#They're such trash??? Like they're really fun to write teasing each other and getting heated
captainderyn · 5 years
"I'm pretty good at providing distractions" dealer's choice :)))
Thank you for the ask @lumielles! I’m sorry this took a fair bit of time to answer :’) But I couldn’t use anyone but Wren and Trix for this let’s be honest...
As per usual with them and in line with this prompts there’s a sprinkling of spice in this... 
Trix belongs to @delavairesslegacy
“Stars damn it all!” Trix pushed her small mountain of datapads away from her perhaps a little more aggressively than she had intended, sending her little mug of pencils and pens and styluses falling off the desk and onto the floor.
 Growl rumbling from her throat she dragged her hands through her hair, muttering another soft curse, glaring daggers at the datapads. Her line of work had been on too much of a high for it to keep going strong, but watching a carefully cultivated and planned objective crumble to dust with one message and a single person’s mistake sent a sharp jab of frustration through her. 
She felt more than heard Wren come down the hallway, feeling her presence slide closer–probing curiously–when she stopped in the door frame. “Everything alright?” 
“Everything is fine.” Trix sighed, pressing her palm to her forehead without turning around. “Just stuck playing a waiting game now that I hadn’t planned for.” 
Wren hummed, padding closer. Her hands slipped around her shoulders, her kiss warm against the ridges along the back of her neck in a way that made her involuntarily shiver. Her wife did it intentionally, she always did, always drifted there ever since she learned that they were sensitive. “Well, what a shame.” she paused, resting her chin on Trix’s shoulders. 
She could practically hear the sarcastic dripping from her voice. “What a damn shame.” she nuzzled her face closer to Trix’s neck, teeth teasing the skin there. Trix kept herself carefully still, arching a browstalk just to see exactly was Wren would do. She was never the most patient, never the one to play a game of teasing for more than a few exchanges before she grew impatient. “I imagine you could use a distraction.” 
Wren was decidedly blunt in her insinuations, for all the verbal battles she had to fight in the Dark Council chambers and Trix bit back an amused breath of a laugh. Instead she sighed, leaning forward in her chair and reached out further towards her desk like she was going to gather her datapads once again. “You’re quite right, there are other countless messages I should really respond to...” 
Wren’s indignation flared in the force bond between them and in the next beat she was in front of Trix, one hand lightly pushing her away from her desk. Wren sidled her way onto Trix’s lap, green eyes darkened to emerald in the stormy light from outside. “Or...” she conveniently ignored Trix’s hedged words--she knew just as well as Trix did that she was just pushing her buttons. “I’m pretty good at providing distractions.” 
“Are you now?” Trix’s other browstalk arched, though she couldn’t keep her eyes from darting down to Wren’s lips as her wife’s hands began to wander, ghosting over the exposed ridges on her arms and shoulders as they did. She growled lowly at Wren’s deliberate tease, something heating in her at the smirk she was given and the way Wren raised an eyebrow. 
She cut off any smart, sly comment her wife may offered, catching Wren’s lower lip between her teeth and dragging a hand through her hair, shaking it free of its braid and relishing the way that Wren melted into her touch.
When her comm chimed from the place it had fallen on the floor later she let it chirp--they had made her wait and now they could wait for her; she had far more important matters on her mind. After the third ring Wren grumbled against her lips and with a flick of her hand sent the device flying, silencing it by either distance or the soft thud of it hitting the wall.  
“Let them wait.” 
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