#The guitar playing leader (Fleegle)
1 banana
Introducing the leader of this zany bunch, Fleegle J. Howells
Any post with the tag #the guitar playing leader (Fleegle) will contain posts with Fleegle on it.
Below is his info post for this blog.
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Fleegle is the leader of the club and band, he also tends to deem himself the smartest banana. This beagle has a love for sweets and machinery, you can always find him getting a secret little sweet snack or working on a crazy new invention (though, he has only had 3 successful inventions so far..)
Since retiring from the show, he has continued to work on making new inventions and always calls one of his friends to test it out to see if it works. He still lives among his fellow band mates in their “club house”. As the leader, he claimed the master bedroom in the upper bit of the club house. Fleegle has a side hobby of being a magician, he is pretty good at it and pretty much just preforms in secret (his band mates tend to watch him in the door way and they all think it’s pretty swell and he should take it out on the road, but Fleegle says he ain’t good enough for that)
They still go out and preform from time to time, just because they don’t do the show, doesn’t mean they’ll stop playing their music.
Fleegle is currently 29 years old and engaged to Drooper for the time being.
A bookworm, a neat freak, tired a lot.. tends to get tired of his friends shenanigans, mostly Bingo.. sometimes has a short temper (not as bad as Snorky), tends to get lost in his own thoughts, also gets sidetracked very easily.
Little facts:
Fleegle is part teacup beagle, which is why he is a shorty
He will never admit to it, but he loves dog toys, this pooch will get so excited (but he does get embarrassed once the excitement passes)
His go to sweet, is anything that has chocolate.. absolutely loves Snorky’s triple chocolate cake. (But also enjoys hard candy too)
Fleegle wears dark makeup around his eyes, since apparently without it, he looks like he did as a child
His iconic red bow tie was a gift from his Uncle Ralphy, he gave Fleeg the bow tie when they had their first big performance
Fleegle has quite a few scars, though none are visible as they are really small.. most are from dealing with his inventions and random metal scraps flying at him.
Fleegle has a fear of loud noises, tends to hide when thunder or fireworks come around. (Does wear ear protection from time to time.)
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Relationships with the gang:
Bingo- he is the closest to Bingo compared to the others, somewhat considers him a brother from another banana as he says.. they met in grade school and became good friends despite being polar opposites. They still are good friends to this day, but boy does Fleegle get tired of Bingo’s shenanigans.. but he wouldn’t have that funky gorillatan any other way.
Drooper- he met Drooper a few years after Bingo, he was rather fond of the tall lion when he showed up at his mother’s place with one of his and Bingo’s handmade filers to come join their band. He had always had a fondness of Drooper, but never really acknowledged it till he was in his late teens. They started dating a year before they got approved to do their show and got engaged shortly after their show ended.. they haven’t talked much about a wedding as the two just wanna take things slow for now.
Snorky- He has a ok friendship with Snorky, he can tolerate him more since he isn’t as dumb as Bingo or as slow as Drooper. They aren’t really that close, but are friends to put it short.
Fleegle is an only child, but he has many many cousins.
His mother is Jenna Howells, a kind hearted beagle that can get a bit feisty when she wants to be (Fleegle gets most of his personality from her) like her son, you can find her nose is a book, her and Fleegle will do get togethers sometimes and talk about the newest books (Fleegle looks forward to it every month) Fleegle is also 100% a mamas boy.
And his father, Henry Howells (formerly Henry Biscuit) is a monotone teacup beagle. Fleegle was never really close to his father due to this, but Henry tried his best, even tried to force a smile for certain occasions but stopped when it did no good. He can’t really help it due to his head injury, but he loves his son and has always been proud of him. While he can’t show how he feels in his face or voice, his tail sure speaks for him.
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