#The problem I have between FOP and DP is that with FOP headcanons it's easy to write things off as magic and worldbuilding
fountainpenguin · 7 years
I think Sam and Jazz may have been switched at birth. Sam has Maddie's violet eyes as well as Jack's black hair and eyes without pupils. Both Pamela and Jeremy have pupils, like Jazz, and Jazz has Pamela's eye and hair colour. As for being in different grades, Sam could have been held back for rebellious behaviour, or mollycoddled by her overprotective "parents" (à la Marlin from "Finding Nemo"). What do you think?
If a black-haired man and a light-haired woman managed to have children with both black and red hair, the genetics have been called into question from the start. These are our options:
Jack is not Jazz’s father
Maddie had her with a ginger man
Jazz is adopted and Maddie isn’t her mom
Jack and Danny both have red/brown hair and dye theirs black
Jazz’s real hair color is brown but she dyes it a natural shade of red
We lampshade this with an argument about cartoon scientists messing with their kids’ eumelanin and pheomelanin levels for entertainment
My assumption is that a boy with ghostly white hair makes a good image, and therefore his human form should have black hair. Thus, we give one parent black hair, and in the interest of avoiding an entirely black-haired family and making them more aesthetically interesting, we ignore reality and substitute our own. As with many aspects of DP, I sigh and write realistic genetics off as something I Can’t Use For Serious Worldbuilding or Headcanons™.
Jazz and Sam being switched at birth does sound like an interesting headcanon, especially if you went through the effort of explaining away the obvious problem with their ages. If you pursue it, I’d like to see.
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