#The deadliest man alive
toringo · 4 months
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Oh, sweet revenge.
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Based on that one pic
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Personal history does have its benefits, Mega
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its-to-the-death · 6 months
Villain Song Showdown Semifinals
The Torture Tango (Spies Are Forever) - Villain: The Deadliest Man Alive
Friends on the Other Side (The Princess and the Frog) - Villain: Dr. Facilier
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undeaddudling · 3 months
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I had a silly idea…
Plus a textless version, WIPs, and alternate layouts below!!
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kairithemang0 · 2 months
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szollibisz · 4 months
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@curtwen-week day 2 at 1 am because i am IMPATIENT!! the prompt was chimera and although this is heavily owen-centric curt is in there too you just have to look closely! I had an absolute blast drawing this and adding all the fun little details. this is not a torture dungeon this is his living room btw. this is the first installment of the angst train that is yet to come
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ricky-mortis · 3 months
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Curtwen Week Day 5: Disguise
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ghostface-knight · 6 months
thinking about how physical trust and intimacy mean so much more in the context of curt and owen's lives than the average couples. in the spying game, you can't let your guard down for a second, because one wrong move could cost you your life. a drink with a friend? they could poison you. a handshake? they could easily inject you with something. a hug? they can stab you in the back.
curt and owen have known these rules for years, and so their relationship speaks to the complete and utter trust they had in one another.
they shared drinks. they hugged. they presumably had a more intimate relationship behind closed doors.
and i'm just thinking about how easily curt's fear washes off his face when owen reveals himself in the russian weapons facility. curt is still in a very compromising position, but he knows that he's safe, because owen would never let anything happen to him.
he's been taught over and over not to trust, and yet he does.
and some of that trust breaks through in their final confrontation on the staircase. even with owen pointing a gun at his head, curt tries to reason with him. curt doesn't just love owen, he trusts him. and in their line of work, that might mean even more than love.
and so when curt makes the decision to kill owen, it's certainly not that he doesn't love him anymore. no matter what owen did as the DMA, curt can't help but love him. but as owen monologues on the staircase, curt comes to an even more crushing conclusion: he doesn't trust him anymore, and that kind of trust can't be rebuilt.
following owen's death, i don't think curt ever truly learned to trust again. perhaps not even tatiana, who had saved curt again and again, could earn his fragile trust. because if owen -- skilled, bright, lovely owen -- couldn't be trusted, than who could?
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hatchet-tweets · 12 days
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mvanqsh · 6 months
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the torture tango 💥
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toringo · 2 months
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Me and my evil boyfriend, and yes, he has a broken spine
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xylophxn · 2 months
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its-to-the-death · 7 months
Villain Song Showdown Bracket D Round 5 (Finals)
This Day Aria (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) - Villain: Queen Chrysalis
The Torture Tango (Spies Are Forever) - Villain: The Deadliest Man Alive
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So I Spied Another Day...
You know it was a good show when you can’t decide whether your heart is so full from all the love and joy, or so empty because it's over.
Really do buckle up, because this is a long one.
So the show went a little like this. They played the Spies pro-shoot on a giant movie screen, but any time a song started, the audio changed to the instrumental track, the video typically faded to simple background graphics, and the cast came out to perform the number live in concert style. There were also a series of audience participation prompts up on the movie screen, such as standing to deliver a line in unison, giving Lauren a standing ovation for the Pay Attention! Reprise, enthusiastically booing Dr. Baron von Nazi and the still infuriatingly catchy Not So Bad (for anyone who’s curious, in addition to encouraging boos and yelled disagreements with von Nazi, they also cut the audience participation bit from the song).
The energy in the room was so electric and full of joy and warmth. People shouted out iconic lines, went wild for everyone’s entrances, and absolutely lost their damn minds over Curtwen at pretty much every opportunity. And the cast were clearly having just as much fun. Doing This has always been my favorite, and there was something so sweet about them singing it again all these years later. We finally got Joey performing Spies Are Forever (Evil Reprise) again and it was just as chilling and beautiful as you’d expect. And One Step Ahead was just on a whole new level. I don’t want to give anything away, but the details in that performance were INCREDIBLE.
It was simply so special seeing most of the original gang come back while also bringing some new friends along. Shout out to Mariah for coming out at the top of the show so ready to play, setting the tone for the whole evening. Shout out to James for putting his comedy chops on full display (LET JAMES BE FUNNY MORE) and dancing the hell out of One More Shot (another favorite number). And shoutout to Carlos Alazraqui (taking over the roles of Sergio and Vladimir Poopin) and Tommy Link for coming into this crazy part of our world with such enthusiasm and silliness. Brian deserves a medal for agreeing to once again play the most cringe-worthy character in all of Pulp-StarCanWrecked history, and for sounding so fucking good while doing it. Tessa was having a blast in full unhinged glory and I gladly worship at her altar. Lauren is maybe the funniest person alive and deserved her standing ovation, prompted or not. Seeing Joe Walker perform live has been Item Number One on my fandom bucket list since I moved to LA a couple of years ago, and I still can’t quite believe I managed it. I’d wondered if he’d be rusty, but honestly he sounded great; it was like no time had passed. Mary Kate still has one of my all-time favorite voices and her Tatiana remains forever engaging. Joey showed up dressed to slay as a gay evil genius Bond-movie supervillain and proceeded to thoroughly deliver on that promise. And Curt… every time I watch Spies I am increasingly blown away by what he does with this arrogant, broken mess of a character. He clearly loves Agent Mega as much as any of us, and to see a performance refined and powered by such clear and thoughtful passion is just a huge treat.
(And while he wasn’t in the cast, I can’t not mention Corey. Between his roles as director and co-writer, so much of what Spies is comes directly from him and we don’t appreciate that nearly enough. And shout out to Esther Fallick for her wonderful work as Susan and the Informant. She might not have been there in person, but her incredible performance was with us the whole time.)
I know this is preaching to the choir, but Spies Are Forever really is such a special show. It’s a story about recovery, and devastating as it can be, I think there’s also something deeply healing about it at its core. For one thing, I know it played a huge role in mending my relationship with my asexuality. I will forever be grateful to it for existing, to TCB, Talkfine, and the original cast for creating it, and to those same people for maintaining its legacy with the amount of love and care it deserves. It was a privilege to be in the room as so many people came to celebrate this miraculous little musical. There were a couple of minor tech glitches (I wonder if they’ll even include the “big one”—the projector jumping over most of the staircase scene before getting fixed—in the digital ticket version), but nothing that could even begin to damper the magic of the night.
We all know that spies never die (except for Owen and the Informant, oops). And at times like this concert, I think this special little show with its short run in 2016 will prove to be just as immortal.
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kairithemang0 · 12 days
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szollibisz · 6 months
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god bless @smytherines for the high quality saf screenshots 🙏🙏🙏
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