thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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TIBERIUS- “Do we know how these hybrids came about, and how are they multiplying?”
ALEX- “The witches that do not die from the bite of the vampire, instead turn. Their power becomes intensified, and they are lethal..”
TIBERIUS- “But they are not immortal.”
ALEX- “No, they can be killed, but—-
TIBERIUS- “No, I don’t care about anything else. If they are not immortal, they can be destroyed, and we must act quickly.”
CRISTINE- “But many are our own people that have been turned.”
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TIBERIUS- “Then we must find a way to remove the vampiric curse from their bloodstream. Surely you have found something in my great uncles records in regards to this. Hell he was doing this 20 years ago when he was under the control of—-”
ALEX- “We have been working on an antidote, but to date we have not been successful. However, a few of us think that the ring that Michael obtained may hold the answer.”
TIBERIUS- “Then use it!”
CRISTINE- “Master Boedell, we all know what this ring can do to a normal witch if used, and worn over a period of time.”
TIBERIUS- “I am not a normal witch!”
ALEX- “That is why I have brought you here, Tiberius. You said yourself that you are not governed by the same laws as we are.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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As she began to speak, I noticed right away she did not acknowledge me as she was starting to speak.  She was directing her conversation towards, Alex.  I now knew how she was keeping me from reading her mind.
CRISTINE: “Master Goth, I am not sure----
ALEX- “It is fine, Cristine, Tiberius is here on my invitation, he can assist us.”
CRISTINE- “It has gotten worse, Master Goth since I reported to you last week. There is a tribe of vampires that are seeking us out, one by one and----
TIBERIUS- “Seriously??  You brought me here to help with a little vampire uprising? This has been going on for ions. I really don’t think this is cause for---
Finally Cristine looked me directly in the eye, and as she did, I could read her. Everything came at me fast and furiously. Her memories, and her fears.
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CRISTINE- “They are not normal vampires. Master Boedell. They are—
TIBERIUS- “Hybrids…but not like myself.”
CRISTINE- “No, not like yourself, they feed, but only witch blood to gain their abilities. Once they take the witches blood, the witches powers are depleted, their bodies begin to deteriorate and some have died.”
I turned to my grandfather…
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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“Everyone keeps telling me I’m the bad guy.”
    Italians call them Strega that practice Stregheria. West Africans called them Ashai which meant mother, other African nations called them Heksa and here they have always been known as Witch.
For centuries vampires have fought them and fought beside them. Vetted them and burned them. But whether an adversary or ally they have been a force to reckon with. Witches have been strong and in some cities they are it’s anchor.  ~ (Elijah Mikaelson from the Originals, S1 Ep11)
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  “ In our lineage there have been powerful witches and warlocks. Their names are recognizable, not only to the coven and realm but in society. From the very first of our line to come to this country, Morgana Goth I. Legend tells us that she came to this new country to flee her cruel husband, Vladimir Straud. Then others came after her...”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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TIBERIUS- “Yes, of course I do. You know that Joseph does not have what it takes.  I could have told you that before I was banished.  I know the future, Grandfather. I know the outcome if he were to lead this realm.  But everything is in place already. The ceremonies begin in two days. The council has voted...unanimously. And why would I even want it?”
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ALEX- “You would not have come if you didn’t want it Tiberius.
TIBERIUS- “Touche, grandfather.”
ALEX- “It is more than Joseph not being ready, Ty. Many things are happening within our covens. I have invited someone to join our meeting.
As he said this, a young, beautiful woman, probably about my age, sashayed into the office. She walked with grace, and confidence, and right away, I realized she was a very powerful witch.  I could not read her mind, and I could read anyone’s mind.
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ALEX- “Stop trying, Tiberius, it is of no use.  You can not read her,there is a powerful spell placed upon the walls here so that magics can not be used unless she allows it. I would like you to meet, Crisitne Jones. She is the current coven master of San Myshuno. And a distant relative through the Jones lineage. Go ahead, Cristine, explain what is happening in San Myshuno.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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“You Morgana II,powerful, but denied your birthright, for the good of the realm... then Bella and Saffron, Cruz, Nico, Thymian, Vada and now my mother, Mila- to name most of them. But in all of these, never has there been an all powerful witch, oh yes, many were powerful, very powerful but not all powerful.
    This Realm House is the base, yes. I and others before me have been matriculated through these halls and buildings. Being taught to use our gifts for community and life, but never for our own gain, as the consequences are severe. But as I look back over the years and generations I see time and time again where we, the Boedell’s did not follow our own teaching.  Case in point, even though he was not a witch, as far as we know, Jon Boedell, or his birth name, Samuel Madden, Jr. was a ruthless and evil man.  Killing his wife and step-daughter and burying them in the crawl space of his home while he manipulated a rich socialite, Nancy Landgraab. Who ultimately was his downfall. And even before him, his own birth father, Samuel Madden who conspired with Simis Bachelor, the father of the great Bella, and extorted money together from their boss, a Goth. Then Samuel’s wife later marrying Robert Boedell, and giving Samuel his name, Jon Boedell, and the start of our family heritage. 
     Then came Josiah, a doctor, who had powers, but he did not use them, or maybe didn’t even know that he had them. Lived his early life in deprivation but sought his father and manipulated his way into his life, because of stories that his mother told him. Stories of the wealth held by his father’s birth father. And it all came to fruition once his father died, then he alone held the fortune, given to him by the Madden family. How do you think this came to be? A will? Oh yes, I would agree, but how was the will created and why would Samuel Madden leave this fortune to a grandson he didn’t even know? Take a guess… but you don’t need to, as you had a plan all along, didn’t you Morgana?
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And that plan continued….with, Josiah and his wife Jamie bringing Ozwald, or Oz into the world.  A name we all recognize. His was a life of wealth and luxury it was all he knew. He too had gifts, that he was unaware of and began to see that there was a power living among them. Aliens. He  used this knowledge and killed a mad scientist.  He then was manipulated as well by a witch.  A family of female witches, bent on revenge, that used their powers for their own gain, creating a love spell wherein would cause Oz to lay with the youngest witch daughter, and she became impregnated with triplets.  One of which would become one of the most powerful and recognized names of our lineage.  Saffron or Saffie Boedell.  Powerful, oh yes, but again, not ALL powerful.
Oh and yet again, that manipulation that YOU used,  Morgana Goth II, even in death to unite this powerful witch with an heir of the Goth’s, Savron Cruz, your very son, Morgana. To create a blood bond between two witch families.  
Then came Cruz. Our most beloved, who together with his vampire husband took down an evil witch, created by your spirit of Morgana Goth.  This same Cruz,  the one that burnt alive a son of the Landgraabs, who sought revenge. The Cruz who was later abducted and impregnated by the very aliens his grandfather had sought. Even sending one of his own blood to the aliens, and when he returned to seek his own revenge, Cruz electrocuted him, making sure he could no longer harm any of them or   His own father’s murderer, his sister, would later would carry the children of Saffie’s son, Cruz. The twins, Noah and Quentin, For their own gain, unwittingly maybe, but still for their own gain and to continue the line and lineage of witches.  Even my own existence came because of one that wished to preserve their own self gain. Prince Ulysses Rocha...my great-grandfather...I could go on and on, through each generation from Cruz to my own mother, Mila and her brother, Michael.. and list those killed by their powers, for what reason? Self preservation...but it is all here, in their grimoires, to read and see for ourselves.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Alex had a meeting room next to his living quarters were I was led, and I took a seat in the room, and awaited his arrival. The room was decorated sparsely, but in his favorite color of green. Grandfather had always been in my corner when I began displaying my powers, and even when they finally realized that the serum created by Dante, had created me as a hybrid vampire/witch and I was immortal. He focused on trying to teach me the ways of the realm and how to control the immense power that I had been gifted. It was when Michael was killed and my mother lost her powers, that he finally had to play tough love and vote with the counsel to have me banished. That had been almost 8 years ago.  I was sent to Selvdorada and lived with my grandmother, Aniceta Rocha, the queen of the coven there. I had not seen my mother or any of my Boedell-Goth relatives since then. Only my mother and Alex communicated to me by letter as to the goings on with the family.
A lot had transpired in those eight years, and due to the events that caused my uncle Michael’s death, the covens had again been forced to go into hiding. Witches were being hunted everywhere, so after generations of helping and being vital members of society, the humans turned on us immediately.  Mother was powerless to do anything, as all of her gifts had been lost when her brother died. Michael’s wife, Aunt Bea died within a year of Michael’s death, most say out of heartbreak.
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The Realm Master at the time, my tutor and mentor Simon Brouchard, who was also thought to be immortal, found a cure for the curse that had been imposed upon him generations earlier and removed his immortality and soon died. My Grandfather Elias, who was next in line for the title of Realm master refused to accept it, and the counsel instead elected his husband, my Grandfather, Alex.
The only thing that remained constant in all of this was my stepmother, Jules. She being a vampire, had not aged of course, and continued to have no communication with me, which was the case as soon as they determined I was a hybrid.  Her reasoning was that I couldn’t be trusted. She was the first that came up with the idea of sending me away, as to not threaten the coven or the family.
When grandfather took over as the Realm Master, he also made changes in the counsel.  Even though my mother was no longer actually a witch, she was made a member of the realm counsel, Joseph took his father’s seat, And Alex’s nephew Corbin Goth also became a member of the counsel. A strong witch, with a moral conscience.  My Grandfather, Elias was also placed on counsel, but when his cancer was diagnosed, his power was in a limited capacity, and a young strong witch upstart, named Leland Carver was placed in his stead. The remainder of the counsel was made up of old witches, from the Jones Coven in Oasis Springs, and the other covens from the surrounding cities and towns. A total of nine members, not counting my Grandfather, Alex.
I had now been waiting fifteen minutes, and was becoming quite impatient, which I knew Alex was doing on purpose. 
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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When he arrived I stood to greet him….
ALEX- “No, Please stay seated, no reason to stand, son. You look well, Tiberius, my how you've grown.”
TIBERIUS- “Yes, but I will no longer grow or age, as I have reached that point now.  You look well too Grandfather, and how is Grandfather Elias?”
ALEX- “Doing well, he has good days and bad days, but lately he is doing much better. He has asked to see you before you return.  He will be here for Joseph’s ascension ceremony.”
TIBERIUS- “I would love to see him. So, you have called me here, and have made me wait, and even made sure that Joseph met me at the front.  So what is it that you want Grandfather?”
ALEX- “I know you already know, Tiberius. Your powers in mind reading are unprecedented. Do not play me a fool. As well as your ability of mind persuasion and compulsion, but rest assured, none of those things will work within these walls.  So you tell me, why did I summon you here, Tiberius?”
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ALEX- “You know the answer to that as well, Tiberius.”
TIBERIUS- “I see you have put out all the stops to welcome me home, grandfather. Yes, I know why you have brought me here. You want to right the wrongs, make amends. Clear your conscience per se. But your requests has limits, doesn’t it?”
ALEX- “Of course it does, Ty, there are laws.”
TIBERIUS- “Laws in which govern witches, yes, I know those laws, all too well. I was raised by them.”
ALEX- “But unfortunately, you didn’t follow them.”
TIBERIUS- “That is because, I am not JUST a witch, grandfather. I am not bound by those laws. And quite honestly, how have they worked out for you?  Once again, the witches are hiding and scurrying like mice when lights come on after hiding in the darkness.  No longer accepted by the human society. Forced to practice their gifts in cellars and in sealed underground fortresses.”
ALEX- “That was not because of our laws, Tiberius, we live like this because of your inability to follow those laws.  And you know it.”
TIBERIUS- “Ah, so it all falls back on me, does it? Then why have you summoned me here to put me, your rebel grandchild in the most powerful position within the realm?”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Within thirty minutes I was being escorted by one of the current students, through the Realm House.  The Realm House had to be rebuilt after the explosion and fire several generations prior, during the vampire/witch war during Abraham’s reign. The dining area was enormous, with pictures of Cornelia Goth, and Bella.
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Down the hall by the library, was a portrait of uncle Dante Boedell.  I wondered if someday my portrait would hang on the wall somewhere within these halls.  I doubted it. We made our way into the underground living quarters of the realm to meet my grandfather, Alex Goth-Boedell.  All of the living quarters were now underground along with the realm vault, which housed many artifacts, including the ring that my uncle Michael acquired years earlier.
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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TIBERIUS- “Which he did...a second time I may add. Michael, always willing to do what it took to save others. Unconditional love, regardless of what the outcome would mean to him. Michael Boedell...truly a benevolent spirit, one that would not have done what the rest of you did.”
JOSEPH- “Ty, you are not here to discuss my father’s attributes, and I am sure you are not here to congratulate me, as you know this is certainly NOT what I want.”
TIBERIUS- “Oh, you say that dear, Joseph, but your actions speak louder than your words, as I see you are here, ready, willing and able to take on the mantle of the Master of the Realm. Many have turned it down over the course of our family history, have they not? But, not you, no. You say this isn’t what you want, but yet, you are here, ready to take the crown so to speak...and from my very own grandfather.”
JOSEPH- “Our grandfather, Ty... and Alex has relinquished the title of his own accord. No one is making him step down.”
TIBERIUS- “Yes, I am very well aware of that, Joseph, seeing how my mother is unable, as her powers were stripped of her when your father died, and my own dear Elias lays dying of a cancer that is not treatable and his partner in life, his husband must step down to take care of him in his last days. There is no one else, is there?  No one in all the realm that can take the scepter and rule the great Realm.  So you MUST accept this role, mustn't you?”
JOSEPH- “The vote was unanimous, Ty.”
TIBERIUS- “Ah, yes, a unanimous vote.  I am very clear as to what that is. A unanimous vote by the counsel. Not one dissension. I recall that I received that vote as well. Not one dissension. But yet you stand here and say you supported my innocence when that vote was passed, but yet the vote was unanimous, was it not? So support in word only. And now you stand here today ready to take what was rightfully mine, even though you say...again say...that you do not want it. You know what I say to that Joseph?  I say you are a liar. And you will hide behind that lie saying it is for the best interest of the realm. It’s what the realm has requested, what they have UNANIMOUSLY decreed should be. So who is the Realm Master, you or the counsel?”
JOSEPH- “You shouldn’t be here, Ty. You were banished.”
TIBERIUS- “HA...yes, by a unanimous vote that you didn’t support, but still voted for. Well, I AM here Joseph, and I am not going anywhere, anytime soon.  Until OUR grandfather, officially hands over the reigns to you, he is still the ultimate voice of the realm, Joseph, and he was the one that invited me here...if not I would have never made it pass the security, is that not correct? So when do the festivities begin?”
JOSEPH- “I will let grandfather know that you have arrived.”
TIBERIUS- “Thank you, Joseph, such a dear cousin...and thank you for the warm welcome.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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As I stood there contemplating my future in the realm and beyond, and speaking to the portrait of the mysterious Morgana Goth II,  I was very much aware that my cousin had entered the foyer. He was also well aware that I should not be here...because of the decree that had been made several years earlier that I was not to have access to the realm, and any of its buildings. However, there was one thing that he was not aware of. My powers were well beyond that of that teenager that fled in fear, and humiliation by my own family, when that decree was past. Now my powers had acceded those of the realm counsel, and I could have been able to penetrate the locked doors of the precious realm, if need be. But that was not the case, because today I was here by invitation of my grandfather, the current realm master, Alex Goth-Boedell.
JOSEPH- “TY!??  What are you doing here? How….
TIBERIUS- “Now, do not worry yourself, Joseph, I am here on the bequest of my grandfather.  You remember him, do you not, Alexander Goth-Boedell, your current Realm Master?”
JOSEPH- “Of course I do Ty, but there has been no mention of you coming here.”
TIBERIUS- “It is a surprise for you my dear cousin.  I mean you are surprised, are you not?”
JOSEPH- “Yes, but why would you come?”
TIBERIUS- “Joseph, I am hurt, to the core. Why would I not come? My own flesh and blood, my cousin who is closer than a brother, is to be named as the new Realm Master. I came for you, Joseph. This is not only an honor for you, but to our family.”
JOSEPH- “Quite frankly, I would think you would have not wanted to be here.”
TIBERIUS- “Why would that be, Joseph?  Because you are to be named as the ultimate head of the strongest coven in all the world, over myself, the rightful heir? You think I hold grudges over that, and especially against you?  Could that be the reason you would think I would not present myself here today?”
JOSEPH- “It is much more than that Ty, and you are fully aware of that.”
TIBERIUS- “Oh I see, you still think I was the one responsible for your father’s demise. As the entire realm, still believes.”
JOSEPH- “I know you are not responsible, Ty, I have always come to your defense in regards to that. Father put himself in danger, no one else. It was an accident, and he thought he could save his sister.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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“I say all this, not to discredit your worth or power or that of your descendants...or even their influence in the world of magics, but to prove to you that even though they taught self discipline, and white magics, their motives were always tinged with that of self preservation, which in turn was for their self gain. There is a word for that. Hypocritical.
Today, my own flesh and blood, my own cousin, with whom was raised with me as a brother, has come to this counsel to seek his own gain. To become the Master of this Realm. He, wanting to seek revenge for his father’s death, who died, yes sacrificed himself for his sister...my own mother. Is he powerful? I can not deny that.  Joseph is powerful.  And what am I?
I am the one ostracized because I am not like any of them. I am a hybrid. A morbid, abomination created because of one's own vanity, I exist. I fault my great Uncle Dante Boedell, gifted and obsessed with the powers of intelligence, that this realm has never seen. He was the one that created a serum from vampire blood that would be used to infuse my mother. For months, even years, they believed this serum was useless, and due to her own power and gifts did not work upon her.  They were right, It did not work on her. But unknowingly, she was with child and instead it entered into the bloodstream of her fetus. It fed me, nurtured me, and before I was even born into this world I was immortal.”
But, instead of learning from me, and giving me security and love, I was banished by this realm as a teenager, because this realm did not understand how to deal with me...something you had created!!
Now, today begins a new chapter...no. not a chapter. A new story, a new book you can say. A new beginning if you will.  Not one of self gain and manipulation, but one based on POWER and truths!
Once I place the ring upon my finger, a new day will start not just for this realm, but for the world, and the world of magics. Because finally, after 15 generations, I have arrived. The one that was foretold. The one that would be ALL powerful. That one is me…
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