#The cool thing about ATS is that ice and water magic are lumped together. So water elementals can make water AND ice depending on who it is
shima-draws · 11 months
Props my head up hey. I’m still coming up with character concepts. And I’m trying to decide what kind of Vibe my healer girl should have 👀
Quick refresher on her:
Soft spoken and kind, she takes care of the group’s injuries and provides support in battle. Everyone’s a little intimidated by her bc she’s scary when they don’t immediately come to her for medical treatment after battle, or brush off their injuries. Grows close with mute girl. Is the calming presence of the group, and everyone comes to her when they are stressed. (This causes her to have a complex about being the calm one, the cheerful one, the one who always has their shit together. This is unhealthy. Lmao) Is also some kind of royalty. She and edgy boy bond over their garbage experiences with the upper class.
I’m either going to make her a water elemental or a forest elemental (both of which are capable of having healing powers!) but I can’t decide if I want to go with a fluffy winter theme (probably using ice as a numbing agent with her healing) or an autumn theme (just bc most forest elementals are associated with green colors and I think an autumn themed one would be neat). So I’m coming to YOU for opinions!!
(Secret third thing possibly being a time elemental who can “rewind” the state of someone’s body to heal injuries. But I don’t have an outfit theme for this one. Suggestions are welcome)
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Birthday Surprise | Jared Leto + Reader
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Prompt: Jared doesn’t expect much from his girlfriend or family on his birthday, given it’s the day after Christmas, but his girlfriend has other plans in mind.  Notes: This is going up a little late, but it was a last minute decision. Thank you @dragontearsandunicornfears for this prompt idea! I also usually write more second person but decided to put this one in third person so I could get more of Jared’s internal thoughts. Let me know if you like or hate me writing third person. Warning: Lots of fluff, and some swearing because it’s Jared. Suggestiveness toward the end. 
December 26th. To a lot of people, it was just the day after Christmas - a day to go back to work, a day of leftovers, and a day of sleeping off the holiday before New Years. But to Jared, it was his 46th birthday. No, birthdays weren’t overly special after so many years of life, and he wasn’t expecting anything special, especially given the unfortunate date. 
Y/N, his girlfriend, had other ideas. It was their first year together, and she was determined to make it fantastic. Christmas had been magical, the decorations still bright and twinkling throughout the house; they’d be taken down eventually, but today was not the day for that. 
Y/n had gotten out of bed early (grateful for Jared wearing earplugs so he didn’t hear her once she managed to carefully crawl out of bed) and headed down to make the best birthday breakfast ever. She picked all of his favorites, putting it on a tray once her first masterpiece of the day was complete.
Admittedly, there had been the temptation to pretend that she’d forgotten or didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, and then have a big surprise later in the day, but the desire to make the whole day perfect won out. 
She bounced up the stairs back to their room, setting the tray on the bedside table, before crawling back into bed and pressed a light kiss to Jared’s sweet lips to wake him.
It took a moment, but slowly his eyes fluttered open, his blue eyes meeting her y/e/c eyes, a small smile coming over his lips at the sight of her. He shifted rub his eyes and run his fingers through his long wayward hair before pulling out his earplugs, setting them aside.
“Happy birthday!” she said excitedly, as soon as she knew he could hear her clearly.
His brow raised in surprise. She remembered and cared? Okay, maybe he could imagine them waking up together and her commenting, but it seemed like she had been awake a while. Her hair was brushed, her breath smelt of minty toothpaste, and her energy was up. “Thank you, beautiful,” he replied, shifting to push himself into a sitting position. 
“I made you breakfast!” she announced, reaching over to grab the tray and put it on the bed in front of him. 
His brows quirked again as he took it in, noticing the effort that went into it. All of his favorites, coffee how he liked it, and a card with a big “happy birthday” sign in calligraphy. He picked it up and flipped it over, seeing the long, detailed note about how much he meant to her, how he made her feel, and wishing him the happiest of days. It was really sweet. “I wasn’t expecting any of this, baby,” he commented, leaning over to peck her lips. 
Her lips pouted out after she returned the kiss. “Why not? Are you feeling old?” She knew damn well he was in no way like a 46-year-old, except maybe in his intelligence. He didn’t look like it, didn’t really act like it most of the time, and the only health problem he had was his back, and that was his own fault, not his age.
He glanced at her. “No. I just didn’t think to expect anything, since yesterday was so fucking crazy and just figured you’d be tired and want to sleep.” 
“I can sleep tomorrow. Today is a special day too, I don't care that it’s the day after Christmas,” she said, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “And there is more after this. It’s your day.”
“You can be so sweet,” he told her, sipping his coffee and started to eat.
“I try. And I mean, my birthday is the day before a holiday, so I know what it’s like to have them lumped together. I’d never want you to feel like your birthday wasn’t one of the most special days of the year,” she answered, resting against him. (A/N: True story. My bday is the day before Valentines Day.) 
He glanced over at her, beaming already. “Well, I definitely won’t be doing that to you, babe.” 
“I appreciate it,” she murmured, kissing his shoulder.
As promised, it was his day and wasn’t any watered down version either. They’d gone up to Seattle for a white Christmas, and they were able to do some hiking through the snow, as well as had snowball fights. It was a day just the two of them, bonding and doing some of their favorite things together. They’d gone to lunch and ran around, doing a couple other fun activities before heading back to the house they had rented for a few days. 
“Ready for presents?” she asked as they settled in the living room with some vegan hot chocolate. 
He looked at her as he had a million times that day, with a look of surprise. “There’s more?” he asked. Okay, part of the reason he wasn’t expecting much was that he was tired too. He had plenty of energy, but the holiday season was so busy, and he’d been working his ass off on the new album. He appreciated it all but hoped the rest of the evening would be spent inside. 
“Yep. And there’s cake too. Otherwise, the rest of the day is up to you what you want to do,” she answered, setting her mug aside so she could get up and go retrieve his presents from where they were hidden. They were wrapped, but not in Christmas paper. A paper that was suitable for a birthday, and with nothing that looked remotely Christmas or holiday-ish. There were a few of them and she held onto them as she sat back down, handing him the first. 
It was a personal painting she’d done of the aurora borealis with a Latin quote over it, given his love for Latin.
His face lit up, and he recognized it was handmade before seeing her signature in the corner. “It’s beautiful,” he exclaimed, smiling brightly at his girlfriend, pressing a kiss to her lips.
“It’s only the tip of the iceberg, darling,” she teased, handing him a thicker and square shaped box. 
He took it, trying to make his guesses before opening it. “The painting alone would have been perfect,” he assured her, winking over at her before unwrapping the current one he was holding. It wasn’t entirely obvious what it was, and she knew that even with his love for technology, it was possible he hadn’t heard about it. 
“They’re two bracelets. Each of us can wear one and it has technology that if you touch the bracelet, it gives the other one a squeeze. I thought it’d be nice so I can give you a little sign that I’m thinking of you when you’re in the studio or on tour,” she explained, watching him look over the box before checking out the little black bracelets. “Figured they’re discreet enough it looks like a regular bracelet but would be something kinda nice for us.”
“They’re really cool. Thoughtful, techy, and brings me closer to my girl,” his response was clearly pleased and he slipped an arm around her to give her a side hug, pressing a kiss to her temple. 
She was beaming now too and offered him the last of the stack. It was clear from the shape that it was a book, but what book was the surprise.
“You spoil me,” he hummed before unwrapping it, looking inside. It was a copy of Finn by Jon Clinch, one of his favorite books. It looked a little tattered, nothing too terrible but certainly not new.
“Look inside,” she urged, not wanting him to get discouraged or confused why she got him a used book that he already had.
Jared followed her instructions, seeing the signature on one of the first few pages from Jon Clinch himself. 
“It’s also a first edition, hence why it looks a little worn,” she added for good measure, knowing that piece wouldn’t be as clear as the autograph. Y/N knew that despite Jared’s “fame”, he’d still be able to appreciate a signed copy of a book he loved. Her main idea had been to get a first edition, and finding one that was signed was only icing on the cake. 
He was grinning ear to ear at his girlfriend spoiling him. “It’s amazing. I love it. I love all of it,” he stated, leaning over to kiss her again. It lingered before he slowly pulled back, resting his forehead against hers, their eyes locked. 
“What’s say we go enjoy some cake, and then we can go back to the bedroom for some more birthday fun?” she commented suggestively. 
If his grin could get wider, it did. “Sounds perfect.”
“And it’s your favorite,” she teased.
“The cake or the sex?” he taunted back, pressing another kiss to her lips.
She snickered. “I was meaning the cake, but I guess both,” she winked.
“Sounds perfect.”
Perfect it was. They ate before making their way upstairs to do whatever he pleased in the bedroom, which was pleasurable for the both of them.
They curled up together once they were spent and exhausted. “Happy birthday,” she murmured once more, his arm coiled around her and her nose pressed against his neck. 
“Thank you. And thank you for a perfect day.” 
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monofazz · 8 years
Genocide Together: Ch5
(Edit: Oh yeah! I forgot! -adds mention- @rahafwabas yeeeeeehhhhh! I dids it! I’m still going with this thing! yays! XD)
  Everyone in the bar could feel the uneasy air fill the room as soon as he came in. The skeleton made his usual joke as he always does when he pops in. But this time, nobody laughed. Sans didn’t seem to notice.
 He sat at his usual spot and ordered, to everyone’s confusion, two bowls of fries. There was no one with him. When a nearby monster asked him why, Sans said he was expecting company.
 Grillby was a bit busy with all the other customers, so the chips took a bit longer. The comedian made a few more jokes that no one laughed at.
Sans gulped down his ketchup and ate a few fries. After some long, long minutes, an armoured monster opened the door.
“Excuse me, guys, but, uh, something bad is happing, like, really bad, so we have to evacuate the citizens here. There’s a human, not a cool human, they’re hurting monsters. So we have to get you to safety now.” said RG-01.
 The monsters looked at each other, muttering in curiosity and in fear. They got from their tables and walked hastily to the door. Grillby and Sans were the only ones who didn’t move.
  “Uh, dudes? Didn’t you hear me? We have to evacuate the citizens and—“
 “… I think I want to stay here, friend,” said Grillby.
 “Uh, why? Don’t you want to, like, live, or something?” RG-01 asked, perplexed.
 “I think I will be fine, friend. I hope you understand.”
 “Uh. Um… ok then… um, good luck?”
 RG-01 left, a little bit awkward.
 Sans didn’t move. Grillby tilted their flame head at the skeleton, moving to sit next to him, “Sans?”
 Sans looked at him, “Do you have more ketchup?”
 “No Sans, you drank the last bottle. Sorry.” Grillby looked away, “Why didn’t you go with them?”
 “I could ask the same question, Grillbz… but I’m too lazy to ask.” The skeleton smiled.
 “I have duties here.” He looked at him, flames flickering.
"Is this about your brother? Is this why you have to stay?”
 Sans forced himself to nod. “Yeah, Papyrus would come back here and try to make friends with the human, and from the sounds of it, this human ain’t really friendly.”
 Grillby nodded. “I see… One more thing Sans, is this for your brother? I thought your brother hated grease...”
 “He does, but he’s not the company I said I was going to have…”
 Grillby frowned, “Then who would this person be then, if not your brother?”
 Sans smiled a little wider, “Someone who’s new to the underground. That’s all.”
 It took a moment for the message to sink in but as soon as it did, Grillby backed away a bit, “Sans? I don’t understand. Are you saying you’re going to have eat with the person who’s been killing all those monsters?!”
 Sans got off his chair and said, “Yup. Thought the kid would be hungry. Humans do tend to need to eat a lot; did you know that? So, uh. You better get out of here. I don’t think the human… or me… is gonna spare you out of everyone. You can stay here if you want, though, that’ll just mean I’ll get some free EXP.”
 Grillby could not believe what Sans was saying.
 Sans said nothing.
 “Sans this is not you,” Grillby said, making his way to his friend, “you know this isn’t. The Sans I know wouldn’t hurt anyone, not his friends, not innocent people, and definitely not family. I beg you. Snap out of it.”
 Sans’ eyes bore into his, they were deep pools of black, endlessly going on and on in ink bowls of darkness, swirling and cold, until you can see the ominous dread of the abyss looking back at you.
 “Well, I guess that Sans is dead now.” the skeleton said.
 Before Grillby could do anything, he was being lifted up and, like a rag doll, thrown onto the wall, glasses smashed and shelves toppled. Grillby groaned in pain as the invisible force pulled him up again.
 “I’m sorry Grillby, I really am. But I just don’t care about anything anymore.” Sans said quietly.
 A loud smash of a window echoed out of the now empty streets and Grillby’s fire body, melting the ice around him into puddles of water. Loud hissing noises filled the air, it almost sounded like screaming. Sans exited the diner and watched the small spectacle. Steam rose and evaporated into the cold air of Snowden. Then, the charred body turning white, it crumbled away into nothing but specks of ash and small lumps of powder. Sans watched his friend die.
 There was a loud gasp, and Sans snapped his head to the side. The streets of Snowden, apparently weren’t all empty. A monster stood there, it wore a striped jumper and resembled a young dragon without arms or wings. He backed away from the skeleton.
 “Y-You…” he trembled and looked at him in a mix of horror and disbelief, then the monster ran away in the opposite direction, tripping over a few times, but frantically getting up and sprinting towards Waterfall. He disappeared. Sans did not bother to go after him.
Chara walked into the deserted town, they were low on health since the stupid long-necked dog decided to go into a frenzy and throw them halfway down a cliff in it’s excitement. Chara’s stomach growled, but still keeping the pie for safekeeping, they did not eat it. Instead, they stole some Cinnamon Bunnies from the store and other items of use. But they did not stack up on health.
 Grumbling, they continued on, aware that Monster Kid wasn’t in his usual place. Odd. Interesting. New.
 That’s when they noticed the broken glass and the pile of ash a few metres away from Grillby’s. And in them were dusty glasses. Grinning, they padded through the snow to see Sans at their usual seats. Sans noticed them coming in and waved them welcome. Chara smiled and ran to the plate of fries. God, this is going to be worth it.
 “Took you a while, what kept you?”
 “Decided to do some rock-climbing. One of those blasted dogs helped.” Chara chewed the lukewarm chips into mush and swallowed. Sans chuckled.
 “Do you have any ketchup?”
 “Nope. No more, I think.” Sans said.
 “Bummer.” They shove more food up their mouth, “so, how far did you get? By LV, I mean. How much do you have?”
 Sans blinked. To be honest, he hadn’t kept track. How many monsters had he killed? How much EXP did he have? How much LOVE? He wasn’t a 1HP monster anymore, that’s to be sure. How can he know? Of course, if he was asked to examine Chara’s LV. he can do that without even trying, which was convenient as he was quite the lazy guy. It was a part of his magic. But to know his own EXP or Level Of Violence, then….
 “I dunno, kid. Can’t you check?”
 Chara licked their fingers thoughtfully, “I suppose. Look at me, ya lackadaisical skeleton.”
Sans did, smiling that smile they oh so missed.
“Where did you learn that nonsense word?” Sans asked.
 “From Papyrus.” They did the check.
 *HP-20   Attack-10   Def-1   LV5.
* Easiest enemy? You know better.
*Still dodges. You changed him, but if it’s for better or for worse, you do not know.
*Still a pun-loving skeleton.
 “Level 5, very nice Sans” Chara was impressed.
 Sans raised his non-existent eyebrows and looked at the child gently, “Huh.”
 “I just got to 6. Usually by now I’m at level 8 or something. If were gonna do this thing, we have to do things differently. Were sharing this experience together but for my Genocide route, there’s only enough EXP to get to Level 19… that excludes you Sans.” They said, looking at the skeleton, whose face was neutral and impossible to read, but Chara was very sure he was listening very carefully.
 “We need to reach the highest point possible to take on our future goal. So that means we’ll get around 10 or 11 at best if we don’t do something. Which takes me to my idea.”
 Sans face did not change, “Really? So what do you plan to do?”
 “I know that you sometimes worked with Alphys. So do you think you can disable the force fields in Hotland? I’m pretty sure that’s where the people are evacuated. If we get to them—” Chara snaps her fingers. “— then we’ll have enough.” Chara grinned.
 “What about Alph? She’s gonna know if I mess with anything.” Sans asked, but he already knew what had to be done.
 “Well, we kill her, don’t we?” Chara said, putting their empty plate on the bench.
 “I guess so,” Sans admits.
 A few moments of silence before Sans got off his seat and walking towards the door, Chara trailing behind them, “Where are you going?” they said, frowning. No ‘see ya’s? And what’s that weird glow in his chest? Was that his soul?
 Sans gave a small glance to the child, eyes blank, “I, uh, gotta get something out of the way, alright? I’ll see you in a bit.”
 He then walks away.
 Chara looked curiously at the skeleton for a moment as he left Grillby’s, then with a dark little smile, they gave a small little distorted laugh.
“SANS?!” Papyrus called out, “Brother! Where are you?!”
 Papyrus was downright worried now. Where could Sans be? He needed to find him. He had just been with Undyne and he was informed that a human had started eradicating the monster population. Undyne had told them to not confront the human and that was an order. But why? He was sure he could change their ways; he was the Great Papyrus after all!
 But seeing the Snowden residents being moved to Hotlands and not seeing Sans in the crowd or even having him by his side had brought concerns. He hadn’t seen him since earlier today. Could he have gotten lost? Could he be at their house in his room, taking a nap? Could he have confronted the human?
 Papyrus tried not to think of that. He hadn’t consulted with the human yet, so if his brother did… It will be my fault.
 But he knew that his brother knew better. He will stay out of the way if there is danger. This fact filled him as he continued to look for him.
 “SANS!” Papyrus called for the 20th time.
 A small figure emerged through the fog. Papyrus new the thing immediately, “Sans! There you are!”
 “I was so worried! I didn’t know where you were and so many things are happening. I couldn’t find you!
“Have you seen the human? I need to talk to them. I think I can change their ways! I— Sans?”
 Confusion filled his voice as he saw a giant, skull-like manifestation above his brother, it’s eye glowing, just like Sans’ own. It blazed a fiery blue and golden yellow. In a semi-circle were rows of bones, the massive skull in the middle.
 “I’ve been waiting for this…” Sans said solemnly. In one swift movement, over a dozen attacks were flying and Papyrus scrambled to get out of the way.
 “Sans! What are you doing?! It’s me! Your brother! I won’t hurt you!” Papyrus yelled, running to him, his eyes glowing amber orange in attempt to calm his brother down. But this didn’t work. He looked down as his soul turned blue. Papyrus flew up, and then crashed into the ground with a loud THUMP. “Augh!”
 A loud whirring noise filled the air, Papyrus looked up to see that the skull’s mouth was producing a concentrated light inside it. The noise increased in volume, Sans’ face betrayed no emotion.
 “Sans, please, we don’t have to fight. We can… work this out. Let’s just… please. I won’t hurt you Sans… I’m your brother! I can help you!” Papyrus pleaded.
 Sans looked at them curiously, and then let out a small, dead laugh, “You really are stupid, aren’t you?”
 Papyrus fell to his hands and knees, trembling. Sans stood there, eyes dark. “You don’t know this, and I don’t blame you, but you already hurt me. More than you can ever know. You have the relief of not ever knowing, Papyrus. You don’t know and I envy that. I’d give anything to not have what I have. “But now, I just don’t care anymore. You can’t save me, I’m beyond helping. You were the thing that kept me caring, but now… I just don’t want too. So I don’t need you anymore.”
 Papyrus stood there like a statue for what felt like ages, then he spoke.
 “Sans… I… I didn’t know that you felt this way. I am sorry that I didn’t know.”
 Papyrus tried to stand up, but only got as far as straightening up on his knees, “I… if… I hurt you that much… will my death make you happy? If I can…. make you happy, will it help? Will it stop you from hurting? I just want you to be happy.”
 Sans frowned, puzzled.
 “I’ll do anything to make you happy and if I have to die to do it… I… I will. I won’t be able to hurt you anymore. You’ll be happy. And I’ll be too…” he gave one last hopeful smile, dust slowly filling the air, swirling and floating away. Papyrus’s body started to disappear.
 “Goodbye, brother.”
 Then he was gone.
 “Papyrus?” Sans said stupidly, standing there and staring at the dust, “Bro?”
 Confusion trickled like warm water in his mind until a bucket of ice-cold reality struck him out of his sedated state. He stared in horror at the pile of ashes in front of him and he fell to his knees, “PAPYRUS?!”
 Sans shoved his hands in the dust and snow — denial now setting itself in, only for it to struggle against the immense strength of the truth — and digging frantically like a deranged man, as if his brother was just lying under all the snow and debris, all in one piece and alive.
 Nobody answered.
 “NO! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nO, NO, NO, NO, NO PLEASE! PAPYRUS! BRO, COME BACK, NO I DIDN’T MEAN TO!!!!” Sans was now attacking the snow and flakes of dust filled the air by Sans’ quick and destructive movements.
 But nobody came…
 He began sobbing, falling on his side in grief and overwhelming guilt, he curled up and feeling the wretched thing squirm and claw inside of him, feeling all these immense emotions at once. He wanted to retch up everything he ate, he wanted to scream, but he wanted to laugh. He wanted to die. He wanted to die so badly.
 He felt a hand on his shoulder, but he continued to stare at the ground.
 “There, there, Sans. There is no shame to what you feel. This is only you’re first time after all… I’m sure you’ll get used to it” Chara soothed, massaging his tense and shaking shoulder.
 Sans tried to stop crying, Chara forced the skeleton to look at them, his face and hands were caked with his brother’s remains, tears of pain mixed with it, dripping down his face in large quantities. Hiccupping, sobbing, laughing all at once, he stared into Chara’s crimson eyes.
 “It’s ok, Sans, it’ll be alright. All will just reset and it won’t matter.” Chara lulled.
 “But..But…I’ll still… I… I will… reme…mber, I... I… wanna… forget…” Sans blurted, his words cut off with his broken, shortened breaths.
 “Oh, Sans. I know, but you see; now there is no going back. This is what it is now. You’ll live with you’re choices forever.”
 At that moment, one last thread, one last one which had survived all the abuse given to it and the other threads that had Sans just hanging onto his sanity, all of the others, breaking at the seams, it stayed strong and determined.
 But now it lay, snapped in two in Sans’ mind.
 “Welcome to the Genocide run…”
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