otaku-trash · 2 years
The Gang’s Soulmate Questions
Soooooo I have a question.
Do you want me to add more characters to the soulmate list?
I've been going back and correcting some things so it makes sense, and I've been getting questions (I'm not upset about it. I'm actually happy about them) if certain characters are a part of the soulmate list.
There are three that keep being asked for...
Yasuhiro Muto,
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Kakucho Hitto,
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and Seishu Inui
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I'm more than happy to add characters but i'd rather that be done before the story really starts to pick up the pace.
If you want them to be added then comment which character(s) you wante added.
There needs to be around 10 votes for the character to be added to the soulmate list. On my Wattled account there has been one for both Yasuhiro Muto and Kakucho Hitto, so those two inly need 9 more votes while Seishu Inui and Sunday the 19th is the deadline.
I hope you all have a lovely day night whatever it is when you read this note <3333333333333333
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