#Them winning in opposite regions is the funniest thing ever
spiderzlover · 10 months
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Make love, not war💙💛
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champofpallet · 5 years
“Extremely detailed character sheet ”
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Character Chart Character’s full name: Red Fire Satoshi Reason or meaning of name: When he was born, his father gave him the name Red to symbolize fire, hoping to have a child that has a heart and soul of a warm fire. His last name is Satoshi referencing his creator Satoshi Itari Character’s nickname: Reddo, kid, twerp, champ, shorty. and plenty others Reason for nickname: In Japanese his name is not spelled 赤 or pronounced Aka (or the color red), but spelled and pronounced レッド (Reddo). As for the other nicknames, he is a child in some verses, and sometimes Team Rocket would call him a twerp. Birth date: August 8 (for Manga Red) and Febuary 27 (for game Red)
Physical appearance Age: 11 (Kanto), 13 (Johto), 15 (Unova and probably in Masters), 20+ (Alola) How old does he/she appear: He looks younger than he was as a child since he was short amongst his peers, but he grew up to be taller than all of his childhood friends.  Weight: 78lbs (Kanto), 75lbs (Johto), 127lbs (Unova/Masters), 155.5lbs (Alola) Height: 4′5 (Kanto), 5′3 (Johto), 5′6 (Unova/Masters), 5′8 (Alola) Body build: As a child he was a bit chubby with baby fat, but was overall a healthy kid with a normal build. As he grew older and taller, his body became more slender and fit. He doesn’t have the body of a body builder, but his body is well toned and in shape. Shape of face: Heart Eye color: Brown Glasses or contacts: none Skin tone: pale peach Distinguishing marks: small freckles on his nose that you can’t see unless you’re really close. Predominant features: His unruly and spiky hair that sticks out from the sides of his hat. Hair color: It is naturally brown, but in some light it can look black. Type of hair: spiky but soft Hairstyle: spiked Voice: As a child his voice was high pitched and squeaky at times due to his age, as he matures it gets deeper, but not too deep. He can also sing like an angel, even if he’s embarrassed by this fact. Overall attractiveness: As an adult, lots of women as well as men like him so he’s pretty attractive. Physical disabilities: none Usual fashion of dress: his hat, blue jeans, a red jacket or vest (except in Alola), and a tee shirt Favorite outfit: Pretty much what he wears every day. He feels comfortable in those clothes. Jewelry or accessories: arm band, a mega/z ring on his left wrist.
Personality Good personality traits: Loyal, Caring, Protective, Heroic, Brave, Determined, Hard-Working, Friendly Bad personality traits: Sore Loser, Competitive, Paranoid, Impulsive, Impatient, quick to yell Mood character is most often in: He is usually in a good mood but sometimes it can change just like that. Sense of humor: Red has a great sense of humor, even though he wouldn’t want to admit it. He thinks toilet humor is hillarious and puns are the funniest things in the world. His favorite puns are Pokepuns Character’s greatest joy in life: being with his friends and family, being with his Pokemon, caring for his Pokemon, ect. Character’s greatest fear: Losing his loved ones Why? He felt like he was going to lose everyone he loved after Team Rocket (or who remained after the break-up) had told him he better watch out and who’s he with because they were coming to get revenge for sending away their leader. Being eleven years old and not used to dealing with this sort of threat, he ran away to the mountains doing his best to not talk to anyone in order to trick Team Rocket into thinking he cares for no one. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? The day he got the letter from Team Rocket. Character is most at ease when:  He’s with people he knew for a long time. He’s more comfortable around boys then girls because he worries he has no idea how to talk to the opposite gender.  Most ill at ease when: Being around someone he likes (romantically), when there is danger, being around Team Rocket Enraged when: seeing people hurt their friends/Pokemon, being made fun of Depressed or sad when: he loses, when he makes someone mad, when he makes someone disappointed Priorities: his friends (including his Pokemon since he thinks of them as friends) and family Life philosophy: Keep getting stronger in order to protect the ones you love. If granted one wish, it would be: To have his dad back home with his mom. Why? He misses his dad, and he knows his mother does too. Having him back home would make his mother smile. Character’s soft spot: cute things Is this soft spot obvious to others? try it, show him a picture of a Pichu and see if he doesn’t start baby talking and holding back tears because it’s so cute Greatest strength: His Pokemon and his unchanging will Greatest vulnerability or weakness: he’s impulsive and does things without thinking. He thinks more with his heart than his brain Biggest regret: Not saving the Cubone’s Mother and being too afraid to do so, not letting Blue stay champion, making everyone worry. Minor regret: Sleeping outside, not cleaning up after himself Biggest accomplishment: Saving Kanto and becoming Champion Minor accomplishment: Finding the Safari guy’s teeth, catching almost all Pokemon Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: plenty Why? Because he worries people will think of him as weak. Character’s darkest secret: He really is a giant nerd Does anyone else know? Probably Blue, but not many others.
Goals Drives and motivations: everyone believing in him, friends and family Immediate goals: to win tournaments, capture Mew Long term goals: to keep being the strongest, to protect everyone and be a role model and a hero How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Keep training with his Pokemon, training himself, keeping an eye out for trouble How other characters will be affected: either they find Red really inspiring or they worry for him with how much weight he placed on his own shoulders.
Past Hometown: Pallet Town, Kanto Region Type of childhood: Single parent (his mother) watching over only child (one verse has him having a brother that was adopted though) Pets: His Pokemon First memory: Seeing a Pokemon for the first time, then getting shocked because he pulled it’s tail Most important childhood memory: Getting his first Pokemon (in the brother verse, meeting his brother was about the same level of importance since he always wanted a sibling). Why: He was always curious about Pokemon ever since Blue stopped hanging out with him. Also this was the start of his whole life Childhood hero: Blue but he won’t admit that Dream job: Pokemon Champion and hero Education: Pokemon School education Religion: Arciest, another au verse has him as the prophet of the Helix Fossil Finances: lower middle class
Present Current location: As an adult, Hano Hotel, Alaka Island, Alola Currently living with: Blue Oak (as roomates) Pets: his Pokemon Religion: Arceist Occupation: Battle Legend ot the Poni Island Battle Tree Finances: Higher Middle Class
Family Mother: Merigold Ketchum Satoshi  Relationship with her: Loves her very much, felt horrible about not calling her for years during his time on Mt. Silver. He is very protective of her and her feelings. Even though she  embarrasses him...a lot.... Father: Crimson Satoshi Relationship with him: He can’t remember a lot about his father since he left him and his mother to find a Pokemon to finish the Pokedex when he was only three years old. He was inspired by his father by the stories his mother told him, he even gave him his name. However, he holds a lot of ill feelings towards him for leaving for so long. Siblings: An adopted Robot brother named Quote (one verse) Relationship with them: Very close to him, taught him everything he knows about being a human to help him fit into the world. Just like he is with every member of his family, he’s extremely protective of him and would do anything to keep him safe. Spouse: he’s multiship Relationship with him/her: He would love his spouse and try to spoil them, always buying them things or helping them in any way Children: multiship  Relationship with them: when he does become a father, he will be a very loving father and be protective of them Other important family members: his little cousin Ash is very close to him, he sees him as a little brother and they both talk about Pokemon and battle a lot.
Favorites Color: Red Least favorite color: he likes all color Music: Rock Food: Burgers (he loves cheeseburgers but he can’t eat them due to lactose intolerance) Literature: Action adventure Form of entertainment: Movies and television Expressions: Don’t judge a book by it’s cover Mode of transportation: By Charizard (his own Charizard anyway) Most prized possession: His childhood Pikachu doll he named Pika 
Habits Hobbies: Pokemon Training, walking, playing video games Plays a musical instrument? if the Pokeflute counts Plays a sport? no, unless Pokemon Training counts How he/she would spend a rainy day: finding special Pokemon outside Spending habits: he spends sometimes, but also saves up Smokes: no Drinks: sometimes when he’s older Other drugs: no What does he/she do too much of? Training What does he/she do too little of? Spending time for himself Extremely skilled at: Pokemon battling Extremely unskilled at: cooking Nervous tics: rubs the back of his neck or plays with the bill of his cap Usual body posture: Standing up straight with his hands in his pockets Mannerisms: has a way of shortening words sometimes when he talks Peculiarities: he goes quiet sometimes when meeting new people. It’s mostly because he’s embarrassed by his accent.
Traits Optimist or pessimist? In the middle Introvert or extrovert? In the middle Daredevil or cautious? daredevil Logical or emotional? in the middle Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? in the middle Prefers working or relaxing? working Confident or unsure of himself/herself? acts confident but is unsure of himself Animal lover? He doesn’t know what an animal is, but he does like Pokemon!
Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: He thinks that he can get better and stronger, and he keeps going until he’s satisfied One word the character would use to describe self: “Determined.” One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “I’m pretty goal focused as my friends say. But I guess I’m funny and cheerful and always there to cheer you up when you need me. I also try to be a hero and save anyone I can save. I guess...that it’s just...I want to do good in this world an’ sometimes I don’t think it’s enough...” What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? “My friendliness!” What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? “...I wish I could get myself to calm down and relax sometimes instead of constant training.” What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? “My height! Never thought I’d be this tall!” What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? “....I wish I had a better lookin’ butt. Mine’s as flat as a Luvdisc.” How does the character think others perceive him/her: “I think they see me as a strong hero, and I don;t want to disappoint them...” What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: “To stop feeling sad everytime I lose. Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: No one is 100% evil and there’s always a reason someone acts the way they do. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? yes, a lot of thhe time Person character most hates: no one Best friend(s): Lot’s of people Love interest(s):--multi-ship-- Person character goes to for advice: his mom, Blue, Professor Oak Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Gold, Lyra, everyone Person character feels shy or awkward around: his crush (again multiship) Person character openly admires: His dad Person character secretly admires: Blue Most important person in character’s life before story starts: his mother After story starts: Blue and his mother
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