time to do the extensive damage associated with long-term stress.
 Episodic acute stress
 If you endure acute stress frequently, you probably are experiencing episodic stress. Your life feels like a disorderly exercise in chaos and crisis. You are always rushing, always late. If something can go wrong, it does. Trying to do too much, you can't organize the tangle of self-inflicted demands clamoring for your attention. You are seemingly always facing a new stressful situation.
 Chronic stress
 The grinding stress that wears people down day after day and year after year is chronic stress. It destroys bodies, minds, and lives. It's the relentless stress of poverty, dysfunctional families, or despised jobs. The people of Northern Ireland, Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and the Middle East live with the chronic stress engendered by their endless troubles. If you are experiencing chronic stress, you can't figure out how to alleviate a miserable situation that seems to go on for an interminable period of time. Devoid of hope, you stop searching for solutions.
 Some chronic stress stems from traumatic, early childhood experiences that change the brain and become internalized, remaining forever present and painful. These experiences can affect personality profoundly. You create a belief system or view of the world that causes you constant stress.
 The worst aspect of chronic stress is that you get used to it. You forget it's there and learn to endure it.
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Why should you learn to cope with stress?
In the best of all possible worlds, when a stressful situation ends, hormonal signals switch off the stress response, and the body returns to normal. Unfortunately, stress doesn't always let up. If you tend to harbor anxiety, and you worry about daily events and relationships, your stress response never shuts down. Studies show that long-term activation of stress symptoms can have a hazardous, even lethal effect on your body. When the signs of stress persist, you are at risk for many health problems that people often do not realize are, in large part, attributable to stress, such as:
 ·         obesity
·         heart disease
·         cancer
·         depression
·         anorexia nervosa or malnutrition
·         obsessive-compulsive or anxiety disorder
·         substance abuse
·         ulcers
·         diabetes
·         sexual abuse
·         hyperthyroidism
·         hair loss
·         tooth and gum disease
 As if this weren't enough, stress adversely affects reproduction, sexual behavior, and growth. Stress inhibits the immune system, making you more vulnerable to colds, flu, fatigue and infections. It causes digestive problems and can even lead to suicide.
 For all these reasons, it is important to recognize the symptoms of stress and learn what to do about them. Fortunately, recent years have brought increased societal awareness and a greater understanding of factors that limit and relieve stress.
 Living a more balanced life
You may be experiencing stress because your life has become out of balance. You may be spending too much time and energy on work or on caring for others at the expense of your own health and well-being. The following strategies can help you to live a more balanced and stress-free life:
 ·         delegating or sharing your responsibilities at work and at home
·         avoiding difficult colleagues, family members, and acquaintances
·         learning to be more assertive
·         doing regular exercise
·         not using drink or drugs to cope
·         eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
·         finding humor or absurdity in stressful situations
·         never taking on more than you know you can cope with
·         organizing your time better to get as much done as possible
·         talking to friends or family and sharing your thoughts and fears
·         listening to music or relaxation tapes
·         tensing and then relaxing your muscles, starting at the toes and working up to the head and neck
 Managing time and scheduling
It may also be necessary to reorganize your schedule in order to maintain a more balanced life. Some strategies for time management include:
 ·         Make a "to-do" list. Check items off as you complete them.
·         Prioritize tasks and then work on the most important ones.
·         Learn to say “no.”
·         Delegate less important tasks.
·         Schedule extra time for tasks, in case of interruptions.
·         Take frequent breaks and schedule time for relaxation.
·         Accepting support from others
 One of the most effective things we can do when we are stressed is to talk from our heart to a friendly listener who remains calm and listens in a way that makes us feel understood. Studies show that people who are active socially are most capable of dealing with stressful situations and major illnesses.
 To help reduce stress, develop a network of friends and family members to turn to when stress threatens to overwhelm you. If you are a naturally private or independent person, it might seem challenging to build a support system. In order to cultivate a circle of friends, you need to take the first step. Your efforts to create a strong social network will serve you well when you are confronted with serious stress.
 ·         Think of individuals who care about you and with whom you can share your most personal thoughts.
·         Reach out to the people you feel close to. Call them; make dates to see them; be open and available to them. Let them love you.
·         Be sure to include some people at least a generation younger than you so that you won't outlive your buddies and be left alone.
·         Build relationships based on emotional honesty. Members of your inner circle should know how to listen without judging you, giving advice, or comparing your experiences to theirs.
·         Developing coping skills for stress relief
·         Your attitude has a lot to do with whether events and occurrences produce a feeling of stress. Once you admit that you are not able to control everything, you will be better equipped to handle unexpected situations. Stress management comes down to finding ways to change your thinking and manage your expectations.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Melvin Feller Bio and Champion for Minority and Women Owned Businesses
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As the managing partner of Feller Business Group, Melvin Feller is both diligent in his business and committed to the business of helping both minorities and women own businesses and truly champion their various business styles.  Melvin Feller also oversees his company’s ongoing expansion efforts into more businesses into rural America.  He also conducts nation wide seminars, mostly free of charge, in order to back his strong belief in minority owned enterprises. He is also an online adjunct professor.
 Melvin Feller Founder of Melvin Feller Business Group provides this information in order to assist minority and women owned businesses.
Certification Overview
Certification is a review process designed to ensure that a small business is actually owned, controlled, and operated by the applicants. Most certifications are granted for Minority or Women owned businesses, Small Disadvantaged Businesses, and Underutilized businesses. Certification agencies implement the processes for government and private sector entities and ensure that only firms that meet the eligibility criteria of the individual programs are properly certified.
 SBA's Definition of a Small Business
 The SBA defines a small business concern as one that is independently owned and operated, is organized for profit, and is not dominant in its field. Depending on the industry, size standard eligibility is based on the average number of employees for the preceding twelve months or on sales volume averaged over a three-year period. Examples of SBA general size standards include the following:
Manufacturing: Maximum number of employees may range from 500 to 1500, depending on the type of product manufactured;
Wholesaling: Maximum number of employees may range from 100 to 500 depending on the particular product being provided;
Services: Annual receipts may not exceed $2.5 to $21.5 million, depending on the particular service being provided;
Retailing: Annual receipts may not exceed $5.0 to $21.0 million, depending on the particular product being provided;
General and Heavy Construction: General construction annual receipts may not exceed $13.5 to $17 million, depending on the type of construction;
Special Trade Construction: Annual receipts may not exceed $7 million; and
Agriculture: Annual receipts may not exceed $0.5 to $9.0 million, depending on the agricultural product.
There are many types of certifications available for Small Businesses.
 Minority Owned Businesses (MBE)  
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A minority-owned business is a for-profit enterprise, regardless of size, physically located in the United States or its trust territories, which is owned, operated and controlled by minority group members. "Minority group members" are United States citizens who are Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American.
 Ownership by minority individuals means the business is at least 51% owned by such individuals or, in the case of a publicly-owned business, at least 51% of the stock is owned by one or more such individuals. Further, the management and daily operations are controlled by those minority group members.
 For purposes of NMSDCs (National Minority Supplier Development Council) program, a minority group member is an individual who is a U.S. citizen with at least 1/4 or 25% minimum (documentation to support claim of 25% required from applicant) of the following:
Asian-Indian - A U.S. citizen whose origins are from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
Asian-Pacific - A U.S. citizen whose origins are from Japan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Thailand, Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Trust Territories of the Pacific or the Northern Marianas.
Black - A U.S. citizen having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
Hispanic - A U.S. citizen of true-born Hispanic heritage, from any of the Spanish-speaking areas of the following regions: Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean Basin only. Brazilians shall be listed under Hispanic designation for review and certification purposes.
Native American - A person who is an American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut or Native Hawaiian, and regarded as such by the community of which the person claims to be a part. Native Americans must be documented members of a North American tribe, band or otherwise organized group of native people who are indigenous to the continental United States and proof can be provided through a Native American Blood Degree Certificate (i.e., tribal registry letter, tribal roll register number).
Certification is done at the local or regional level. Most government offices charge a non-refundable application fee. Certification must be renewed each year along with payment of annual fee.
 Women Owned Businesses (WBE)
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To become certified as a woman owned business, businesses must show:
All prospective members must provide clear and documented evidence that at least 51% or more is women-owned, managed, and controlled.
The business must be open for at least six months.
The business owner must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident alien.
Evidence must indicate that:
The contribution of capital and/or expertise by the woman business owner is real and substantial and in proportion to the interest owned.
The woman business owner must direct or cause the direction of management, policy, fiscal, and operational matters.
The woman business owner shall have the ability to perform in the area of specialty or expertise without reliance on either the finances or resources of a firm that is not owned by a woman.
Certification is done at the local or regional level. The Women's Business Council does charge a non-refundable application fee. Certification must be renewed each year along with payment of annual fee.
 Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDB) or Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)
 Federal law mandates a number of requirements with respect to disadvantaged business enterprises ("DBEs") - as such entities are defined under federal law - in projects where federal funds are utilized. In terms of public works and construction projects, federal funds are generally used to some extent for major transportation projects in particular.
 These requirements, which are under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of Transportation, include setting of DBE utilization goals, design and implementation of a DBE "program", monitoring and reporting.
 To qualify as a DBE, the business must be owned and controlled by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged persons as defined by DBE Regulation 49 CFR Parts 23 and 26. The presumption of disadvantage is refutable. Businesses must show:
Minimum 51% ownership, control, and expertise of the individual(s) and
Control of the daily management and operations of the individual(s)
The business’ size as measured by average annual gross receipts over the most recent three years must be under the specified dollar amounts. These size standards are set according to the business’ North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. Depending on the industry, these limits can range from $2.5 million averaged per year to $17.4 million averaged per year. Manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers must meet an employee size standard ranging between 500 to 1500 employees, depending on the NAICS classification, and their average three-year gross sales must be less than $17.4 million.
 Recently, changes to the DBE regulations require all owner applicants to complete a Statement of Disadvantage and a Personal Financial Statement. All eligible owners must affirm that they are members of a disadvantaged group (for example, an eligible ethnic minority or female). In addition, the personal net worth of each eligible owner applicant must be less than $750,000, excluding the values of the applicant’s ownership interest in the business seeking certification and the owner’s primary residence.
 Generally, certification is done at the local or regional level. There is no fee to apply for certification.
 8(a) Designation
 A business enterprise meets the basic requirements for admission to the 8(a) Business Development program if it is a small business which is unconditionally owned and controlled by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals who are of good character and citizens of the United States, and which demonstrates potential for success.  This certification is geared more for socially and economically disadvantage individuals as defined in the Small Business Act.
 The 8(a) Program offers a broad scope of assistance to socially and economically disadvantaged firms. The SDB certification strictly pertains to benefits in federal procurement. Firms achieving 8(a) certifications automatically qualify for SDB certification.
 Program participation is divided into two stages: the developmental stage and the transitional stage. The developmental stage is four years and the transitional stage is five years. Participants are reviewed annually for compliance with eligibility requirements.
8(a) General Requirements for Certification:
Must be at least 51% owned and controlled by a socially and economically disadvantaged individual or individuals
African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Subcontinent Asian Americans, and Native Americans are presumed to qualify
Other individuals can be admitted into the program if they show through a preponderance of the evidence that they are disadvantaged because of race, ethnicity, gender, physical handicap or residence in an environment isolated from the mainstream of American society
Individuals must have a net worth of less than $250,000, excluding the equity of the business and primary residence
Must meet applicable size standards for small businesses in their industry
2 full years of business operations
The Small Business Administration's Frequently Asked Questions page explains many of the common questions regarding this program. More detailed information can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations regarding Small Business Development.
 HUBZone Business Enterprises (HUB)
 To participate in HUB (Historically Underutilized Business) contracting programs, a business must be determined to be a "qualified HUBZone small business concern".  A firm can be qualified if:
It is small,
It is located in an "historically underutilized business zone” (HUB Zone)
It is owned and controlled by one or more US Citizens, and
At least 35% of its employees reside in a HUBZone.
To find out if you are in a HUBZone, visit the SBA's HUBZone page.
 Disabled Veteran Businesses (DVBE)
 The law defines a disabled veteran as a United States military, naval or air service veteran with a service related disability of at least 10 percent.
 For a firm to be certified as a DVBE, it must submit a completed Small Business and/or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Certification Application and meet the following legal requirements:
It is a sole proprietorship or partnership at least 51 percent owned by one or more disabled veterans or, in the case of a publicly owned business, with at least 51 percent of its stock owned by one or more disabled veterans; a subsidiary which is wholly owned by a corporation in which at least 51 percent of the parent company’s voting stock is owned by one or more disabled veterans; or a joint venture in which at least 51 percent of the joint venture’s management, control and earnings are held by one or more disabled veterans.
One or more disabled veterans control the management and daily control of the daily business operations.
The disabled veteran(s) exercising management and control need not be the same disabled veteran(s) who own the firm.
It is a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation with its home office located in the United States and is not a branch or subsidiary of a foreign corporation, firm or business.
Generally, certification is done at the local or regional level.
Finally, Melvin Feller wants to point out alternative financing solutions.   Many small businesses have difficulty getting access to capital when they do not have three years of profitable financial statements, sufficient equity in the business due to start up issues or some related challenge. Yet, these types of capital resources, asset-based lenders, leasing companies, factors and others, have made a niche out of servicing these business needs. Don’t dismiss the opportunity without exploring the options. These “hard money” capital providers may be just what you need to get you through the tough times.
Asset-Based Lenders include household and commercial finance companies, which may advance funds according to traditional loan to value ratios (50 – 80%, or those which may loan more than 100% of the value of the collateral. Of course, the higher the risk, the higher the interest rate. These lenders will always require collateral such as real estate, cars, equipment, accounts receivable etc.
Factors are companies, which actually buy your accounts receivable from you, rather than loan against them. In factoring, your financial condition is not as important as the financial statement of your customer. The factor will advance funds, based on a formula, then collect the entire amount from your customer. The factor earns a fee of between 3 and 6% per month, until the account is paid in full. Upon payment, the factor deducts what was previously advanced, plus any fees then gives the company the remaining amount.
Leasing Companies are also a common way of accessing capital for assets needed in the business. You name it, from ovens, to automobiles, to forklifts, some leasing company will write an agreement on it. Leasing is attractive because it does not require a big down payment. However, the entrepreneur should consider not only the leasing costs, but additional expenses such as insurance with higher coverage and replacement costs. A "closed end" agreement provides you with the option of owning the equipment with a lump sum payment. In an "open end" agreement you may owe a lump sum, but still not own the equipment.
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We hope that helps the many minority and women who are wanting to start their own business.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Rural Entrepreneurship in America by Melvin Feller MA
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Melvin Feller MA states that the past 12 to 15 years have seen an increasingly wider acceptance of entrepreneurship as a core rural economic development strategy. While very few new organizations have been encouraging enterprise creation as a means of revitalizing rural places for 20 years or more, broader interest in the potential of entrepreneurship in rural communities and regions is relatively new and Melvin Feller MA believes that is due in part to an increase of 65% new businesses EIN Numbers as just reported by IRS and an increase of floods of new people into rural suburbs since Covid 19.
 Why the new sharp interest in rural entrepreneurship? Several factors come into my educated guess. Traditional economic activities, which are defined as routine manufacturing, agriculture, and natural resource-based activities, have struggled to remain competitive in the face of increased worldwide competition. As a consequence, the traditional economic development strategies of industrial recruitment and retention and/or expansion have generated fewer favorable conclusions in rural places.
 Rural economic developers and the communities they serve are struggling to find new sources of competitive advantage. Many of these development practitioners are willing to think outside the box in the face of old tools and strategies that are simply not working. Such as destination cities.  Cities that have exclusive twists on products and services.  At the same time, representations of successful entrepreneurship development now exist, so rural entrepreneurship practitioners are not alone on the modernization frontier. A growing body of research describes the outcomes of entrepreneurship development initiatives and tools that can be used to create a new, sustainable economic future for rural places.  These must be looked at with the community and stakeholders of various rural areas and regions.
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Getting to the heart of entrepreneurship development means that it is about more than building a support system for entrepreneurs; it is a strategy of transformation. It is about creating entrepreneurial communities, about changing the culture of rural places and people so that they embrace the potential of entrepreneurship. It also includes fostering public policy that invests in entrepreneurship development and is embraced by public and civic organizations and leaders.  That is generally harder to do than said.  But it can be done.  For this to truly take place it is usually best to bring in outsiders who have a clear and unimpeded look at the possibilities on a grand scale.
 Embracing entrepreneurship requires observing economic development in a new way, one that holds the community accountable for creating development from within. In searching for new sources of competitive advantage, communities and regions must identify and build on their exclusive local assets and take a proactive approach to defining their futures and possibilities.  Bottom line is there direct and long-term impact on creating jobs and revenue for their areas.
This approach suggests that there is no better model for entrepreneurship development. In some ways, local communities and regions are analogous to entrepreneurial startup enterprises, discovering and testing the products and approaches to entrepreneurship development that intertwined well within local expectations and results wanted. While there may be a tendency to want to wait until the models have been tested and proven, Karl Stauber, an expert in economic development, argues that: “America is in the middle of a transformation of its rural areas. It does not have time to find perfect or guaranteed solutions. It must take the best ideas where it can find them and begin to adapt and adopt those ideas.”
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Drawing on observation and study of entrepreneurship development practices across rural America by the Kellogg Foundation, and the CFED, they developed a framework for economic development practitioners who are trying to adapt the best ideas about entrepreneurship for their various rural cities and towns.
 Melvin Feller MA Outlines the Five-Part Rural Development Framework
 The first is the part of a strategy of Understanding Entrepreneurial Talent.  In other words, entrepreneurship development is a human development strategy even more than a business development strategy. The entrepreneur and their dreams need to be at the center of any strategy.
 According to Melvin Feller MA, the first step in creating an entrepreneur-focused strategy is to identify and understand the entrepreneurial capacity in a rural place. Every rural community or region has a range of entrepreneurial talent, from those who have the potential to become entrepreneurs. They include young people, displaced workers, people reentering the workforce, all the way down to existing business owners who aspire to create new business models and expand their reach into new markets, to those high-tech, high-growth entrepreneurs who have the possibility to generate a significant impact on a local economy.
 The mix of entrepreneurial talent may include microenterprises generally defined as employing fewer than five people, larger enterprises defined as employing more than 50 employees, people with limited skill sets as well as, entrepreneurs who are creating their third or fourth financial ventures.  Melvin Feller MA, also sees one more underreported or even looked at in the mainstay which are special populations such as, youth, artisans, and/or new immigrants whose entrepreneurial aspirations need to be nurtured.
 Melvin Feller MA stands firm and remains focused in order to create a strategy focused on the needs of entrepreneurs, communities and regions and that it must develop an understanding and appreciation for the full range of existing and potential entrepreneurs in all solutions to better economic development.
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The second strategy is that of Making the Case. This is mandatory aspect because entrepreneurship development is a newer approach to the age-old practice of economic development for most rural regions, local leaders which may require significant conversations in order to embrace this new approach.
 In overall, making the case for entrepreneurship requires a two-fold strategy. First, the plethora of national and international research that describes the positive relationship between entrepreneurial activity and economic growth should mandatorily be shared with policy makers and leaders at both the state and local levels.
 Part of making the case, is an inclusion for making the case in the stories of local entrepreneurs, who all too often are less visible to local leaders and economic developers.  Stories of their struggles and their victories can often help to make the case in a way that data cannot. Rural areas that are successfully implementing entrepreneurship development strategies have found ways to actively engage entrepreneurs as advisors and leaders in this process.
 The third strategy is that of Laying the Groundwork for Entrepreneurship Development.
 It must be understood that all leaders and advocates of entrepreneurship must lay the groundwork for strategy development. Otherwise, they risk the temptation to reach for the mixed development strategy instead of building a made-to-order strategy appropriate to the region’s unique features.
 It needs to be noted that there are three steps to laying this type of economic development groundwork. The first step is determining readiness for entrepreneurship, which includes the Understanding Entrepreneurial Talent and Making the Case elements as described above. It also includes determining whether there are organizations or individuals who already embrace entrepreneurship and can lead the way, and whether or not the capacity exists within the community to undertake entrepreneurship development.  In additionally, if they do undertake that development what is that cost?
 Once a community has determined that it is ready for entrepreneurship, the next step is to identify the development assets in the area on which the strategy can be built upon. Also, who is already working to support entrepreneurs? What service providers and capital providers exist within the community and the broader area? What youth programs currently exist to encourage entrepreneurship, or that could encourage entrepreneurship? What unique assets exist in the region that could become a source of new competitive advantage, such as, local artists, community colleges, heritage tourism destinations, natural resources, and niche farmers?
 And finally, the community needs to understand their own capacity to undertake any type of economic development effort.  Entrepreneurship development requires innovative thinking and leadership. Who will become the leaders of entrepreneurship development? How can you actively engage entrepreneurs in leadership and strategy development? What new leaders and capacity can be tapped within the community and even the wider region to support entrepreneurship development?
 The fourth strategy is that of Creating a Strategy or Building an Entrepreneurship Development System. However, based on observation of successful entrepreneurship development efforts throughout rural America, a consensus has emerged – an entrepreneurship development system (EDS) is absolutely necessary to transform a rural region. Our thinking about entrepreneurship development systems has evolved over the several years.
 This definition has evolved, through the work of the non-profits, government, city and rural economic development practitioners to include a set of guiding principles for the creation of an Economic Development Standard.
 A solid Economic Development Standard should be:
• Entrepreneur-focused and asset based as described above.
• Collaborative because leadership for the economic development standard should be drawn from public, private and non-profit sectors and should engage service providers from all those sectors in building a system of support for entrepreneurs.
• Comprehensive and integrated. The system should focus on meeting the full range of    entrepreneurial needs such as technical and capital assistance, entrepreneurship education, networking opportunities, as well as on building an environment that supports investment in entrepreneurship development with a community engagement, policy development. Entrepreneurship should be integrated into other aspects of the regional economy such as, workforce development, education, the health care system.
• Linked to policy.   This is done by demonstrating the implementation and success of entrepreneurship development in communities and regions, an economic development standard can inform economic development policy at the local and state levels.
• Community-based but regionally focused – A systems approach should be rooted in communities and have the ability to using the resources of the broader region to achieve scale of impact.
• Sustainable over time. This type of entrepreneurship development is a long-term strategy.
 Finally, the fifth strategy is that of Measuring Outcomes. Thereby, establishing outcome measures that truly reflect the goals of an Economic Development Standard is a necessary part of the framework. In the early stages of application, these measures will primarily capture the process of building an entrepreneurship development system such as the capacity that is built, the collaborative leadership team that is developed, the cross-learning opportunities that are institutionalized. As implementation continues, the measures will reflect the expected outcomes of the system which include new enterprises created, entrepreneurship education capacity built in the schools, youth engaged in entrepreneurial ventures, and cultural changes that reflect greater support for entrepreneurship.
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These outcome measures provide a way to build and maintain momentum for entrepreneurship development, and are critical to informing the policy-making process. In addition, measuring outcomes can support a commitment to continuous improvement. Progress toward achieving these outcomes can be used to fine-tune, redirect, retool and rethink as entrepreneurship development moves forward in a regions and rural areas in general.
Entrepreneurship is not a new concept in America. In some ways, the recent excitement and embrace of entrepreneurship reflects the old adage that “what is old is new again.  Entrepreneurial aspirations guided the opening of the Western frontier and the cyber frontier. Communities across the country are rediscovering their entrepreneurial roots as they seek new ways to generate economic growth from within.
The results of these innovative models will provide continued guidance to economic development practitioners and community leaders as they embrace entrepreneurship as a way to transform the economic futures of rural regions, cities and towns across this country country.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Ways to Build Your Social Network as Defined by Melvin Feller MA
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Melvin Feller is the managing partner and Founder of Melvin Feller Business Group. Founded over 30 years ago, it started as small business development group but has now expanded to a worldwide organization.  They develop and do grant writing, business plans and start up business design from the ground up.  They are especially involved in minority and veteran businesses and endeavors.  They also offer life coaching.  Melvin Feller Business Group currently has offices in Dallas and Oklahoma City.   Melvin Feller is also an adjunct instructor on a plethora of subjects.
 One of Melvin Feller’s favorite motto is: “I will always try my best at what I do.  I am not perfect and I have made mistakes.  I will always own my mistakes and not pass the buck. However, I refuse to be defined by last mistake.  Life is to short not to stand back up and damn the torpedoes and learn from those mistakes.”  This was instilled in my Navy Reserve days but more importantly from my father!!
 Melvin Feller defines a social support network as a group of people who you can count on to support you. They may be the first people that you call when something distressing has happened, when you have a difficult decision to make, or when you have great news to share. Some of the people in your social support network might be professionals and support you in very specific ways i.e. your family doctor or your life or business coach), and other people in your network you might live with or be in contact with every day.
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 First, let's discuss why social support is important and why it matters to your self-development and care. Research has shown that a lack of social support or isolation can contribute to an ongoing state of chronic stress, which will negatively impact your immune system and put you at risk for other dangerous conditions both physically and mentally. However, make sure it is real support and NOT fair-weather support.  That will be another topic for sure.
 Now, what can reinforcing your social support network do for you? Social support can improve the functioning of your immune system, protecting you from disease, and it can increase your vitality, decrease your stress and improve your self-esteem.
 Melvin Feller Asks What Makes a Social Support Network Solid?
 First, Strength – In other words make sure that that you're not counting on one or two people to provide all the support you need. That can be hard on them, and on you, especially if they're suddenly unable to be there for you. Reach out regularly to several people in your circle of influence.
 Secondly you need to have a Variety in your group - Also, having many types of people in your support network gives you access to their different skills, perspectives and experiences.  These various skill types will assist you in becoming a better you!
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Thirdly, you will need a group or support circle of people with Common Ground. - If you're dealing with a particularly difficult challenge or have a very specific goal that you need to obtain, then finding and regularly interacting with others in the same personality and interest type can have extremely beneficial results. Whether it's finding out how others have handled a situation, or sharing some of your experience, groups like this can be a great boost to your self-esteem, accomplishment and care program.
 Finally, you need to always have Something to Build On – The bottom line is that we all need to make a point of building or strengthening all of our relationships with people who inspire, encourage and support us, and who empower each of us to grow and to be our best self. For instance, someone who is very committed to his or her own self-improvement will inspire you to make positive self-improvement choices. And someone who is very loving and supportive will help you to feel good about yourself.  It will allow you to incorporate these same traits within your life.
 Melvin Feller’s Specific Ways to Develop Your Support Network
 It is always highly recommended to call or email when things are good as well as when they're not. Sharing your gratitude and appreciation for those around you can help to deepen your relationships and will also intensify your positive feelings.
 You need to always be open and receptive to new people and ideas. You never know when someone new is going to come into your life or the unique gifts they will bring. I believe that sometimes we're meant to connect with certain people only briefly – so instead of thinking, "I don't have time for a new friend,", go with your heart and get curious about what you can learn from interacting with this person.  It has certainly changed my life for the positive!
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We as individuals always need to remain ready to Offer to help others. Whether it's people you know or people you haven't met yet, helping others can be a wonderful boost for your own self-esteem and enlarging your support group. However, always remember not to overdo it and maintain your boundaries.  This was a tough one for me to instill within my method of operations. You need to come first because there are certainly a lot of users in the world today.
 Over the years, it has become increasingly more important to be unimpeachable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumptions and always do your best.  This is so important with the bullies and faceless people on social media. There will always be circumstances where things happen beyond our control sometime but you will quickly discover your true support group.  They will know the true you and support you through thick or thin.  Just look at what divorces cause in this world.  Been there done that and have the T-Shirt.
 Another important point to watch that many times we may not feel like talking to anyone, or even just to talk to someone. Sometimes we choose to be isolated. It can be really difficult to reach out when we feel like this. I strongly recommend that you fight this urge and do it anyway.  You will always be glad that you did.  I promise that.
 It's important to remember that your social relationships can also have a negative impact on your self-esteem and importance Unspoken truths, unintentional sabotage, or continuously taking on the role of care-giver can all add stress and affect your commitment to self-care.  My recommendation is do this activity in moderation.  Instead, nourish your positive relationships and keep your social support network strong and working for you.
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The key is to focus your energy on those things that you can influence – this will enable you to make effective changes. If you do this you will find your circle of influence starts to increase – others will see you as an effective person and this will increase your power. Conversely, if all your energy goes into those things you cannot change your circle of influence will shrink. Not only will you drain your energy, other people may start to see you as unduly negative and critical.
 Knowing how far your circle of influence extends is an important aspect of personal effectiveness. So is forming partnerships and alliances – you may not have any direct influence over something in your Circle of Concern, but you may know other people who do. A team can have a wider circle of influence than an individual.
 Thus the best outcome is that reactive people find their circle of influence shrinks, while proactive people find that it increases.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Melvin Feller MA Asks Is Clutter Keeping You from Being Successful?
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Melvin Feller is an experienced entrepreneur and former executive, so he speaks from experience, as well as years of his own personal and professional development.  Melvin Feller is also an online Business educator who loves to teach all aspects of business. Melvin Feller’s clients hire him for his depth of business knowledge to motivate, educate and inspire aspiring and current executive leaders to achieve a higher level of success, professionally and personally. Melvin Feller aligns leaders to the vision and future of the organization, supports them in the execution of key strategies and tactics to move initiatives forward and helps them build capabilities to transform culture.
Melvin Feller deals with a lot of clients that are dealing with clutter.  Therefore, they know that the clutter is an issue in their production and business. Now you might be asking, what is clutter and why should I care about it? Clutter is essentially anything you don't need, don't want and get no joy from seeing. There might be 100's of items in your home or office right now that could be cleared away.
 According to Melvin Feller, the cost of having a lot of clutter around you is that it:
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Clutter takes up physical space and energy, consider the energy it takes to constantly walk around a pile of clutter or clean up a spill caused by balancing a glass on an uneven pile of magazines.
Clutter takes up mental energy, it's much easier to think of new and creative ideas when you have a clean slate around you and within you.
Clutter takes up emotional energy, it's difficult to feel excited and hopeful when a pile of clutter is in your line of sight.
Thus, the main question is, what will you gain from clearing clutter? New ideas and a fresh perspective, not to mention less stubbed toes and lost phone bills! All kidding aside, in my own life it's been proven that in order to start something new I need to make space for it. It was only after I cleared the clutter from my own office that I made a commitment to become a specialist about it.
 Melvin Feller Gives Five Tips on Getting Started
First, you must imagine the finished product.  You can do this by drawing a sketch or just close your eyes and picture your uncluttered space looking just how you want it. Imagine what you'll do in this space and how much more effective and happier you'll be. Know what you're working towards and why.
Secondly, you must remember that you can do anything for 15 minutes at a time! Work for 15-minutes and then stop before it gets overwhelming.
Thirdly, Melvin Feller recommends that you pick out the hot spots that really drive you crazy, like your mail stack, your in box and that you focus on those. Getting those areas cleared will give you the most satisfaction and motivation to keep going.
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Fourth, Melvin recommends that you fill a bag or even several to give to your favorite charity. Your clutter can mean a lot to someone who is in need. You get to feel twice as good once you've opened up space in your home as well as in your heart.  Or better yet ask around for needy families and deliver anonymously.
And finally, keep up with your clutter; spending 5-10 minutes at the end of the day putting things "back in their place”, I can promise you it will save time, space and energy later on.
Hopefully, you can see an increase in your productivity as well as your own inner piece in becoming better organized and clutter free.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Melvin Feller Believes That If You think Wealth, then Wealth will Manifest Its Self!
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According Melvin Feller MA, our thoughts are magnetic! Like a magnet we attract circumstances and opportunities. We literally attract the life we want with our powerful magnetic thoughts!  But thoughts and actions go together! This is some of What Melvin Feller Business Group speaks worldwide on and shows how to increase the company and personal bottom line.
You might say to yourself, but Melvin I have been thinking about wealth all my life and the only thing I thing I have is $5.00 dollars in the banks!
However, my question to you is Do you think about wealth or the lack of wealth? This is different my friend. When you think about not having enough money what do you attract? Not enough money of course!  And what are you actively acting on to help manifest your thoughts?
This is a spiritual law! It's the law of attraction or sameness or harmony. You cannot have, what you don't think you can have. Like attracts like. Like criminals with criminals and saints with saints. It is all about to you.  Because as you think you will change and start to attract the things you are truly manifesting to both yourself and to the world.
We join a group because these group members share the same ideas as ours such as the law of
success. It is a fact that we generally will not join people who do not think same things that we firmly believe in.  Bottom line is that like attracts like - you get the point! I'm sure this makes perfect sense to you and the types of organizations and groups you have been associated with.
We have to replace our old thinking if we want to succeed. Think about success and wealth and not: " Not enough money " or " I cannot succeed ".   You need to replace this with: " I will succeed little by little, day by day ".
Our action follows our thinking. If we don't believe we can start a business we won't start a business. Period. But if we believe we can start a business here is what happen: First
our thoughts will attract information on how to start a business. So, we first learn how to start and grow a business.
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After that we start taking action like maybe getting a loan, finding a location (if we have a physical business). After that finding good employee, good marketing, good products or services etc.
We do what we think. Everything we do comes from our thought. Our thoughts form our belief. We have to believe to succeed. We act from our beliefs.
It's not difficult to believe in wealth! Look at all the people who succeed and have succeeded. There are not any different from you. They are flesh and bones and not some mythical person.
 In other words, to become wealthy you have to think like them. Learn from them. If they have done it. You can do it too.  It is strong belief and modeling their actions. You don't need to have come from a rich family or to be a slick individual to be wealthy.
The simple formula to succeed is this. The ultimate truth of all ages and all the universe is: THOUGHT.  The bottom line is that you can think your way to success.
Think and act. Act and think. Use your creative thought to create wealth or anything you like in your life. What you like you attract easily. Remember like attract like.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Wealth Planning Using Real Estate Foreclosures and Melvin Feller
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According to Melvin Feller MA buying foreclosures is not as easy as most people think, and there is absolutely no one better way" to buy foreclosures. Melvin Feller is President of Melvin Feller Business Group in Oklahoma and Texas and a thirty-year veteran investing in foreclosure properties. He has spent his entire professional life in business and real estate!
 The key to any "profitable purchase" is find a truly motivated seller. Someone who wants cash more than they want to keep their house or someone who wants to sell you their home more than you want to buy it. Once you have a motivated seller, you are more than half way to your goal of buying a house below market value.
 So, I'll illustrate three ways to buy foreclosures. Which of these is the best? Well, again, it's up to you to decide. I'll just lay the basic foundation and then you can determine which option is the best fit for you and your wealth plan.
 The first one is Pre-foreclosure owners:
 Once a Notice of Default, or Lis Pendens, has been filed, the owners are now in foreclosure and must do something or risk losing their property, all their equity, and their credit. Months before the auction (trustee or sheriff sale), contact the owners directly and offer to purchase their home by "paying them cash for their equity."
 Mention the benefits they will realize when they decide to sell, such as stopping the foreclosure; preventing further damage to their credit; and getting a fresh start. Be friendly and unintimidating. Do not insult or offend them with patronizing comments like, "How did you get in such a mess?" or "Why in the world did you do that? We are here to create a win/win scenario.  We are here to help them out of a bad situation and at the same time turn that house in into a wealth plan profit center.
 Remember that you are buying their home, and you need them to like you and want to sell you their home. You must show them how your offer is a win/win proposition. If they are not ready to sell now, discuss all their options with them. Keep the door open for future discussions. You never know when someone in foreclosure will decide it’s time to sell the home that has been a major frustration for them recently.
 But when they do decide, you want them to talk to you and no one else. This relationship must be established early on, starting with your first contact and reinforced through your repeated follow-up visits. The number one reason investors do not succeed in buying pre-foreclosure houses is that they simply do not follow up with the motivated sellers! Do not make this mistake.
 How much should I pay?
 Once the homeowners agree to sell you their home, you will determine the most you can afford to pay for the property before you meet with the sellers. Make sure you have enough cash available to make up their back payments (and stop the foreclosure), plus give them some "walking money" to close the transaction and move them out.
 The amount of cash you give the seller is totally based on your negotiation skills. Obviously less is better from your standpoint, but not too low. Getting rejected outright and NOT buying the property at all isn't good either.
 Make sure your offer is contingent upon and subject to all existing liens, loans, etc. as listed in your purchase agreement and that it is the entire list of all debts. Make certain that the terms for repayment are accurate and that you have the right to approve or disapprove the current status of all loans and of title.
 Successful foreclosure purchases must conform to your state foreclosure laws. Make sure you read up and become familiar with these state laws in advance of writing your offer. Normal purchases include full title insurance provided by the seller, as well as the buyers' complete inspection of the property's physical condition.
 The best part of buying directly from the owner is that you have an exclusive deal. Contrary to popular belief, there is rarely any competition when you buy a home in foreclosure directly from the owner. Once a motivated seller decides to sell his property, he just wants to get it over with quickly and easily.
 The idea of the seller calling many investors to get the best offer just isn't reality. Once you are in, chances are that you will be their primary contender! There won't be the "pack of bidders" that you will encounter if you wait for the foreclosure auction.
 The second way to purchase Foreclosures is at a Foreclosure auction.
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 A few weeks or in some areas a few months, prior to the auction, the lenders representative (Trustee or Attorney) files an Auction Notice (Trustee's Sale or Sheriff's Auction) of intent to sell the property to the highest bidder at a public sale.
 The opening bid is set by the lender and is based on the full amount owed on the loan (including principal, interest, late charges, penalties, and foreclosure fees allowed by law) as of the date set for the auction.
 Often the auction is delayed by mutual consent of the lender and the borrower, and a new auction date is scheduled. Make sure you check with the lender's representative the morning of the auction to confirm that it is still scheduled and to confirm the amount of the minimum opening bid.
 Before you attend any foreclosure auction, you'll need to do a ton of research. Since these purchases are "as is" with no warranties given, no title insurance provided, and in most cases varies state by state you need all cash, in the form of certified funds, you really know very little about what you are about to bid on.
 You must do a complete title search to examine the state of title and to determine what position you are bidding on at the auction. You can do this yourself but do not expect help from the county clerks, or you can hire someone to do it for you.
 A reputable title officer charges $300 to $400 for each preliminary title report they complete (these are NOT the same as a "property profile," which is free and usually done for Relators and not that important). This can get very costly, especially if you decide NOT to buy a few houses.
 Most professional foreclosure auction bidders are also very good title researchers, and they have learned from another professional how to do this very tedious task.
 If you are planning to bid at a foreclosure auction for a "first mortgage," most junior liens will be wiped out at the auction, and you will not be responsible for them. This is great news if the owner in foreclosure had a ton of loans and, therefore, not enough equity for you to be able to purchase from him directly. Now you have a chance to buy the house for less money at the auction!
 BUT some liens are NOT wiped out, such as Property Tax Liens and any Federal Tax Liens plus other exceptions that cannot be described here.
 This is also important information for you as the bidder, isn't it? What if you are planning to bid at a foreclosure auction, and you thought that opening bid of $75,000 sounded GREAT on a $400,000 house? You may be highly mistaken.
 Your $75,000 winning bid, could be for the second mortgage. The winning bidder at this auction pays the $75,000 cash and automatically assumes the debt of all senior liens on the property. What if the first mortgage on this house was $400,000? OOPS! You just paid $475,000 for a house worth $400,000.
 You will also need to inspect the property to determine the number of repairs needed and the cost of repairs. If you are buying from the owner directly, you are invited inside and can easily do your inspections. But if the owner losing his home at the auction is hostile and won't talk to you, are you prepared to peek inside windows and hope for the best? What if the house is totally wrecked when you finally buy it?
 Finally, you can expect competition at the foreclosure auctions. Anyone with money who is afraid of or not good at talking to owners in default will go to the auctions. Often a crowd of people may bid up the same property. In hot real estate markets, investors will pay more for houses at auctions than I would. As a point of reference my maximum is 70% of market value.
 The third way to obtain foreclosure is REOs: Real Estate Owned by the lender.
 These are properties that went to sale at foreclosure auctions but nobody wanted. Most likely the minimum bids exceeded what a savvy investor would pay. This is the way lenders take ownership of defaulted properties, and these properties are known as REOs. The lender no longer has a bad loan to collect on; they now have a non-performing asset that they must sell.
 In hot real estate markets, REO lenders simply fix up the property, list it with a Realtor, and sell it to a home buyer for full market value. The REO lenders have essentially become our competition. But once they start getting more and more properties back and can't keep up with the fix-up for resale process, they will start selling their properties "as is" for a discount again.
 When will that happen? It's hard to say. But I can say this: -- it is not happening now, and I would recommend you NOT work REO leads at this time. REO lenders currently are NOT motivated sellers. They will not be motivated sellers until they have a ton of bad loans and a large REO inventory, which they don't have at this time.
 If you found an REO property in your area, and it is not in the MLS. Multiple Listing System of agents, contact the lender directly by phone. Ask for the head of the REO Department or request the name of the actual REO asset manager handling this property.
 Ask the asset manager if the bank is selling the property "as is" and if they'll discount for an "all cash" offer. If you get a yes, then that's great! Continue to pursue the property and line up your money lender or equity partner. If you've structured the deal so you do not exceed 70% of the market value total of purchase price and all repairs, you'll have no problem finding money partners.
 Which way is the better way for you to buy a foreclosure? If you ask me, my preference in today's market is buying from the pre-foreclosure owner. As the market changes, so will my preference. Which is best for you? That's hard to say, but hopefully now you know why a "quick answer" just wouldn't work.  As a long time, investor, I firmly believe in wealth planning using foreclosures.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Rules for Creativity and Financial Creativity for Success When Starting a Business as Researched and implemented by Melvin Feller MA
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Melvin Feller MA gives you all the information and proven strategies for building a successful business with limited financial resources.  Melvin Feller MA has been in business for over 30 plus years developing and implementing these successful and proven business tools and strategies.
According to Melvin Feller MA, founder of Melvin Feller Business Group, a new class of entrepreneur is emerging: the do-it-yourself entrepreneur. Businesses run by these new class of entrepreneurs are branded by three major criteria:
First, their business is started with a minimal or creative investment, and the organizer retains full ownership and control of the business.
Secondly, the business is created and structured to operate with a small number of people, usually from one to six entrepreneurs.
Finally, the business creator does not set out to create a small business. He or she is working from the premise that the business has unlimited revenue potential.
This type new business startup entrepreneur is intended to remain small only in the number of employees it employs. However, this new startup business Is creatively created in order to generate significant financial revenues and to become a substantial force for quality and formidable knowledge and expertise in the business world.
The inferences of the defining criteria are noteworthy. When a business starts with a minimal financial investment, the entrepreneur sets the business up to creating positive income from the very beginning. Importantly, this means that the business must be able to creatively and quickly develop a compensating model and a steady customer base. Unlike many start-ups, the do-it-yourself startup businesses is not set up to have a long growth period and months of developing plans, products and services after they have started the businesses.  It all created before the startup business opens their doors.
This do-it-yourself business startup entrepreneurs strongly believe and practice several proven mantras that are used as their business startup guide and operation practices.  They include:
In other words, according to Melvin Feller MA, if you don’t plan, you’re doomed to failure in almost every area of life. That’s why we’re all taught in school that we need to write and constantly update a five-year plan, and to constantly evaluate our goals to determine whether we’re on the track, or merely floundering without a clue where a business is headed!
If you have a good business plan, it shows that you’re prepared for the good and bad. If you had the money to start a business without any backers, you’d still be smart to complete a full business plan. After all, if your finished plan isn’t compelling, you’re either wasting your money or any creative financing or funding ideas.
When determining to open the doors, the do-it -yourself entrepreneur again becomes creative because nothing is worse than planning a business opening event only to have there be a poor business performance. Think ahead and plan accordingly to get the word out and let people know what’s going on.
In other words, the do-it-yourself entrepreneur will step up the game and give key users and customers a taste that leaves them wanting more. They sensationalize the event so they know that all key influencers and leaders will be bringing in the groups that should be there.
Melvin Feller MA gives these key creative strategies that will create the excitement and success for every do-it-yourself entrepreneur.  
First, as we becoming increasingly more internet connected much of marketing strategy today has been turned upside down. Word of mouth has jumped up exponentially and viral online marketing campaigns have become a serious part of any marketing launch strategies. The do-it-yourself entrepreneurs should announce the features of their events, like details from creating their own event app for example. This is a great way to increase the word of mouth and create buzz that will be remembered for a long time.
Secondly, the do-it-yourself entrepreneur does not think of their business opening as just a place where people will just get together but rather to use their services. Rather, they need to consider a central theme that will draw people in to gather and engage with their business or service. The end result should tap into the collective spirit of their business community and share in the vision and ideal that each member of that community strives for. Once the do-it-yourself entrepreneur taps in to the central theme of what they are creating, people will engage with their business on a deeper, more emotional level and at that point they won’t be able to help but tell everyone they know, sending the news spreading through their networks like wildfire.
Thirdly, the do-it-yourself entrepreneur should strategize their marketing plan by targeting both major influencers and business influencers in the community. They must markedly note who is sparking conversations and debates and celebrate their impact upon their business. The do-it-yourself entrepreneur must learn how to give accolades where they are due, learn to jump in and taking part of moral and business movements, inviting community leaders to share a part of their business profits and endeavors. All of these ideas can have a major impact in getting their business off the ground.
Finally, the do-it yourselfer entrepreneur needs to discover how the community is engaging with different ideas and thoughts and help drive the conversation using their business as a positive community leader. Melvin Feller underscores the need to always participate in the discussion and to invest in the creation of genuine discussion for positive and long lasting movement and impact on the business and cultural backdrop. The bottom line is to not sit on the sidelines but rather tap into their community and customers in order to understand what makes them tick. That is at the heart of what the do-it-yourself entrepreneur will want to address in promoting their business.
These are just a few do-it-yourself strategies that can help entrepreneurs in promoting their business. Their creativity is the limit; however, they should always think of new ideas and tailor them to their specific business startup. The do-it-yourself entrepreneur must always think outside of the box and brainstorm ideas in order to bypass traditional avenues for promotion.
There is one final roadblock that for the do-it-yourself entrepreneur is the most significant barrier to pursuing an entrepreneurial venture: fear. But you can’t let fear run your life.
The idea that fear prevents many of us from pursuing our entrepreneurial dreams is not new. Most of us are familiar with Dale Carnegie as the sales guru who authored the classic book How to Win Friends and Influence People. What most of us don’t know is that in 1944, Carnegie wrote How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, which has sold over six million copies. A central theme of the book, still relevant today, is “how to break the worry habit,” which keeps people from realizing their goals.
Therefore, Melvin Feller MA strongly teaches and believes that Instead of dwelling on self-doubts, imagining the menace that waits, visualize your dream, focus on the specific image of the desire you seek. Fervently believe in the prospect of succeeding and turning your dream into a reality. Passion always empowers. The more passionate the do-it-yourself entrepreneur is about living their dream, the more they will begin to assert control over their fear.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Who Is Melvin Feller — Melvin Feller Business Group?
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Melvin Feller is the Founder and CEO of Melvin Feller Business Group in Dallas Texas and offices in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Melvin Feller’s mission is to equip entrepreneurs to do business as positive influence in their community. This must be done in both their business and in their community to be truly successful. Melvin Feller Business Group provides workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way.
 In return they provide a positive outreach as the business owner in the areas in which they live and do business. Melvin Feller understands that when the heart of a business is service focused rather than self-focused it can earn larger profits and better serve their customers. In other words, operate under the golden rule. This action also brings about a change in their employees while increasing unity as a business family.
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Melvin Feller also knows that when business owners or entrepreneurs experience trauma or severe life stressors it is common for their personal and their business life to unravel. Often times to the point of losing their family and their business. Therefore, Melvin Feller Business Group, teaches that there is a positive side to these traumas. In addition, God has a plan and together answers can be found and, in most cases, create an even more profitable lifestyle and business. There is always a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
 Bottom line Melvin Feller Business Group increases life experiences and increase profits, which in turn returns more than financial results to those Melvin Feller works with.
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Melvin Feller Business Group outlines why you need our Business Group:
Personal Growth: Take advantage of those who’ve walked the path before you. There’s much to be learned from those who’ve been there and done it before us. Sure, times have changed over the years in how we do business, but there are fundamental and enduring principles involved with running a successful business and dealing with people, especially the one you see in the mirror every day. There is no shame in getting help. Work smarter, not harder.
Save Time: You simply don’t have the time to stay on top of the latest changes in Facebook ads, PPC, SEO and so on. As business gets more complex and the pace of change increases, leverage an experienced coach or mentor to save you and your team time and money.
Leverage Technology: There’s more technology offerings designed for small businesses today than ever before, and these solutions can really transform your business and life. The problem is most small business owners don’t have the time or know how to implement these tools. So leverage an expert resource to help guide you on the journey to success.
 Successful business owners look to Melvin Feller Business Group for coaches, mentors, education and training for themselves and their employees to help overcome challenges, learn new skills and deal with complexity. They see help as a way to improve themselves and their business’s competitiveness.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Who Is Melvin Feller — Melvin Feller Business Group
Melvin Feller is the Founder and CEO of Melvin Feller Business Group in Dallas Texas and offices in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Melvin Feller’s mission is to equip entrepreneurs to do business as positive influence in their community. This must be done in both their business and in their community to be truly successful. Melvin Feller Business Group provides workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way. In return they provide a positive outreach as the business owner in the areas in which they live and do business. Melvin Feller understands that when the heart of a business is service focused rather than self-focused it can earn larger profits and better serve their customers. In other words, operate under the golden rule. This action also brings about a change in their employees while increasing unity as a business family.
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Melvin Feller also knows that when business owners or entrepreneurs experience trauma or severe life stressors it is common for their personal and their business life to unravel. Often times to the point of losing their family and their business. Therefore, Melvin Feller Business Group, teaches that there is a positive side to these traumas. In addition, God has a plan and together answers can be found and, in most cases, create an even more profitable lifestyle and business. There is always a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Bottom line Melvin Feller Business Group increases life experiences and increase profits, which in turn returns more than financial results to those Melvin Feller works with.
Melvin Feller Business Group outlines why you need our Business Group:
Personal Growth: Take advantage of those who’ve walked the path before you. There’s much to be learned from those who’ve been there and done it before us. Sure, times have changed over the years in how we do business, but there are fundamental and enduring principles involved with running a successful business and dealing with people, especially the one you see in the mirror every day. There is no shame in getting help. Work smarter, not harder.
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Save Time: You simply don’t have the time to stay on top of the latest changes in Facebook ads, PPC, SEO and so on. As business gets more complex and the pace of change increases, leverage an experienced coach or mentor to save you and your team time and money.
Leverage Technology: There’s more technology offerings designed for small businesses today than ever before, and these solutions can really transform your business and life. The problem is most small business owners don’t have the time or know how to implement these tools. So leverage an expert resource to help guide you on the journey to success.
Successful business owners look to Melvin Feller Business Group for coaches, mentors, education and training for themselves and their employees to help overcome challenges, learn new skills and deal with complexity. They see help as a way to improve themselves and their business’s competitiveness.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Influential Traits of Women in Leadership Positions
Melvin Feller MA, Founder of Melvin Feller Business Group in Dallas Texas, likes to study leadership traits and what makes a great leader. According to Melvin Feller MA, there is no gender rule when it comes to achieving high levels of success in life.
As the Founder of Melvin Feller Business Group and a former member of the United States Navy Reserve, Melvin Feller MA has made it a priority in both his business and academic pursuits as an Adjunct Professor to know that leadership moves the world. That’s why it’s important, why he and his colleagues’ study it, and why they strive to do it well. At its core, leadership is about human beings coming together to accomplish some desired outcome. It guides and facilitates the processes that allow groups of people to attain personal, organizational, and societal objectives. However, it has been a goal of the Melvin Feller Business Group to focus on influential traits of women leadership.
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As Melvin Feller MA points out that we have certainly seen so many successful people, both men and women. While most leadership traits might be sometimes considered as genuine masculine qualities, however, look closely and see how many of these same traits are those of women’s leadership traits as well.
General Leadership Traits
Integrity — covers many topics. If you are to be a good leader, people need to know they can count on you. This is much more than simply being available to others. First, integrity means your word is a guarantee. When you say you will do something, you must follow through with it. Leaders are reliable and dependable. It does not matter if a situation seems trivial or difficult. Following through means you are trustworthy.
Integrity also means honesty. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say show others you are an honest person.
Fairness — in your dealings with other people shows leadership character. You should never undermine others, or cheat anyone, in order to get ahead. When you are fair, it extends to all people. Those who are in a lesser position than yourself count as much as those who may be above you. Every person’s feelings and situations are equal.
Respect — Strong and caring leadership requires respect. Contrary to popular belief, respect does not mean someone is above someone else. Instead, it is about seeing everyone as your equal, and demonstrating this when you interact with them. Basic courtesy and manners are signs of respect.
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Strong leaders care about the people they deal with in every situation. You may not be in the other person’s situation, or fully understand everything he is experiencing, but compassion goes a long way in showing you care. Compassion shows a leader is a caring human being.
Citizenship — is another trait of a positive leader. Active concern about your world and your community are assets you cannot afford to dismiss. If you have the ability to transform your concern into constructive action, this is even better. You will gain respect when people know you are not only thinking about yourself.
Self-confident — A leader needs to be self-confident. While arrogance and boastfulness are characteristics of weak people, healthy self-confidence shows strength. You know who you are, and you like yourself. You can get the job done, whatever it may be. You take pride in your accomplishments, whether they are large or small.
Therefore, becoming a leader does not take power, money, or attaining a certain age. Leadership traits can be incorporated into anyone’s life. All it takes is the right attitude. When you are determined to always do and be your best, you are showing the signs of being a good leader. Whether you begin learning these leadership traits, or develop them even further, you are building the foundation for success and your role in your own life and in the world around you will be that of a confident leader.
As we can see above, women and men can have the same attributes as above as it comes to leadership skills. But, on the other hand, let’s see what feminine attributes can turn a woman into a great leader.
Women are caring, creative, dutiful, courteous, devoted, affectionate, pragmatic, handy, flexible, sympathetic… and of course we cannot find enough words to describe what they are.
But how are these feminine strengths suitable for a leadership career?
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Studies in women leadership from the Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller’s Academic Research show that most influential woman leaders own specific qualities and most importantly, they manage to use their personal attributes in a constructive leadership strategy.
Here are some of the specific women leadership traits found in the Melvin Feller MA research:
Let’s begin with communication skills. Women are born communicators. Mothers simply know how to verbally interact with their children, using proper words that children always understand. This genuine ability of a woman works wonderfully in leadership. Within the women leadership context, a woman leader who is managing a team of subordinates must be able to intercommunicate with each of them in a manner that every person should comprehend.
Women leaders are also very empathic and prove to be great listeners. Showing openness and caring for other people’s concerns makes it easier for a person to become a good leader. Since they are naturally trained to feel the emotions of their loved ones through empathy, women easily develop powerful interpersonal skills.
Many women can be multi-tasking. They can focus on multiple different things in the same time, such as talking on the telephone, writing a report and checking out their outfit in the mirror. It’s just amazing! In women leadership, this ability works wonderfully in dealing with limited resources and planning further results in advance.
A women’s leadership style reconciles being patient and process oriented. This way, a woman can see the possible issues of a strategy or plan and address them in advance.
Women are willing to find a win-win solution or a win-win deal. They often demonstrate their feminine willingness to be tolerant and team oriented in the process of problem solving and decision making.
This also brings about another women leadership trait uncovered by the Melvin Feller Business Group: behavioral flexibility. They are more likely to ignore or reinvent the rules, take risks, gather the information from all sides and finally bring the people around their personal vision.
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  Woman leaders don’t bother with fear of rejection. They can learn from any disappointment or any distress and go on with a positive attitude. Women are also more likely to admit their mistakes and so being able to constantly improve and grow.
Women Leadership Means:
Women can successfully combine leadership with compassion, which turn them into some of the most loved and appreciated leaders.
A women leadership style means getting people to realize the importance of living their lives based on the values that really matter.
Do these feminine qualities have a high value in the world today?
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It looks that authoritarian leadership style is becoming less and less fashionable in these days. People begin to appreciate those feminine attributes that keep families together and unite the teams. These well appreciated women leadership traits of sharing, nurturing and caring for others are not only desired but also needed to make a difference in the world.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Must Do Networking Strategies in Today’s Business Climate
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Networking has always been an integral part of a successful business marketing strategy.  But, with the increase of people starting businesses as an alternative to going back into the job market, networking events have taken on more of a ‘swap meet’ atmosphere as business owners and entrepreneurs attempt to find buyers and collect business cards to use for future email campaigns.
Here's something that won't come as a surprise in the world of networking: people want to talk about themselves. And professional networking is no different. Many people go into networking trying to tell you who they are and what they do. It's important to realize this, and even more important to listen.
As Melvin Feller, CEO and Founder of Melvin Feller Business Group, says, “If you let them, you can learn what they do and meanwhile think about how you can fit in and create a stronger network. I believe that listening is critical because it is through listening that you can identify opportunities.”
Engage with these people, pay close attention when they go on and on and then, follow-up on with all the information you've just been given by them.
If networking is done right, it can fuel a continuous stream of quality referrals.  If it’s carried out with an ‘I’m going to make a sale today’ mindset, it can lead to disappointment and be the source of a huge missed opportunity.
Good, productive networking is as much an art and it is science.  And while your results will improve the more you practice it, you can achieve great results very quickly if you develop the right strategy and incorporate a few relationship building techniques along the way.
A Good Strategy Starts with a Clear Purpose:
The main concept to embrace is the primary reason for networking in the first place.  Networking is about developing relationships as a means of building a solid referral network.  It’s like getting other business people with similar goals to spread the word about you and help connect you with potential customers you don’t know yet.  Before people will be willing to do this, they have to know who you are, what you do, why you do it and why their contacts would want to speak with you.  Only then, will other business owners feel comfortable that referring you to their colleagues and clients will   not turn into their worst PR nightmare!  As a business consultant and instructor, I work with many business owners who haven’t taken the time to ask and answer these questions.
Unfortunately, many new owners or owners new to networking are tempted to put on their ‘selling’ hat too early in the game and instead of creating quality relationships, they end up in any number of very short conversations with people who need to apologize for having to take an important phone call.  No one likes to be sold something before they’ve even had a chance to exchange pleasantries!  Having a business growth mindset means setting the stage for maximum results.  Why try to sell this one person when you could cultivate a relationship that could connect you to every one, they know!
If you want to get a fast start on building a network of people who will help you market your business, you need to create a strategy that enables you to accomplish specific goals for each networking event you attend.  Here are a several strategies to increase your success rate:
Know exactly who your ideal customers are: If someone wants to know more about how they can help and you tell them, ‘anyone’ or ‘everyone’ could be customer of yours, you will not get the help you want.  First, it’s rarely true that everyone can be a customer of any business and second, people can and will remember specifics where they will forget about generalities.  The more specific you are about who you want to connect with, the easier you make it for someone else to help you.
Figure out who would be a good referral business for you: If you have a catering business, what other businesses are trying to target the same customers with different products or services.  As a caterer; wedding planners or event facility managers would be excellent contacts to have.  Focus your networking efforts on finding these types of people at networking events instead of embarking on a quest to meet as many random people as possible.
Don’t confuse your elevator pitch with your sales pitch: People don’t want to be sold right off the bat.  They want to get to know you.  Your goal is to be as interesting as possible to encourage them to ask for more information about you.  Of course, one of the best techniques for ‘being interesting’ is to ‘be interested’ in the other person.  This is why it’s really important to know who you want to engage first.
Instill confidence in the people you meet: Everyone wants to be connected with a winner.  So, look the part and dress appropriately for your business.  It doesn’t mean you have to be dressed to the ‘9s’ but being well groomed, having well matched, pressed clothes on and having shoes that are shined or free of scuff marks tells a great deal about whom you are.   For many, this translates into how well you run your business.
Bring your contact information and be willing to help connect others to people you know: The best way to cement a good relationship is to offer assistant to someone before you ask for help in return.  This creates an atmosphere of goodwill and a feeling of reciprocity for the other individual.  Either way, what you want is for that person to be impressed enough to be thinking about you when they run into your ideal client at a later date.
Keep your attitude in check: Nothing drives away a potential business contact more than for you to ‘unload’ when they ask about you or your business.  These ‘head purges’ oftentimes get delivered with heightened emotions which means you’re talking loud enough for people 10 feet away to hear you.  Once others realize what they are in for when you approach them, you’ll think you’ve become Moses parting the red sea.  No one wants to hear about your problems.  Don’t try to give them to someone else.
Less is more: Even if you have a positive attitude, conversations can get carried away very easily for some folks.  Remember that you are there to make contacts with people who can become great referral partners for you.  If you find you have a lot in common with an individual, arrange to get together at a later date.  If you initiate this, you’ll be showing a great deal of interest in the other person and respect for their time.  A good way to break off a conversation that’s going too long is to ask the person if they ran into someone in one of your target business categories.  If they have, they can point them out and you can move on.  If they haven’t, you can excuse yourself because you need to find the wedding planner you’ve been looking for.
Your Game Plan is Everything: Effective networking is all about having a specific game plan for the event you are thinking of and making the people you come in contact with, glad to have met you.  If you want to build a strong referral base and a personal brand that people will be all too happy to assist you with; follow these suggestions and practice, practice, practice. 
There's no need to rush into things. “Before asking a networking connection a question or soliciting their advocacy on your behalf, it's critical that you first 'warm' up the relationship,” says Melvin Feller.
Already know the person, but maybe it's been a little while since you've spoken? Use what you know about them to find some common ground. If your contact loves baseball, mention how his favorite team is doing. Or, if there's any resources they might enjoy, like an article or video on a certain subject, include a link in a quick how've-you-been-lately email.
If you don't know the person well or at all, you may want to break the ice gently by finding ways you can genuinely be of service. This may include offering recommendations, resources, referrals or other information.
There's a reason LinkedIn is so great. It really knows all! And you should use it to your advantage when it comes to professional networking. In addition, it may suggest subject areas they are passionate about such as charities, hobbies or sports. Skills listed on their profile may point you toward industry-specific information for them.”
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Forget the Goal Setting-Try This Method Instead
Melvin Feller Business Group
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More than anybody, Melvin Feller MA knows and understands all too well that we all have things that we want to achieve in our lives — getting into the better shape, building a successful business, raising a wonderful family, writing a best-selling book, winning a championship, and so on.
And for most of us, the path to those things starts by setting a specific and actionable goal. At least, this is how I approached my life until recently. I would set goals for classes I took, for weights that I wanted to lift in the gym, and for clients I wanted in my business.
During my online teaching and working with many students, I’m starting to realize, however, is that when it comes to actually getting things done and making progress in the areas that are important to you, there is a much better way to do things.
It all comes down to the difference between goals and systems.
Let me explain.
The Difference Between Goals and Systems
What’s the difference between goals and systems?
If you’re a coach, your goal is to win a championship. Your system is what your team does at practice each day.
If you’re a writer, your goal is to write a book. Your system is the writing schedule that you follow each week.
If you’re a runner, your goal is to run a marathon. Your system is your training schedule for the month.
If you’re an entrepreneur, your goal is to build a million dollar business. Your system is your sales and marketing process.
Now for the really interesting question:
If you completely ignored your goals and focused only on your system, would you still get results?
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For example, if you were a basketball coach and you ignored your goal to win a championship and focused only on what your team does at practice each day, would you still get results?
I think you would.
As an example, I just added up the total word count for the articles I’ve written this year.
What I did focus on was writing one article every Monday and Thursday. And after sticking to that schedule for 11 months, the result was 115,000 words. I focused on my system and the process of doing the work. In the end, I enjoyed the same (or perhaps better) results.
Let’s talk about three more reasons why you should focus on systems instead of goals.
1. Goals reduce your current happiness.
When you’re working toward a goal, you are essentially saying, “I’m not good enough yet, but I will be when I reach my goal.”
The problem with this mindset is that you’re teaching yourself to always put happiness and success off until the next milestone is achieved. “Once I reach my goal, then I’ll be happy. Once I achieve my goal, then I’ll be successful.”
SOLUTION: Commit to a process, not a goal.
Choosing a goal puts a huge burden on your shoulders. Can you imagine if I had made it my goal to write two books this year? Just writing that sentence stresses me out.
But we do this to ourselves all the time. We place unnecessary stress on ourselves to lose weight or to succeed in business or to write a best-selling novel. Instead, you can keep things simple and reduce stress by focusing on the daily process and sticking to your schedule, rather than worrying about the big, life-changing goals.
When you focus on the practice instead of the performance, you can enjoy the present moment and improve at the same time.
2. Goals are strangely at odds with long-term progress.
You might think your goal will keep you motivated over the long-term, but that’s not always true.
Consider someone training for a half-marathon. Many people will work hard for months, but as soon as they finish the race, they stop training. Their goal was to finish the half-marathon and now that they have completed it, that goal is no longer there to motivate them. When all of your hard work is focused on a particular goal, what is left to push you forward after you achieve it?
This can create a type of “yo-yo effect” where people go back and forth from working on a goal to not working on one. This type of cycle makes it difficult to build upon your progress for the long-term.
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SOLUTION: Release the need for immediate results.
I was training at the gym last week and I was doing my second-to-last set of clean and jerks. When I hit that rep, I felt a small twinge in my leg. It wasn’t painful or an injury, just a sign of fatigue near the end of my workout. For a minute or two, I thought about doing my final set. Then, I reminded myself that I plan to do this for the rest of my life and decided to call it a day.
In a situation like the one above, a goal-based mentality will tell you to finish the workout and reach your goal. After all, if you set a goal and you don’t reach it, then you feel like a failure.
But with a systems-based mentality, I had no trouble moving on. Systems-based thinking is never about hitting a particular number, it’s about sticking to the process and not missing workouts.
Of course, I know that if I never miss a workout, then I will lift bigger weights in the long-run. And that’s why systems are more valuable than goals. Goals are about the short-term result. Systems are about the long-term process. In the end, process always wins.
3. Goals suggest that you can control things that you have no control over.
You can’t predict the future. (I know, shocking.)
But every time we set a goal, we try to do it. We try to plan out where we will be and when we will make it there. We try to predict how quickly we can make progress, even though we have no idea what circumstances or situations will arise along the way.
SOLUTION: Build feedback loops.
Each Friday, I spend 15 minutes filling out a small spreadsheet with the most critical metrics for my business. I rarely think about this number, but checking that column each week provides a feedback loop that tells me if I’m doing things right. When that number drops, I know that I need to send high quality traffic to my site.
Feedback loops are important for building good systems because they allow you to keep track of many different pieces without feeling the pressure to predict what is going to happen with everything. Forget about predicting the future and build a system that can signal when you need to make adjustments.
Fall In Love With Systems
None of this is to say that goals are useless. However, I’ve found that goals are good for planning your progress and systems are good for actually making progress.
In fact, I think I’m going to officially declare 2020 the “Year of the Sloth” so that everyone will be forced to slow down and make consistent, methodical progress rather than chasing sexy goals for a few weeks and then flaming out.
Goals can provide direction and even push you forward in the short-term, but eventually a well-designed system will always win. Having a system is what matters. Committing to the process is what makes the difference.
Melvin Feller MA is a business consultant with more than 35 years of business experience. He has an extensive background in planning and managing cross-functional business operations, and both real estate and technology projects. He also continues to teach others to excel in this business realm. He is an adjunct professor and online educator as well.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Forget the Goal Setting-Try This
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We all have things that we want to achieve in our lives -- getting into the better shape, building a successful business, raising a wonderful family, writing a best-selling book, winning a championship, and so on.
And for most of us, the path to those things starts by setting a specific and actionable goal. At least, this is how I approached my life until recently. I would set goals for classes I took, for weights that I wanted to lift in the gym, and for clients I wanted in my business.
What I'm starting to realize, however, is that when it comes to actually getting things done and making progress in the areas that are important to you, there is a much better way to do things.
It all comes down to the difference between goals and systems.
Let me explain.
The Difference Between Goals and Systems
What's the difference between goals and systems?
If you're a coach, your goal is to win a championship. Your system is what your team does at practice each day.
If you're a writer, your goal is to write a book. Your system is the writing schedule that you follow each week.
If you're a runner, your goal is to run a marathon. Your system is your training schedule for the month.
If you're an entrepreneur, your goal is to build a million dollar business. Your system is your sales and marketing process.
Now for the really interesting question:
If you completely ignored your goals and focused only on your system, would you still get results?
For example, if you were a basketball coach and you ignored your goal to win a championship and focused only on what your team does at practice each day, would you still get results?
I think you would.
As an example, I just added up the total word count for the articles I've written this year.
What I did focus on was writing one article every Monday and Thursday. And after sticking to that schedule for 11 months, the result was 115,000 words. I focused on my system and the process of doing the work. In the end, I enjoyed the same (or perhaps better) results.
Let's talk about three more reasons why you should focus on systems instead of goals.
1. Goals reduce your current happiness.
When you're working toward a goal, you are essentially saying, "I'm not good enough yet, but I will be when I reach my goal."
The problem with this mindset is that you're teaching yourself to always put happiness and success off until the next milestone is achieved. "Once I reach my goal, then I'll be happy. Once I achieve my goal, then I'll be successful."
SOLUTION: Commit to a process, not a goal.
Choosing a goal puts a huge burden on your shoulders. Can you imagine if I had made it my goal to write two books this year? Just writing that sentence stresses me out.
But we do this to ourselves all the time. We place unnecessary stress on ourselves to lose weight or to succeed in business or to write a best-selling novel. Instead, you can keep things simple and reduce stress by focusing on the daily process and sticking to your schedule, rather than worrying about the big, life-changing goals.
When you focus on the practice instead of the performance, you can enjoy the present moment and improve at the same time.
2. Goals are strangely at odds with long-term progress.
You might think your goal will keep you motivated over the long-term, but that's not always true.
Consider someone training for a half-marathon. Many people will work hard for months, but as soon as they finish the race, they stop training. Their goal was to finish the half-marathon and now that they have completed it, that goal is no longer there to motivate them. When all of your hard work is focused on a particular goal, what is left to push you forward after you achieve it?
This can create a type of "yo-yo effect" where people go back and forth from working on a goal to not working on one. This type of cycle makes it difficult to build upon your progress for the long-term.
SOLUTION: Release the need for immediate results.
I was training at the gym last week and I was doing my second-to-last set of clean and jerks. When I hit that rep, I felt a small twinge in my leg. It wasn't painful or an injury, just a sign of fatigue near the end of my workout. For a minute or two, I thought about doing my final set. Then, I reminded myself that I plan to do this for the rest of my life and decided to call it a day.
In a situation like the one above, a goal-based mentality will tell you to finish the workout and reach your goal. After all, if you set a goal and you don't reach it, then you feel like a failure.
But with a systems-based mentality, I had no trouble moving on. Systems-based thinking is never about hitting a particular number, it's about sticking to the process and not missing workouts.
Of course, I know that if I never miss a workout, then I will lift bigger weights in the long-run. And that's why systems are more valuable than goals. Goals are about the short-term result. Systems are about the long-term process. In the end, process always wins.
3. Goals suggest that you can control things that you have no control over.
You can't predict the future. (I know, shocking.)
But every time we set a goal, we try to do it. We try to plan out where we will be and when we will make it there. We try to predict how quickly we can make progress, even though we have no idea what circumstances or situations will arise along the way.
SOLUTION: Build feedback loops.
Each Friday, I spend 15 minutes filling out a small spreadsheet with the most critical metrics for my business. I rarely think about this number, but checking that column each week provides a feedback loop that tells me if I'm doing things right. When that number drops, I know that I need to send high quality traffic to my site.
Feedback loops are important for building good systems because they allow you to keep track of many different pieces without feeling the pressure to predict what is going to happen with everything. Forget about predicting the future and build a system that can signal when you need to make adjustments.
Fall In Love With Systems
None of this is to say that goals are useless. However, I've found that goals are good for planning your progress and systems are good for actually making progress.
In fact, I think I'm going to officially declare 2020 the "Year of the Sloth" so that everyone will be forced to slow down and make consistent, methodical progress rather than chasing sexy goals for a few weeks and then flaming out.
Goals can provide direction and even push you forward in the short-term, but eventually a well-designed system will always win. Having a system is what matters. Committing to the process is what makes the difference.
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