#The contrast between Naotora on a daily basis vs Naotora when someone's trying to catch Naoe's attention made me snort HE'S SO FHSDHFJSKSJ
yeonban ยท 1 year
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@ofdraiochtย  asked: Heliotrope for Soma. Salvia for Naotora
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heliotrope :ย  ย does your muse believe in soulmates?
Contrary to what one may think after watching him interact with Tsubasa, he doesn't. Soma doesn't tend to spare much time to think about vague concepts such as this one, and on the off-chance that he does, he believes in people who are intrinsically more tied to one's soul than others, and in people who have an easier time getting closer to him in comparison to everyone else, but never in soulmates.
The idea of someone who's perfect for him existing somewhere out there might be nice as it stands - as a concept, but he has a much firmer belief in love as a choice rather than love as it's been received from the universe on a plate. Whether his opinion will change over time is debatable, but he will never use "soulmate" as a way to refer to his lover, not of his own volition at least (he may use it if they're particularly fond of the idea, but he wouldn't necessarily believe in it any more than he currently does).
Even if he were to consider soulmates to be a fact instead of a myth, he wouldn't see it as an one-time thing, but as multiple people because, as comforting as the thought of just one person representing everything you wish for can be, in a world like theirs where anyone can die at any time, believing in something like that would only serve to make life inexplicably more miserable if that one person were to die.
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salvia :ย  ย is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them?ย ย how do they express that possessivenessย ,ย  ย or lack thereof?ย 
He is, but in a rather lowkey sense the majority of time. Naotora is a very sociable person, so he can understand other people's desires and needs to become close to someone he holds dear, and he generally isn't against it; if anything, he'll be happy that both sides have gained a new friend. It's only when the person/people in question start trying to become closer to his dear ones than he is, that his possessive streak comes in, and the way it's shown depends on who we're talking about.
If they were to try and go for a very good friend, namely Tatsuomi, Naotora would hang around him more often, give him less personal space than usual, bring up shared memories or the like in front of the other person that would drive the point home on just how close they are, and in private he may even pout in front of Tatsuomi until he's reassured that no one else has a chance of "usurping" his spot as his best friend.
If they were to try and go for Naoe, he'd be much more open about his possessiveness. He would make a point to always be touching Naoe in front of them in some form, whether that's by holding his hand, leaning in for smooches, wrapping his hands around his waist in public, resting his head on Naoe's shoulder or top of the head, having his hands rest on places no simple friends would have access to, so on and so forth. If he knew they had, without a shred of doubt, feelings for Naoe, he would do all of the above while maintaining eye contact with the person. Lastly, if they were to continue with their pursuit even after everything mentioned above, that's when he'd rather steer Naoe clear of them entirely.
But even without anyone proclaiming themselves as his rival on that front, Naotora still likes to show off that Naoe is his by leaving marks in spots that are visible for all to see (or that could be in certain scenarios depending on what Naoe is doing or the pose he's in) and by letting the marks Naoe has put on him be on full display as a way to flaunt Naoe's interest in him. It goes without saying that he's also physically affectionate on top of that both in public and private, but compared to when there is someone else vying for Naoe's attention, he's much more relaxed about it.
As for things, no, not really. He's perfectly fine with sharing or even lending the things that are precious to him to others (granted that they are careful with them). The only thing he shows some possessiveness over is his title as the Takeda Bushi's captain, but it's mainly because he doesn't want his ancestors' efforts of having the Takeda clan be on top go to waste.
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