#The fact that Claude seemingly appears to be 3H's writers' attempt at writing a Yang Wen-li character is a little adorable
gentleoverdrive · 2 years
(4/?) Dumb confessions...
If you see someone making the "Edelgard? More like Edelfart, amirite?" joke: a) I'm sorry, I started that nickname because I thought the goofy nickname would be endearing and... b) I'm a little saddened that it never actually got that big. ---- Out of the 3H lords, she was my favorite early on, but the more I played the game, the more I realized that I kinda didn't care about their conflict all that much, to be honest (the fact that Edelgard accomplishes the most resounding success in most of the routes NOT her own due to taking Rhea out of commission early on says a lot), so that's why I kinda threw my hands after my 4th and, so far, final playthrough and said "yeah, not doing that again". ---- I was gonna say "points for trying!" but let's stop treating the "An adaptation of Romance of the Three Kingdoms with a screenplay written by Yoshiki Tanaka while adhering to Fire Emblem guidelines" hot mess that is Three Houses like it did anything beyond overcompensating with tons and tons of text. ---- ... ok, that got a little ranty and rambly. Anyway: - Edelgard is fine / "Edelfart" I'm still a little ambivalent about. - Dimitri is fine / "Dimplo" is dumb (but still makes me chuckle) - Claude was a giant "meh" that occasionally gets upgraded to "huh". - Ferdinand x Dorothea was the best support chain. - Dimitri x Marianne is up there. - IntSys, I know FE lives and dies by playing the "hits" (tropes and archetypes) to the hilt, and there's nothing inherently wrong with tropes (they are, after all, tools), but please admit that the horse is starting to smell a little funky and maybe needs a good wash. ---- See you tomorrow, whoever reads this.
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