#There would be tons of people that don't believe she died in the explosion
ericahoney · 1 year
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There would definitely be Aisha is Alive conspiracy theorist just like there are with Tupac. 
Inspired by homemademoonbeams’ post to finally make a post about it.
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im-not-a-monster · 2 years
I've been watching a Quarry playthru and the game is. interesting. but more importantly the comments on the video are all making it out like this story is clear cut and it's kinda making me crazy
like. why would you assume that Travis is telling the truth? what do we know about him. he's a dirty cop who uses his position to cover up his family's multiple murders. he lies to the other characters constantly even tho it's literally to his own detriment. from the slur he uses against the sideshow folks I can only assume he's also a huge racist.
so why would I believe that Silas was actually, genuinely being mistreated by his mother.
like. he's a werewolf. he's in a cage because he's a werewolf. there's no mention of if it was a full moon the night Caleb and Kaylee decided to spring him, and I can only guess if as the progenitor of the werewolves he was capable of transforming at will maybe? i mean he is the dog boy, so who knows. but he bites Caleb during the attack, so before his mother's ghost could be hypothetically cursing them all. so he was already a werewolf.
like "Kaylee was the nicest kindest soul" who told her brother to set fire to an enormously fast burning substance next to a bunch of gas powered circus cars ????? we see multiple explosions in the flashback. she and Caleb could certainly have believed they had good intentions, but also... their family seems to have a ton of power in town? why not call the authorities if you really believe the kid is being mistreated? like, circus freaks are Performers, if he was really acting feral I can only assume he was acting or it was the full moon that night and he was feeling effects.
like I'm sure this is just the writing team not thinking about it, but this game is set during modern times, they all have cell phones. traveling sideshow still exist! they're registered with labor bureaus and stuff even. the ones I've read about are run by the freaks even.
I just... don't buy it. it sounds too much like covering up, which is what Travis has been doing the whole game.
and then there's Silas -- Travis says there are sightings of him but DOESNT say there are attacks, because presumably they went to check out these sightings hoping to find him. if there were werewolves there wouldn't he have mentioned it? so Silas has been on the run from a bunch of people who want to murder him for 6 years, and they're upset that he wants revenge on them for murdering his mother and everyone he probably ever knew?
like. at best. Kaylee and Caleb genuinely thought they were doing the right thing. but they also decided they were going to be the Big Heroes and in the process everyone in the sideshow died. which is uh. murder right? when you arson a place and every dies? like the death was accidental but they set the fire on purpose.
that's not even touching the fact that Caleb and Kaylee are just??? out in the woods doing whatever as werewolves the whole night??? Chris is locked up but Laura kills Kaylee at the camp-- how the hell did she get there? and the hikers they killed before that? they clearly were not being very careful. at least Chris's "lock myself in the basement" plan seemed to be moderately working before Laura and max unfortunately screwed it up
idk I'm all over the place I just don't buy that Eliza was Evil so the Hacketts didn't deserve any of it. it sounds like more justification from Travis, like that'll excuse all the people who died because of them doing whatever they wanted.
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idonthaveanaccent · 6 years
I don't know if you still do requests on the Humans are weird thing, but I've seen a serious lack of magic and superstitions being talked about. Like Wicca, witchcraft, illusionists, hypnotists, etc etc. What are your thoughts on it?
Honestly I’ve been so busy with life and everything I haven’t done a ton of writing for the public. I’ll talk more about it later and show you guys something I made ‘cause I’ve been bored. Until then, I hope you enjoy this new installment!
Also part 1 cause I don’t know limits when I see them.
(It’s not exactly what you asked for but honestly I couldn’t help myself. I’m a huge fantasy nerd and I usually only right fantasy so sorry if this isn’t what you wanted exactly. I’ll through it in in another part or something. Again, sorry.)
           Painflared up her leg, sending her mind into a frenzy. This couldn’t be happening.Something like this should be impossible. Why would this ever happen? Her brain tried its best to comprehend thesituation, but the pain kept her distracted. She pressed a hand against thewound, feeling the warm blood spread over her palm. A whimper filled the air asshe continued on. She had to survive.
           Aloud explosion sounded behind her. She glanced back, seeing fire and bodiesflying through the air. She sucked in a deep breath before turning back around.She had to survive.
           Somethingwhistled in the air above her. She barely had enough time to look up beforesomething exploded right next to her, sending her into unconsciousness. 
           Xyliongulped as he pressed a button. He watched the suit come out of the wall. Heglanced over at Fredrick as he zipped up his suit. Human mason was currentlystripping down to his underwear while Human Isaac was struggling to put his legthrough the suit. Xylion exhaled before he grabbed his suit and began to put iton.
           Dattalionlanded next to Xylion, his eyes glazed over. Xylion couldn’t blame him. Theywere about to head out to a colony that had recently been attacked. No one knewwho attacked it, but there were a few groups suspected. Most of them wereenemies of the USL, but some said that a group of humans attacked the colony.
           Xyliondidn’t want to believe that one.
           Aftergetting his protective suit on, Xylion grabbed the helmet and walked outtowards the loading zone. The Freelorn had been assigned the duty of going inand helping clean things up. All the civilians had been picked up already andwere being cared for. The dead, however, had not been.
           Sicknesschurned Xylion’s stomach as he thought of it. They were in charge of cleaningup the dead bodies. This was not something Xylion had signed up for when hesigned up to be a part of the USL.
           Whenhe reached the loading zone, Xylion saw Human Jenny and Human Quinn standing byeach other, whispering in hushed tones. When Human Jenny saw Xylion, she gentlypatted Human Quinn’s shoulder before hurrying over to Xylion. She stopped infront of him, her face one of pure calm. “Are you alright?”
           Xylionshook his head. Human Jenny bit her lip, and it was then that Xylion noticedshe was hiding her distress. Xylion gently reached out to her and pulled heragainst him. Human Jenny whimpered as she held onto him. A few red feathersfluttered down in front of him as Dattalion landed next to him.
           Hisbest friend looked at Human Jenny with concern before looking at Xylion. “Isshe okay?” Dattalion mouthed.
           Xylionshook his head. Dattalion sighed, looking towards the doors. Captain Zellnorstood there, his face composed but his scales a deep blue. He was not doingwell either. By the time everyone who was tasked with going arrived, the moodhad not lifted one bit.
           CaptainZellnor opened a panel in the wall and typed in the password. Xylion watched asthe doors opened, revealing the decimated planet.
           Theground was scorched black, leaving nothing alive. Smoke still trailed up intothe air, and some ships flew around releasing water onto fires that were stillraging. Xylion sucked in a breath as he tightened his grip on Human Jenny.
           Shoutsrang through the air as people were carried around in stretchers. Human Jennymoved so she could see what was happening. Xylion gently rubbed her cheek asthey watched.
           CaptainZellnor suddenly stepped out, motioning for everyone to follow him. Xyliongently pulled Human Jenny off him, but kept her hand secured in his.
           Itwas time to do their job.
           Fredricksighed as he walked through the debris. The smell of charcoal and death stunghis nostrils, keeping a grimace on his face. Something crunched beneath him. Heglanced down to see his foot now caked in soot from a large branch. Well, itused to be a branch. Now it was just a huge piece of ash.  
           Hemuttered a curse under his breath. “Welp, that sucks ass.” Isaac suddenly cutin, looking down at his foot.
           “Nokidding.” Fredrick agreed, shaking his foot off.
           Isaacattempted a laugh, but it died quicker than a bubble. The atmosphere held nopossibility for a single shred of joy to survive. There had been many deaths inthis area. Happiness could not exist so soon after.
           Fredrickran a hand across his face, almost knocking his glasses off in the process. He thenrubbed his nose, the stinging growing more intense. As he moved through therubble, something caught his eye.
           Itwas a strange shape, almost like a mountain range, yet curved. He stared at it,entranced. Isaac walked past him with Mason following slowly behind. It tookthem a few moments before they realized Fredrick wasn’t following them. “Freddie?You there?” Isaac suddenly said.
           Fredrickdidn’t answer him as he walked towards the figure. When he reached it, hegently knelt down, ignoring the black marks that began to cover his suit. Hishand reached towards the figure, and when he finally felt it, he knew exactlywhat it was.
           Fredrickcarefully rolled the figure over onto their back. His eyes widened when he sawtheir face. It was a female, and a pretty one at that. She had tanned skin andher makeup was smudged. Freckles dotted her face, covering the bridge of hernose and the tops of her cheeks. His eyes followed her well-built nose to findher full lips. She had long black hair, with bangs chopped just above her archedeyebrows. Fredrick quickly turned his attention to check for any wounds. He sawdried blood staining her clothing, including scorch marks. Miraculously sheseemed relatively unharmed.
           “Itlooks like a bomb went off not too far from here.” Mason suddenly said, hisdeep voice startling Fredrick.
           Isaacmuttered a curse in Spanish. “How is this chicaalive?”
           Fredrickshrugged. “She seems relatively unhurt. Maybe the bomb detonated before she gothere?”
           “Thenwhy is she unconscious?” Isaac asked, raising an eyebrow at his friend.
           Isaacgently inspected the woman’s head. “No, that’s definitely a pretty bad cut underher hair. Not to mention the bruising that’s coming onto her forehead? Shebumped her head hard. The explosion threw her.” Fredrick gathered her into hisarms when Isaac motioned for him to. He gently lifted her up. Under her headwas a smooth rock covered in dried blood. Isaac nodded, tapping it. “She landedright on this rock. She’s still breathing, right?”
           Fredricknodded as he felt her warmth. His eyes fell back to her face. For someone sobadly injured, she looked so peaceful, almost as if she was simply asleep. Hegently held her closer to him. “We need to bring her back to the ship. She needsmedical attention, now. She may look alright, but we need to check to makesure.”
           “Youneed to take her, then. We have to continue looking. If she was missed, thenthere might be others.” Mason said, his dark gaze eyeing the remnants of theforest.
           Fredricknodded, his gaze once more falling to look at the woman’s face. Something abouther…he was mesmerized. But why?
           Flashesof Aubree suddenly filled his mind. What would she say? He quickly turned hisattention away from the woman and instead focused on the task at hand. He hadto get her medical attention.
           Thewalk back towards the Freelorn ship felt much longer than it did before. Everyso often Fredrick had to adjust the woman in his arms to ensure his arms didn’tgive out. Carrying a weight for an extended period always made him exhausted.  
           Heonce again found himself looking down at her. His eyes slid from her face down toher neckline. There he saw a necklace. It had been obscured by her clothing beforebut had fallen out during the trek.
           Itwas three aquamarine crystals, all tied on a leather strap. Fredrick wanted totouch them, but he was unable to. His eyes trailed back up to her face. He almostdidn’t look away but was glad he did.
           Hehad almost walked them right into a lake. Not a normal one, either. One oflava.
           Fredricksighed. He needed to stop being so enthralled with the mysterious beauty andinstead focus on getting to his ship safely, so she could live.
           Xylionloaded the crate onto the ship. One of their rewards for helping to clean theplanet up. He was lucky to have not stumbled upon a dead body. Human Jenny wasalso pleased with that. She was currently sitting on the ground, her headresting against one of the crates. Xylion sighed as he sat down next to her.
           “Areyou doing okay, Human Jenny?”
           HumanJenny looked at him. “You know I’ve told you to call me Jenny, right?”
           “It’sa formality thing.”
           “Youcall Freddie Fredrick, so why can’t you call me Jenny?” Human Jenny asked,pouting.
           Xylionfelt mucus begin to secrete from his pores. “It’s different with him.”
           “Wehad a little chat one day, and I just feel like I understand him.”
           HumanJenny suddenly leaned towards him. Xylion gulped as he felt her hot breath fanhis face. “And you don’t think we have a deeper connection than that, Xylion?”
           Xylionturned to face her. His eyes fell to her lips. Something sparked between them.The need to kiss her became the only thought in Xylion’s mind. They began tomove towards one another, almost like magnets. Xylion’s eyes fluttered closed.He felt her lips, and then-
           Thetwo leapt apart from one another, their eyes wide. Xylion quickly stood up,about to explain what was happening. However, no one was there. “Hello?” Xylionasked, looking around.
           Suddenly,Fredrick came through the doors. In his arms was a woman, her body coated indry blood and soot. “Where’s Dattalion?”
           Xylionimmediately rushed out the doors, crying out for Dattalion and Human Quinn. Bythe time he found them, Fredrick was already behind him. The two quickly helpedthe girl onto an operating table.
           HumanQuinn looked towards Xylion and Fredrick. “Okay, it’s time for you guys toleave.”
           “What?”Fredrick asked, his eyes wide.
           “Youheard me. We can’t have you guys getting in the way of anything.” Human Quinnsaid, her expression hard as she eyed them both.
           Xyliongently pulled Fredrick out of the room, allowing Human Quinn to shut the door.Fredrick stared at it sadly before leaning against the wall. Xylion watched himslide down it until he landed on the ground. He threw his head back and lookedup at the ceiling. Xylion saw the worry in his eyes. Fredrick groaned as hepulled his glasses off.
           “Fredrick,are you alright?” Xylion asked, moving towards his friend.
           Fredrickshook his head. “Something’s wrong with me, Xylion.”
           “Andwhat is that, exactly?”
           “I-Am I a bad person for thinking someone is attractive?”
           Xylionfrowned. “Of course not. Why would you think that?”
           “It’sjust…what with Aubree, I just- I just feel like me being attracted to thatwoman is a betrayal to her. I can see her now. She’d be sobbing if she foundout. She would say I’m a dirty cheater who deserves to rot in hell for the restof eternity.”
           Xyliondidn’t quite understand what hell was, but he knew what burning and eternitymeant. “Fredrick, that’s not true and you know it. Aubree would be happy to seethat you finally found someone. Even though you’ve never officially met her oranything. She would see it as an improvement to what you’ve been like in thepast. The fact that you can’t see that means that you just hate yourself toomuch. The hate and disgust you feel for yourself is not needed. You aren’tdoing anything wrong. I find people attractive all the time, and you don’t seeme cursing my entire being.”
           “Well,you never lost someone you were planning on spending the rest of your lifewith.” Fredrick countered.
           “That’strue, but I still know that being attracted to someone isn’t a bad thing. Maybethis is a sign that you’re ready to move on.”
           Fredrickdidn’t answer. He simply looked down, his eyes betraying the war of emotions hewas fighting. Xylion frowned. What would cheer Fredrick up?
           Xylionpulled out his communicator. He tried to remember everything he could about hisfriend. Suddenly, an event from what felt like forever ago popped into hishead. He quickly searched the band in his communicator. Xylion clicked thefirst song that came up.
           Acool voice flowed out of the speakers. Fredrick perked up, turning his head tothe sound. “Is that-“
           “AGrave Mistake by Ice Nine Kills.” Xylion read aloud, a smile on his face. “I rememberedyou like this band, but I find it strange that they are not screaming at us. Didthey finally let all their anger out or something?”
           “No,it’s just a different styling. Did you know this song is based off a horrormovie from earth?”
           Xylionperked up at the sound of talons on the ground. He looked up, blinking thesleep out of his eyes. Dattalion looked down at him. “She’s awake.”
           Fredrickjumped up. “She is?”
           Dattalionnodded. “She’s a bit disoriented right now, but I think it best we question heras soon as possible.”
           Fredrickstood up. “I can do it.”
           “Yousure?” Xylion asked.
           Xylionsighed, nodding. “We’ll be in there with you too.” Dattalion said, noddingtowards Fredrick.
           Allthree of them walked towards the door. As it opened, Xylion looked into theroom. The woman was partially sat up on the bed. She was hooked up to an IV anda heart rate monitor. Dattalion walked in. “She suffered multiple fractures, afew first-degree burns and a mild concussion. Other than that, she’s okay. Wehave her on the IV because she’s been fading in and out of consciousness and wewant to make sure she doesn’t dehydrate.”
           “Didyou get a DNA analysis?” Xylion asked, looking towards his best friend.
           Dattalionnodded. “Quinn is running it through the system as we speak.”
           Thewoman frowned. “Where- where am I?”
           Fredrickwalked towards her and sat down. “You’re aboard the Freelorn, a ship in theUSL.”
           “TheUSL? Are you serious?”
           “Yes.Can you please tell me your name and affiliation?”
           Thewoman looked down at her lap. Then, she nodded. “My name is Amaryllis Caligari,and I used to be a part of the Rebellion.”
           Xylionfrowned. “The what?”
Hey there! Long time no see! I know it’s been forever since I did anything on here, but I’ve been pretty busy with school. Junior year frickin’ sucks. 
A few updates on this series: the book on Wattpad has been updated a lot more. Why? I don’t know. Laziness probably. Anyways, there’s a good amount of chapters on there that haven’t been put on tumblr, so if you want to read that then go on ahead. The wattpad storyline is the big main one while stuff on tumblr will just be random updates. Except for this, actually. I have a great idea for where this will go. 
Second thing, I love the sims a lot, and so I decided to make these characters in the sims. I can only make the humans, but I wanted to share them on tumblr too cause I already shared them on wattpad. Also I made Amaryllis too, so yeah.
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So that’s them. I hope this helps you guys imagine them a bit more. Anyways, I’ll see you all in the next update of this story. Adios!
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