chesterpurr · 8 years
Sanity Check || Chester & Hadrian
It had happened, again!! Chester had gone to sleep in his own bed, dreamt of running through a forest, wild... free, hunting down prey, a small bandersnatch, an easy kill. Then he’d woken, wearing just pyjama pants, blood all around his mouth, blotches of it on his bare chest and several scraps and bruises on his body. Most disturbingly, the dead animal had been before him this time... A rabbit, half eaten. He’d vomited there, and in a haze of pain stemming from a headache stumbled towards his home. Images flashing, a girl with blond hair, a woman in a large red dress, an incredibly ugly short woman, Maddox -Hatter- drinking tea, walking cards. His mind was in shock, and didn’t process them at  all. 
His eyes were glazed over, and he walked half hunched, moving on instinct, lurching through the woodland brush, no care for the state stepping on thorns and brambles was doing to his bare feet. Miraculously, partly thanks to the early hour, he avoided being seen by anyone and stumbled into the Richdale Apartment building. He went up the stairs, half on all fours, head jerking about nervously. 
He continued moving, not realising he continued until the stairs ran out, and he hit the penthouse level. He came to a door and on instinct hunched forward and tried to open it. It was locked. He pulled on the door handle, jiggling the door, hissing that it wouldn’t obey him. And then the door was open. And Hadrian was standing before his trembling frame. 
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chesterpurr · 8 years
Into the Woods || Chester & Hadrian
Chester had a phone tucked under his chin while he sorted a few more books onto his shelf. He rolled his eyes at what the caller said and spoke, “Aileen, you sound awful, start talking to me and get to bed. Before I send a good Doctor around to chain you too it.” The woman chuckled, though it was slightly ruined by her croaky voice and constant sniffing.
“Alright, but just make sure to be careful, Hadrian can be a... difficult man to talk too.” she forced out. “Yes, I’ve already had the pleasure,” he said wryly, “And don’t worry, I can handle myself, I’ve dealt with worse than him before.” They said a few more goodbyes and promises to meet up when she was better before handing up. Chester rather liked Aileen, she was a smart woman, and she didn’t seem put off by his own particularities. If anything she seemed intrigued by them.
Chester set up his recording equipment, preferring to simply speak with patients when they arrived and make notes of the meeting later. He did however have one piece of paperwork Aileen had forwarded to him, a court paper he needed to sign to prove Hadrian had attended this session. Dr. Hopper had been the first choice but he was seeing Henry and apparently Madame Mayor’s son was quite the priority patient. From the little Chester had seen the boy seemed well to him. 
He was contemplating this when there was a knock on his door. Smirking a little at what he was certain would be an interesting experience he straightened his waistcoat, turned the recorder on and went to open the door, quite sure his appearance would be a surprise. Chester smiled widely at the older man. “Mr. Theos, so pleased to see you again. Please, come in and take a seat.”
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chesterpurr · 8 years
Chester and Hadrian
1. Who leaves first in the morning?
Hadrian. Chester can be very lazy and often won’t wake until he has too. He sets most of his appointments for late morning because of this, much to Hadrian’s annoyance.
2. Who comes back last in the evening?
Chester. Even though he finishes work before the other he gets easily distracted and will often come back hours later than intended with a story of how a fallen leaf kept him away. 
3. Who wants to go out and who prefers to stay inside?
Chester enjoys strolls and explorations to sitting in reading most days, and often asks Hadrian to accompany him. The other mostly refuses but since Chester will go regardless of the other’s choice sometimes he can be persuaded.
4. What TV shows do they watch?
Whichever Hadrian wishes, Chester waits till he’s asleep and watches his own then. He’ll leave the other in bed alone until he twigs that sharing the TV could get some creative rewards.
5.What movie do they fight about?
Fight Club. Chester enjoys psychoanalysing every other scene to point out what’s real and what isn’t. Hadrian wishes he’d just shut up and watch the damn movie.  
6.What music plays in their home?
Classical. One of the few things they agree on is playing classical instrumental and jazz music. Though when he’s gone Chester suspects Hadrian breaks out the classic rock.
7.Who forces whom to go clothes shopping?
Neither. They both enjoy buying clothes, though Chester is trying to get Hadrian to let Chester buy him a few things. After one or two well received gifts, he’s starting to consider it. 
8.What is their favorite place in Glasswall?
Their parlour. Chester works and read quietly in there while Hadrian does the same. Occasionally if they’re feeling playful eyes will meet across the room and that’s all it’ll take for the papers to be cast aside and more creative uses found for their desks.
9.Who spends the most on hair products?
Hadrian. Chester runs some goop through his hair and is good to go, much to Hadrian’s irritation. 
10.Who is more romantic?
Chester, though he knows better than to try and woo the other with candles and flowers. Instead he analyses Hadrian’s mood before he’s even spoken to him and acts accordingly. He likes to think Hadrian at least see’s that as it’s own kind of care.
11.What would they change about each other? 
Chester wants Hadrian to be more open about what he thinks and feels, a little softer too. His constant aggression can be a drain, and while he can hold his own Chester wishes he wouldn’t have to. Hadrian wants Chester to stop being so vague and assessing. He’s a very shrew and successful man so it bothers him that Chester can throw him off by analysing his moods and keeping his conclusions about it to himself. 
12.Who likes Glasswall more?
They both like it. Chester for it’s character and the people within it who come to him for help, Hadrian for the power he has within the city. 
13.Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon?
Hadrian’s the big spoon, at first anyway. He often only shows more affection when he’s too tired to care, so Chester takes it and lets himself be held. Usually by the mornings the situation is reversed, neither of them bring it up, they both quite like it, and talking about it would only ruin it.
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