#The i Wittnes
girosnegros · 2 months
Arde Roma, Neron: Afterclass La Prende en México
Mexico, CDMX | Agencia de Noticias Guayacán leAks. El colectivo de hip hop Afterclass hizo su debut en la CDMX en la sala de conciertos Indie Rocks ofreciendo un showcase con talentos locales y una presentación de rap duro para sus ansiosos fans mexicanos quienes muy puntuales los esperaban.
5 PM. Mientras las tranquilas nubes de la tarde flotaban sobre las impermeabilizadas azoteas shedron de la colonia Roma, en las puertas del Indie Rocks un grupo de chicas y chicos aguardaban de pie. No son pocos, pero son jóvenes, hombres en su mayoría. Llevan ahí un rato esperando con los ánimos suficiente para para ver al Afterclass. Me les uní porque yo también estaba en esa misión y aproveché para sondear en persona el auge del rap colombiano. Según Spotify, un número importante de sus oyentes son mexas. Una chica en la fila con la que me puse a hablar sabía más de grupos de allá que los de aquí, e incluso me recomendó algunos.
A la sala entramos una hora más tarde de lo citado por "razones" de una logística lenta. La primera tanda de la tarde estuvo conformada por un pequeño desfile de talentos de cuatro o cinco presentaciones de micrófono abierto, asistida por Slider Beats quien puso las pistas de los MC's que vinieron de todas partes del Distro, incluso del Estado de México, a medir sus skills en un espacio de tres canciones por inscripción. Uno de ellos se atavió con una máscara creyendo que así se rifa más.
En cuanto a los shows de soporte para representar al underground nacional, Doped Mind salió a rapear como MC Sick Man sin la Primero Company y nada más que con su DJ. Manoteó, plaqueó, y tiró unos CDs para despertar al público que cabezeaba, pero del aburrimiento. Le precedió Iván Rahzul que subió solo, aunque se mostró seguro, le echó ganas, no le fue tan bien. Después vino DJ Bad Panda qué mezcló un set bien soso. Por último, una desganada Montbel tampoco conectó con la gente quienes a parte de estar medio hartos de un volumen irregular, de tediosas pausas entre actos, todavía tuvieron que soportar encima un puñado de shows soporíferos. ¿Distintos? Sí, pero con mala suerte ese día.
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Hasta ahí con los teloneros. Para las 10pm el Indie ya estaba lleno y no cabía nadie más. Para fortuna de todos el volumen regresó con una energía renovada. Desde los decks DJ Kairo se encargó de prender de nuevo los ánimos de los heads chilangos para por fin darle entrada a Maco Matt, Luis7lunes, y Vic Deal. Cada uno de ellos con harto material de sobra como para hacer un show en solitario, pero que juntos is da shit, hermano. Además llevan bajo el brazo su próximo material, «Rap Cum Laude». Desde que arrancaron con 'Voladores del cerro', partieron la sala de rock sin tregua alguna durante cerca de dos horas en las que la raza no dejó de emocionarse. 7lunes nunca dejó de ver de frente, Maco era el más intenso de los tres, y a Vic se le veía de buen humor; cada uno con su propio carisma se convirtieron en las antorchas de la noche. "Pana, que el rap colombiano está que arde ahorita mismo" me dijo la misma chica de la fila, y le creí.
El Afterclass dio clases casi dos horas de cómo montarse un directo con ritmos gordos, juegos de coros, interludios en acapella, y una rotación continua de turnos, pero siempre tirando juntos pa' adelante con un repertorio de canciones robustas como 'R. A. Y. ' (una de mis favoritas), 'Roger Fender', 'Lavanda', '5 millones', u otras más nuevas como 'El emblema' que no dejaron a nadie indiferente. El hip hop que despliegan es un rap crudo y contagioso con un performance muy coordinado (prueba del tiempo que llevan de conocerse) y vibrante, pero aún así con poca interacción. Aunque los parceros prometieron regresar quién sabe cuándo, por ahora sus fans mexicanos quedaron contentos. A pesar de algunos inconvenientes que pudo arruinarlo, el concierto resultó mejor de lo que esperaba, con un público muy leal que cantó, brincó, y que aguantó vara hasta el final.
No sé qué futuro tengan los raperos colombianos, pero por lo menos parece brillante. La próxima visita de los No Rules Clan confirmada por los Afterclass antes de bajarse son ejemplos del crecimiento de la popularidad de sus artistas que literalmente se hacen cada vez más presentes. Así que burn, baby, burn!.
ᵢ ₜₕₑ Wᵢₜₜₙₑₛ
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theredcuyo · 1 year
Just saw the clip of what Bad said today on the stream, I missed it because no way I can watch the whole stream-
And yeah, okay, maybe theres a chance for 4halo! (Bad's got two hands!)
But, there's a thing that the people who just recently came to know Bad (and Skeppy for extension) don't know yet
Besides the divorces that all of us have seen and you haven't yet and are to come, and the fantastic horror of the length of how much the want to be together, there's one more thing, or two actually
They are jelly beans
And they are petty, very, very petty at times
What I mean with this is, maybe Skeppy will try and kill forever if he gets too jealous
Or maybe he'll accept it, and even become friends with him, but then, then will the real problem start because if that happens I can asure you, Bad is not gonna have any of that, that man is extremely jealous of his Skeppy even if he will never admit it, and in this kind of situation, the person who will suffer the most is not gonna be any of them
Is gonna be Foolish who will have to deal with Bad's complains
And Dapper will have to wittnes, yet more, marital problems
I do have fate in forever tho! (Tho i kinda miss the fun it was him following Phil around)
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rzyraffek · 2 years
hello again jiji (walks on all fours and leaves his order) a reaction from the slashers (the ones you want) to a y/n that draws nsfw of them (again, I love the other one) KISSES AND THANK YOU SO MUCH♡
Omg its u again🙄/j As always thanks for reuqest!! Sorry it took few days to write I was sick😔pronouns she/her Requests open
Slashers reacting to y/n nsfw drawings of them
Asa emory
He just came back, he is rarley home so he assumed she will be out or sleeping
He went into house and streight into bedroom(bug men needs sleep too😴)
He saw the drawing just vibing on desk near bed, he really looks at Her stuff but he choose violence today
"Uhhhhh🧍‍♂️" "wha, oh ur home😊 nice to-Asa what are you looking at?😨" "Uhhhhhh🧍"
Asa did expect her to miss him (due to him being all busy and away from home most of time) but like?? Gurl? U down bad pls??? She could say so? "Aww poor loney thing, you know you could just text me~" "🤯NO😳Asa its 4am😩🤨"
I mean Asa is very very creative men im sure He will figure something out, how to make it up to her.
"I always thought you prefered bugs tbh" "I- You mean like in bed??🤨" "yea😔" "wtf🧍"
Man just came back from lovley killing spree he had, he was ready to tell her all about stupid people he encoutered today
"Im back honey! Ooh- she left little gift for me awww*sees the drawing* 😳😍oh myy i didint know you had those ideas"
Btw she in fact did not leave it there on purpose and she did not want him to see it
"What what u screaming about *sees it* ohgodno i can explain really I-"
If he will try to tease her, she should just shmack him really🔨, he stops or gets bullied by his gf
Once per few weeks he will radomly remind her of sins that she commited, she will exprience flashbacks
Heelshie Brahms
Man was watching her draw for good 30minutes, of course she had no clue, he was in walls
He didnt really know what she was drawing but she seemed really blushy and into it. And we all know that Brahms is curious creature ofcourse he will look at stuff she drew
Bro got into the room while she was out doing chores. He took the paper, and looked at it for good few mintues until "oh I forgot my towel-BRAHMS WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN- NNOO DONT LOOK" "Bloody hell what am I looking at🤨"
He wasnt flustered or anything He just kinda 🤨💀
"I mean if you have any Dreams you could ju-" "NO NO I DONT IM GOING BACK TO AMERCIA"
She in fact didnt go back to amercia, and he stole the drawing btw
Ah😍 he came back from hunt, ready to give y/n a lovley gift!
Oh mate im back from hunt! I- what- what is that- what is the meaning! I- Mate explain!!"
Alien man got confused
He will carry it all the way to place where shes vibing rn (bonus points if they leave with other humans/yautjas cuz He wasnt covering any of it) "WHAT what, what you mean mate??? I- I do not understand :( "
Guys pls be patient the big guy does not understand :(
Its even worse because not only she has to wittnes her lover being all 😨😔😍 but in addition she has to explain it to him?? Duble boom
"If you crave anything mate, you could just tell me🙄"
This is post made by asexual gang. Shout out to all asexual gang members. Remeber to like and subscibe to join asexual gang
Not the best fics, i would rate it 6/10 in funny scale.
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Everyone had a quiet morning, the staff is opening the diffrent buildings and get ready to take orders or help out. The sun is halfway rised and the clouds pass by. Everything seems normal at first. We are moving torwards noon and some changes in decorations happend. A podest for a speech or something appears to. Half an hour later everyone got calld to show up for a meeting at the podest. Lucas is going to hold a speech.
"Good morning my dear guests. I hope everyone had a good start in the day. Today we are going to celebrate something special." He opens the speech and greets everyone with a bright smile.
The wind is moving the trees slightly. "With this moment I announce my marrige!" Music starts playing. "Come forward." He gestures his hand offering to Wrin. Wrin wasnt warned befor head and was as surprised as a few selective people while the rest of the crowd is desinteressted or confused. Wrin is a bit nervouse if not even akward. After all those people got lured in for a vacation and are now the wittnes of this marrige. Wrin sighs because of Lucas actions but goes forward.
Wrin climps the podest and stand by Lucas side. Lucas puts a ring on his finger with a smile and gives Wrin another ring. Wrin puts this ring on Lucas finger. The music got louder and end with an artistic outro. Through the speakers is a cheering heard. Afterall Lucas had known that most likely the crowd wouldnt be that intterested and took matters in his own hands. "Thank you thank you." He bows to the fake cheering torwards the crowd.
With that both Lucas and Wrin are marryd.
After another speech of how gratefull Lucas is that so many came only for his wedding, Wrin got the horner to throw a bouquet of flowers.
Who might catch the flowers? Is there even anyone who consider marrige in there dark lifes?
Wrin chuckles at the display of all that. Lucas thanks everyone and wish them a great party for the rest of the month.
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anchoeritic · 2 years
i will make sure i die before i ever let my eyes wittnes the end of the stepdad era.
i will have solved world hunger, climate change, pollution, litteraly the chronically online kids before i ever let it end.
if you have 100 fans i am one of them. if you have 10 i’m there. if you have 1 it’s me. if you have 0 i’m dead.
i love you. you fuel my deep daddy issues with gob swobling smut.
i don’t know who you are but i would let you put a baby in me tbh. multiple children. this is the most romantic thing anyone’s ever told me and i’ve been in 3 serious relationships. i love you so much hello i feel like we’re rose and jack rn 😃
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olivviiaa010 · 2 years
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what did i just wittnes 
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If you take requests may I ask for VDL gang with a modern reader who is basically sniper from tf2 lol like they wittnes them sniping the O'driscoll members from high up and if it comes to it they throw piss jars at them, also yes they're an Aussie making them texan british people who live on a piece of land full of extremely dangerous creatures so they're skilled in beating ass and handling danger noodles and handsized creepy crawlies
P.S I love your blog
I’ve never played Team Fortress but I’ll try my best
P.S. Thank you 💙
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blueguydraws · 3 years
I would love to see once a Godzilla horror movie, kinda like what the first one was intended to be. Its first third could be about devices showing nonsensical results, reports about ships disappearing in a specific area, diferent scientists, inspectors, sailors eperiencing unexplainable things independently but only to an extent wich still could be kinda explained by normal means even if the chances are really low. And then one morning the signs of something gigantic dragging itself across a small town can be seen. But it was so radioactive it can not be seen on any footage, where it would be visible there are only static like smear can be seen and anyone who would be an eye wittnes died from radiation poisoning during the night.
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girosnegros · 1 year
Florecer En Vivo: N.Hardem Cultiva «Verdor» En CDMX
México, CDMX | Agencia de Noticias ArrimetricA.  Jueves, de una calurosa noche de verano. Afuera, sobre la avenida México-Tenochtitlán, las animadas luces de la marquesina del foro Hilvana invitaban a los coches y a los transeúntes a pasar un rato con N. Hardem y Mismo Perro e Invitados. Para quienes no pudieron verlo hace un año, el rapero bogotano volvió con una gira corta por el país, que arrancó en Guadalajara y termina en Puebla.
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El set de bienvenida estuvo a cargo de Bobby Soprano quien giró una fina colección de hits duros y pavonados como Monch o Biggie para los asistentes que todavía iban llegando. Una hora más tarde Charlot La tribu salió a recibir a los heads que tímidamente se acercaban. AfroOmega y Ese-O salieron minutos más tarde con un show rebosante de beats duros y basslines graves. Fue una actuación imprevista luego de que la banda poblana Fat Mojo no pudiera llegar. Al irse, un intermedio largo y sin música, dejaron una sensación de incertidumbre pues el acto principal se haría un poco del rogar.
Cerca de la medianoche las luces se apagaron anticipando el inicio. Suspenso. No hubo música o setlist ni fanfarrias. Serenidad ceremonial. Mismo Perro salió y tomó su posición, y segundos después, N. Hardem emergió como un fantasma salido de los altavoces. Gritos y aplausos llegaron hasta el techo. Dio unos pasos alrededor, cayeron los primeros compases, se balanceaba sobre sus pies, y con el puño en alto dedicó 'Mi Juego Zen' a Rafael Cassiani quien falleció ese mismo día. Le siguió con 'LQME' luego oportunamente con 'Señales de humo' cuando el olor turbio a mota estaba en su punto. En la intensidad de la peste los ánimos se pusieron pata pa' arriba con 'Director y Protagonista'. Vapores y olores se mezclaban en la atmósfera. Como las espirales de humo, la noche empezaba a elevarse con un repertorio de canciones que se esperaban sonar en el algún momento.
La presencia de Hardem se hizo notar fluyendo sobre las bases. Se le veía cómodo como si verdadera voz floreciera desde el escenario. Pero no toda la atención fue para él. Mismo Perro cargó el peso del show como DJ, manipulando los platos o haciendo la doble voz. También se pasó al frente con un par de canciones hipnóticas, 'Burundangalas' y 'Merthiolate', del DBEN. Su verborrea hustla más sus instrumentales sin tarolas y bombos le dieron un toque espeso al ambiente.
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La primera mitad fue un viaje ascendente por dos décadas de epés, música, y proyectos de N. Hardem, la variedad de sus estilos fue clave para mantener al público moviendo el cuello. Una mezcla de estados y estilos variados que resumen su trayectoria. Sin embargo, lo más frenético de la velada ocurrió cuando inesperadamente bajó del proscenio y se formó una rueda humana a su alrededor. De un momento a otro la división entre artista y público se desvaneció. Se armó un slam que esparciaba una catarsis colectiva. Terapia solaz. Más que con un concierto, aquello era una fiesta. «El hip hop es un deporte de contacto y el que diga lo contrario no es bienvenido aquí» dijo al volver a la tarima.
La noche por fin llegó al clímax con las últimas canciones de la obra estelar de N. Hardem, «Verdor», que todavía lo tiene de aquí para allá. Las cajas jazzy y los beats drumless dieron paso a percusiones percutidas y samples arenosos de salsa con funk que evocaban el calor de una madrugada de un viernes sin estrellas, pero iluminada por un juego de tiras de luces. La trompeta de 'Apolo' se despedía con un adiós melódico a un largo recorrido. No hubo necesidad de un encore, con 'Otro Agosto' los fans estaban satisfechos con el eco de la música en sus corazones pese a estar más de una hora parados.
A diferencia del sonido introspectivo de su último álbum, N. Hardem estalló con cadencias, flows y deliverys que parecen ser re-escritos para la ocasión. Su show está muy bien trabajado y su voz diverge radicalmente en vivo, en este caso adquiriendo una dimensión única. Tal como lo declaró en una entrevista, el escenario es donde sus creaciones alcanzan su plena realización.
ᵢ ₜₕₑ Wᵢₜₜₙₑₛ
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blau-s · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I was tagged by the lovely @rain-hat​ I’m so sorry I ramble a lot here, as usual.
 3 days later, but I’m here.
So, this year, after almost a decade of absolutely nothing I wrote 102396 words which may not sound that impressive to some of you, but they mean the world to me.
I’ve only posted three fics, and two of them go together, but here they are.
I know Rainhat already did, but I’m tagging @sadviper​ and @macgyver-sheriff​(you obviously don’t have to do it, but all three of you are literally the only fic writers that I know (and I have to add you are also my favorites)).
(Aaaand If you finish reading this, you are absolutely heroes because damn, I talk a lot)
Heridas abiertas (English) – Exit Wounds (Spanish)
Honestly, I don’t know how to talk about this story without going into full rambling mode. After six months of endless hours of work, it feels like this is the longest relationship I’ve ever had. Which you know: sad.
I think I’ve told you most of the things that drove me to start this frightening journey and I say almost every single time that it was out of pettiness (I feel like the very first thing I said to Viper was “It’s because I’m petty” which y’know shouldn’t be something to be proud of). The thing about this story is that even though I conceived part of the original idea quite early on, it always feels like it came too late. And that’s a feeling I haven’t been able to shake off completely.
I believe that when you have your characters going through hell and then you give them an ending that dismisses the growth and the grief that they had to endure, it’s not a story worth telling. I wanted those two to have fulfilling lives, but I also wanted them to face the consequences of everything that happened to them, of the decision they took and of their roles that, and I’ve said this too, could be interchanged quickly if you see them from a different point of view.
And I poured so much of my heart into it, from places I’ve visited to some that I really wanted to see with my own eyes, to people that I missed (some of them had cameos within the story) to food and songs that I love. Overall, I wanted somewhere safe to go back to.
(There are a ton of other nuances that only concern me, like lexical choices, the use of passive voices and gerunds in Spanish, paragraphs that consist of single lines, and capitalization that I hope I remember in the future when I go back to read it).
But you know, in the end, I’m so proud of this story. And I really hope you could find a happy place there too.
 We’re in this together now
I wrote this story because I was actively avoiding the translation of Exit Wounds. My friend V told me so many times to write it in English and I pretended I didn’t see. It was the first fic that I posted after an eternity and it was a terrifying experience. Some of my texts in English are out there, but there’s something so frightening about doing it with a story that feels so personal. I mean the sole act of sharing something in a language you learned as a foreign language (there is one big difference there) requires a lot of courage, believe it or not (?).  
About that story I love that dream-like pace I think I kept during almost 9k. I think it’s my prettiest (?) child, but it’s definitely not my favorite (I’m sorry WITTN, I still love you).
I also embroidered this
This was the first pandemic activity I reached for (?), after like 84 years of leaving catholic school. The internet said, how many stitches do you want? And I said “yes”. 9/10 just because the back of it is a mess. Iron we don’t know her.
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luciadiosa · 2 years
work demands so much from me right now. organize imports of datas, going to court to be a wittnes of one case of my work. do the normal stuff etc. (well not work, but many are on vacation or ill so i am the only one here)
i am pregnant. i want a nice calm end for my work befor i take care of my baby 😆
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cowboybuckleys · 6 years
Don´t get me wrong, Davids sl has been great so far, and I know sometimes it takes victims a long time to speak up, but I just don´t know how long they can stretch it before it becomes repetetive. It hasnt so far, that´s not what I mean, I´m just curious about how long it wil take before the secret is out. Garys trial is apperantley in June (with supportive Gary whoop whoop) and I imagine it´s not until at least after that trial. Maybe David can blurt it out at the wittnes stand?
tbh that’s one of the things i’ve worried about. i’ve loved the pacing so far, but i don’t want it to end up like Pat’s storyline where it gets to the point that it feels like it’s been 84 years. but with the way the pacing has gone thus far, i’m pretty hopeful. i’m not sure that David is a blurt it out on the stand kind of guy (mostly cos it’d only be June and i figured they’d extend this part of the storyline longer than that), but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i guess it’s certainly possible that it comes out around the trial. for me, predicting when comes down to when and exactly what Shona finds out from this other guy.
i just hope Emma sticks around after whatever this relationship is ends, cos she’s adorable and sweet and can you imagine the humor she’d bring to this show having to interact with Bethany on a regular basis?? 
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hoples · 7 years
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Once looong time ago I got ask how I would look like Ace attorney culprit/wittnes. I pushed it back since I wanted to animate it, today I just went “Fuck it” and did this finally...
Im new to ... gif and animation making as you can see...
try to guess what I did... (hint, it was arson)
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aneurizma · 5 years
I just explained all the cursed fics of bandom and phandom to my girlfriend and honestly I feel bad that she had to read that with her own 2 eyes
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vmendoza2013 · 7 years
Sept 13,2017
Today was good i had woke Up at 5 in the morning to get my husband coffee and ready for work but my day was just getin started just as I thought I was going back to sleep my 2 year old wakes up then the 2month old lol so I beast fed the 2month old and got Him back to bed but but the 2 year old was sweet he just wanted to cuddle with mom even tho he did not fell back to sleep intell 7am but it was worth it to hold him in my arms it's funny how fast they grow and then I stared my day when the little ones sleep I clean the room and the house lol just so the two year old can make a mess of it later and I provoke would pick up the same mountain of toys about 10 or more times in a day lol but I love it and then later was butter sweet because the 2month old got his first vaccines it's good for him but I hate to hear him cry and my 2 year old got mad at the nurse because she gave his little brother shots and he wanted to hit her because he also sas how it hurt his brother and then he went to his little brother to console him it was such a sweet and tender moment I was lucky to have wittnes it and then later in the evening we had pizza for dinner got everyone shower and ready for bed and me and my husband relax and enjoy the night and then went to bed I love my family and the life god has bless me with and I would not change it for anything else in the world
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