#They are certainly the most rushed of any of my BIONICLE month illustrations
ashilean · 1 year
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"I believe that mask belongs to me."
It has long been my intention to--if not actually becoming active here again--at least keep this place relatively up to date. So here is the last of BIONICLE month from 2020, most of which is now very old or out of date but still nice to have all in the same place. I believe the remaining prompts were for a toa of water, toa of air, turaga, matoran, adversary, and titan (which is the Hydraxon piece above).
I'm fairly certain at this point all of the custom masks were designed by KhingK and the cordak blasters are my attempt to ape BobtheDoctor27's really slick stud shooter ones. Hopefully get to posting my modern projects here soon!
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