#The Utopia project
elpisofhope · 2 years
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Glowy Artemis portrait
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euniearts · 9 months
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"So why. . . do I feel so lonely. . . ?"
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sekaitransparents · 5 months
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(New year 2023) Colorful Festival Gacha: Solitus Utopia ~ Mizuki Akiyama
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sunwhispers · 8 hours
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when in doubt, draw mizuki akiyama
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joyboythehopepunk · 10 months
all nazis and fascists poof off the planet
world hunger and poverty is eradicated
whatever tech/info the government is hiding is used to revive the planet's flora/fauna
whatever tech/info the govt is hiding is used to cure diseases of all kind
no more capitalism
self-sustainability and secret tech for energy
no more military industrial complex
no more police and prisons
everyone has free healthcare, safety, and freedom
free education
no borders
anyone who wants to leave the planet can
i know this sounds almost insane. but consider that the us government alone "loses" trillions of dollars. also consider the reality of alien contact/recovered tech.
we could be living in .. 4024 right now.
doesn't that blow your mind?
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graysbullshit · 9 months
ok, I feel like I need to point this out (because of some tweets I've seen), but Brazil is a highly conservative country. Yes, we are very sex positive, which inherently goes against a lot of conservative views in other cultures, and yes, we have one of the biggest pride parades in the world. But we are also the country that kills the Most Amount of Trans People in the World (for 13 consecutive years).
this idea that brazilians are all nicer and more caring and more loving comes from this deep feeling of protectiveness we feel towards our country and our people. We feel like we need to project this image to protect ourselves (because last time a brazillian President decided to be human and reacted negatively to negative comments we were forced into a dictorship that would rob us of four years of democracy and republic). I find myself constantly defensive over brazillian ccs because of this. And generaly it doesn't cause much harm. But I need qsmp fans to understand that no place on earth is perfect, and although I believe that brazillians are genuinely more friendly, we aren't all nice.
Also, be good to your LGBTQ and poc brazillian friends. They really need someone on their corner.
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mitlad · 5 months
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Have the wonderful new year with another card redraw its a bit rush sadly
But happy pulling
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tedwild · 1 year
▼ I 🅶🆄🅴🆂🆂 he likes pranksΣ(゚ロ゚;)
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celestial-coordinates · 3 months
Finally decided to make a Tumblr for my sci-fi project that's been languishing on Amino for literal years.
The City
Astar City sits in the heart of the Atlantic, an artificial island that breaches the boundary of earth and the greater reaches of space. I is here that the greatest minds are trained, taught and cultivated to carry humanity forward in the pursuit of betterment--and to avoid the mistakes of the past. Guiding them are our allies and friends from beyond the stars, each bringing to the table something unique that enriches the lives of those living with and without gravity keeping them on the ground.
At the northernmost point stands the base of the great Gravern-Tybbs Space Elevator, the hub of planetary travel and resource management for Astar City and the very reason for the island to be built. The city itself consists of three 'rings' with the outermost zone being subdivided at the cross-quarters:
Northeast: the docks that import and export goods from the elevator to the rest of the world.
Northwest: the factories that shop materials used in the city itself or to be exported.
Across the midline is the Elgiss Channel that separates the industrial zone from the rest of the outer ring.
Southeast: Glassgow Park, a touch of nature to greet the incoming visitors and new citizens of Astar City.
Brightside amusement park lies at the southern tip of the island, full of neon and fiber optics.
Southwest: Elysium Square, named for the fields of heroes, this part of the outer ring is a type of nature reserve where festivals, recreation and camping occurs.
The secondary ring is the widest and most densely populated, hosting the library, museum, businesses, apartments, the university, etc. Different zones have developed based on local population and need, with various cultures carving out corners of the city for themselves, each connected by the monorail that covers the middle ring.
The inner ring is also known as Pillar Place and hosts only three buildings the locals refer to as "the ladies of Astar City" for their nicknames: Astrid, Ingrid and Ester.
Astar Technology, Research & Development (AsTReD) is the jewel of the city where the greatest minds of all species bring their skills together to move forward. There is a direct landing zone for small ships on the roof of the building which stands the tallest at 123 floors.
The Inter-Global Resource Department (InGReD), or “trade center”, manages the accounts and resources of Astar City, regulating repairs, jobs, money and relationships between earth and the colonies. Boasting 119 floors, it is the second tallest building in the city.
The third building is colloquially called “the ambassador apartments” but it's legally named the Exo-Endo Suites for Terran Relations (EESTeR) which are somewhere between a hotel, a timeshare and an apartment block for political figures to stay and to house the ambassadors of the Kuana which handle the translations and interactions on behalf of their patrons. The Lofted Gardens sit atop the spire, capping it at 115 floors.
No building in the city is allowed to exceed 100 floors as to not conflict with The Ladies.
The digital currency of the city is the kibb, which has an exchange rate of 100KBB=1.25 USD (kibb are counted like Japanese yen with no decimals or fractional dollars).
The Citizens
Boasting a colorful array of denizens, Astar City boasts not only the greatest diversity of new-earth cultures in one place, but also the most non-earth cultures as well. In the wake of The War for Change (also dubbed WWIII or the Eco-War), many cultures and countries on earth were fractured, lost or sub-divided as populations were deposed and borders redrawn. In an effort to preserve history and their memories, surviving groups were approached to document their culture and struggles post-war; some of these survivors eventually migrated to Astar City for work, settling in the new districts and reshaping their identities into what they are today.
Of the races/species represented, there are:
Humans, both Enhanced (robotic) and Modified (gene spliced)
Robots, the smallest faction, consisting of pure synthetic 'life' developed from rapidly advancing AI made by humans
Viispaa, currently majority Primes, some Curantis and Puer, a few Inimicus and Artifex (other subtypes coming soon)
Aska'a Thani, the second most common non-human under Viispaa
Kuana, though they remain in orbit and rarely come to the surface
Ravulcaba Mercs and Merchants, the most recent inclusion to the roster having appeared after responding to distress caused by stray Miscreant activity
Lem'iran, a single individual currently in hyper sleep with an unknown wake date
The System
By the onset of the 3030s, earth (also known as Terra, Geos or Gaia) and its resident sapient species, the humans, have touched the corners of their solar system and set up stations of one kind or another on most available surfaces. In 2375, the three races agreed that all space within 40 AU of Sol/Helios (our sun) would belong to humans by right and thus determined by them how it would be distributed and moderated. [dates are temporary and under reconsideration]
Moon/Luna/Selene: colonization of the moon started in 2260 as the first major unification project between the Kuana, Aska'a and humans. However, political and bureaucratic policies on earth forced the colony to declare independence in 2269, dubbing themselves the Greater Alliance Lunar Commonwealth, later dubbed Galuc. They celebrate the birth of the first off-world infant which opened the filed of psionics in 2272, with the colony town developing into something of a college-town. The University of Galuc is the only facility in the system greater than Astar University in terms of academic scope, with focus on the study of psionics, low-gravity survival and colonization of hostile landscapes, and deep-space communications and observation through the use of Arecibo II. Sim chambers are a staple of the lunar economy, with the short ride from the space elevator to the docking bay being little more than a train ride for citizens of Astar City.
Mercury: around 2380, in response to changes in the judicial system of earth, a high-security "reformation" station was built on Mercury though everyone knows its a prison. Intended to 'make use' of those who failed to contribute to society, the station ensures escape is impossible due to the harsh terrain of Mercury and its abysmal climate. Considered a one-way trip, the facility doubles as a factory for manufacturing and refining certain materials while utilizing a system similar to the moon's for being solar powered. After a failed uprising by inmates cause massive losses around 2600, the guards were replaced in majority with AI.
Venus: despite rovers surviving for upwards of 36 hours on the surface, in 2400 Venus was deemed "still hell" and quarantined as a waste dump for materials that don't decay, such as plastics; lack of terraforming technology has made planets like Venus "unsuitable" for colonization. Some materials such as radioactive waste are ejected into the sun for removal.
Mars: in 2375, after the Galuc colony debacle settled, Mars was considered for a new base of operations. The founding colony was established as a terraforming research facility, however as they gained space and samples, our alien allies began bringing embryos from other planets to help diversify our resources and fill niches that had not been needed on earth. While the technology for proper terraforming hit wall after wall, advancements in robotic AI allowed for opportunities to better mine asteroids for material. The Mars colony itself turned its focus to conservation and study of exotic animals, becoming the system's largest wildlife preserve and only place currently allowing the display of non-Sol species.
Belt: under control of the InAMi Corporation (Inner Astroid Mining Corporation) since 2727
Jupiter: with the onset of gravity-assist launching methods becoming standard practice and trial runs of quantum radio broadcasting, the year 2572 saw the beginning of Jovian lunar colonization to help facilitate asteroid mining. By 2586, the Jovian Lunar Bases dominate the field in terms of mining exports and AI development for industrial workplaces.
Saturn: while Saturn's moons were under observation for colonization since 2586, the first bases weren't established until 2601 due in part to the fuel requirements and resource limitations, but also from the mysterious, radioactive wreck found floating between Saturn and Uranus in 2590. The make of the ship was not familiar, life signs were absent and no race claimed a missing ship, thus it was hauled to an asteroid base for study and dubbed The Shell. High levels of radiation and no comparisons for deciphering the salvage brings the study to a crawl.
Uranus: 2697 saw the first attempt to colonize Uranus, however energy requirements caused major hiccups along the way, forcing the orbital station to be shut down until alternatives are found. Inami Corp funds a smaller station to facilitate the development of electro-magnetic generators while supplying fossil fuels to the station. A gamble is taken on whether or not Neptune's moon, Triton, has liquid water which could be used for hydro-electric power. After the prototype solar-powered hypercells are perfected, the colony station comes back online on restricted power in 2836 with a focus on using magnetic fields for energy.
Neptune: in 2735 the gamble paid off and a team was sent to try and establish a power facility in the back half of the system. Despite this, tensions arose between the sentient races regarding the withholding of technology, creating The Frozen Period where advancement and colonization effectively stopped until 2825. Proper colonization of Triton begins in 2862, growing it into a power station and foothold to the Kuiper belt by 2870.
Pluto: In 2881, a unknown signal from outside the solar system is detected; origins are unknown and unclaimed, but the possibility of more life on their level existing encourages a project for converting Pluto and the other demi-planets to be fitted with signal transmitters to boost and detect further broadcasts. In 2891, after siphoning most of the unstable radiation from The Shell and spending a considerable amount of time breaking down the remnant of a language, it's discovered the console received a signal whose imprint matched the mysterious signal from a decade prior, which had previously been written off as interference from sunspots. In 2913, the Exo-Solar Communications Station (ESCoS) comes online.
Kuiper belt: under control of Inami Corp's sister company, OKAMi (Outer-Kuiper Asteroid Mining) since 2878.
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ievadog · 3 months
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goth queen of 90s lithuania "Ieva Pelėda" vibing and having fun in this concert of a weird 90s punk artist, who cares tho he a fkn punk rock star she's zooted on something her friends gave her (probably) but she doesn't seem to care, music slaps too hard and besides, the cops are prolly not going anywhere near this fkn place so who, tf, CARES?!
i have to say, this is one of the best pieces i've done in terms of like, expression, like this is me asf despite the INCREDIBLE dosage of cringe this gives, like i'm not a very avid listener of nerius pečiūra (his song is in the bg), i am far from doing drugs or even alcohol lol and hell naw did i not live in the 90s but i will have idealised and fun art about the fun parts of that decade in this silly, stupid post-soviet nation that our lord jan pawel II protects alongside his home nation. ALSO CHARACTER CHANGES. i needed at least one sfw piece of the all new Barn Owl-Dragon hybrid ieva so this one will serve as that, up until a ref arrives anyway :33 k bye I will proceed to combust into flames of creative pain and anguish (writing lore for this oc (I'm inspired))
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elpisofhope · 2 years
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Dite asking Hermes to pick her up some clothes from the mortal realm
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sirou46 · 10 months
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Model references for Lolita Collage / Solitude Utopia (Mizuki Akiyama) - Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!
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tricoufamily · 11 months
those playdough ass sims aren't gonna fit in with that beautiful beautiful lighting let's get a move on i wanna see some realistic skin folds (MODELED not a flat texture) and blemishes and subsurface scattering i want that-specific-breed-of-maxis-match-tiktoker-you-know-the-ones tears
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dextolamine · 1 year
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Every night, all over Gensokyo, hundreds  of people see this face in their dreams.
If this woman appears in your dreams too, or if you have any information that can help us identify her, please contact us.
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vrains-rewrite · 4 months
hello everyone, today I think we’re just gonna do proper intros for each of the creators of this (well. I might actually be making Utopia’s for her bc she doesn’t wanna be a tumblr user but I got her to do a picrew to represent the ?vibes? she wants to convey so thats something, I’m doing one and I’m gonna force Void to as well lmao)
- Teal
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