#There was this daredevil guy who would throw himself around and roll on ramps and stuff
twotapbuz Β· 2 years
I had a dream about a psychonaut missions where these two agents called cherrypitter and 009 were going undercover on this cult(cherrypitter spent most of her time with her brain out of her body). The cult was psychics only and thought the body stifled the psychic power so a majority of the followers were just brains in balls. During the mission, 009 finds out the reason why cherrypitter spends most of the time outside of her body is because she has a medical issue(I think it was arthritis but I don’t really remember) that gives her chronic pain that gets so bad sometimes that she would rather just not have a body. Then the two find out that the leader is this really old guy who plans on stealing his followers body to extend his own life/ sell them to other people who want to do the same. Then Cherrypitter grabbed him and dunked him like a basketball.
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