#Thena isn't really opposed to it
Spicy Thenamesh Doctor AU!
In the ambulance!
Thena inhales between kisses, "I should go."
"Why?" Gil whispers, and she's not sure if he's being a tease or if he's really asking. His hands are still on her waist, under her scrub top just to feel her bare skin.
"Because I'm on call," she laments as Gil continues to kiss her neck with that very talented mouth he has. "And if we get interrupted neither of us are going to be very happy about it."
"Hm," Gil muses, seeming to almost consider her argument until he pulls her shirt up a little bit more. "It's been a quiet night. I don't think they'll need you in the next...fifteen minutes."
"Fifteen, hm?" she laughs faintly as she does a very poor job of pushing him away. In fact, instead of pushing against his chest all she manages to do is bunch up the material in her hands as she paws at him.
"What can I say," Gil chuckles as he pulls her scrub top and shirt off in one clean swipe. "I'm feeling adventurous."
Thena gasps as he does away with her bra just as easily. He's a bit of a sucker for her boobs, but she doesn't mind. Her spine tingles as he toys with her nipples. "Fifteen minutes worth of adventure--and not a second more."
"Yes, Doctor Thena."
"Wh-!" Thena squeaks as Gil flips them around, letting her brace herself on the inside of the wall while he slips his hand into her scrub pants.
His fingers are immediately in her panties, swirling around the wetness that was already collecting from their make out session and soon pushing in two at a time.
Thena lets out a long, loud groan, "Gil!"
"Sh, baby," he croons in her ear, leaning over her shoulder as he fingers her as if they're horny med students getting caught in a stairwell. "I'm just warming you up."
She's already more than overheated, thank you.
Thena bites into her bottom lip as his fingers move in a beckoning motion inside of her. He always knows just what to do with her. Every once in a while she'll wonder if Gil has always been this proficient a lover or if there's something unrealistically special about her (and her with him). But she doesn't really want to know the answer, so she always forgets it part way through.
"Come on, sweetheart," Gil whispers, moving his fingers faster, holding her hips with his other hand.
Thena whimpers, her knees buckling as she comes around his fingers. Gil likes things hard and fast or he likes sweet, slow love-making. There's never an in between with him. But she is likely to get both in one evening, if they have the time.
Gil pulls his fingers from her slowly and gently, careful of her tender sensitivity. He pops his fingers in his mouth as he moves her to sit on her knees on the ambulance bench.
Not before her pants find a way under and around her knees, leaving her ass out entirely. She whines at him, "have to clean this."
Gil kisses the back of her neck, under her ponytail, "I had to clean it before the next shift anyway."
Thena moans again as Gil braces her hips back against his. He seems so sweet and docile in nature, but she's quickly learning that he's ready to fuck at a moment's notice. She pushes her hips against his.
Gil pushes into her and immediately starts rocking his hips. The ambulance is shaking faintly from them both pushing against it with their palms meshing clumsily. Gil's hand covers hers, "fuck, baby."
"Fuck," she whimpers in reply, echoing his statement. Gil from behind just as a certain...feel to it. He's thick in all the right places--for her, at least. It's like they're made for each other! Not that she needs to be that sappy when he's fucking her in an ambulance up against the wall.
"Kinda hot though, right?" he asked, and she just knows he has that devilish grin on his face. Like when he's asking her if she's left any of her panties in his car by accident (just so Kingo doesn't find them, he says, but she thinks he just likes embarrassing her a little).
"Gil," she drawls, trying to sound like she's scolding him for it, even while he's inside her. She listens to the creak of the bus metal and groans, "not now."
"You're right," he purrs, and she knows she's about to get truly and deeply railed. He picks up one of her thighs and angles her hips differently, "I have more important matters at hand."
Thena's jaw drops open as his hips crash into hers. He holds her thigh up, careful of the tightness in her hip flexors (because of course he is). "Gil!"
"Shit," he pants, basically hugging her thigh to his chest, "you close?"
"Yes, I'm close, fuck--I'm close!" She lets her knees - or one knee, rather - go in preparation. Gil catches her at the waist which grinds them together even more closely and firmly. She comes.
"Fuck!" Gil bellows in response to her coming around him, pulling him to follow. His hips buck against hers.
She moans, all of her muscles becoming useless. She might as well be a pile of gauze on the floor, she has so little bone structure left. She whines.
Gil lets her leg down gently and pulls her into his arms. He kisses her forehead, as if he wasn't just rocking the ambulance so hard she feared it might topple over. "You okay?"
"Hm," she purses her lips, eyes still closed but wiggling in his grasp. "I told you to carry some with you."
"Well, I can't exactly keep 'em in my pockets, hon."
No, maybe that isn't the kind of thing an EMT needs to have that on hand at all times. Thena pushes against his chest, "towel."
He tosses one to her, "we don't really keep them in here, either."
Thena rolls her eyes, using the towel to clean herself up as best she can. No, there isn't much of a need for condoms in the ambulances. But still! "Gilgamesh."
He chuckles, kissing her cheek as she offers it to him for his part of the cleanup. He sighs as she pulls her bra back on, "fine, I'll keep some somewhere on me from now on, okay?"
She huffs as she tugs on her regular t-shirt first and then her scrub top, "y'know, I changed my mind. Maybe the rule is simply no more sex while we're at work."
Gil has the audacity to give her a smirk, "you really think we can stick to that?"
She turns and crosses her arms, warmth in her cheeks, "I'm not talking about the call rooms!"
Gil comes over to her again, leaning over her hunched shoulders and kissing her hair, "okay, honey, whatever you say."
She rolls her eyes; he'll be extra affectionate (unprofessional) tonight. "I've got two more hours on call. Just behave for that much?--if you can, that is."
He gives her a mocking salute as he opens up the doors for her to make her escape, "yes, Doctor."
She purses her lips at him.
He blows her a kiss, "see you soon, dear."
She sighs, turning around to make her way back into the Emergency Room. With any luck, she can avoid Ajak and the accusation that she was using her break time to rendevouz with Gil...again.
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wyrmswears · 5 months
*kicks in your door* Ok! So, I don’t know if anyone else has done this, BUT! AU where Athena’s testimony saves Simon and neither goes to jail. Simon decides to get full custody of Athena. While under his care, she slowly becomes the Athena we know and he gets Taka. Athena still became a defense attorney to save people from going through what Simon did. She gets her badge while Simon and her are in Europe because Simon had to replace a prosecutor over there for a while. Despite opposing sides, their trials are like professional yet still sibling like arguments. Athen occasionally flashbacks to her mom’s murder when she sees things that could relate to what she saw. Simon befriends Fulbright still. The trials pretty much go mostly the same.
i haven't really seen any aus like that!! too wholesome for psych duo fans to come up with. i love it though; simon being athenas guardian is always a cute idea and i like that you still bring it back round to follow most canon events (such as thena going to europe, though since simon is localised to be british im imagining them going to the uk specifically and athena picking up british slang instead of west mainland european languages). i do have an au with my good friends where simon and athena both escape the trial with no charges, but that's the result of kristoph being simon's defence attorney and well... the aftermath isn't exactly fun.
question for you, is fulbright still.. y'know? or is he just a normal dude in this one :D
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey so I saw this article somewhere it went viral years ago and I think it still is. It is about a girl that lost her memories and fell in love with the same boyfriend she had before she lost her memories, so basically she fell in love with her boyfriend twice.
It's giving Thena and Gilgamesh maybe you could write something about it ><
Thena smiles as she arrives at the familiar street corner with the familiar bakery and its familiar comfort. She just moved to the apartment complex down the street from it, and yet as soon as she saw it, she had a feeling she knew this place.
And she would give anything for that feeling, these days.
Memory loss, they told her. Real, actual amnesia; she thought that was just in the movies and stuff. But apparently it's possible, and she has a gap in her memories seeming to go back as far as last year. She didn't know where she worked, where she lived.
She knows she's Thena, that she works at a museum, that she doesn't have any family for them to call. And...that's about it. It was later on that she learned that she had moved to town less than a year ago. She has a few friends at work who were happy to help her relearn such important things.
The doctors recommended letting things come naturally to her--to not go looking too deliberately for things. Something about putting strain on her mind. Sersi and Kingo were quick to agree with that.
"Gil," she smiles as soon as she steps into the shop. It's really become a highlight of her day to come in here.
He steps out of the back, looking the same as he always does. He has dark hair, thick and full and almost fluffy at the top of his head. He has a lovely fullness to his cheeks and some traces of facial hair around his lips. He looks more like he could be a boxer or a body builder as opposed to the mild tempered baker he is.
And the way he smiles at her; Thena toys with the strap of her purse as he comes over to lean on the counter closest to her.
"What brings you in today?" he asks, as if she doesn't come in at least once a week for a taste of his pastries. Usually she just has whatever he's put out as a daily special, but she's open to his recommendations.
"I got off work a little early," she answers with a smile of her own, already sitting herself down at one of the few tables in the place. "Thought I'd treat myself to one of your wonderful confections."
"Hm, I think I could help with that," he chuckles, already moving to the door of the pastry case. "How was work today?"
"Mm, the usual," Thena muses, happy watch as Gil plates whatever it is he has for her, laughing as she hears a can of whipped cream. "I'm really getting the special treatment today."
"Well, you don't always get off work early, right?" Gil chuckles as he brings over the plate, and two forks. He sits across from her. "My very special Mont Blanc."
Thena eyes the confection, all fine strings wound together into a mountain peak with cream at the top. She's sure she's smiling like an idiot, but she doesn't much care as she takes just some of the cream at first. "And what's so special about it?"
"Find out," Gil nods his head at it, holding the other fork for himself but waiting for her to get her first taste of it.
"Hm," Thena sighs, digging into the dessert. She isn't sure how, but she knows what mont blanc is. The chestnut paste is familiar and soft on her tongue. She licks her lips. "Vanilla?"
"Good taste," Gil winks at her as he finally takes a bite for himself. "I've been trying to find ways to work vanilla into a lot of my stuff, recently."
"Oh?" Thena asks before taking another eager bite. She looks at him, but he has this expression on his face that makes butterflies spring to life in her. She rushes her eyes away again.
"Guess I was just," Gil pauses, letting his eyes tear themselves away from her slowly, "inspired."
"You know," Thena murmurs, having debated whether or not to bring this up at all. But she's come this far (and left work early to do it, too). "Today is actually my birthday."
"You don't say."
He doesn't sound all that surprised. Thena looks at Gil again, whose expression has gone unreadable. She tilts her head at him, "have I ever told you this before?"
"You must've," he shrugs, putting on his usual bright smile for her. "Well, you've had some dessert already. What else are you going to do for your special day?"
Coming here is the only treat she had thought to get for herself, really. Truly, she hadn't been able to think of anything else she wanted to do than come and have some of Gil's pastries, see Gil, talk to Gil...think about how to ask Gil out without feeling weird about it.
"I suppose I haven't thought about it," Thena mumbles, dragging her fork through the powdered sugar on the plate.
Gil sets his fork down, leaning his elbows onto the edge of the table. He raises an eyebrow at her, and she briefly wonders if anyone has ever told him he looks kind of sexy like that. "Well, you did mention something about your birthday being around now. And you also mentioned...that you were thinking about trying out that new Italian place."
She did? "Which place?"
"I guess it's not that new anymore," Gil muses, his head turned to look out the window as he says it. "Opened a little less than a year ago now. But still--would you like to try it out?"
How did this turn into him asking her out? Not that she's complaining, but she went to all the trouble of working up her nerve. Thena swipes some powdered sugar onto her finger and pops it between her lips. "Do you...like Italian?"
He grins at her, his eyes so much more expressive than his secretive little smiles. "Love it."
"Okay," Thena nods. The butterflies are back. "Well, um, I-"
"How about you go home and get ready, I'll close this place up," he pats the table, looking so sure of himself, "meet you here at 7?"
Thena tilts her head at him again. Sometimes Gil feels so familiar to her it's painful, and then times like this, he still manages to surprise her. "How did you know?"
"Know what?" he asks, picking up her plate and walking back to the counter with it.
"How did you know it was my birthday? And that I wanted Italian?"
Gil sets the plate down, leaning on the counter to look back at her. She could swear she's seen him do that before--look at her like that before. "Just...call it a feeling."
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