#There are 2 episodes with Vulcans in them. neither time is anyone racist to Spock for being half-human.
thefaeriefeatherdark · 10 months
Star Trek the original series: Half the humans on the Enterprise are assholes to Spock since they think he’s a cold blooded uncompassionate botch due to him following the ideals of Vulcan logic (which places high value on the lives of others). He is shown continuously to be fairly well respected and liked on his homeworld and by other Vulcans.
Every new Star Trek thing using Spock: All the Vulcans hate Spock for being too human! That’s why he came to Earth and Star Fleet because it’s super welcoming and diverse as opposed to those racist Vulcan assholes.
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chronotopes · 7 years
the respective #1 ao3 couples of each star trek show, ranked by how likely they are to give me cardiac arrest
6. trip tucker and malcolm reed. sorry lads but i don’t know who the fuck these people are and to be frank i can’t tell them apart. one day when i’m very patient and when i’ve exhausted all the bad ds9 episodes i can still go back and watch, i may watch the best episodes of enterprise and be pleasantly surprised. but you know what? in this case, i don’t think so. neither of them are even aliens so what’s, like, the point. 
5. jean-luc picard and beverly crusher. they’re cute based on the out of context scenes i’ve witnessed but everything on tng is too Comradely to really be worth dying over particularly when it’s straight. i need a bit of anguish to really invest myself in relationships. 
4. kathryn janeway and chakotay. likewise for the last one, plus the factors that chakotay’s character was written as a racist mess and janeway seems gay with the borg girl. but you know what? i’m still always down for that good captain/first officer loyalty kink shit. i’m always down for it. but it’s better exemplified by… 
3. michael burnham and philippa georgiou. this is where shit gets GOOD god first of all can anyone name a time the femslash couple was the #1 ship for a star trek show? has it happened? i seriously think it may not have happened ever. secondly, That Captain/First Officer Loyalty Kink Bullshit. they’re #3 because discovery has not managed to worm itself into the fabric of my mind the way the below two shows are, but dear god is what i’ve seen good. heinous of the show to kill philippa off but hey, spock died too. maybe we can bring her back with mushroom magic or something that seems to be in vogue atm
2. elim garak and julian bashir. if there was justice in the world and rick berman was dead this would have been canon. imagining this world gives me solace on borng nights in my store’s fitting room. but seriously, the cold open of past prologue ranks among the most sexually charged events in television history and what follows is an epic love story that encompasses intragalactic conflict and larping and spy bullshit and lies and betrayal and gay prison camp antics. your fave could never. THE otp.  however ds9 , my fave, is so far-reaching and objectively wonderful that it can never be defined by just one love story. it’s like a million, interwoven, all in the background of War Being Hell. that being said… 
1. jim kirk and spock. there is only one relationship on this list that forms a star trek show’s heart and center, that acts as a vital force behind the longevity of a fifty-year cultural phenomenon, that no star trek show that followed has quite been able to emulate. they survived freaky vulcan biology, a million side dalliances with ingenues saturated with Sixties Gender Politix, the death and rebirth of the show, a breakup and spock’s subsequent attempt to eternal sunshine himself, death itself, memory loss, a fight with god, and political upheaval. in the process they helped broker peace with the klingons, helped a guy have sex with the voyager probe, and saved the whales. and that’s just the movies! and THROUGH ALL THIS, they birthed all above ships and arguably the website i used to determine their relative popularity. legends only. 
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