#The point of Lyudmila’s story is that in order to make her dream come true she also needs to spend her time with her family for balance
lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
Okay so mushroom for Ángel (although I feel like I know the answer XD), sunflower for Fausto and palm tree for Stanislaw and/or Lyudmila, if you'd like to
Thank you so much, Blue!
🍄 [MUSHROOM] How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find?
I love this question for Ángel XD Anyway, I think it’s quite plausible for several reasons: 1) he’s curious 2) he loves spending his time outdoors 3) he rarely thinks through
Ángel was strolling around the jungle trails, carelessly swinging his arms, until his eye was caught by a bush of bright red berries, “Oh, check it out, Gabe! Those berries look rad! I’m gonna taste it.”
Trudging through the thickets, Gabriel made his way to Ángel and stood next to the bush with his arms crossed and his eyes squinted, “Are you sure you should? What if they’re poisonous?”
“Is there any other way to find out?” Ángel laughed as he was examining the bush from all angles so he could choose the best berry to taste.
“Looking up in the atlas?” Gabriel muttered as he raised his eyebrow.
Ángel snorted and waved his arm at his incredulous friend. Once there was a berry that passed Ángel’s tough selection, he plucked it with a crunch and tossed it into his mouth.
Gabriel rolled his eyes yet he wasn’t surprised he’d been ignored again. As Ángel was chewing the berry, he turned to Gabriel and exclaimed, “See? Nothing happ—”
Ángel put his hand on his head as his knees buckled, and he fell on the ground. Gabriel’s eyes widened, and he rushed to Ángel, shaking his shoulder.
Gabriel grabbed Ángel’s hand and placed his fingers on his wrist to check his pulse and suddenly heard a giggle.
Gabriel frowned and saw how Ángel was slowly raising his head from the ground with a broad smile and intensifying laughter. Gabriel was staring at him, and once their eyes met, he pushed Ángel in his chest and got to his feet.
“Oh c’mon, Gabe! That was a joke!” Ángel exclaimed, trying to apologize yet he kept laughing.
He plucked a few more berries from the bush and caught up with Gabriel, handing them to him.
“As we got, they’re not poisonous,” Gabriel suspiciously looked at the berries and shifted his gaze to Ángel’s awkwardly smiling face.
Exhaling heavily, he took one berry and timidly put it into his mouth, slowly chewing it. Waiting for a few seconds to make sure nothing would happen to him, he looked at Ángel.
“Never joke like this.”
“Of course not! I wouldn’t want to put us in a berry situation again.”
“Now that was a very bad pun.”
“Yeah, I know. I had no ideas.”
Gabriel chuckled and took a few more berries from Ángel’s hand.
“You know, I plucked the berries you’re eating now from another bush. They taste even better.”
Gabriel froze for a moment and spat a berry out of his mouth which made Ángel laugh again.
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place?
Oh Fausto baby boy. It’s been such a long time since I’ve talked about him.
Okay, I’m not sure how to answer this question because I really don’t know x) But since he’s a musician, I can imagine him being absolutely fascinated by the concert halls especially when he performed on stage for the first time himself.
Fausto timidly pulled back the curtain and looked at the audience through a narrow gap. The concert hall was filled with people pointing their gazes at the stage and awaiting the beginning of the show.
Fausto clutched to the neck of his violin and abruptly moved away from the curtain, walking around the stage in circles.
It was the first concert he performed.
Many years spent composing on a violin and sharing his little works with his family and friends yet he couldn’t help but feel a lump in his throat and how his palms were sweating when he pictured himself in front of the crowd of people staring at him in his head.
Fausto stopped when his draining anxiety was replaced by the warm words of encouragement he heard from his parents the day before the concert.
You make us happy, mijo.
They were proud of him. They always told him that. They knew how passionate he was and had no doubt he would give his all today.
A slight smile shone on Fausto’s face, and he turned towards the curtain as it was slowly opening. The concert was about to begin. He took a deep breath and placed his violin on his shoulder, gazing at the applauding audience.
He closed his eyes, and his bow was slowly running over the strings. The music coming from the violin dissolved in the air and intertwined with the pictures of his past that he could see in front of him despite still having his eyes closed.
The day his parents gave him his violin and encouraged him to create and be himself. Family “concerts” he arranged with his Abuela Scarlett. The first time he visited “a secret concert” his Papá and Tío Ángel visited themselves when they were teenagers.
He got lost in the moment and lowered his hand holding a bow and heard a loud applause which made him wake up from the trance and open his eyes widely. He saw how people were getting up from their seats to give him a standing ovation and heard how they were screaming his name.
Fausto froze for a moment, and then his lips curled into a soft smile. He bowed and scanned the concert hall, noticing his parents who were clapping and cheering for him more than anyone else in the auditorium.
He chuckled as he was overfilled with his own emotions and bowed for the last time before the curtain was closed.
🌴 [PALM TREE] What are the stops on your OC's dream cruise? What boat are they on?
To be honest, this question is hard in itself and given the fact I hesitate giving the answer without discussing it with you first, it makes it even harder x)
Anyway, I’ll probably go with Lyudmila because her dream seems clearer to me than Stanislaw’s (I’m not sure what his dream even is?). She’s a knyaz, she wants to be a good ruler, to restore her kingdom to greatness, and given the fact how responsible and good at planning she is, she definitely knows what steps she has to make to achieve it. But the shadows of the past might pull her down.
After discussing the trade plans with the court, Lyudmila stayed in the council chamber to take a closer look at the treaties she thought of concluding with foreign kingdoms.
She smiled as she realized that Lachia’s position on the world stage was getting better and better every year and her own people rejoiced and felt more protected. They extolled her, they loved her, they didn’t hesitate to brag about how they had the best ruler in all of the EverRealm.
Lyudmila was flattered. But not in the sense that she felt unworthy of their praise. As a born royal, she always knew her own worth and strived to carry it as she was supposed to. Which, as she and the rest of Lachians could see, was successful.
She knew what she wanted to achieve and what was more important: she knew exactly what to do next to keep her kingdom flourished. It wasn’t exhausting, nor pressuring, it was natural and gratifying.
As Lyudmila was sorting out the papers, she came across an old torn sheet. She frowned and turned it to the other side with a quiet gasp. It was a letter Aleksandr wrote to her many years ago. When Stanislaw was gone.
Her eyes were running over the lines, and without reaching the end, she shook her head and put the letter on the desk to get back to her work.
It'd been several years since she’d found out the truth. Her best friend was to blame for the death of the man she loved. He’d earned her trust so he could lie to her and pretend that nothing happened. He betrayed her. And she still couldn’t forgive him.
She covered her forehead with her hand with a deep sigh as she couldn’t focus on anything else anymore. The only thing she thought about was Aleksandr. The day when she found out the truth.
Lyudmila kept standing in the middle of the room with her head down and suddenly heard a knock on the door. She turned her head and saw Stanislaw.
“Your Majesty,” he bowed as he kept standing at the doorway.
Lyudmila smiled, “We’re alone, Stasio. Come in.”
He entered the room, and Lyudmila was going to give him a hug but saw how he had his bandura on his back.
“I was going to play with the kids and thought I could perform something on my bandura!” He said and took a musical instrument in his hands, slowly strumming the strings.
“Remember how you heard me playing for the first time and then we spent our whole evenings together?”
“Yes. I remember. And how you were teaching me.”
“Trying to teach you,” Stanislaw laughed, and Lyudmila scoffed softly.
“And that was your favourite song.”
Stanislaw started playing, and Lyudmila was swaying slightly, remembering how she also heard this melody in her dreams when Stanislaw was gone. How it reminded her of him and how she never forgot him.
Once the music trailed off, Stanislaw glanced at Lyudmila and she fell into his arms.
“I love you.”
Stanislaw, not being caught off guard at all, responded to her embrace and whispered, “I love you, too, Miła.”
They released each other from their arms, and Lyudmila glanced at the desk filled with papers.
“You know, I’ve been working for quite a long time now, so I think I’ll join you.”
Stanislaw kissed Lyudmila on her forehead and took her hand with a beam. She smiled back.
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