#They'll be like I don't care the planet is melting i just want to hear the cars go brrium like they used to
sempatri · 2 years
I'm obsessed with f1 fans who believe in climate change but don't care because they want v10 back.
Like... I miss the sound but I also want to keep living in this planet.
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epicspheal · 3 years
Hello! I'm really glad you liked that mini crossover fic I wrote! It was sitting in my drafts for a while lol. I'm thinking about doing more, but I'm debating.
Now for the question! What are your oc's ove language(s) ? What makes them all mushy on the inside.
Hi, there @ihopethisendswell! That mini crossover fic was just so cute! If you're doing more I'm down to see them (I'd actually love to write some with your characters too sometime, if you don't mind). Ah, love languages. One of my favorite things. I'm actually going to do you one better and do love languages and apology languages. For the sake of my sanity, I'm going to stick the 6 champions because I've just run more than a bit wild with OCs lately.
Let's start with Calla. Her love language is definitely words of affirmation. It's one of the reasons why she's such a good friend (and eventual partner) to Hop because that's his love language as well. The two of them just kind of bounce off each other showering each other with genuine compliments. Calla's apology language is making restitution. The best way to show you're genuinely sorry to our favorite poison-type champion is to make amends to show that you're going to right the wrongs.
Next, there is Jailbird Jack. His love language is definitely acts of service. It's actually one of the reasons why him being royalty really goes to his head because so many people do acts of service for him (not necessarily out of love, but to curry favor with him so that he'll repay them later when he returns Galar back to an absolute monarchy). His apology language, LMAO he has none. Alright, I'm kidding he does have one in accepting responsibility. If you mess up around him he won't hear your apology (and probably will threaten to send you to the gallows)
Jabari's love language is physical touch. He is that one of the Kalos 5 that's always going to go in for a hug or high five or fist bump. And when he's with his partner Grant. All the cuddles and kisses our favorite Kalosian rock-type leader could want. When it comes to apology languages, our water-typed champion definitely has the expressing regret as an apology language. This was one of the reasons why he doesn't hold so much of a grudge against Diantha for doing absolutely nothing during the Team Flare crisis because her apology language also happens to be expressing regret.
Valen's love language is definitely gift-giving. He loves receiving and giving gifts. It helps that with him being a literal robot he has a whole file in his CPU that's just for him remembering the little things he knows people and Pokemon like so that he can buy or make it for them later. Also if you ever want to melt this poor robot's heart, give him a bowtie or some Alolan pancakes and he'll be the happiest battle android on the planet. His apology language is definitely genuine repentance. He wants your word that you're going to try to make things better (like getting the word from the Ultra Recon Squad that they'll work with their fellow Ultra Megalopolitans on better working conditions for their robots).
Then Miss Marsha, Slayer of Lusamine, Faba, Looker, and Ghetsis. Her love language is quality time. You know she truly cares about you as a friend or a romantic partner when she spends time with you. No RotomPhones, no league business. Just you and her. Her Apology language is most definitely requesting forgiveness. It was the entirety of Alola (particularly the Kahunas and Kukui) requesting forgiveness for constantly forcing her to take care of things well before she became the first champion of Alola that kept from forfeiting her title and burning her home region to the ground.
And then finally my trainersona who I have renamed from Terra to Camellia (Cami for short). So uh the downfalls of Cami being my trainersona is that she's me. So love languages are hard because loving others is super hard for her as she's very much a loner. Gift-giving is probably the closest but she doesn't particularly like getting gifts from people as she rather buy them herself but she's happy to give gifts to people and she's pretty good at coming up with practical gifts for others. Now her apology language is a lot easier to define which is accepting responsibility. Just admit that you were wrong for whatever you did and she'll be fine.
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