#The Seventh: NEMU IC
poisonousreverie · 1 year
Build a Plush and Discover Why You're Loved
you're loyal and reliable
you can always be counted on! you're steady and predictable, but that's certainly not a bad thing!! people can come to you for advice, and they know you'll know what to do or at least what to say to help them feel a little better. you may be the friend that always has snacks, advil, and a pocket knife. this makes you one hundred percent indispensable. when you're not there, people miss you, even if it feels like you're the person who gets to trail behind on the sidewalk when it isn't wide enough, sometimes. you're a pillar of your small community, and what you say and do make a difference. keep up the good work!
Nemu gives a low hum. She always did pride herself on her loyalty...
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cirsiu-m · 3 years
on nemu
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She was created when he was just becoming old enough to understand. Nearly pubescent, growing taller by the day, he watched as the lab-born little girl blossomed into a young woman, maintaining her worldly ignorance despite all that she had been through.
All that Mayuri had put her through. Mayuri, not quite a father or a god. Beyond reproach. He created something beautiful to be at his disposal. And beautiful she was. Made that way through careful trial and error. He never saw the first six Nemuris. He wonders what they looked like, if they could breathe on their own, how long they made it until they gave into whatever deformity or malady they’d been born with. The seventh Nemuri, his Nemuri, remained alive and flawless.
He knew what was going on. After a while she stopped even crying about it, which made it easier to ignore. There were times when, standing side by side in the lab, poring over some menial task, he almost thought to talk to her about it. I know what he does. I know where he does it. I know all the parts of you that have been hurt and I think about what they might look like. Is it bruised? Do you bleed still? How much of it can you take? But he said nothing. To do so would be an affront to the man to whom he owes so much.
And other times, when they weren’t working, when she would stare blankly into the distance as if waiting for instructions, he would get the ice to crack. A softness would come over her vacant, serious gaze, and she would briefly appear to be a normal girl. 
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He loved her from a distance, without the usual passion. Not taken by lustful dreams, because he wouldn’t let himself. Taking pills to sleep so there is no mind to wander. Not in long glances, because he had already memorized the curve of her.
The passion, he thought, could only come if she allowed it. If she showed him that she wanted to know what it was like to feel something. If she were to approach him, one day, wrap her arms around him and be astonished at just how thin he is beneath all that fabric, pressing her chest to him and asking: Akon, what is it like when the touching doesn’t hurt? What is it like to be kind? These were the dreams. They only came during the day.
Some days it was worse, and he would love her too much, and he would pick a fight with his captain just to find a reason to be able to hate him. But he always forgave. He always looked away. He promised himself one day he would do the right thing, stop playing both sides. But the day never came. She died in pursuit of the only purpose anyone had bothered to give her.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
Like this for a Halloween interaction with Nemu
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
Halloween with Nemu
Nothing says Halloween like visiting the World of the Living. At least for Nemu it does. She always found it fun and entertaining to see humans getting festive and such. Plus she feels there’s some form of irony with Karakura Town celebrating it with the typical ghosts and ghouls.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
Halloween with Nemu
Nemu hums a bit as she brings gifts to the 8th. More specifically treats and things. While candy was the holiday appropriate thing, it didn’t quite feel right for Captain Kyoraku from what she knew of him. So she decided to bring him sake as well. She hopes he’ll enjoy the items when she hands them over to him.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
Halloween with Nemu
Nemu had no particular reason to visit the 4th. She simply decided to stop there to see how her friend was doing. It’d been awhile since she’d visited Isane after all. And since it was Halloween, Nemu normally took this day off for the most part.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
Halloween with Nemu
It may be Halloween and Nemu may not be working in the lab today, but she still had some lieutenant work to finish before her fun. One of those things was bringing paperwork to the necessary places. So despite being in her full costume already, she made her way to the 8th to drop off what she needed to. Plus she’ll get to see one of her friends. Perhaps she can see if Nanao has plans or not.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
Halloween with Nemu
With one last look in the mirror, Nemu made sure her makeup was just right. She adores her father dearly, she really does, however this doesn’t stop her from trying to give him a small fright. She wasn’t a stranger to her likeness to a certain woman and she’s sure her father can see it too. These factors combined created a rather devious plan in her mind. She didn’t hide herself, in fact she approached him quietly like she normally does in hopes to lure him into a false sense of security. She just has to wait to see if he notices her in her Shutara outfit.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
Nemu hums slowly as she carefully paints her lips red. She’s always liked the color on her the few times she’s worn it. It was never often, but on the occasion happened... She quietly appreciates the color on herself then looks for the other makeup she’s supposed to wear. Her costume for Halloween wasn’t complicated in the slightest, at least for her. She just has to improvise a few things. Like shorter okobo, a headpiece, and some small things.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
"Would you ever consider departing from the 12th for a captaincy, Nemu-san?"
(from megumi)
Nemu quietly stares at the woman blankly for a few moments, milling over her question. The thought of being in another division, though she knows they're all pleasant, sounds completely unappealing. The 12th has always been her home since conception... Why would she leave?
"No, I wouldn't... Besides, I don't believe any other division would be fitting for me. The 12th will more likely than not always be my home."
She replies calmly, closing her eyes as she does so.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
Halloween with Nemu
Nemu quietly walks around the 12th. She wasn’t actively trying to be intimidating or scary or anything. She was simply walking about, occasionally wondering to herself if she should’ve put up more decorations. She did have a fondness for the holiday herself, though she wasn’t sure what other members of the division thought of it.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
Halloween with Nemu
Nemu hums to herself as she heads towards the 11th division. She wasn’t sure if Captain Zaraki knew what holiday it was considering she’d rarely interacted with the man. However she’s pretty sure her gift of candy will be appreciated. It was well known to her that Lieutenant Kusajishi enjoys sweet things.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
(I’m assuming you just want Kenpachi, but I can do Akon too in a different post of you want.)
Nemu sees Kenpachi as a steely grey or a warm silver. 
Nemuri sees him a deep black. But in a positive way, a way that’s cool.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
Nemu sees Akon as an ashy grey and smoky white. Colors she enjoys a lot.
Nemuri sees him as an emerald green. Not particularly because of him himself, but because she sees other immediate family members in shades of gems, so of course her brother should match.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
@royaldreamweaver / @heiligbogen / @lewdestconcubine
Like this for Nemu and Nemuri to assign your muse a color
Nemu sees Shutara as a deep cherry red. She sees Szayelaporro as somewhere between a geranium pink and Baker-Miller pink. Meanwhile she sees Uryu a lovely Uranian blue. 
Nemuri however sees Shutara as a ruby red, Szayelaporro as a rose to a watermelon pink. Uryu in her eyes is a periwinkle or peacock blue.
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poisonousreverie · 2 years
It was very early morning now, but Nemu couldn’t lull herself back to sleep, She’d even tried her old method of counting all the stars in the skies, yet it didn’t help. Therefore it was the perfect time to start making a cake for her and Mayuri-sama for later in the day. Nothing too extravagant should work. Maybe just a simple apple cake? That’s what she’d like today at least. Now it’s time to look for apples.
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