#Thiiiiiis is shit :D These answers are bad asldakdfj and I have a headache for some reason
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send me a ship // @motherfucking-username​
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1- Who is the most affectionate?
Tough one right out of the starting gate! Both of these two can be pretty prickly. I could see Kew being the one to initiate more often, but Hank does look like he gives the best hugs, so who knows tbh.
2- Big spoon/Little spoon?
Kew as big spoon, if only so Hank doesn’t have to stick his face in Kew’s carpet of gross hair.
3- Most common argument?
These two love bickering, honestly. I think over time as they get more comfortable around each other (as comfortable as you can get when you’re possessed), their arguments become more playful than like real arguments. Still, Kew taking control and doing something stupid is probably a thing that never really stops happening. Or Kew meeting up with Loqero while Hank’s asleep.
I am assuming this ship meme is with them both in the same body right
4- Favorite non-sexual activity?
Watching movies or trying new foods. Or trying old foods! Kew always loves his milkshakes.
5- Who is most likely to carry the other?
Hank is always carrying Kew, technically. Kew would love picking up Hank during dreams and carrying him around though, just to show-off. I’m guessing Hank would hate that though.
6- What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
I think Kew starts out thinking Hank is kinda ugly, but grows to like a lot about him, so this is a tough question. He likes his hair (because it reminds Kew of his own hair), likes his eyes, likes the tattoo on his chest. The tattoo might take the ‘favorite’ prize, but it’s close between those three.
7- What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Things get waaaaaaay more awkward.
8- Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Kew loves nicknames, but that’s mostly because he sucks with names really bad. He doesn’t tend to give nicknames to people with one-syllable names like Hank. Early on, he calls Hank things like “Stupid Human” (or just Human), “Host”, (in narration), “Hank Lieutenant” (thinking that’s his last name and not learning his actual one for awhile), and “Hanky.” I think he sticks with ‘Hank’ for the most part, but ‘Stupid human’ still pops up every once in awhile.
9- Who worries the most?
Hank, I think? Or maybe he doesn’t give enough of a shit to, I dunno. Most of Kew’s worrying is for his own life when Hank’s thoughts start spiraling.
10- Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
11- Who tops?
12- Who initiates kisses?
In dreams? Kew, maybe.
13- Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Again, Kew, maybe?
14- Who kisses the hardest?
ffFFFFFF Uhhhh Haaaaank...? Or maybe Kew if he’s bein’ a desperate boi?? Oh god I have no clue don’t kill me Ellie
15- Who wakes up first?
Depends on your definition of ‘wakes up first.’ Technically Kew wakes up in the middle of the night to eat sticks of butter but does that count as waking up first, or last?
16- Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Definitely Hank.
17- Who says I love you first?
Uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shrug emoji haven’t gotten that far
18- Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Kew. He probably leaves little notes on everything.
19- Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Gonna take a wild guess and say neither of them, because Kew has no living family/friends (except Loqero, who I guess might find out but I dunno if Kew would tell him) and Hank can’t exactly say he’s dating the demon that lives in his head. Not unless he wants to get wheeled into an insane asylum.
20- What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Nothing because they never find out lmao
21- Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Kew, he’d dance and sing along to songs in Hank’s music collection at night, and he’d suck at it. It quickly becomes one of the things Kew isn’t allowed to do at night because Hank doesn’t want to wake up tired and sore the next morning.
22- Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Hank, because Kew is Klueless about anything except what foods taste good. Unless he has to cook a soul, I guess.
23- Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Dunno if I could see either of them doing that, but Kew might as a joke. Maybe some bad devil pick-up lines that don’t really translate to humans well.
24- Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Isn’t that all Kew does?
25- Who needs more assurance?
Both of them probably, they’re both disasters. I’d probably say Hank here if I had to pick.
26- What would be their theme song?
Carry On by fun. is pretty much perfect for them. I also like Shallow by Lady Gaga.
27- Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
Kew. He’d sing Devilian lullabies.
28- What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Not a problem with this ship B)
Nah just kidding. When Hank’s asleep, Kew relishes his time in control, usually staying in the house and examining Hank’s stuff, playing with Sumo, sampling things in the fridge, trying to craft things out of whatever’s lying around, texting Hank questions for the morning-- He does a lot. A lot that’s against the rules Hank wants him to follow at night, but a lot.
Kew usually ‘sleeps’ through Hank waking up and the first couple hours he’s at work, so who knows what Hank does them in his rare time of silence.
29- one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart.
These two are more transparent with their issues and insecurities than most other duos, just because of the nature of their relationship. So when they fight, they can go straight for the throat. The argument thread is still pretty heartbreaking because they’re both just angry and trying to hurt each other. I remember OOC, we were pretty convinced that was going to end really badly. I think Kew lives in fear that there will be one day that things are too bad, that Hank gets too good at fighting him off, and there’s nothing he can do to stop Hank from killing them both. That in the end, their relationship isn’t really equal, and Hank holds the ultimate trump card. Kew can’t trust Hank, yet has no choice in the matter. It gets one step worse if Hank tries to do something to get rid of Kew, like an exorcism or something else, regardless of if it works or not.
Also this reply breaks my heart every single time, because it shows the exact opposite. In some way, they do both have the power to ruin the only things the other cares about, and have to live painfully aware of it.
30- one headcanon about this OTP that mends it.
I love the idea of them building up a strong bond, enough that if something happened to Kew (his soul got ‘captured’, still connected to Hank but just trapped somewhere), Hank would try to rescue him. ‘Fixing their situation’ gradually stops being ‘Get Kew out of my head and make sure he stays dead.’ And the same goes for Kew, who probably figures out that he could eat Hank’s soul at any time to take full control of his body, but ultimately lies and hides that fact. He doesn’t want to do it, but also can’t quite admit (for awhile) that it’s because he cares about Hank too much.
Hank probably figures that out anyway.
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