#These two are driving me crazayy
albaricomics ยท 18 days
seeing ur hc about anastacha and francis makes me wanna know now, whats ur hc for nacha and francis? or nacha and anastacha in general, bc theyre family is so cute (francis and nacha r still married in my head </3)
So cute you keep them as a married couple in your head haha ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
For Nacha and Anastacha
Too much energy mom and zero to no energy daughter
Their love and care for each other is mutual, Nacha would do anything to protect her girl, and even tho sometimes Ann doesn't match her mom's vibes or isn't too cheerful about general stuff, she'll show care in different ways.
Besides of her mom, the rest of the world is very "whatever" to Anastacha.
Nacha will do Ann's pigtails for school every morning, she has done it since she was very little and hasn't figured how much she has grown already.
Unlike Ann and her dad, Nacha is OBSESSED with Elvis Presley and will blast his music every weekend.
They enjoy hanging out with the twins, Lois, Margarette, Gloria, Raftellyn and Mia. All women have a strong bond and trust each other for everything ๐Ÿ’ž (tho Ann tries to stay away from those who pinch her cheeks bc of "how much she's grown")
For Francis and Nacha...
Currently is generally awkward, tho Francis doesn't care that much to this point, but Nacha will rush to her apartment if she sees him close.
They loved watching outdoor movies when they were together.
She's a chef so I believe they met at the restaurant she was working, while Francis was delivering milk, and his attention was brought to the lead chef that would make everyone move around, but when those big blue and green eyes made contact with him, he immediately knew he wanted to know everything about her.
She approached and asked him "do you need me to sign something?", and it took him 15 SECONDS to react.
He'd purposefuly say he forgot to bring something, again and again, to repeatedly visit Nacha during the day.
He wasn't shy at all, but took him fair enough to invite her out to dinner.
First kiss was on the dance floor, while "The Great Pretender" by The Platters was playing... Really bad song to listen to after the break up.
The doppels situation will inevitably make them talk to each other again, leading to slowly care for one another and help the neighbors... Together.
I'm sleepy, this is what I can think of rn lol
Loved thinking of it!!
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