#They meet when Martin finds Noah on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere with a broken down bike.
fidgetspringer · 9 months
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 16
It was 2006, one of the last seasons for Beacon Hills Girls lacrosse. The other girls on the team and I fought hard but it would be over by the time my senior year rolled around. We thought if we had made it to the state championships, we would save it. Here’s to hoping. As team captain, all eyes were on me to make the season great. We were lined up on the field, ready for the toss up. I stared into the eyes of the opposing player, the girl’s eyes were determined. But so were mine, I glanced to the side at the bleachers. There was Uncle Noah, Stiles, and Scott, cheering me on. I was just happy Stiles came today.
I looked back up, just in time for the pearl toss, I scooped it from the air, immediately shoving passed the opposing player. I ran down the field, narrowly missing players looking to tackle. I threw the ball towards an open offensive player just as someone slammed me from the side. I grunted as I hit the ground, hearing the crowd wince. I got myself up on my arms and looked down the field. My player was able to get through the other team’s defense and scored the game winning goal. Coach Finstock laughed loudly, loud enough to be heard over the roar of the crowd. I stood up, raising my crosse in the air and shouted into the sky. I ran back to the bench, congratulating my teammates. But now I needed to see him. I pushed through the crowd, I looked around. As I got through the crowd, I was left alone. I was staring out into the woods. An eerie feeling came over me. There was something out there. 
“Hey!” Michael’s smiling face came into my vision, causing me to smile. 
“Hey.” I smiled, looking back at the crowd, “Have you seen Derek?”
Michael raised an eyebrow at me, “Who’s Derek?” I paused, asking myself the same question. 
“I don’t know.”
“So let me get this straight,” I said into the phone. I was on the phone with Stiles getting a recap of what had happened over the last couple days, “You stole a police transport vehicle-”
“We put gas in it!” 
“Of course, you did. You stole a transport van, filled it with gas, kidnapped Jackson to talk to him, left him in the woods. Jackson’s father, a lawyer, has issued two restraining orders against you and Scott.” I made sure to separate the kanima and Jackson. “Found out the kanima is being used by a ‘master’. Is that it?” Derek raised his eyebrows at the conversation.
“I was also grounded from Scott.” He added. 
“When are you coming home?” He asked, hushing his voice a little, “I’m all for you living out your best werewolf life but I would rather you be home.” I motioned for the group of Derek, Erica, and Isaac to go ahead of me. 
“When I have the courage to face your dad. Or when my lie that I’m staying at a friend’s house doesn’t work anymore. Whatever comes first.” I sighed, “I’ll try to come home soon. I need to apologize.” After our goodbyes, I hung up the phone. 
After I stepped into the railway car, I made it just in time for our “pack meeting” to start. 
“So, why do we need their help?” Isaac asked. 
“Because it’s harder to kill than I thought, and I still don’t know who it is.” Derek said impatiently. 
“And they do?”
“They might. Which is why I need one of you to get on their good side.”
“Mmm. Scott or Stiles?” Erica hummed flirtatiously. Honestly, I don’t think she realizes she’s barking up the wrong tree, no pun intended. Scott was more focused on Allison than his own life and Stiles was in a persistent pursuit of Miss Lydia Martin.
“Either.” Derek sighed, probably fed up with her new found flirtatious nature.
“Good luck with that.” I said under my breath, causing the group to look at me, “What? The last time they saw you, you broke into Scott’s house and tried to kill them.” Isaac titled his head to the side and nodded a little in agreement. 
Isaac turned to Derek, “You know, the full moon's coming, Derek.”
"I'm aware of that.” Derek said irritably, he opened a large wooden chest, searching around for something. He pulled out dark, rusted chains. 
“Oh my.” Erica lifted up a bundle of them, “These look comfortable.” She said sarcastically. He quickly took them from her grasp and put them with the rest that he pulled out of the chest. 
“You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted.” Isaac said warily, eyeing the chains. 
“There hasn't been time.” He said. And truly he hadn’t had time. I had really been training myself on how to control the chains with what I was calling exposure therapy. Getting really mad and controlling the change before turning so I would be less likely to kill someone during a spout of road rage. 
“But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means... That means you're alone against the Argents.” Isaac said. 
Derek closed the lid of the chest, “They haven't found us.”
“Yet.“ Kid had a point, “So, how about we forget about the Kanima?”
“We. Can't!” He shouted in frustration. He sighed, “There was something about the way Gerard looked at it... He wasn't afraid, at all. I don't know what he knows, or what he's planning. But, I'm sure about one thing-- we have to find it, first.” 
“With Scott’s group.” I added, “We are stronger in numbers, that’s how the hunters work and that’s how we should work.” 
On the drive home to the Stilinski house, I really had to convince myself not to turn back around and go back to the depot. But Uncle Noah deserved an apology. He had taken me in, given me a fresh start and asked that I be safe in return. Yet here I was, fighting a lizard man with the threat of hunters on my tail, not to mention that I was a movie monster. I parked in the driveway next to his police cruiser and closed my eyes. My emotions were running high and it was hard to keep my eyes from turning red. 
“Breathe.” Derek’s voice echoed through my head, “It’s going to be okay.”
I took a deep breath in and out and when I opened my eyes, the red was gone. Now or never. 
After closing the front door behind me, I walked quietly into the kitchen where I found him. He was leaning against the counter and sipping a cup of coffee. He looked exhausted. He looked up from his cup a little surprised. 
I chewed on the inside of my cheek before answering, “Uncle Noah...”
“Is...Everything alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” I said quickly, “Everything’s....” I let out a deep breath, “Everything’s not fine. I’m so sorry about the things I said.”
He smiled a little, “It’s fine.” 
“It-It’s not fine though. You’re just looking out for me, I should appreciate that more. You’ve done more than anyone in my situation could have asked for. You opened up your home, bought me clothes, gave me my own room. You didn’t have to do that.” 
“No, no.” He said, setting down his coffee mug, “I did have to do that. Besides promising your parents that I would look after you, I did this because you’re like one of my own. You’re like the daughter I never had. I love you.” His eyes held a special twinkle. One that you could only find in people that truly loved you. 
Tears prickled at my eyes, my lips trembling, “I love you too.” 
“C’mere, sweetheart.” He pulled me into his arms, holding me tight. I gripped onto the material of his shirt and cried. The first time I had really cried since everything happened with my parents. It just felt like my eyes had been built up and after a while, I was crying because of Uncle Noah, because of my parents, because of the torture I went through. I felt like I had no one to vent to like how I could my mom and dad because they weren’t here anymore. It felt nice to cry and feel safe because I knew that Uncle Noah loved me, no matter what. I just wished that if me being a werewolf did come out, he would still love me like his own. Even the thought of it scared me. 
“It’s alright.” Uncle Noah stroked my hair, pressing a kiss to the top of my head, “Everything gonna be okay.” 
But it’s not okay. 
Just a drive to clear my head, that’s all I needed. Stiles was ringing my phone off the hook which really wasn’t helping with my anxiety right now. I looked over to reach for my phone and when I looked back there was someone standing in the middle of the road. 
“SHIT!” I screamed, turning my wheel harshly, sending me off the road and into a ditch. I slammed on the brakes, making my body slam forward into the steering wheel. I felt the cracking of my ribs against the hard plastic of the wheel. Pain washed over me in waves as I tried to catch my bearings. I felt dizzy and nauseous on account of the whiplash. I looked back towards the road and the mystery person was gone. It was around that time that my airbag went off, slapping me in the face. 
“Nice.” I grunted, opening up my car door. I turned to look out when I froze. The kanima was staring me right in the eyes. But it didn’t make any sense, unless the kanima can turn without moonlight. 
“Jackson...” I whispered, “Jackson, if you’re in there I need you to listen to me.” I swallowed, watching the creature tilt his head to the side. It seemed to recognize my voice. 
“I can help you, Jackson. I don’t want to hurt you. Just please... Don’t...”
“(Y/N)...” The creature’s voice said. I didn’t even know it was capable of speech. But the voice wasn’t exactly reptilian, as if that was possible. It wasn’t Jackson’s voice either. It was a voice that seemed so familiar, but not. 
“Well... That’s not good.” I said, just starting to move to get to the other side of the car when I felt Jackson’s whip-like tail slice across my side. 
“God....dammit.” My voice was strained since my entire body became paralyzed within seconds. The creature reached out, pulling me out of the car. 
Ah yes, a roadside killing for the kanima, how wonderful. Okay, maybe thoughts like this weren’t the best. This is how I died, alone on the side of the road. I took a deep breath, watching the world go by as Jackson’s scaly hands dragged me down into the ditch further. 
A loud roar cut through the air and I felt Jackson drop me, hissing before I heard him take off into the woods. Derek’s face filled my vision and relief washed over me.
“It’s alright, I got you.” He said, picking me in his arms. I saw my car out of the corner of my eye. 
“Is she totaled?” I asked. 
“No, she’s fine.” He chuckled, “Your transmissions probably shot though.” 
“Awesome.” I groaned, closing my eyes. 
- By the time I woke up, it was later in the day and I was back home on the couch. With Derek and Uncle Noah... talking. My eyes widened and I sat up, I hissed in pain and laid back down. My head was still killing me. 
“Woah, slow down there, kid.” Uncle Noah came to my side, kneeling down beside me on the couch. He smiled and smoothed back my hair from my face, “I thought I told you when you saw a deer in the road, you can’t swerve. Just slow down and if you hit it, you hit it. It’s sad, but there are more deer, there’s only one you.” I glanced up at Derek, who had his arms crossed over his chest. He seemed not at all concerned around Uncle Noah. 
Uncle Noah followed my line of sight and smiled, “It’s okay, secret’s out.” My heart almost stopped, why in the hell would Derek tell him I was a werew-
“And it’s okay. I am... okay with you seeing Derek.” I blinked at him. 
“Is that where you’ve been? At a friend’s house.” He stood up and chuckled, patting Derek on the shoulder, “Derek, here, explained it all to me.” 
“I told him that you didn’t want to disappoint him by dating someone who was a murder suspect.” Derek said, smiling a bit at the sheriff. 
“Don’t worry, everything’s fine now. Just for the future, you can always tell me anything. No matter what.” He smiled reassuringly. Well... I guess that was one thing out of the way. 
“Your car’s in the shop, it’ll be there a day or two. So for now, Derek has volunteered to take you to work.” Uncle Noah smiled, then looked down at his phone, “I gotta take this.” He excused himself from the room and left out the front door. I sat back up again, looking up at Derek’s with my eyebrows raised. 
“How did that whole situation go?” Referring to ex-con Derek Hale telling the chief of police that he is dating his pseudo-daughter while she was unconscious in his arms. 
Derek shrugged, coming to sit on the edge of the couch, “Well, I was threatened with the gun at first. But after explaining some things... He understood.” He reached out, holding my hand, “He also said he was glad that we were friends again.” 
“Does that mean my parents told him that I wasn’t friends with you anymore and not to bring you up?” 
“Seems like it.” He sighed, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. 
“God.” I breathed out, feeling tension rising in my shoulders, “I understand why they did what they did but... They had a total disregard of the consequences. What were they going to say when I asked what happened to you, would they tell me they told you to go away or would they lie again? A majority of my life was stolen from me and when I try to remember my old lacrosse games where you could have been there... The only face I see is Michael’s. And I think he knew something.” 
“We’re gonna figure it out.” He said. I moved closer to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. 
Derek then explained the events of the dad, the kanima attacked Scott, Stiles, Erica, and Allison in detention and he had agreed to not kill the creature. 
“Why did the kanima go after me? Why didn’t he kill me immediately.” 
“You don’t have to cover for him anymore, I know it’s Jackson.” 
I sighed, “Good, because I didn’t like keeping it from you.” 
“Yeah, why did you keep it from me?” He asked, looking down at me. 
I gave him a surprised look, “Well, gee, I don’t know. Maybe because you would have killed him? Yeah, he’s a douchebag, but that’s a little much. From what you said, finding out Jackson was adopted at birth and that he literally had to be removed from his mother’s dead body... Maybe that’s what caused the bite to mutate.” 
“It’s possible.” The sound of the door slamming shut and the sound of familiar awkward footsteps made us both look up. Stiles halted in the living room, looking me over. I’m sure I looked like a wreck, still kinda felt like it, but the cracked ribs and head injury had healed by now. 
Stiles pressed his lips together tightly, moving with purpose. He fell to his knees in front of the couch, wrapping his arms around me. Trying not to cry for the second time today, I hugged him, resting my cheek on top of his head. 
“I’m sorry.” I whispered. Stiles hold tightened at my words but he didn’t say anything. Derek nodded at me, making his way out of the house. Leaving Stiles and I alone. 
Read part 17 here!
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cajunroe · 7 years
Can I get a fuckkng uh.... G, M, P??
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Bro, start to finish. If I write scenes out of order I forget what I want to really put into the story and it messes it up. For Show Me How, I wrote two chapters ahead of the one that needed finished and it completely derailed what I wanted because I was focused on the future chapters rather than the one I wanted to finish.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Ohhhhhh boy. YES. AND I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. I have two actually.
The first is a Midam Library!AU consisting of three prompts:i)       You’re overdue on this book and I want it so I’m tracking u the fuck downii)      I work in the library and I’m a little concerned for your health bc you never stop studyingiii)     The library’s pretty empty save for you and me and OH that couple making out loudly in the shelves somewhere
Second is a new Teen Wolf fic. UGH THIS ONE. I’m literally itching to get it started. I’m working on an intro post right now, but it’s going to be amazing. I don’t want to release too much until after I post the intro, but here’s a slightly long snippet.
Basically, Scott and Allison are brother and sister (not blood related) bc Noah and Chris get together when the kids are young after they meet at a grief support meeting because both of their wives died. Sheriff is still Sheriff. Chris is still Chris. They all know everything exists, the whole supernatural spectrum. Chris, along with his father, insists that, especially in their lines of work, that the kids should be trained to fight. It takes a long time, but after Chris is nearly killed on a trip gone wrong, Noah agrees.
Cue 9 years later and Stiles and Allison are nearly finished with high school and their dads consider it a blessing that their skills haven’t been needed to be put to use. But in Beacon Hills, nothing good lasts forever. Allison and Scott have been together for year and Stiles couldn’t be happier for his best friend and sister. After four misguided attempts, by his friends, at setting Stiles up by, Stiles admits to them that he’s been in an online relationship for nine months, after talking for three months. Stiles has been forced to keep so many secrets all his life, it was nice to keep one for himself.
The Argents and Hales have had a pact of peace since Chris moved to town and even more so since Noah became Sheriff. Their town is quiet and the biggest crime of the past decade was a bank robbery that was stopped in the middle of the theft because Chris had been making a deposit in their kids’ trust funds. But everyone can feel something on the cusp, something dark and life-altering headed their way. They can do nothing but wait…and hope that they have prepared enough for this.
Peter Hale was well-known in both hunter and werewolf circuits. He was well respected, intelligent, wise, strategic, powerful, and compassionate. He was also stubborn, aggressive, protective, and ruthless. He’d been travelling from pack to pack and faction to faction, discreetly establishing pacts between hunters and werewolves and he’d been generally successful. His sister wanted nothing more than to be able to have her and her family live in relative peace. After her death, Peter sought to make her dream come true so that her kids could live their lives the way they wanted.
For the past nine months, Peter’s been in a relationship with someone he’s never met. Honestly, he’s never been happier. He doesn’t care that he’s only seen Stiles in picture and their rare video calls. He knows that Stiles is something special and Peter is completely infatuated. Stiles has only asked twice when they could meet. The first time Peter was in the middle of a bloody mediation in Paris. The second time, Peter was too nervous to go through with it. His feelings for Stiles scare him sometimes and he doesn’t want to Stiles to meet him and deem him unworthy. Peter’s only been truly scared a handful of times in his life. Nothing scares him more than losing Stiles.
Derek calls Peter and asks if he’d come back to Beacon Hills for a pack meeting. Peter’s been waiting for this call for a while. Derek took up the head of the pack when Peter explained what he was going to do. Derek wanted to head the pack, but Peter knew he’d eventually grow complacent and want to see the world. They agree to wait a week for the pack to acclimate to the shift in power. The night before Derek leaves, someone is turned.
Imagine all your life, being train to kill something that your best friend and for Allison, your boyfriend, ends up becoming. When Scott nervously tells them that he thinks he’s a werewolf, Allison and Stiles are shocked. Chris and Noah have worked hard to keep their kids away from negotiations with the Hale pack. When they don’t bat an eye, Scott asks them why they haven’t said anything. Stiles laughs and says something to the effect that they already know. They all go to Scott’s house and Allison and Stiles tell him everything they know. Allison comforts Scott while Stiles tries to figure out a way to keep this from his parents and Gerard and get in contact with the Hale pack without anyone finding out.
Chris and Noah find out the two nights later when Scott, sweating nervously, lets slip that the moon must be affecting him. Honestly, he was scared that they would try to break him and Allison apart if they found out. The irony is not lost on him. There’s a deadly silence for a long moment and everyone looks at one another, trying to decipher what they should do next. Allison and Stiles nod to one another when Chris and Noah leave the table. They rush to their rooms and grab their favorite and most skilled weapons. For Stiles, a dual set of matte black Beretta 92FS pistols with suppressors. For Allison, her favorite black compound bow and well-stocked quiver. When they come out, their dads are also geared up and Scott stares blindly at the silent power his second family is capable of.
Chris mentions that Derek said his uncle was back in town and taking over the pack. Noah sighs in a way that gives Stiles pause. He knows his dad better than anyone, he knows when he’s worried, scared even, for what was ahead of them. He watched his dad kiss Chris and Stiles quickly texted his boyfriend to let him know that he wouldn’t be available to talk tonight. He got a reply immediately and felt less guilty when Peter told him he was busy as well. They all file into the SUV and drive towards the Hale’s home. Allison and Stiles shared an excited look over Scott’s confused face. They were finally going to be a part of what they’ve been trained for.
No one is prepared for what happens when they reach the house. The house is engulfed in flames and before they could reach out to help, Derek had Noah pinned against a tree and Chris had a gun trained on Derek before he could say a word. Stiles and Allison had taken positions on either side of there parents and Scott, Stiles facing the road and Allison facing the house, establishing a perimeter of protection around them as the last of the pack slowly approached them. A hush falls over the woods, the sound of support beams falling and flames flickering the only thing heard over the breathing. A voice rings out among the quiet chaos, appeasing both sides quickly, guns being holster, and Stiles’ heart stops. It couldn’t be. Stiles holster his pistols and slowly turns around to face what he hoped wasn’t the truth. They lock eyes and Stiles feels his entire world shifts, knowing nothing will every be the same.
I know I said I didn’t want to give too much away, but honestly this is literally just scratching the surface. AND I’M SO EXCITED FOR THIS. I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT.
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
I am a gardening architect. Overall, I have specific details that have to become a part of the story, but for all I have written, the story controls itself. With Hollow Moon, right now, it’s completely taken on a mind of its own and I couldn’t be happier with the direction it’s going. I’m so excited for the next chapters because they’re going to be amazing. Stiles is going to be amazing.
Thank you Kelly!! U DA BEST.
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