#These days I purposely do not wear clothing with logos unless paid to do so
dollelujah · 1 year
as someone who processes dozens, sometimes hundreds of school photos a DAY for a living, please keep in mind the graphic tee trend in Monster High G3 reflects the audience to whom the dolls are aimed towards.
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Chapter 8: A Day Out Shopping
I’m super excited that he actually brought up the fact that he promised he would hang out with me!! I’ll have to let Aj and Karim know that he kept it.
“What’s going through your head cupcake?” Adrian asked me as I continue to look out the window of my vehicle as I drive down the road.
“I’m just happy that you kept your promise,” I smile softly and glance over at him then go back to focusing on the road.
He coughed, “I told you I would hang out, and I try to keep my promises.”
“Thank you,” my smile stays on my face. We talk about random things all the way to the mall. I park in the Barnes and Noble parking lot and get unbuckled.
"What happened to clothes shopping?" Adri asks.
"We'll get there, I always start here and make my way to the mall!" I comment getting out of my SUV.
“Alright then, there are some manga that I want to see if they came out anyways,” Good, I’m glad I picked the right store to go to first.
“Normally I blitz through the store when I first get here and then it’s the last store I’m in when I’m leaving and I take a good look around. That way I’m not carrying things around all the time considering I have to come back to the same store to leave," I explain my method of shopping to Adrian and he blinks at me a few times and then nods in agreement with the method. I hold the door open for him but he puts his hand above mine then pushes me in.
“Cupcake,” Adri speaks up as we walk straight through Barnes and Nobel.
“Hm?” I hum as we enter the main part of the mall.
“Your major is fashion design. Why not just make your own clothes?” He has a valid point.
"Oh, I do make my own clothes most of the time. But I like to support others too. There is also a really cute pair of shorts that caught my eyes before school started, but I didn’t get a chance to pick them up. But I also have to stop and get more fabric while we’re out and about,” I smile up at him, “But if you don’t want me wearing shorts around the apartment just tell me, I have leggings and what not that I can wear instead.”
“I don’t mind you wearing shorts, but you can wear whatever the hell ya want to cupcake,” He looks down at me as he puts his hands in his pockets.
We head into Sears and I head right to the girl's section and start searching through the short shorts section to find the pair that I saw the last time I was here. “Ha, found you,” I mutter pulling out a pair of navy blue short shorts.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” He asks standing next to me.
“The shorts, yes, but now I need to make an outfit with them,” I answer and zip past him over to the tank tops and pull out a soft blue sports tank top and next to that was a purple crop top that I also grabbed. Any other person would probably think that I was getting clothes for a sibling. After I find a nice pair of skinny jeans that would fit me I grab Adrian’s wrist and drag him to the changing rooms with me.
“Now, wait here,” I say and go into one of the changing stalls. Setting the clothes, I picked out on the bench I get out of my cargo shorts and t-shirt that had Mushu on the front from Mulan. I pick up the short shorts and slip them on. Pulling up the ends of my boxer briefs so they were hidden away in the shorts I then grab the crop top and throw it on. Opening the door to see Adrian leaning against the wall across from the stall that I’m in he looks up from his phone, “What do you think? And I want your honest opinion.”
He stood there and just stared at me for at least a solid minute his mouth slightly open, “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh,” Was the first thing that came out of, “Good, ya look good cupcake,” He coughed slightly in a closed fist and closing his eyes. I smile happily as I think I see the slightest shade of pink brush over his nose.
“Kay! I’ll be out with the next one!” I step back and close the door again. Changing out of the crop top and shorts, I fold them up again and set them aside so I can buy them. I then put on the skinny jeans and the tank top before stepping out of the stall once more, “How about this one?”
“I have a question,” He said after nodding, “Have you ever wore skirts or dresses?”
“Yes, yes I have, for cosplay purposes, but yes," I tip my head to him, "Why?"
“Because, I just think you would make a cute looking girl is all,” He looked away from me.
“Awww, thank you!! I’m going to buy you something now!!” I spin on my toes once and wink at him.
“I-I don’t want anything,” He comments.
“Too bad, I’m at least getting you non-ripped jeans so you look decent if you go on any dates~” I close the door again and get back into my baggy cargo shorts and t-shirt. Putting my shoes back on I make sure that I have both of my outfits before leaving the stall. I’ll only wear the crop top and short shorts in the apartment for now. I don’t feel comfortable quite yet wearing them out in public for long periods of time unless it’s too hot or I’m just quickly running to the store. “Let’s go! To the men’s section!” I comment and point towards the other end of the store. I’ll probably pick up a couple more cargo pants for myself while I’m in the section.
“You really don’t have to get me anything.”
“If we don’t find anything that you like that doesn’t have holes in it, then let me take your measurements when we get home.”
“Take my measurements?” He rose an eyebrow at me and I nod.
"So, I can make your outfits!" I exclaim, "I would love for you to be a model!" We make it to the section and I start looking through cargo pants that are in my size, "What size do you wear?"
“Ah, no sweet thing, I’m on the other side of the camera,” He answers and I look back at him pouting a bit.
“Please, it would only be for school, and you can help me take the pictures and set the poses too. I still have to ask Karim and Aj if they’ll be willing to be models too so you won’t be alone.”
He pointed at himself up and down, “This lumpy sack of potatoes does not model,” I puff out my cheeks at him, “Also, I can’t work a camera if I’m in front of it.”
“But don’t you have a clicky button thing that lets you take pictures when you're not in front of the camera?" I ask, "And you're not a lumpy sack of potatoes, I've seen the six pack that you carry on that stomach of yours." His eyes widen when I say that, "Maybe down kick your blankets off at night if you want to keep secrets~" I smirk, "But if I take you to whatever restaurant you want to go and I buy you food and whatever drink you want would you consider it?"
“I’ll think about it,” He commented actually looking through the pants himself. After some convincing I got him to pick up two pairs of pants that didn’t have rips in them. I then paid for the clothes and we went off to Best buy to look at some movies, anime, and CDs. We ended up talking about what anime’s we liked the most and found out that we actually have a fair bit of common likes in anime. After we stop in a couple other random stores and I stop Adrian from buying a mace because we don’t need to get in trouble for having on in the dorms we go and get lunch.
I get a salad and Adri get’s a taco in a bag. We sit at a booth with our bags on the inside so no one can snatch them from us. "So, bookstore, fabric store, then back to the dorms?"
“That sounds good to me,” I nod and then I drop my fork, “I’ve got it!” I exclaim suddenly making Adri jump.
“Got what?”
I dig out the small sketchbook I bought along with one of the pencils and I started working in the sketchbook. I know what I want my logo to be!” I drew out a heart and then a V that went over top of it with small heart designs in the balls that I mad off the V. I showed the design to Adrian after I was done.
"It looks good cupcake. It's very you, it feels." He nods in approval.
“Awesome!! The next outfits I make I’m going to embroider them small into them,” I say happily.
“You should do it to the stuff you’ve already made too if you like it that much,” Adri slurped on his soft drink as I put the sketchbook away and went back to eating.
I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and I pull it out as I hold my fork in my mouth. Can you remember if we’re meeting up for practice tonight? Karim asks.
I don’t know. Aero didn’t say anything to me about it this morning, but I’m out and about with Adrian at the moment. I had to pick up a few things.
Good!! I’m so happy he kept his promise to you!! You better not let it go to waste! Get that boy!
Don't cat face me, birdy.
“Who’s that?”
“Karim,” I take another bite of my food, “He’s just moming me,” I chuckle.
“You have some good friends,” I stopped eating and looked at him, He was looking out at the crowd of people in the food court.
“So, do you,” I answer and he laughs bluntly.
“That’s a fuckin good one cupcake,” I flinch a little.
“Well, you have me as a friend,” I say picking up another fork full of salad and eating.
“We barely know each other and you call yourself my friend.”
“I think you’re a good person,” He looks over at me with a You’ve-got-to-be-joking look, “You may be rough, but I know that you care about others as much as you try to hide it.”
“You put too much faith in me cupcake,” He finishes off his drink, “I’m going to go get a smoothie.”
“You just finished off a large drink and two tacos in a bag, how can you possibly have room for a smoothie?”
“I still have room in my left leg,” He waves at me and I watch him leave. His hair lightly swishing back and forth behind him.
Sighing and leaning back in the booth seat I pull my hair pin out of my hair and let my hair fall. Scratching the back of my head I then put my hair back up and make sure it’s secure with the hair pin. By the time, he gets back with his smoothie I finish my salad and drink. Tossing out our trash after grabbing our bags we head back to Barnes and Nobel. I end up getting a couple of light novels to read in my spare time. Adrian gets some journals and fancy pens and once we both check out we head back to my SUV and we go to JoAnn Fabrics so I can get the fabric’s I know that I’m going to be using for side projects. We then head back to the dorms.
“So, what are you planning on making with all this fabric?” Adri questioned as I slowed down to a stop in a parking spot behind our building that was miraculously open.
“Now that I’ve got a logo I want to do some small swatches with embroidering, then make a full set of outfits, ‘I explain getting out of the SUV and going around to open the trunk. I had four bags full of fabric, all varying in lengths.
“And just who are you going to make these clothes for?” He questions grabbing two of the bags for me as I grab the other two plus my bags with my clothes and books in it. Adri closed the trunk for me and we wandered all the way around the building to get to the stairwell and started up the stairs.
“Well, I have Karim and Aj’s measurements so I can make some clothes for them, but I would love some other people to make clothes for,” I look over my shoulder at him and he gives me a resting bitch face.
“I’m not getting picture’s taken of me. I work on the other side of the camera,” I commented.
I got to the top and turned around, “I’m not asking you to have photos taken of you, I’m asking you to let me take your measurements so I can make clothes for you. I think it would be fun. And you’re here with me so it would be easier to ask you questions and figure out what you like.”
We stood there on the stairs just staring at each other. Then. Adrian sighs, “You swear that I’m not going to end up getting picture’s taken of me?”
I nod my head quickly, “This is just for me making clothes and practicing. Not for class or anything. I have another friend that said she would be willing to be my model for class.”
"Then fine, I'll let you take my measurements, whatever that means in your fashion designer lingo. Now, can we fuckin' get into the dorm? These fucking bags are heavy," He mentions and I turn on my heels and go the rest of the way to the door drop the bags at are in my left and dig out my keys. Unlocking the door, I push it open before grabbing my bags again and heading in.
A small meow from Aero greeted us as she sat on the arm of the couch, “Hello there my princess!” I set my bags down by the couch and pick her up, “I missed you while we were gone,” She nuzzled against my face.
“Where do ya want the bags?” Adrian asked.
“Well, I was going to put them in the spare room. I figured if we’re careful enough we can use it as a little studio. We just have to avoid staining anything or getting paint all over,” I look at him and he blinks at me. Did he not know that I was using the second room.
“I didn’t think that we could use the other room in case we get roommates,” He comments making me chuckle.
"Oh no, we can use it. I bought that room out before school started so we won't be getting roommates unless we have people sleeping over. We'll just make sure that we keep the beds clean. I also have to make one of the beds up just in case,” I don’t understand that look that he was giving me, but he didn’t say a word and just turned on his heels and went to the second bedroom and disappeared into there, “Oh god, this is embarrassing, I have a half-finished dress for you in there,” I mutter to Aero without look at her.
“Then go make sure nothing happens. Your measuring tape is in there anyways. Use it as an excuse to get his measurements,” She keeps her voice low and then jumps out of my arms and starts towards the second bedroom.
I follow her to see Adrian looking through small amount of clothes that I have finished minus my new logo on the rack. He looks mesmerized by them. Aero’s small meow makes him jump and then he notices that they two of us are in the room with him. I smile and go over to the desk that I have my sewing machine set up on. Pulling open the top drawer I grab my fabric tape measure and my small notebook that has everyone else’s measurements in it. And everyone else’s I mean Karim, Aj, Aero, and my family. “May I take your measurements now? It only takes about ten minutes for me to do.”
He looks at me and blinks a few times then sighs, “Fine, let’s get this over with.” As soon as I get that okay I drag him into the center of the room and started taking his measurements starting with his overall height. Then I start from his head and work my way down. It didn’t take me more than ten minutes like I told him. I couldn’t tell if he was a bit embarrassed when I got down to his legs and was taking his inseam, but I told him don’t worry I won’t be here long and I wasn't. Soon enough I was done. "By how solid your legs feel, I'm guessing you work out so I'll have to adjust your measurement accordingly like I have to with Aj,” I look over his measurements.
“I swear if ya make me wear pink…” I quickly shook my head at his comment.
“No no, I’ll okay everything with you and I’ll make sure you’re okay with the colors. The pastel colors are more so for my model, she loves those colors,” I cross my arms, “But she would also look really good in darker colors too.”
“Whatever floats your boat cupcake,” He sighs.
“You’re welcome to use the room too you know,” I speak up as he heads out of the room with his few bags.
“I may, ya never know,” He shrugs and leaves.
I start going through the bags and organizing the fabric’s I got and placed them in one of the empty dressers. Then I labeled the drawers with sticky notes, “Okay, not to find my embroidery machine. Please don’t tell me I left it at home. That would be really upsetting.
“What are you looking for cupcake?” Adri’s voice rang back into the room.
“I’m looking for my embroidery machine. It looks like a sewing machine, but it’s specifically for embroidering,” I explain not looking to see if he’s in the room or outside of it.
“Did you put it in our room? Is it in a box?”
"It's still in its box. Would you be willing to help me look pleased?" I finally turn around and see him leaning against the door frame. I feel my heart jump, I can imagine him doing that same pose in a black leather jacket with an old fashioned white beater under it, faded blue jeans with torn up knees and a couple of oil stains. His hair slicked back and either thrown up into a messy bun or braided behind him and fingerless black gloves and black army boots with the bottom of the jeans tucked into the boots.
Jumping into action I take a couple of strides back to the desk and whip out my sketchbook and quickly draw a figure that kind of represents Adrian and then starts designing the outfit.
“Cupcake, that isn’t looking for your,” I cut him off.
“Do you have faded blue jeans with oil stains on them?” I ask not looking up from my sketchbook.
“Uhhuh, I don’t know, I can look. Why are ya askin’ all of a sudden?”
“Because I have an idea and I think it would look really good. If you have a friend that has faded blue jeans with holes in the knees and oil stains on them, could you see if you could…no never mind, if you don’t have them I’ll make them,” I finish the sketch I turn around so I can look at him and instead I end up running into him. I didn’t even hear him walk up behind me I was so focused. Because of the sudden bump, I start falling back a bit from hitting my chair. He gets an arm around my waist and holds me up as I’m practically doing a back bend over my work desk with the back of my head a few inches away from my sewing machine.
“You okay?” He asks, holding my waist tight against his own.
I nod my face heating up rather quick from embarrassment. I would have stopped myself from getting hurt with my reflexes but he caught me first, “I-I’m just a big klutz,” I laugh sheepishly, “And I didn’t hear you come up behind me.”
He helped me stand up straight as he backed up, “It’s my fault, I didn’t realize you were going to turn around when you did and I was coming to see what you were drawing.”
He stands there in an awkward silence for a few minutes before my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and look at it to see Karim text me. Hey! So, it sounds like training it going to be just us today. Both Jade and Trick have something important to do so they can’t make it.
That’s alright. What time do we want to meet up then?
“One of your friends?” Adri questions as he walks out of the room.
“Yeah, it’s Karim,” I answer and my phone buzzes again in my hand. I’ll come up to your dorm and then we can walk up to the field together, that sounds good?
Sounds good to me. "He's actually going to come up and I and he are going to go for a walk. Do you want to come with us?" I offer.
“Na, I’m good. Thanks though,” I had a feeling I was going to get that. I go into the kitchen and grab two of my water bottles and fill them up with ice and water, "I've got plans for a little bit anyways."  
“Oh okay. Do you want me to make dinner for you?” I ask putting the caps back on the water bottles.
“You don’t have to do that,” He comments.
“I’ll leave you a plate in the oven and I’ll leave a sticky note on the doors to make sure you know to eat. And is Remmy staying here or is he going to go on an adventure?”
“He’s probably going to venture,” I watch him shrug as he turns on the tv, which is his and mine is in the bedroom and turns it to Netflix.
“Alright, I’ll just set out a small bowl of fruit out for him before I head to bed if you’re not back yet. I’ll also leave the kitchen light on just in case,” I tell him and then there’s a knock on the door.
“It’s open,” Adri yells a little so whoever’s at the door could hear him.
Karim walks in, “Hey!” He waves, out of the corner of my eye I see his pet bird land on the railing that’s just outside the door.
"I'm surprised AJ didn't come with you," I smiled walking over to him with the water bottles.
“Well, I offered but he said that he had something to do in a bit and to not wait up for him if it gets late,” Karim comments as he takes the red water bottle from me.
"Ah okay. Probably a project he wants to get a head start on?" I offer as a suggestion.
“That, or he could be going to the gym. I know that he can lose track of time between the gym and pool,” Karim sighs, "That man needs to take the slightest chill pill on the workouts sometimes," The smile never leaves his lips though.
I nudge him, “You love the results and you know it,” I chuckle.
“True, I do love all of that man, personality and everything that comes with it,” He comments then looks away from me and I see that Adrian has his back turned to us as he flips through Netflix, “You don’t mind me stealing Val for a bit, do you?”
“Not at all. Do what ya want with him.” He doesn’t turn to look at us.
“I’ll see you later then,” I said grabbing the door and closing it behind us. Aero slipping out with us.
“We’ll meet you boys there,” Aero comments and then in a poof of smoke, she’s gone.
“Shall we?” Karim smiles at me and we head down the stairs, “So how was your day out with Adrian?”
“It was pretty good. I got the outfit I was looking for and I also got a fair bit more fabric so I can work on some outfits. I was also able to get Adrian’s measurements so I can make clothes for him,” I explain as we walk.
“That’s great!” he exclaims.
“I’m excited, “I nod, “Where you told anything else about why Jade and Trick can’t make it to training?”
Karim shook his head, “No, I was only told that they weren’t going to be coming tonight.”
“That’s okay though, it means more one on one training for us!” The two of us laugh and we continue talking about random things as we walk up to the field that’s at the top of the hill. As usual, no one is around when we get here. The two of us change into our magic forms and get to work with our training.
Fighting Karim is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. He can hear my thoughts and what I was planning on doing neck, making it easy for him to block and counter. He’s a lot stronger than I am that’s for sure, but I’m determined to keep fighting and surpass him. We take breaks and talk with Aero and Hadi. We learn a bit more about them, like more of their interests and that they were best friends even before they joined the Hero’s guild. After getting my ass kicked and beaten down to the ground for what feels like the hundredth time we decide to call it for the night.
"You did well!" Karim exclaims and he helps me up off the ground.
“I only knocked you down five times this entire time,” I mention brushing off the dirt and exposing visible large bruises and deep cuts, “You got me good,” I laugh feeling the pain through my body.
"De transforms and I’ll heal you,” I nod and do as I’m told. Just to make it easier I take off my shirt.
“Aren’t you tired thought?” I ask as he begins healing the large slash that’s across my chest where he got me with his sword. He did quick healing on it to close it when It happened, but it still formed a very large bruise around it as well.
“I am, but I can at least take care of this big cut for you. You’ll still be really sore, but at least we won’t have to worry about you bleeding or someone asking you where you got the cut from.”
“I’ll also heal the rest of his bruises Karim dear so don’t stress yourself too much,” Aero chimes in. She does have a healing aura that she naturally gives off especially at night. It’s come in handy a lot of times when I was first starting to run.
"Thank you," He smiles and then concentrates fully on the cut.
After another ten minutes, it was pretty much healed, but he had to break away because he was starting to sway, "I'm going to take him home now and get him to rest,” Hadi touched Karim's ear and made him de-transform before she teleported them away.  
Putting my shirt back on I look over at Aero who’s smiling happily at me. She jumps and hugs my face into her chest, "You did so well!! I'm so proud of you kitten!"
I laugh a little and hug her back, even though it hurts terribly to move any part of my body right now, “Can we go home. I promised I would make dinner and I’m really sore from my beating.”
“Of course, dear,” Before I could remove my face from her chest she has us safely back in the living room of the apartment. Just like I thought would happen. Adrian isn’t home yet, it’s so quiet in the apartment, “I’ll help you with whatever I can for dinner, I want you to take a shower right after and get to bed once we’re finished eating.”
I nod and wander to the kitchen. I find one of the frozen stir fries in the freezer. Aero pulls out the skillet, I open the bag and place it in the skillet then turn it on. It doesn’t take long for it to heat up and I make up two plates for me and Aero. I then make a plate for Adri and stick it in the oven. Before I eat I write out the sticky notes that I promised I would make. We didn’t talk as we ate, but Aero made me go straight to the shower and that she would clean everything up.
I grab a pair of my shorts first and my towel before going into the bathroom. It’s really difficult to take a shower because of the pain and it takes me twice as long, but I finally finish up and get dressed. I brush my teeth and go right to bed. Aero ends up turning off all the lights, but the one that was in the kitchen from what I can see from the door of the bedroom. I heard a poof and then a hear pattering of Aero’s paws on the floor as she walks across the room and she hops on the bed. She crawls under the blankets with me and snuggles up against my chest. Gently stroking her fur, I end up quickly falling asleep.
Waking up to the sun coming into the room I groan lightly. Cracking open my eyes I search under my pillow for my phone, but can’t find it. I must have left it somewhere in the apartment. I feel tired, but not really sore. I don’t feel Aero in the bed either. She must have gotten up to go to the bathroom. I have to get up. It’s time for a run. If I take a break before my scheduled day off then I’m going to start sleeping. I drag myself out of bed and notice that Adri is sleeping soundly in his bed. Quietly, I make it over to my dresser and pull out a pair of workout clothes then go to the spare bedroom and get dressed. Tossing my shorts back into the room and close to my bed, I put on my socks out in the living room, get my shoes on and then head out for my run. I’ll look for my phone when I get back.
I do my normal jog/ walk, but getting better with mostly jogging around campus and make it back to the apartment building. I have to stretch after each flight, but I make it up the three flights of stairs. Okay, time to find phone.  I start out in the kitchen, but it’s not there, then I shift out to the living room and see if I threw it on the couch or something in my tired haze last night. But again, it’s not there. I’ll just check the room. If I quiet I shouldn’t wake him up. I push open the door to the bedroom considering it wasn’t all the way closed and standing in the middle of the room stark naked is my roommate. He has freckles that are scattered all over his torso and beautiful muscles with a good amount of definition to them. Oh, my god, he has freckles on his body. And that chain is that like a belly ring chain? It looks like it. I didn’t think he was a guy to get a belly ring. Holy shit, how big is that thing? I mean I know that I tried my best to not hit his bulge in his pants yesterday when I was taking his measurements, but he had that crammed in there? Just what else is he hiding?  I lock eyes with him after looking him up and down a few times. I can’t get anything out of my throat but I point back over my shoulder and grab the door and close it. My face feels like a raging inferno. Walking back over to the couch I pick up a pillow and press my face into it, “OH MY GOD, HE IS SO FUCKING HOT?”  I scream into the pillow.
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mirrorreps · 5 years
Replica YSL Wallet on Chain (YSL WOC) Review
Hello ladies! Today we’re back with another replica Wallet on Chain review (we reviewed the replica Chanel Wallet on Chain recently). Today, we are looking at YSL’s offering, the replica YSL Wallet on Chain. The replica YSL Wallet on Chain differs little from the Chanel version, disregarding the obvious branding differences, YSL have decided to go for a chevron embroidery pattern, which in my opinion looks better.
While lacking the history of Chanel, Saint Laurent is still a force to be reckoned with in the high fashion world, producing many great bags like the YSL LouLou and YSL Envelope, they’re know for slick, stylish designs. But who wins in the battle of the replica Wallet on Chains? Is it more or less functional than Chanel’s WoC? Which one should you buy? Keep reading to find out…
Model: Replica YSL Wallet on Chain (YSL WOC)
Size:  8.8 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
Price (Auth/Replica): $1550/$175
Replica YSL Wallet on Chain (YSL WOC) Photos:
Replica YSL Wallet on Chain (YSL WOC) Quality Analysis:
YSL’s grain de poudre embossed leather is quite like Chanel’s caviar (these 2 replica handbags really do share a lot in common). The factories have done it again though and replicated it perfectly. It smelt like a baby cow when I first got it out of the box, this is PURE leather.
The structure of the bag is incredibly sturdy, and all the chevrons are perfectly spaced out and aligned. The hardware is all shiny as it should, the YSL logo placement on the flap is often an area of concern for low quality replicas, but this is a high-quality replica handbag so there are no problems there.
The chain is weighty and glistens like it should. Now for the interior, the inner zip compartment is great, the zip slides open and closed so smoothly (and I’m not sure for the word to describe it, but you know when a zip just FEELS high-quality in the way it slides? It’s got that). The stitching is perfect both inside and out with no loose threads or skipped stitches and all the compartments are evenly sized. The stamp on the inside of the flap is good too, straight and clear.
I bought this from a new factory to give them a test run and they’ve passed my test, the seller I was dealing with was courteous and answered all my questions timeless, I paid them via Western Union and my replica YSL Wallet on Chain shipped out a few days later, complete with tracking number via EMS. After passing through customs the postman delivered it to my husband no less than 10 days after sending payment, what a world we live in!
Purse Replacement
This bag has its downsides and they are apparent, but for its purpose, it’s an amazing little replica handbag. As a replacement for your purse, it has everything you need. For some ladies, lack of space is a major dealbreaker, but you know what’re getting in to when shopping for a replica YSL Wallet on Chain, so if it’s what you’re looking for, then I recommend it.
Detachable Chain Strap
The gorgeous, weighty chain strap can be detached, making this YSL Wallet on Chain replica function more like a clutch, the bag already looks great in formal settings, but this can give it that extra X-factor to make an already formal outfit look that bit more stylish.
If you want to use it as a clutch but don’t want to remove the chain, this can be done too by tucking it in to the bag. As many readers may know if they’ve read my previous replica handbag reviews of handbags with chain straps, then they know that I’m not a huge fan unless wearing them over thick clothing as they cause problems with my sensitive skin.
Emblem Tarnishes Easily
This is a huge problem with the authentic as well as the replica YSL Wallet on Chain, and that’s how vulnerable the emblem is to tarnish. Being large, and on the front and center of the bag, it gets bumped, scratched and exposed to the elements a lot, which leads it to tarnish and get scratched.
I believe this gives a bag character as it tells the story of its use, but I know this would drive many girls crazy as they like to keep their bags in pristine condition. This is something to consider when purchasing a YSL Wallet on Chain replica.
20+ Card Slots
This replica handbag is an animal for card storage, rocking over TWENTY separate card slots, now you can carry all those loyalty cards with you, although it’s not something a high society lady should be doing (just kidding!)
Organized Compartments
Like it’s Chanel counterpart, the replica YSL wallet on chain rocks 2 compartments, with a middle zip compartment allowing you to keep whatever you can fit in this mini-bag organized.
Not Very Casual
The design of the bag doesn’t lend itself very well to casualness, many times I have reached for it before going out for a coffee with a friend, only to reach for the replica Chanel Wallet on Chain instead. I think it’s the chevron design that does it, but this is definitely a more formal bag for me.
Is the Replica YSL Wallet on Chain (YSL WOC) worth it?
As with the replica Chanel Wallet on Chain, you know what you’re look at when you want to buy a WOC, a simply, stylish, functional replacement for carrying around a purse, perfect for casual trips out or to accompany a stylish dress to a formal event. Most replica YSL handbags lack the casual factor that other brands have in my opinion, this is not necessarily a bad thing though.
What the replica YSL Wallet on Chain lacks in storage space, it more than makes up for in style. I have a thing for mini bags, as do many women, but unfortunately many of us are unable to carry them, either due to needing to carry a lot of things, or having OCD which makes us carry a lot of things regardless of the situation. But this doesn’t make the replica YSL Wallet on Chain any less of a bag, it’s just not suited for our needs.
But if it IS suited for your needs, then I say go right ahead, you won’t regret this purchase. You especially won’t regret saving over $1300 on a 1:1 replica handbag!
The post Replica YSL Wallet on Chain (YSL WOC) Review appeared first on Mirror Reps.
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