#They better try and imply that Chris actually took Rose from Mia because she was arrested for harbouring a Bioweapon (Ethan) because thats
Second Sense: Sight || Ethan Winters ||
Eeyy more Ethan Winters love, and here I will be having a few skips in this one, from his and the readers wedding / honeymoon and to his and through all the shit of Village.
But I am changing a lot of the village and of course Rosemary is going to be Ethan’s and the Readers child.
This one is also super long.
Edit: fixed it so all the things with Ethan’s sight is now Italicized 
Implied smut.
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Ethan squirmed in his suit, the man did his best not to feel so nervous but looking at himself in the mirror, well that was soon tossed out the window. 
“Stop moving so much Ethan.”
Glancing away from the mirror he dropped his shoulders turning his attention towards Mia, the woman was wearing a pastel blue dress. Her brunette hair in curls. “How can I...what if she say’s no..what if she-”
A loud slap rang out in the small room he was in though his hand immediately flew to his cheek. “What the hell was that for.”
“You need to stop over thinking things Ethan..this is your wedding. Y/n isn’t going to say no...besides I slapped you because you looked like you were about to pass out.” Smoothing out the dress she gave the man a smile fixing his tie. “But if it makes you feel better I’ll go check on her...”
“Thank you.”
Hearing the door closed Ethan turned back to the mirror nervously fixing his hair, Mia was right. He had nothing to worry about...he hoped.
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Fingers digging into the fabric of your wedding dressing you jumped hearing the knocking on the door. “It’s unlocked.”
Biting your lip you were expecting Chris though your eyes went wide wide spotting Mia.
“Is it wrong for me to feel so nervous?”
“Of course not Y/n.” Stepping closer Mia gave you a soft smile grasping your hands gently. “You look beautiful and you’re going to take Ethan’s breath away”Sighing the woman pulled you in for a hug careful not to ruin your dress. “Thank you Y/n...for making Ethan happy. and don’t worry...Ethan is just as nervous.”Stepping back she smiled turning to Chris as the man coughed into his hand.
“He’s ready....are you all set Y/n?”
Giving Chris a small nod you grasped his arm. Your nails digging into his arm and if it bothered him he did not show it.
Walking down the aisle you gave Ethan a smile, he looked handsome in his dark tuxedo, his blonde hair slicked back. A smile was on his face and you could tell he was nervous, it’s nice to know you weren’t alone in this and before you knew it the ceremony flew by, along with the dancing.
Ethan just knew you were beautiful, he loved watching your dress spin around you as you danced, he knew he was the luckiest man alive with you know being his wife. Closing his eyes, the next thing he knew he was on his way towards his honeymoon.
Smiling you grasped his hand, you gave him a teasing smile as you tugged the man towards the hotel room.
“Someone’s eager.”
“Can’t I be excited to have sex with my husband.” You teased pulling out the key card.
Letting his arms wrap around your waist, you turned to face the man. “We have sex all the time.”
“Yes but this time we will be married.”You let your fingers weave through his, your finger running across the metal.
“That’s true, so I suppose we should ready that mistake.” Leaning in close, he pressed his lips against yours as his hand moved down to your hips.
Smiling against his lips, you managed to unlock the door as he lifted you up. Your legs wrapping around his hips, fingers weaving through his hair Ethan kicked the door shut as he carried you off to the bed. His eyes went wide for a moment as he turned his head to the door, your lips pressing against his cheek and neck. “Shit...the bags...We left them in the car.”
Grasping the mans chin you forced him to look at you. “Ethan...forget the bags for now and fuck me.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Hands moving under your shirt he let his hands message your breast as he pulled you in for another kiss as he struggled to take you clothes off. Hands messaging your breast, Ethan broke the kiss as he hovered over you. “You’re so beautiful.” His eyes roamed your body, taking everything in, you were a vision.
Smiling you wrapped your arms around his neck. “You’re not so bad yourself Mr.Winters.”
Chuckling, Ethan shook his head as he gave you another kiss. His free hand grasping your hip as he slowly pushed himself within you.
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“Ah...one more picture! Please!”
Laughing you placed your hand on your growing stomach, Ethan was waving a camera around. “Ethan! please...at least let me sit down for them at least.”
Blinking for a moment the man rubbed the back of his neck. It was hard for him not to tare his gaze away from you. “Ahh s-sorry you’re just so beautiful and you’re pregnant..I just want to remember this.”
Sitting down in the rocking chair you let out a sigh closing your eyes for a moment. “It’s okay Ethan, it’s actually quite adorable.”
“Well I don’t know about that.” Scratching his cheek Ethan took one last picture of you then placed the camera down. Leaning in the man placed his hand on your stomach giving you a soft kiss.
“I can’t wait to meet you Rosemary.”
Feeling a small kick you let out a laugh running your fingers through Ethan’s hair as he rested his head on your belly.
“She can’t wait to meet you too Ethan.”
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Ethan couldn’t believe this was happening to him, again. When he told that you were missing he felt like his world was crashing down on him then his daughter had to get taken too. He couldn’t deal with this shit anymore, blinking his tears away the man cradled his injured hand to his chest.
If that journal he read was true then you where here, somewhere with Rose and he was going to get you both back.
“I’m going to find you y/n...you and Rose...I’m going to make those bastards pay for taking you both.”
Ethan didn’t know how long he was stuck here but he finally had his daughter in his arms. Holding his crying daughter to his chest the man did his best to push the pain he was feeling away. He didn’t know what that woman did but he couldn’t feel his legs.
“I’m so sorry Rose...I’m sorry I couldn’t give you a better life...I’m sorry.” 
That voice sounded familiar, it couldn’t have been? “Chris?” He could feel his vision start to blur. “Take Rose..please.”
The last thing Ethan saw before his vision turned black was Chris hovering over him.
Watching Ethan slump Chris swore under his breath, carefully taking the baby from the mans arms he called two men over. “We need to get him to the helicopter before this damn place explodes.”
Frowning he closed his eyes as he followed the men carrying the unconscious Ethan. He just prayed that they weren’t too late for him, he couldn’t imagine your reaction to seeing your husband dead.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
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It was the rhythmic sound of the beeps that woke him up though he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw you, your body curled in one those chairs. Hand slowly raising the man was just happy to see you were alive, god he wanted to touch you but he didn’t want to wake you though his eyes went wide when it hit him.
Rose?...where was she..?
Eyes darting around the stark white room, Ethan could feel himself start to panic, sitting up. he frowned as his arms moved to his legs, why couldn’t he move.
“Winters...you need to calm yourself.”
Frowning he turned to see who was talking to him, that was Leon right? he’s met the man a few times. “You’re going to wake your wife.”
“What the hell is going on? why can’t I feel my legs...where is my daughter.”
“Your daughter is fine..my wife is with her...y/n wanted to stay with you and right now she just wanted Claire to look after her.” Sighing Leon slowly stepped forward giving you another look as you stirred, he could only imagine the hell you went through. “As for your legs...well I’m sorry to tell you this Ethan but you’re paralyzed....with the Molded know longer in your body it was unable to heal...look I’m sorry I’m the one to break this news but Chris didn’t think you’d want to see him....and Ethan..try not to hate the man too much.He just wanted to protect you three, hell you’d be dead if it worn’t for the man...I’ll go get your daughter.”
Blinking, Ethan watched as Leon left the room, he watched as you slowly awoke, watched as tears formed in your eyes as you slipped off the chair wrapping your arms around his neck. While he hated seeing your tears, he was just happy to see you again, happy to know that you and his daughter are safe.
Hearing the door open, he was move than happy to take his daughter in his arms, his finger sliding across her cheek as he turned his head to look up at you. “I’m so happy.”
Smiling through your tears you placed a kiss on Ethan’s head then let your daughter grasp your finger. “I am too Ethan.”
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nancydfan · 3 years
In relation to the pre-RE8 ask. I assumed the mold was similar to an irl virus carrier - you don't know you have it until you test for it, which leads to the question 'why wasn't Ethan tested?'
I have two theories
1) They were more concerned with Mia who they KNEW was infected - this is terrible from a professional standpoint and if true those doctors/scientists should be fired, but this is also the most probable in my opinion
2) They did test it but through the power of how well Ethan took to the mold and/or because Ethan himself fully believed he wasn't a mold man (belief is a powerful thing) the test results came back wrong.
3) Someone on the inside was a spy and faked the results, which is how Miranda found out about Rose but Miranda seemed surprised by Ethan's return which hinted she didn't know the full extent of his powers so less likely but still possible.
On Mia's end, I think she knew longer than just after re7. My memory of re7 is a bit rusty but it makes sense to me that she either
a) knew he was a mold man/something was up and ended up trusting him when it became apparent his search for the cure was sincere (she fought through the boat to go get him, she 100% was fighting for Ethan and not what she believed was a mold man wearing his skin)
b) suspected something happened to him and noticed signs but didn't fully realize it until after re7
I say this with the thought that it would be way harder to test/confirm Ethan as a mold man when being monitored 24/7 and out of danger where there's less...let's say extreme evidence. So I think she knew something was off in re7 and confirmed it before the end of the game simply because of her 'special' comment to Chris. Who knows, maybe she woke up before Ethan and saw his dead body?
(Also, lowkey I was rewatching an re8 playthrough and I'm positive Ethan died with that old man in the beginning, that was our first BIG hint...but also how many times did this man die and we all just went ah yes, vibeogame go brrrrr hahaha) (as I am writing this i realized he also could have died with the squad in the escort car and I am Shook, ETHAN PLEASE STOP DYING)
Back to Mia (lmao sorry for the sidetrack), if she knew he died then there's a solid chunk of that game where she was having a crisis behind the scenes where this 'fake' Ethan is running around trying to find and make this cure and she's waiting for the other shoe to drop the entire time but no, he goes through with it and chases off Lucas and she gets cured. By the time they get to the boat she is convinced enough to go save him.
Or maybe she remembers he died through nightmares and her memory comes back slowly, which leads to her argument with Ethan that 'we matter, YOU matter' because he DIED because of her mistakes/for her and she just wants him to think of himself for once.
I have so many emotions and theories, I feel like the Pepe Silvia meme. You asked for this though, so now we're both in this mess hahahahaha :D
Have a nice night :)
I did ask for it and I love it! Pls feel free to send me msgs whenever because I love hearing people’s thoughts because I’m not the smartest person here so y’all always have me thinking! Also, I’m super about to respond in the most crazy all over the place sorry =o
Starting with Mia in RE7, I don’t think she knew Ethan was dead. I know the VHS tapes were more of a learning tool for the characters but I think they’re canon in they’re own weird way  lol. She talks to Ethan in a way even saying there’s much he doesn’t know but I think it’s in relation to evie and the bakers moreso then him being dead. I can see how it could be implied that way but she’s talking to him as her husband so that’s why I don’t see it. And as you said, in the boat, she was there for Ethan, her husband, no questions about anything else. She tells Evie not to hurt him. It just feels like she still thinks he’s human. But that’s just my take.  
That being said, I love love that concept. And since capcom can only give us like 15 minutes to even explain anything about Mia, I would love to see this explored in fan fiction (hint hint somewhere out there lol) BECAUSE can you imagine? Mia’s been trapped in Dulvey three years and her husband shows up so suddenly she has hope. Then she sees him murdered? And then he pops back up and she knows that’s just not him anymore. Oooof sign me tf up 
I imagine the more boring option is she put two and two together as she learned just a bit of what ethan went through. I imagine he has a leg scar? That had to come up eventually. And obviously once the crisis is over she might actually stop and think about how ethan has his left hand back. 
As for no one figuring out ethan was mold, yeah, you’re probably right about the most boring, lazy route. Did ethan just not tell them he reattached a limb or can they not see it’s not exactly fully there? Didn’t someone ask about this??? I agree that angry ethan can be persuasive but holy shit someone dropped the ball. And if they gave him something, did it not impact him at all? Wouldn’t he have some reaction to anything designed as anti mold? Or did they chaulk it up to it being removed? Mia is shown to be heavily medicated and they didn’t even give this man anxiety medication. 
It’s just so odd no one thought of anything in the course of three years. But maybe his mold condition and his belief is that strong. And like you said, his body is no longer in crisis. It doesn’t need to keep supporting physical abuse so it can support his human identity better. 
Also ethan is basically an honorary winchester with as many times he dies LAWL
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